[F19]riends vacationing in santa monica… [M30]

Leon was a bull of a man, big and tall, with a big and tall cock, too. He drilled his fat dick into Sally while his heavy balls ricocheted off her ass. He squatted over the petite blond girl, holding her ankles in place beside her ears, fucking her down onto the pool towel laid out on the flagstones.

Bella watched as her friend’s pussy stretched open as it was dominated by Leon’s dick. She reached out to squeeze his balls, eager to help. She was in awe of his power, the strength with which he fucked her friend. Sally whimpered in a way that Bella recognized, and she reached out to tease her friend’s pucker, her thumb running in circles. Sally groaned as her ass started to spasm.

“Fuck, girl,” Leon grunted, “You cumming again?”

Best friends Sally and Bella had met him not even an hour ago, when they were setting out on the balcony of the apartment they’d rented for their vacation. They were wanting to bask in the sun and rest up before another evening out at the clubs.

“Are you going to take your top off?” Sally whispered, wiping off the loungers, “What if, you know, people see you?” Their rental was on the third story of an old house, and the balcony towered above the fences in the crowded neighborhood, affording them good views of Santa Monica and the beach and ocean beyond. But it also meant equally that they could be seen.

“You’re right,” Bella said, dropping her hands back down, leaving her bikini in place, “I guess I can live with a tan line.”

“Girl, you spend all day in those booths,” Sally scoffed, “You don’t have a tan line.”

Bella shook her head, changed the subject. “What was with that guy last night?”


“That loser, who wouldn’t get off his phone.”

“Oh,” Sally smirked, “That dweeb. Yeah. I don’t know. Forget about him. I don’t know what his problem was.”

Bella looked at her. “I mean, I’m pretty, right?”

“Don’t even start!” Sally said, “Girl, you’re gorgeous, and you know it. So pretty, I’m jealous of your Italian cheekbones, thick lips. And I’d kill for tits like yours.” She cupped her petite chest, made a show of comparing her modest cleavage to Bella’s considerable rack.

“Oh, come on,” Bella rolled her eyes, “You’re cute as a button. And your tits are perfect.”

“Yeah, but,” Sally countered, “Big ole jugs like yours? I see the guys staring. Hell, I see girls staring, too. I’m even staring, right now!”

“Well, thanks,” Bella smiled.

“And your tits aren’t all, either,” Sally said, “All that tennis you play? You’ve got a rockin’ bod.”

“You don’t think my thighs are too big?”

“Big?” Sally looked at her like she’d lost her mind, “That’s muscle you’ve got there, toned and perfect. Your legs are beautiful, not like my skinny little twigs.”

“Guys like skinny.”

“Some guys,” Sally’s look grew distant, remembering the guy in the business suit she’d hooked up with the night previous, how he’d looked at her like he’d won the lottery as she bounced on his dick. Then she shook the thought away, continued, “Don’t you worry. We’ll go out tonight, you’ll be dripping in guys, hot surfer dudes who’ll be lucky to snare a hot piece of ass like you.”

“Aww,” said Bella, “Thanks, babe.”

Truth was, they’d had versions of this conversation before, many, many times. Talking up each other’s confidence, psyching each other up for an evening on the prowl. It was something of a routine, a ritual even, that they’d been developing since becoming friends in high school. Now, technically adults, they spent their days trying to make it as instagram models while living off their parents’ support, traveling as much as possible. But even as their self-confidence had grown, so had their trekking through circles of increasingly beautiful people, and so the ritual of talking each other up had only become more necessary.

And it was just wrapping up when they heard a splash — a body entering a pool.

Bella and Sally tilted their heads up as one and looked at each other, and, by silent agreement, leaned over to trace the sound. It wasn’t hard to see, once you looked for it, just over the fence at a neighboring house. The neighbor’s backyard landscape was sculpted and impeccable — ringed by a tropical, statue-filled garden, a decorative waterfall in one corner, outdoor kitchen, terracotta tile, and all centered around a crystal blue jellybean-shaped pool.

A man was swimming in the pool, bright red trunks around big legs, kicking laps with a powerful stroke.

The girls exchanged another glance. Sally started, “Are you thinking–”

“–what I’m thinking?” Bella finished.

They stood up, leaned over the balcony, and peered down. The man was still swimming laps, oblivious to the girls and their intentions.

“I have an idea,” Bella said, grabbing a sandal. She pulled her arm back, mustering all her athletic skill, and threw her shoe. It soared through the air, catching wind, banking. But Bella’s years on the sports field weren’t for naught, and the sandal soared as planned, splashing down right in the middle of the pool.

