Stay at my side Ch.23 [18M/18F] [Friends to lovers] [comforting] [crying] [kissing] [making out]

Chapter 23: How to comfort your best friend

[Chapter 1](

I didn’t know how long I’ve slept. I laid in Matt’s bed but he wasn’t there anymore. I still wore the bathrobe. It almost felt like he was still holding me and I smiled when I thought about how he tried to cover me up but accidentally revealed my breast. It was so sweet how he cared about not making me uncomfortable, even thought I started to like this intimacy. He obviously liked it too but always tried to hide it.

While thinking about my best friend I asked myself where he was. I sat up and looked through the room. There he was. Sitting at his desk and doing some with his PC. He turned around as soon as he heard me. “Morning sunshine.” He said jokingly. I rubbed my eyes and put some hair out of my face. “How late is it?” I mumbled half yawning. “7 PM, I finished your homework to prevent other incidents.” He had turned around to his PC.

My brain took a while to process the information. I felt a wave of relief after he had said that my homework was finished. Usually I would think that I needed to learn it in my own but these circumstances allowed and exception.

Still under the blanket I crawled to the end of the bed and sat down so I could see his monitor. He was actually playing video games. “What are you playing?” It was some shooter. “Call of Duty. Wait a moment.” He looked at his second monitor, which displayed a list with names that sounded a lot like the boys from our school.

He was wearing a headset so I couldn’t exactly understand what he heard but I was sure someone called my name. Did they hear me? I looked at Matt questioning. He didn’t gave me an answer but did something on his PC and the sound now came from two little speakers. “… still there?!” This voice sounded a little like Daniel. “Still?!” This was probably Paul. Daniel answered before Matt could: “Yeah, she was on the bus with him on Friday.” “Matt, you seriously got a girl in your room and are playing cod?” That was Hogan. Matt wanted to say something but got interrupted by Daniel again: “Yeah, focus on her. This is only for your own good.” Before we knew what he meant, we heard a sound which was followed by silence.

“These fuckers seriously kicked me.”Matt  took of his headset and left the game before shutting down his PC. He turned his chair to me. “Well, they were right when they said that I should focus on you. I smiled and leaned forwards until my forehead rested against his chest. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed me once on the head. “Everything okay again?” He still sounded a little worried.

I nodded. “Just hungry.” I really was. We didn’t have lunch and I didn’t keep my breakfast in so this was quite understandable.

“Your sister wanted to order something. Just text her what you want.” I grabbed my phone which laid on his desk. The first thing that I noticed was that it had 100 percent. I gave him a kiss through his shirt for this little but pretty attentive action and then opened it. I saw the message of my sister first and gave her my usual order. Then I looked at the other messages.

There was one message that almost made me throw up again. It was from my mother: “Hey Casey, first of all, sorry that Dad threatened to hit you, but…” I didn’t read further. That she had the audacity to place a ‘but’ after this sentence almost made me throw up. I felt the tears coming back and quickly put away my phone. “Case? Everything okay?” I shook my head before burying it in his chest and wrapping my arms around his waist.

He moved from his chair to the bed to let me be closer to him. He just stroked my head and held me close until I had calmed down a little. He didn’t even had to start this talk because I couldn’t hold back anymore. “Why does this shit happen to me?!” I was practically shouting but it was silenced through his chest. “Do I deserve this? I know I’m not smart or talented but I’ve always been somewhat nice to everyone, didn’t I? Did I use all the luck of my life on you? This wouldn’t make sense because my life-luck would never be enough for you.” Every logic had left my brain. I was just a body controlled by its emotions.

I looked at him. He wanted to say something but I knew and needed a faster source of comfort right now. I pressed my lips tightly on his and pulled myself on his lap. He didn’t expect this and fell backwards. I still didn’t let go of his lips and he now also kissed me. It didn’t stop me crying but while his mouth was on mine I would survive this pain. I just wanted to be as close as possible to him.

Without further thinking I pushed my tongue out and into his mouth. I was surprised how quickly he responded to this and did the same. It actually gave me more comfort and it even felt somewhat good. Our tongues were dancing around each other. It wasn’t usual kissing. We were much tighter and I was surprised how much saliva I produced. It didn’t even bother me. I swallowed sometimes and probably got some of his saliva too.

Searching for more comfort I pushed my hands under his shirt and pulled myself even closer. We made out like this for maybe a minute before we both pulled away to catch a breath. We both were exhausted but looked at the other like we couldn’t wait for round two, which was true, at least for me.

“I guess that’s our new way of comforting.” He said while still breathing heavily. I just nodded and leaned back onto my arms. I still felt the pain but I got covered pretty well by the warmth in my chest and this tingle I got in my whole body.

I quickly found out what this tingling was, when I looked at his crotch and saw a darker spot where I’ve been sitting. When I understood that this has been caused by me, I turned totally red. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t know I…” Neither of us knew what to say. In the end it was me who got overwhelmed by her emotions and just spoke out loud what she thought.

“Matt… I think… there would be an even better way of comfort…”



  1. The part where his friends kicked him out of the party was awesome. My friends and I would totally do the same thing.

  2. Now we’re **finally** getting somewhere (just kidding, i loved every word of it till now)
    Just please don’t completely rush it now

  3. I have never really found a Story that was quite like this in terms of how long this story is and how much time it takes until it’s only sexually. Does anyone know how to find more Storys like this?

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