I had a sociopathic friend and his sex life was fucking fascinating [FM]

I had this friend in college who I am 99% certain was/is a sociopath. Now, do I know this for sure? Fuck no. I’m not a therapist. However, I grew up with a sociopath and I can see the signs pretty early. They’re actually quite fascinating to watch and he was super, super smart.

I suppose it should be worth noting why I never fucked this dude: I had absolutely no desire. He was sexy as hell, but he scared me and treated women like play things.

He hit on me once. I was visiting my boyfriend at his frat house. After my boyfriend passed out drunk I ended up hanging out with sociopath dude in their common area.

“You know why you’re sexy V?” He asked me.

I raised an eyebrow without looking up from my books. “Enlighten me.”

“It’s the fact that you’re hot enough to be a housewife but you’re still going to law school. It’s sexy.”

“I feel like there’s some kind of misogyny baked in there.”

“Sorry. I’m drunk a d distracted. It’s hard because I want to fuck you so bad.”

“I’m dating your best friend, bro.”

“I’m not saying I WOULD fuck you. I’m saying I’d like to.”

“Ok but you can get that out of your head.”

Weirdly enough we actually formed a mutual respect after that, but I have no allusions as to why. I was a gem in his social circle. I was pretty, smart, and on the pathway to be successful. He liked being my friend.

The truth is I also like being his, even though I knew it was happening. The thing about sociopaths is that they’re EXTREMELY likable because they mirror their companion’s emotions, and know how to stroke egos.

I saw how he could manipulate people and felt the tug, but I also wanted him to like me. He was an ASS, especially to women, but the way he moved through this life was fascinating.

Once we were sitting by a bomb fire. He was wasted and a little too honest. He started staring at this girl until I finally called him out on it.

“What are you doing?” I asked.

“I’m studying that girl. I’m going to fuck her later.”

“Do you know her?”


“So how do you know she wants to fuck you?”

“She’s a sorority girl. She’s not comfortable in heels but she’s wearing them anyway because she wants to look good tonight. Her shorts are too tight but she’s trying to hide her stomach with a baggy shirt. She hasn’t talked about school all night so she probably has an easy major and I suspect she comes from money because her clothes are designer.”

“How is this going to help you fuck her?”

“I’m going to compliment her shorts but make fun of her for walking in heels and say something backhanded about her baggy shirt. I’ll say education isn’t a real major but flash her my watch so she knows I have money. I’ll reel her in and insult her slightly so she feels special when I pick her.”

“That’s not going to work.”

“Watch me.”

I did and it worked. She was in his room in like two minutes.

*He fucking terrified me.*

Once I brought a friend over and he started chatting her up. She came over to sit by me when he was in the bathroom and I was like, “Please do not fuck him.”

“Why? He’s hot and we have a lot in common. He loves animals like me and supports healthcare reform (*her major*).”

“He doesn’t support socialized healthcare. His favorite book is The Fountainhead. I promise he’s a chameleon.”

“He seemed sincere.”

*Of course he did.*

She fucked him.

He fucked enough of my friends that I learned pretty quickly he was excellent in bed. You know why? BECAUSE HE COULD MIRROR EMOTIONS. Their descriptions would be totally different because he was as mimicking their preferences.

Anyway, once he was tripping balls and we had the weirdest conversation of my life. He lost all inhibitions and became a very honest robot.

First off, he admitted he was dating several women at once.

“How does that work exactly?” I asked.

“Different sororities. I always check their mutual friends on Facebooks and then I have my settings so I can’t get tagged on Facebook. Once a week I post a status about them specifically and then hide it from everyone in the other girls’ circles. Then I can’t get accused of avoiding them online, even though I never change my relationship status or profile photo.”

“Can I ask you something? Do you feel bad about any of this?”

“I don’t think I feel guilt the same way other people do.”

“Can you explain that more?”

“Remember when I tried to fuck you after that date party?”


“I didn’t even think about the fact that you’re my best friend’s girlfriend. I just thought folks would see me as disloyal and then I might lose status.”

“Was I part of that equation at all?”