The man swam his lap, bumping the foam shoe as he went past. He stopped, taking it from the water, looking at it like it was the strangest thing he ever saw. He was tall, they could see, tall and broad, maybe in his 30s, and with thick, muscled limbs. They weren’t sculpted like a body-builder, but they were massive and toned nonetheless. He was easily twice the size of either of them.

“Sorry,” Bella called down, waving. He looked around before finding her, but when he did, she continued, shrugging, “It fell.”

“Yeah, ok,” he said. He looked at the sandal, than up at their balcony. “You want me to try throwing it back?.”

“That’s ok,” Bella said, arching her back, pushing out her tits, “We’ll come down and get it.”

He frowned. “Sure.”

The girls giggled to each other as they made their way out of the house and down to the street. Bella walked barefoot, holding her remaining sandal, and they carried towels. They crossed into the neighbor’s yard, coming around to a gate.

“How do we get in?” Sally called.

“Reach over,” the man said, “There’s a chain.”

“Got it.” They walked in to his backyard, grinning and giddy.

“You, um, brought towels?” He frowned.

Sally walked up to the edge of the pool closest to the man and dipped her toe in. “Well, I mean,” she said, “Our place doesn’t have a pool.”


“And we figured,” she continued, “So long as we’re already over here, maybe you wouldn’t mind sharing yours?”

She saw a protest forming, but before he could get his words out, she tucked her chin and bit her lip, crossing her legs. Her swimsuit was bright white and glowed in the mid-day sun.

His words stalled, and that was even before Bella gathered herself beside her friend, leaning on Sally’s shoulder, turning sideways to show off her bikini-clad curves. “We’re real good at sharing,” she said, “Sally and me.”

He furrowed his eyebrows. “Uh…”

“So, what do you say?” Sally pressed, “Can we come in your pool?”

Getting such a big, imposing man to look intimidated by them was always a treat, and Bella and Sally giggled at each other.

“Yeah, yeah,” he said, “Let’s, uh, do this.”

“Great,” Sally beamed. She moved quick, catching Bella unaware and pushing her into the water. Bella fell, balance lost, but not her grip. She clung to Sally, and with a yelp they together splashed down into the pool.

Bella surfaced first, then Sally. “You little– something!” she hollered, laughing, splashing her friend.

“Hey!” Sally shouted, giggling, splashing back, “No fair!”

The man was smiling, and used his big body and powerful muscles to soak them both with a massive wall of water.

“Now that’s really no fair,” Bella said, wringing the water from her hair, “What do we call you, anyway?”

He grinned. “Leon.”

“Well, Leon,” she said, “You may be strong, but are you strong enough to toss Sally into the pool?”

“Hey!” Sally said, eyes going wide, “Don’t I get a say in this?”

But he’d already grabbed the petite blond girl by her hips, easily lifting her up and over his head. “Yaaah!” he shouted, throwing her. She arced through the air, traveling at least a meter before splashing back into the water.

Bella laughed as her friend surfaced and wiped the water from her eyes. “You should have seen the look on your–oh fuck!”

Her words cut off as Leon lunged for her, picking her up as easily as he had Sally, and tossing her just as far.

She rose up from the water, a look of panic on her face.

Sally’s laughter cut off immediately, replaced by concern. “What’s wrong?”

“My top came off!”

“On purpose?” Sally frowned.

“No! Not on purpose! Help me look for it.” She cupped her breasts in her hands, keeping her chest underwater, trying to preserve some form of modesty.

Leon swooped down into the water, came back up gripping the dark blue strip of fabric. He held it up in front of him. “This it?”

“Yes!” Bella said, “Thanks!” She approached, half walking, half bouncing along the bottom of the pool, hands still in place over her breasts. She got within reaching distance, then realized the problem, looking down at her hands, then back up at Leon. “Um… don’t look.”

She reached out with one arm, sliding the other across her chest to try keeping both breasts covered.

But right as her fingers were about to take the bikini top, Leon whipped it away, tossing it onto the stones bordering the garden, far beyond the reach of anyone in the pool. “On second thought,” he said, “Nah.”

Bella’s eyes went wide. “What?”

“I don’t think you need it.”

“Why not?”

He shrugged. “Well for starters, it’s only fair. I’m not wearing a top.”

“That’s different!” she said, “It’s different rules for boys and girls.”

He chuckled. “My pool, my rules.” He turned his head over his shoulder, peered at Sally. “Come on, you too.”

