Old Flames 07 Leftover Lube (fiction, M29/F28, con, friends, exs, rekindle)

I woke up to the most *oddest* sensation that I haven’t dealt with a ***long*** time.

I woke up to someone *cuddling* **into** ***me***.

When I felt that I immediately thought *What the hell?* as I looked down to see Sam’s nude form and blinked thinking *uuuhhhhhhhhh* almost questioning what the hell happened when the alcohol induced cobwebs lifted and everything that happened rushed back into my brain.

As everything came flooding back I thought *Oh yeah*.

I looked back down to see Sam cuddled into me like her spot at my side never changed granted **I** had changed in those seven years by being a little bit more lean with a little bit more muscle but not by much which I guess was alright by her as she fit more comfortably.

Sam had snuggled into me with her head laying in my armpit as she hugged into me with one arm draped over my torso and one leg draped over my legs like I was her personal body pillow.

Granted I wasn’t the only one who changed in seven years but it seemed Sam had done some *changing* in those seven years as well.

No I’m not talking about her tattoos….and piercings.

She had obviously either filled out more to where she fit more along my side **or**, and this is more likely, we **both** changed and that change complimented each other.

I moved instantly waking Sam out of slumber as she started to move and look up from my armpit as she smiled at me, “Morning Kev.”

I grunted, “Morning.”

I moved more, “Mind moving off me?”

Sam looked at me quizzically, “What for?”

I felt my face heating but answered, “You know! Morning stuff.”

Sam blinked as she pulled up the covers to look down to see my lower anatomy in its usual hardened state before looking at me with a smile, “Doesn’t look like you need to pee Kev.”

She gave me a more sly smile as she continued, “If anything it looks like it’s happy to have a woman next to it again.”

I felt my face heat more but spoke, “No I’m pretty sure it’s all because I have to pee. Now move!”

I pushed her off of me and began to get up as Sam cooed at me, “Well my pussy is still wet for you Kev.”

I walked to the door of my bathroom and stopped, “Sure it’s not the lube and my cum still making it wet that you’re confusing?”

I walked into the bathroom and closed the door just as Sam yelled at me, “**DICK!!!**”

I stood in the bathroom relieving my bladder realizing that I was dehydrated as the door opened as Sam walked in. I looked at her with my eye brow raised thinking *Really?*.

Still I didn’t say anything.

Sam walked up to me as she sighed, “Why do you have to be such a **dick** Kev?”

I shrugged and decided to say *Fuck It!* in my head, “Because I was pointing out the obvious *Sam*. I use **logic** these days. Not emotion’s.”

Sam leaned against the counter watching me pee as she spoke, “I don’t know Kev I felt more than *logic* last night when you *hate fucked* me and my pussy into submission.”

I smirked at that feeling rather proud not only that I had *hate fucked* Sam last night but did so *switching positions* as our *emotions* were rather mixed last night.

I lightly chuckled, “Yeah well that was fun,” I looked at her as I continued, “**But** I was referring to **why** your pussy might be wet this morning.”

Sam blushed a little but cooed, “Well it can *still* be wet even if there’s your leftover cum and *maybe* some leftover lube still residing in it.”

I raised my eyebrow at Sam just as I finished peeing, “So you do admit there was *still* lube in your pussy last night?”

Sam’s face reddened as she coughed, “*Maybe*.”

I looked at her keeping my eyebrow raised at her before she sighed, “***OK!!!*** There *may* have been some leftover *lube* but what do you **expect** I really wasn’t expecting coming back to you last night **NOR** was I **expecting** to get railed **hard** last night. But I did **and** we did.”

I tilted my head and nodded with a slight smirk, “Yeah we did.”

I pulled up my shorts as I put my *stoic* face back on as I looked at Sam, “But that was a **ONE** time thing.”

Sam frowned, “Why?”

I looked at her, “Come on Sam, even you have to admit that happened as a spur of the moment.”

Sam looked at me, “Well can I tell you what **I** thought?”

I sighed, “Sure.”

She looked at me her face a little red, “Last night reminded me how much I miss you.” She looked up and groaned, “And how much I **missed** our level of sex.”

I raised my eyebrow, “Our level of a? You do **realize** until last night we were *one position* lovers.”

She looked at me, “Yeah but we were *always* in sync at all times during those one positions. Last night was *so hot*. I had never had **anyone** hit my needs as you did in that moment in a long *long* time.”

I blinked thinking *Huh?*.

I wanted to scoff and add a snarky remark but Sam continued, “No I’m serious Kev. Do you have *any idea* how many people had been able to hit my needs like you did last night?”

I was afraid to answer this question and travel down the road of how many lovers Sam had undertaken since our split.

Sam answered it for me, “Zero.”

I blinked in confusion thinking the number was at least a digit higher if not a multiple digits higher.

Sam repeated herself, “Zero. Not a single guy had satisfied me since we split.”

Ok so no one hit her needs but she had to have at least taken a lover…right?

I looked at her, “So *zero* people hit your needs. How many did you let try?”

Sam looked at me and blushed, “Try?” Sam lightly chuckled, “Multiple tried but they all had the same problem.”

I looked at her thinking *Please don’t say me* as I shrugged as I guessed, “They didn’t have enough money?”

Sam instantly gave me a *look* that told me volumes as she scoffed that told **more** volumes before she spoke, “Please Kev I’m not a whore.”

I looked at her and *wanted* to contend that statement with her online presence but decided if I wanted to keep a certain part of my body I better not bring it up….at least not now.

Sam continued, “No Kev they all weren’t **you**.”

I looked at her, “Really? Not even what’s his name that you went to Europe with?”

Sam looked at me, “You mean Ben?” She smiled, “Kev you know he’s gay right?”

*Oh yeah Josh did mention that.*

I continued, “So **NO** photographer, director, producer, any of those guys didn’t try to bed you?”

Sam scoffed again, “Please Kev most of them are either married, gay or some variation in between.”

I raised my eyebrow, “Really???”

Sam smirked, “Ok there was *some* but they **ALL** had the same problem.”

I looked at her and sighed, “And that is?”

Sam looked at me with a warm smile, “They weren’t **YOU**.”

As soon as she said that I instantly laughed….hard.

Sam looked at me and I could tell I had both *hurt* her and *pissed* her off with my reaction as she spoke, “What’s so funny?”

I calmed myself down, “Please!!! Sam, you mean to tell me that in **ALL** your time away from me you held a torch for **us**?”

She looked at me speaking both softly and vehemently, “Yes!”

I lightly chuckled as she continued, “Why do **you** think I kept **begging** you to come to me?”

I shrugged, “I don’t know. And like I told you **every** time you tried I have a **life** here.”

She softly spoke, “And we *could* have had a life together out there.”

I looked at her, “Really?”

She nodded, “Yes.”

I spoke, “Where ***SAM***??? On the floor of your apartment with your *other* roommates as **you** admitted to sleeping on the couch? Oh I know in an apartment we couldn’t afford together. Or how about the van you now have.”

I held up my arms and slowly turned, “While I have a **NICE** house that didn’t cost me my arm, leg, and other parts to even afford.”

I pinned her against the counter, “Which sounds better? Barely having a roof over your head? Or not having to worry about the roof over your head?”

I spoke, answering her question, “Because **I** choose the roof without having to worry.”

And just like the shower Sam did something I wasn’t expecting…..she jumped wrapping her legs around me and her arms around me making me use my hands to catch us on the counter.

Sam leaned in and whispered, “**I** didn’t care as long as it was **with** ***you***.”

And with that she kissed me.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/wc6pnn/old_flames_07_leftover_lube_fiction_m29f28_con


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