“On a physical level… Also, I’m actually not sure you would have fucked me. You definitely want to. I can tell sometimes, but you don’t like me very much.”

“Weirdly enough, I do. Sometimes I don’t know why.”

“You find me interesting. You also think I’m smart but not as smart as you. You hate people who are smarter than you.”

“That’s not true.”

He rolled his eyes. “It absolutely is. You LOVE being the smartest person in the room and try to hide your annoyance when someone else is right.”

*I have since grown out of this.*

“You are so fucked up right now. You’re saying the quiet part out loud.”

“Yeah. I’ve never tripped before. This is wild.”

“What would I be like in bed?”

He looked over and squinted his eyes to study me. “You need to be good in bed because you’re competitive. You probably love giving head because that’s proof you’re good at sex, right? That’s what gets you turned on. You like being the best someone’s had. You probably get off on that. Also, I think this whole innocence thing is kind of a front. You’re sexual as fuck. Sometimes I think you’re gay though.”

“You think I’m gay?”

He smiled at me. “You act like you make out with girls when you’re drunk because you’re being silly but I can see your body change. Plus, that girl you used to hang out with is definitely a lesbian and I think y’all were more than friends. I got off to it a few times. Maybe you’re just bisexual, but you’re far too smart to come out. You love the south but you’re obsessed with leaving and I suspect that’s why.”

I gaped at him. “You are truly a terrifying creature.”

He winked at me. “You have no idea.”

“What’s the weirdest lie you ever told someone to get them to sleep with you?”

“I once wanted to fuck a girl in the ass so I told her I didn’t have condoms and was worried about her getting pregnant.”

“She let you?”

“Yep. She was even on birth control but I told her there was a recent study that said the kind she used wasn’t effective.”

“You are so sick.”

“I wouldn’t do that to YOU, Viola.”

“We would never fuck.”

“Oh we would in different circumstances. I wouldnt do that to you because you’re my friend.”

“Why are we friends?”

He stared at me again. “I like being around you because you’re weird and always interesting. I think I get bored around at least 70% of people. You’re friends with me because you like that I like you, you like that I read, and you’re almost always analyzing me for reasons I’ve always wondered about.”

“How deep are you in this trip?”

“Plus, we like that we’re both attractive which I think means we’re either vain or have a small flirtation.”

“That’s never happening.”

“Oh I’m aware, but we’ve both thought about it. You’ve gotten off to the thought of me. I can tell. I’ve jacked off to you a bunch. We’d actually probably have good sex.”

“Dude my boyfriend is around the corner.”

“I once told him I jacked off to you. He acted appalled but he was flattered. He likes that his girlfriend is hot enough that someone like me would get of you her.”

“Jesus dude… Can I ask you something else?”

“Sure. My inhibitions are low if you can’t tell.”

“You don’t really process emotions right?”


“What do you feel after sex?”



“I mean physically I feel something but I’ve calculated exactly how long I have to hold someone before it’s socially acceptable to roll over and sleep. I feel nothing.”

“Holy shit. What is sex to you?”

“I mean it feels good. Plus it’s proof of status. It’s a game I usually win.”

“You have good sex though. All of my friends have told me.”

He smiled at me. “You ask them because you want to hear about me in bed. You probably get off to that too. To answer your implication, THEY have good sex. Sex feels the same to me. I’m just there to get off. However, I have to make them feel good because being bad in bed isn’t socially acceptable.”

“I can’t tell if you’re going to murder someone or be president someday.”

He looked at me. “You ARE gay right? Just a little?”

I sighed. “I’ve had sex with women, yes.”

“I fucking knew it. Your ex is so hot.”


“I bet you hated that. I always like being the hottest person in the relationship because it gives me all the power.”

“God you’re so fucked up.”

“Didn’t you let your boyfriend fuck you with a popsicle? You’re kind of fucked up too, V.”

“He told you that?”

“You love that he did. You love that he bragged about you in bed.”

“This is scary. Do you have ANY kinks?”

“None that are socially acceptable.”

“…What does that mean?”

He considered this. “I basically like sex acts where the girl I’m with gets no pleasure and I feel good. Anal is my favorite. I bet you like anal, right?”