Sally shrugged. “Cool with me.” She reached behind herself and pulled the knot loose, then tugged her white bikini top free and tossed it out of the pool. Unlike Bella, her chest was above the water line, and she arched her back to show off her bare breasts.

Leon smiled appreciatively, then turned back to Bella. “See? Your friend doesn’t mind.”

Bella still remained uncertain, but Sally gave her an encouraging nod. “You’re the one that didn’t want tan lines.”

“Yeah,” Bella said, nervousness plain on her face. She hesitated, then, “Ok, fine.” Slowly, she dropped her arm and gave Leon a stern look, “But don’t turn into a creep or anything.”

He grinned greedily, taking in her considerable chest through the clear water. “What are you girls doing in LA anyway? Looking for work?”

“No. We’re just here to have some fun,” Sally said.

“Fun?” he echoed, “What kind of fun?”

“Clubs,” Bella said, growing more comfortable in her toplessness, but still keeping her chin to the surface, “Beaches. Sun. Boys. You know, the regular.”

“And hitting up strangers to use their pools, is that the regular?”

“No,” Bella giggled, “This is definitely not regular.”

“What about you?” Sally said, wading closer to him, “Does your regular involve a lot of pretty girls naked in your pool?”

He frowned.

“Naked?” Bella said.

Sally giggled, flicked her eyebrows and nodded at her bikini top. Laying discarded next to it was a second piece of white fabric.

“What are you doing?” Bella hissed.

“Oh, come on,” Sally said, “I was already halfway there. And you know it was only a matter of time. Plus it’s not like Leon’s complaining, is he?”

His look of surprise was accompanied by laughter. “Nope.”

The petite girl stood in front of him in the waist-deep water, the top of her head barely coming up to his nipples. She dragged a finger over his chest, looked up at him. “You want to throw me again? Or maybe you know some other games we could play?”

He grabbed her hips, lifted her from the water, but then paused and held her there, naked and dripping wet. “Oh, you’re dangerous,” he said. Then he threw her backwards into the pool.

She yelped as she splashed in.

Leon stalked over to Bella. “What’s going on here? Is this some sort of stunt? Did Terrance put you up to this?”

She looked up at him innocently, shaking her head. “Who’s Terrance? What do you mean?”

“Roger maybe? Miles? Who do I have to thank for putting this together?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“So, wait. You’re really just staying there, in that rental? Two sexy, beautiful tourist girls with a cheesy excuse to come in my backyard and start taking their clothes off?”

Bella looked up at him. “You think I’m beautiful?” She stood up, her chest rising from the pool, rivulets coursing over her large, pert breasts, running over her pink nipples.

Sally made her way over and stood by Bella’s side, pressed her bare body against her friend’s. “The sandal thing was pretty cheesy, yeah,” she said, “But we don’t know what you mean by the rest of it. We were just sunbathing up there when we saw you swimming.”

“No,” he shook his head, “This is too much coincidence. I don’t believe it.”

“Believe what?” the girls said in unison.

He narrowed his eyes, looked back and forth between them. “You really don’t know?”

They looked at each other, shook their heads.

“Today is my birthday,” Leon explained, “Thirty years old.”

Understanding clicked, and Sally smiled, “And you thought we were, what, a gift? Prostitutes?”

“I didn’t say that.”

“But you were thinking it,” she pressed, “It’s ok, I’m not offended. I’ve been called worse.”

Bella wrapped her arm around her friend. “Explains why he was so quick to get us naked.”

“Huh, yeah,” Sally said, “Although, technically, I’m the only one here naked.”

The girls looked at each other. Bella shrugged. “Whatever.” She pushed her bottoms off, then tossed them aside. The girls turned to look at Leon. “Now you.”

“Me what?”

“Shorts off, birthday boy,” Sally pointed with her finger, “Get in your birthday suit.”

“It’s only fair,” Bella added.

Leon looked around his backyard, even though nobody else was there. “Alright.” And then he was tossing his swimsuit aside, too.

Sally beamed at him. “Much better,” she bit her lip, “Now, let’s play a game.”

“A game?” Leon frowned.

“Marco Polo,” Sally said, “We’ll swim away when you close your eyes. Then you try to catch us, using only your ears. When you say ‘Marco’ we have to say ‘Polo’.”

“I’ve played Marco Polo,” he said, “It’s been a few years, though.”

“You ever played it with two naked girls?” Sally’s grin spread, ear to ear, “Didn’t think so. Now, close your eyes!”

