My [20] [F] boyfriend [27] [M] also has another girlfriend [23] [F].

This is a situation I never thought I would see myself in I guess. We’ve been dating for a little over a year and a half and for the first 6ish months I did not know about the other girl, but she knew about me the whole time. They have been together for about 4 years and met in college. I met him on Tinder.

He told me (it wasn’t me finding out) and I was pretty upset, obviously, and I told him I needed some time to think about all of this. When he told me, he had phrased it in a way that he wanted to continue the relationship, but with me and his other girlfriend (her name is Natalie and my name is Katie if that makes it easier) both knowing about each other and receiving equal attention.

We took a break for a few weeks, and even though it was super weird situation, I still found myself missing him. Honestly I guess I didn’t consider it cheating as much since he told me instead of me finding out if that makes sense. I called him and we had a long talk and I decided to give it a try.

It was awkward at first, but I actually ended up getting into it which was surprising. The three of us all go on dates together and do everything a couple would, it’s just three of us instead of two lol. When we have sex, it is mostly all of us together, but there are also times where it’s just me and him or just him and Nat. I had never considered myself to be bi before this but I guess I am now, but like I said the start was awkward lol.

So that’s about it. I’m also verified on r/NSFWIAMA if that matters. Feel free to comment or DM if you have any questions, I would love to answer them!



  1. Do you all sleep together or have your own rooms, was sleeping with Nat part of the deal, or just something you want to try, are na5 and you equals in the relationship, or are you the unicorn

  2. Is Natalie also making you come? Do the three of you have sex at the same time

  3. Me and my girlfriend have somekind of a relationship like this, we have threesomes but when we like the girl a lot we date her, the longest relationship we had with another girl was like 8 months

  4. That hot. I would let my gf have anther bf but we all have to be “emotionally” there with each other

  5. Wow Jake must be the smoothest talker of all time haha, also I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself/trying something, thanks for being so open about your unique situation Katie!

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