“I’ve never done it.”

“Oh yeah, that’s right. Then you wouldnt be the good girl anymore.”

“Jesus dude. I just have no desire.”

*I did.*

“You do.”

“Could you fuck a dude? If sex really means nothing.”

“Probably, but I feel like my chances of being professionally successful would decrease with every dick I suck.”



“So you mirror people in bed so they always think you’re a sex god.”

“Ask the question you want to ask.”

“I don’t have a question.”

“You want to know how I’d fuck you.”

*Fuck me, I did.*

I finally have a reluctant nod.

He studied me for a while. “You like giving pleasure and you’re almost certainly submissive. I think I’d tell you what to do, test your limits, and then fuck you into oblivion. Like, bend you over a table or something. I’d compliment you’re ass because you’re insecure about your body. You might even like spanking. I’d start with fondling to see what you like though. I’d actually like to come on your face just to wipe that fucking smirk you usually have right off. I’d probably make you compliment my dick. You’d like that. You’d like having sex with me generally because I’d make you feel desired. I’d like having sex with you because I’d finally beat you at whatever game this is. This is all hypothetical, of course. You’d never fuck me. If not for any reason than to prove you’re too good for it.”

*This was terrifyingly accurate… Also I was kind of turned on.*

“You scare me.”

“No I don’t. I fascinate you and, like I said, you like the idea of us fucking. Hypothetically, of course.”

Then my boyfriend came back… he was also tripping balls so that was fun and slightly awkward. I excused myself to the bathroom.

Again, to be clear, we never, fucked, kissed, or even really liked each other.

However, I ran to the bathroom because I had to fucking touch myself. I had to stick a hand down my jeans the moment I got into the stall and play with myself for all of two seconds because I was so turned on I couldn’t last beyond that.

I hated myself for it.

Anyway, it is scary how successful this dude is and he is very likely to go into politics.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/wa824f/i_had_a_sociopathic_friend_and_his_sex_life_was


  1. Jesus H. Christ. That was… well I don’t know really. Came here to be aroused left wondering about human nature.

  2. This guy sounds interesting. I’d like to have his cold reading abilities, but could never be as emotionally discharged as he seems. I’ve followed you as I’d like to hear more about you both if you’d like to chat.

  3. Oooook that was actually kinda scary….. o.o;

    I’m glad you didn’t get involved with that guy….jeez

  4. …I feel uncomfortable with how much I enjoy analyzing people and mirroring them now. I’m definitely not a sociopath by any stretch, but it’s never comfortable to look at one and identify with so much of what they’re thinking.

    He told you all of that as an experimental seduction technique, tailored to you. He even showed his cards at the end; he recognized that your fascination with him was the only thing that overrode your fear/disgust. So he showed you his “shop” and all his methods, and what he’d collected about you, because he knew you liked that level of deep attention.

    And I’m not happy with how clear this is to me.

  5. I love the way you write. Always have, every single one of your stories have gotten me rock hard. It’s so good cause it got exact amount details to make it feel real but never stretchy. But reading through this only thing i was wondering about was how do u even remember all of that convo

  6. does the fact that I understand about 80% of this inherently, even if I rarely use it, make me a sociopath too?

  7. So, I think this bears mentioning. You are, hands down, the best writer I’ve come across on this sub.

    I’d really like to read that book once you’re done writing it.

  8. By your standards, my wife and I are a sociopathic couple lol. I mean, i can see it but we work as a team instead lol. But that is well-written!!

  9. Wow. That was like reading my life from the other perspective. This is odd and I think I need to go talk to someone.

  10. Damn, his ability to read people is unreal. I wonder if people who aren’t sociopathic are able to do that. I can’t even imagine being about to figure out so much about someone just by watching them; I tend to be completely oblivious to a lot…

  11. Nit sure if I’m looking into a mirror or not with this story. I’ve definitely been called a chameleon but I always assumed it was because I “went with the flow “.

    However, like this guy, I found how powerful it was in college. You could foster any sort of connection very easily. Especially with individuals that were drinking/smoking. It’s almost thrilling how the pursuit led to a spark. Minutes of conversation could give me the in.