The game was, of course, just an convenient premise, and they took it as such. They played, and Leon’s hands had a propensity to land on the girls’ breasts and butts, and theirs to always seem to tag him via sliding their hands over his powerful shoulders, rippling thighs.

Bella, though, with her background in sports, couldn’t quite free herself from her competitiveness, and she took the game serious. When she took a turn as the seeker, she was on a mission, calling out “Marco!” strategically. When she heard a quiet swoosh of water nearby, she leapt, pouncing on Leon.

And so, it was kind of an accident when her hand brushed his dick.

“You’re hard!” she exclaimed, bolting upright.

Leon shrugged, “And you’re stroking it.”

Bella gasped. So she was. She pulled her hand up, looked at it like it was a naughty child.

Sally swam up. “Am I missing all the fun?”

Bella turned to Sally. “He’s– he’s– huge!”

Sally peered through the choppy surface of the pool. “I thought it was just the water distorting things,” the blond girl said, “Because that looks like Leon here has got the biggest, thickest cock I’ve ever seen.”

“Apart from livestock,” Bella giggled.

“He is quite like a bull.”

“Except better behaved.”

“I know,” Sally looked up at Leon, “He’s just standing there, watching two sexy, naked girls gossip about his erection. I can’t imagine a bull having such restraint.”

“Maybe you should try touching it?” Bella suggested.

“Good idea!” Sally reached out. “Do you think this thing even would fit inside me?” Her fingers wrapped around his shaft.

“I mean, the polite thing to do is at least try, right?”

Leon had remained hesitant and quiet, but this broke his pause. He grabbed Sally, pulled her against him, kissing her while kneading her ass with his powerful grip. His fat erection rubbed against her hip, extending past her as she stroked it. She moaned into his mouth, and his fingers grew more aggressive, spreading her ass, sliding up inside her.

She gasped as he gripped her hips, lifting her into the air. She gasped again as he lowered her onto his shaft. She wrapped her legs around his hips, her arms around his shoulders, and arched her back with a yelp as his girth split her open, her petite frame skewered deeper and deeper. “Oh, fuck,” she whimpered, her jaw hanging slack.

Leon gritted his teeth, pulled out, then shoved himself back in.

Sally groaned, loud and strained.

Bella watched in awe. “You all good, girl?”

“Yes!” her friend wailed, “Fuck yes, oh fuck, oh fuck…” Leon was pumping her onto his hips with quick, commanding thrusts.

“Are you already orgasming?”

“Yes!” Sally wailed, “Yes! Yes, yes!” She grabbed Leon’s shoulders, her grip nothing against a strong man like him. She was a plaything, a rag doll fucked hard to meet his needs. “Fuck me… no! Don’t stop!”

But Leon dropped her back into the water, leered at Bella.

The brunette had leaned against the edge of the pool, bending over, legs spread, ass up. She was up on her tip-toes so that the pool water lapped at her pussy, splashing it and dripping back down. Her head was turned over her shoulder, shooting him her flirtiest look.

“Holy fuck,” he muttered, stalking up to her. He stroked her tanned thighs, taking in the sight. He slipped his fingers inside her and leaned down, kissing and worshiping her ass. He tongued her pucker as he fingered her, making her shudder.

Then he stood behind her, his cock gently bobbing in the water, bouncing against her heat. Bella whimpered and quivered, getting off on just the anticipation alone. But she didn’t have to anticipate long, and she sucked in a breath as Leon was slid the entire length of his massive dick inside her. His hands found her waist, and he held her in place as he pulled out, pounded back in.

He fucked like a jackhammer, brutal and fast and relentless, holding nothing back. Bella had never before felt anything like it, had no way of preparing for the onslaught of ecstasy that was exploding throughout her. Not just the physical pleasure of Leon’s cock splitting her open, but the power of his lust made manifest — the subservience to his dick — overwhelmed her with a deluge of bliss.

Bella had lost control over her self, the sex had taken over, and she yelled out as she came, oblivious to the world around her. She blinked back to reality only when Leon pulled out, and was happy to see Sally smiling near her, sharing the experience with her best friend. “Damn girl,” Sally said, “I’ve never seen you climax so hard.”

But Bella was panting, too dazed to form a reply.

Leon turned back to Sally.

“Oh! Duty calls,” she said, letting him pull her along.

For all Leon’s size and strength and imposing force, he wasn’t a brute. He was a generous lover, respectful of his domineering stature. He could pummel the girls with his cock, hold them in defenseless positions while impaling them with his rock-hard erection, but he was also gentle when needed to be, fucking orgasms into the two girls back and forth, with a seemingly endless supply of stamina and energy.

Sally and Bella loved riding his dick, knowing the ecstasy it would bring them to have their pussies stretched open and filled by his mighty shaft. And they loved his tongue and lips and fingers teasing them, tantalizing them, groping them. But they also found themselves loving watching each other climax.

They’d shared sexual experiences before — boys always seemed to love that — but never one with a lover who wasn’t greedy for his own orgasm, with a lover interested in sharing the pleasure. For the first time, they weren’t jealous of each other’s ecstasy, knowing that there was plenty more where it came from. And, freed from the bondage of envy, Bella and Sally began to look forward to seeing the other’s hands and feet flex, back arch, legs quiver, pussy spasm.

Which is how they ended up side by side, shoulders overlapping, hands clasped, lips pressed together, tongues twisting in each others’ mouths. Leon knelt below them, a hand in each of their pussies, a thumb on each of their clits, his tongue trying its hardest to be in two places at once.

Sally moaned and writhed, clinging onto Bella, pulling her tight against her friend.

“Are we sluts?” Bella whispered softly.

Sally’s smile was genuine, her whole face lit up with bliss, cheeks blushing, eyes sparkling. “If this is what being a slut is,” she sucked in a breath, eyelids fluttering, “Then I’m the biggest slut there is.” She moaned, well past the point of a line existing between ‘climaxing’ and ‘not climaxing.’

Leon sat up, his heavy cock bouncing in the air.

“He still hasn’t cum,” Bella observed.

“I think that soon will change,” Sally said dreamily.

“Why’s that?” the brunette said, right before her eyes widened. “Oh. Oh!” Leon’s hand pinched her ankles together, holding them high in the air in his powerful grip as his hips bucked beneath her, shoving his erection inside her.

He then switched to Sally, giving her the same treatment. Then back to Bella, then back to Sally. His teeth were gritted, a look of furious concentration on his face, his fucking taking on an urgent temper.

“He’s close.”

“Let’s help him.”

As Leon pulled out again, the girls sat up. “Stand,” Sally instructed.

He did.

And together they sucked his dick, licked his balls, swapping back and forth as he groaned and grunted. His hips flexed, dick straining, balls tensing, but the girls didn’t slow. He was in Bella’s mouth when he started cumming, a loud roar coming from his throat as semen surged from his cock.

She choked as her mouth filled with his spunk, and she spluttered as she swallowed it down, her grip squeezing his dick, pumping him dry. Sally massaged his balls, coaxing every last bit from him.

Bella sucked and sucked, and his load kept coming, full and thick after so long spent building up, edging along. From the way he looked at her as she finished him off, like she was the only girl in the world, she knew he was enjoying. Well, he looked at Sally the same way, and that was ok, too.

Finally, finally, he began to go limp, and pulled away from them. Sally grabbed Bella’s chin, brought their lips together, and covetously tongued up what semen was left in her friend’s mouth.

“Holy fuck,” Leon panted, sitting down on the towels.

“That was so much cum,” Bella said, awe in her face. She turned to Sally, “That was more cum than that… remember the time at that frat party?”

The blond girl giggled, hugged her. Bella embraced her back, basking in her naked warmth, the intimacy of the moment.

Sally’s giggles became laughs, the laughs became an uproar, until Bella was infected, joining in. They held one another as they let it all out. Sighing, exhausted, pressed against one another, Bella said, “You’re a pretty good kisser.”

“You weren’t so bad yourself.”

Their lips found each other, and they kissed again.

“What do we do about him?” Sally asked.

Leon was laying out on the towels, snoring quietly.

Bella shrugged. “Whatever. Let’s go back to our place.”

The girls pulled their bikinis on and made their way back. Their rental had two bedrooms, and Sally had her stuff in one and Bella the other, but by mutual unspoken agreement, they both climbed into Sally’s bed, not wanting to be alone.

“I don’t want to sleep in my bikini,” Bella said, taking it off, “If that’s ok.”

Sally laughed. “Girl, do you even have to ask? After what we just did? Here, I’ll take mine off, too, if that makes you feel better.”

Bella intended on napping, but she couldn’t stop thinking about Sally next to her, naked and beautiful. She reached out, and Sally apparently had similar thoughts, because she quickly climbed into her friend’s arms, slid their legs through one another, pussies warm against thighs. Sally’s head pressed against her shoulder, Sally’s hand pressed against her tit, and Bella petted her head. Only then, woven together, did they sleep.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/wan9ex/f19riends_vacationing_in_santa_monica_m30

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