    It wasn’t till after grad school did I truly reflect on how I played this to my advantage. I don’t if it’s wrong of me or not. Generally, I was actually interested in the topic of conversation. It was stimulating to learn something or share a passion. I did play off it though and leaned into the passions of the other person. I always knew there was possibly something to gain by doing that. Was I so adept at it, that it was second nature? Not sure but it is kind of eerie reading about someone else doing it.

  12. This was interesting to read, and has led to a bit of self-reflection at my desk, but I _think_ I’m okay.

    Also, for anyone who enjoyed the peek behind the curtain at the way this guy’s mind worked, I recommend The Mentalist TV series – he reminded me a lot of the way the main character manipulates & catches criminals (and it’s a fantastic show)

  13. Wow you picked the brain of Patrick Bateman. Very interesting story!

  14. This guy sounds scary but also totally compelling — what a combo. I love figuring out what makes people tick (not to manipulate anyone, just because I’m interested), and I think that’s part of why I love reading your work. You are such an astute observer of humanity, and I love reading about all of these people!! Where do you even find them?!

  15. I’ve met several people like this. A smart sociopath can convince just about anybody to fuck them.

  16. I mean . I am not so sure about the state these women were in. Like if a girl insults me or say something negative about me my dressing or whatever it just hurts me and I won’t be sleeping with that girl. Girls minds are weird.

    For me it’s one of 2 things that I hear are successful with women. Being genuine and being your self around them or the opposite is being and ass to them and lying to them which I have no idea how can be successful but it works somehow…..

    I have got my own circumstances that don’t make it easy to date in the past few years but my conclusion is women’s brains are weird .

  17. That is one of the most interesting things you’ve written that I’ve read which is saying something. Probably because I have a great interest with the subject matter. I’ve known one sociopath with certainty and he was fascinating. He was very successful largely because of being a sociopath. Looking back at my life had I not had a conscience I would be far more successful financially but not in life as a whole. My conscience is the most expensive thing I’ve owned. This guy was a criminal. Someone who has no conscience is far more creative. They don’t have to worry about their actions keeping them from a good nights sleep. It gives them a clarity denied to the general population. Normal people don’t see what is coming. The one I knew actually ended up killing himself. When I heard I knew there was an insurance scam involved and sure enough he had bought over $10 million in life insurance just over 2 years (just past the contestability period). It was such an odd ending. I’d always seen him as something of the devil but in the end he gave his life for his family which indicated he may have been part Jesus. I’m certain the similarities with Jesus was a false assumption. Odds are he positioned himself in a way he just couldn’t resist moving forward.

  18. The fact that his tactics worked… it goes against everything women tell me about what they think is sexy. And that’s really disheartening.

  19. That was the moat fascinating thing I’ve read on here. So I’ll reread later. The guy could make a fortune teaching it.

  20. I would read a novel about this.

    As long as it didn’t go too far, like a normal novel not a thriller/horror which is where you almost always see sociopath/psychopath tropes.

  21. I have met someone similar to this but not quite over the edge. He still has the capacity for feeling.

  22. I would swear blind this story is about me but I know it’s not because the situations don’t line up. This guy sounds so much like me it’s uncanny. I’ve been called a sociopath and psychopath but I think that’s because people mistakenly use the terms interchangeably.

    When you don’t really have emotions of your own, you can only analyse and copy those of others.

  23. Holy crao that was a hot story. Like so crazy hot. And it really didn’t have any actual sex in it. That’s the weird part.

  24. This is absolutely disturbing to me in that it reminds me exactly of how my roommate in college acted.

    Like….this is unironically /r/bestof material

  25. This is one of the most interesting posts I’ve read in a long time. It sounds so interesting to ask this person questions. I’m hoping there are more interactions with this person.

  26. His actions don’t make him a sociopath. He just found the path of least resistance to getting laid. Let people talk about themselves and suddenly you become the most interesting person in the room to them. The thing is, most guys aren’t capable of letting women talk about themselves because they are too busy trying to impress the woman.

    I’ve fucked around 200 women. I’m in my 30s. Plenty of married women. Never been caught. Never been married. Never had one try to cause me problems. Why? They think I’m their friend until it’s too late and then what are they gonna do? Gossip 😂?

  27. He’s not a sociopath, he’s exerting energy into something that is technically safe but is pointless in the long run. there’s only so much people can do that’s completely unique. There’s always a pattern regardless of who you are, and he just is willing to look for it. The issue is I don’t know why you’d want to just look for it for sex that you don’t even enjoy. Maybe it’s because it’s a vendetta from his early years, maybe because it’s to fill something he lost, maybe he was just really good at a particular STEM subject and breaking down its fundamentals felt a whole lot less satisfying then breaking down the fundamental blocks of a college girl. I don’t know, but what I think, that if he could find a way to spin the situation where you ended up as the bad guy, he’d definitely fuck you. His only regret is that he didn’t fuck you sooner so he wouldn’t be fighting his own reputation as well as your word.

  28. That was the most intellectually fascinating gonewild story I ever read.

  29. Will I? Or shall you? Shall I? Ok, I will.
    It was Sherlock Holmes (Barnacle Cum-in-Snatch), wasn’t it?
    He’s running for president? Cool.

    Besides, the jokes. Superb writing and this guy is so fascinating! I love your style it’s so easy to follow and get in tuned to your feelings and emotions! Hope the book drops soon!

  30. This story was bananas!!! I’m so intrigued


    He’s got to be an investment banker or some other wall street person…or possibly the greatest salesman of all time.

  31. I had to look up fountainhead because I’ve never heard of that book. Will probably buy because I want to know how sociopaths think lol

  32. This really made me more introspective than I thought I’d be. I find myself mirroring people and love the thrill of the chase so to speak but it’s a reflex for me. I’ve been concerned that maybe I have sociopathic tendencies myself but it’s never been intentional for me.

    It scares the shit out of me that other people do things like that consciously and intentionally.

  33. Man I was putting myself in your shoes and I don’t understand how you didn’t fuck him?

  34. Oh damn he’s good, he’s like Sherlock but evil? His ability of deduction is insane! Holy shit bet it was interesting watching him “work.”

    Hmmmm apparently the whole saying goes something like “Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back.” And this story fits just that!

    You found him fascinating regardless of his “ethics” and whatnot, really good call on not fucking him tho.

    Welp yeah lol. That was quite a story, hope you’re doing well cheers to you Ms. V!

  35. This was one of the best posts i have read so far. The dude can give classes to everyone here, I bet.

    Reading people though is one of the best qualities, and yes 70% of people are damn boring and they pretend to be interesting but you can just see through them.

    It’s like a dark side he has and he is aware of it to put it in simple terms. That’s power over oneself.

  36. Okay – but like he’s a dick? Even in a world where this loser is some pseudo-Sherlock Holmes and not just some leering, self-aggrandizing creep, then he’s *actively choosing* to use that “power” to be the worst possible person with it – instead of using it to help people feel better about themselves, which is what a sane person who could intrinsically read themselves would do.

    A lot of people here are identifying with the part of him which can read people – which is great, it means that you’re attentive and alert humans. The key difference is what you choose to do when you can do what this guy can do. He’s not special, or particularly smart; he’s just a dick.

    By the way your writing is amazing! Great read.

  37. I don’t know how else to say this, this is the ickiest story i have read to date on this sub.

    I really don’t know what to make of it. Also scared of this person lmao

  38. Man if this dude’s name is Ryan, we were friends with the same fucking guy. Scared the hell out of me and talked exactly like that. And just looking at him you’d never guess he scored perfect on his ACT the first try.

    We all did those little sociopath tests on him and he failed every single one.

  39. I could read a whole book about this if you wrote it. I was so intrigued from start to finish.

  40. I realized I wasn’t normal when I realized no one else is spending time minupulating situations to play out in the future. To me life feels like everyone’s playing checkers and I’m playing chess and I absolutely like to win every time.

  41. Not what I thought I would be reading today, and certainly didn’t expect to leave wondering if I’m a sociopath. Though it’s not the first time I’ve considered it.

  42. Hmm… I think you want to fuck a certain person that you think is a sociopath and this was your fantasy. If I was a girl I would have enjoyed it. But I don’t think ASPD people talk like that. And I’m not referring to the content of what he was saying. I dont know the dialogues don’t seem natural. The guy is flexing too much.. that’s synonymous with giving your power away completely to a person that can take you down so easily ?? Hmm… especially on acid it seems impossible.

  43. God damn, I think a lot of guys want to be like this on some level, me included. I love chatting on this site way too much and what gets me off the most is when I’m able to control a girl with my words. Lucky I know how to compartmentalize all this as fantasy and I don’t have the confidence or amorality to act on it irl regardless. But I fucking love the idea of it.

  44. I almost hoped it’d end with you giving in. still a pretty hot finish though.

  45. Nit picking….

    Illusion not allusion.

    Bonfire not bomb fire.

    I had a couple of single female friends who tell me that sociopaths are really great in bed.

    It might have been interesting if he were around your boss/ex to see them go at each other and which would leave with there tails between their legs.

  46. Guarantee you I have a higher body count than that guy. Ho is life but I’m adhd not a sociopath.

    Most people are on autopilot or barely conscious most of their lives. They just follow whatever values or social programming is put in front of them.

    A fancy watch or spending money means your significant or meaningful or all the things the other person has been made to feel insecure about all their lives. Things that can redeem you and make you feel special and wanted again.

    What we want is meaning but we never really consider what we consider meaningful or why.

    Most people don’t really think about things so they never question their values. What’s terrifying is those values can be destructive and lead entire societies of people off cliffs.

  47. Would it be wrong to say i feel like how i respond to others is a big act and i dont have a genuine personality for myself? Thats what this post (and some stuff that friends told me) made me think. Maybe im a sociopath. Either way, this was a hot and wild story

  48. All thoughts aside…what frat was he in at what school? i just want to know for personal reasons

  49. I find it really ironic that this guy’s favorite book was the Fountainhead.

    A lot of people think Ayn Rand’s whole thing was sort of a philosophical Gordon Gekko moment, i.e. “greed is good”. But it was really about being a true individual, to neither seek to rule others nor be ruled.

    This guy ain’t no Howard Roark. Howard Roark had genuine relationships. He had empathy for the people he cared about. He just valued his principles above love or money.

    If anything this guy is closer to another one of the Fountainhead characters – Gail Wynand – Rand’s gender-bender name newspaper baron. Like Roark, Wynand has talent and ability but Wynand wanted wealth, power, and control. And he got all those things, only to learn in the end that those things came to him because he sold his integrity and with it his self esteem, and if he wanted that back, he’d have to sacrifice everything. And he was too weak.

    Rand also had some choice words about womanizers, and she was no prude either. Her point was that men who chase tail compulsively do it from a place of narcissism and low-self-esteem. And it never works because a man will never find self-respect in a woman’s arms.

    One of the ugly truths about human sexuality is that it has an inherently sado-masochistic element to it. It had to, in order to get primordial humans to reproduce by any means necessary. And part of becoming a well-balanced individual is coming to grips with that fact and choosing to be more than a raping animal. But this is why women find Dark Triad bullshit hot and why men should understand that but also understand the importance of never going full retard.

    I’m actually kinda impressed by OP for being able to resist this guy. He clearly wanted to fuck OP, but OP was able to be just strong enough to not be his ego trophy.

    I also find it interesting how all this guy gets out of sex is a mediocre orgasm and a temporary ego boost, yet he goes to so much effort to seduce these women and make sure they say good things about him in bed. He things he’s being some kinda Randian hero slaying sorority pussy when all he’s doing is actually having the insincere unsatisfying sex her villains have, because their entire sexuality is forced and fake.

    I also find it interesting his take on anal. I think it’s hot because a woman has to be really turned on by you, and trust you to let you take the back door. And I want her to get off on it. Pain is only hot when she wants it and can take it with a genuine smile. And that’s as far as I’m willing to indulge my sadistic streak.

    I know that was a bit of rant, but I found that story interesting, thought-provoking, and hot. So it deserved a high effort response.

    Your friendship with him OP actually reminds me a lot of the friendship between Julius Caesar’s mother Aurelia and the future dictator Sulla in Colleen McCullough’s Rome series. She’s smart and tough-minded, and he’s all Dark Triad and their friendship is riddled with weird never-consummated sexual tension.

    *Re-submitted because this sub’s automod has a few bugs to be worked out.*

  50. Bloody reddit done it again, almost missed my stop.

    That’s me plus emotions, I wish I could turn them off.
    I like the word chameleon.

  51. This is the kind of guy every boyfriend and husband is terrified of and tgeir other half tells them not to worry about it.

  52. This is what it sounds like when a narcissist reports on her interactions with a sociopath.

  53. I can’t be the only one who thinks This is incredibly cringe. I couldn’t even get through half of it.

  54. Super well written!

    But I have to ask about that ‘sitting by a bomb fire’. Is it one of these great situations where you said ‘bomb fire’ all your life long and everyone else just thought ‘ah he probably just pronounced it slightly wrong. And when I tell you now ‘dude what is a bomb fire?’, you go like ‘how don’t you know, just that normal bomb fire everyone makes when you’re out camping or something’.
    ‘thats not a bomb fire, but a “bon fire.’
    ‘or did you ever use a bomb to start it?’
    ‘ man I could swear where I come from everyone says it!’ *looks around to friends*

  55. How are you putting this on him? How isn’t the problem how easy these small stuff works? Why isn’t the issue when girls, young girls literally make whole strategies to get seened, to hook up with guys in front of their crush to get them “interested”? Or how we are drawn to the people that couldn’t care less, while people that think the world of us are literally romantically repulsive

  56. One of my good friends married a guy just like him. All charm and great sex at the start until they got married. All went downhill after that one his sociopathic and narcissistic traits came out. Soon became a nightmare

  57. Wow I loved reading this. Absolutely fascinating and a bit terrifying as well. You’re an amazing writer!🙂

  58. *claims to go to law school”
    *can’t spell bonfire*
    “Bomb fire” 😆 🤣 💣

  59. You literally just described my cousin.

    He is exactly this.

    I’d call him a snake, but chameleon suits him better if they were more evil.

  60. It’s best erotic write up i read in a long long time. Half guys here would any day like to be him. It’s about accepting true nature, i dont how he deal with others but to you he was honest , honest brutal answers always work.

  61. >She’s a sorority girl. She’s not comfortable in heels but she’s wearing them anyway because she wants to look good tonight. Her shorts are too tight but she’s trying to hide her stomach with a baggy shirt. She hasn’t talked about school all night so she probably has an easy major and I suspect she comes from money because her clothes are designer.”

    >“How is this going to help you fuck her?”

    >“I’m going to compliment her shorts but make fun of her for walking in heels and say something backhanded about her baggy shirt. I’ll say education isn’t a real major but flash her my watch so she knows I have money. I’ll reel her in and insult her slightly so she feels special when I pick her.”

    >“That’s not going to work.”

    >“Watch me.”

    >I did and it worked. She was in his room in like two minutes.

    This reads like a pick up artist’s field report. Nothing about what conversation transpired, just some mention of compliments and insults and he has her in “two minutes”.

  62. Great story. I don’t know if he is a sociopath or just was honest about his ways of manipulation, everyone does a certain level of this to turn on and attract potential mates

  63. I’d literally pay to here more about him and anything else he did or said

  64. OH SHIT. My dumbass dated a sociopath and tripping with her was **wild.**

    Everything was exactly as you described – she dropped the masking entirely and explained in detail how she read and manipulated everyone around her. Also, she’s currently dating my best friend (at the time). God help him.

  65. From what you have described, the sociopath bit was all a projection on his part. Sounds like your average run of the mill narcissist.

    If he was truly Machiavellian he would have had sex with you then tried to convince you and your boyfriend that it was the outcome you both subconsciously desired.

  66. OP it sounds like this friend is a high IQ highly functioning Autistic person.

    Certainly will go into politics and be extremely successful.
    Maybe will even do the world a lot of good

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