Cheating with my New Neighbor’s Daughter | 27: Chloe’s Father [male pov][older man][younger woman][age difference][neighbors daughter][cheating][drama][series][slow build][male solo][SFW][no sex]

**27: Chloe’s Father**

***|Tuesday, Charlotte goes home***

“Hey, uh, about last night,” I mumbled while I stood beside Hazel in the kitchen.

Hazel drank a glass of water before turning to face me and say, “Last night?”

I furrowed my brows in confusion—is she trying to bait me to say it or does she really have no idea what I was talking about.

“No, yeah, I mean. Yeah, never mind,” I muttered letting out a nervous chuckle.

She stared at me for a second and then smiled with her lips almost in a straight line before saying, “I’ll get the kids for breakfast.”

“Yeah, yeah. Sure, thanks. I, uh, I’ll get the food ready,” I spoke wondering why she’s acting like nothing happened.

Good thing she’d be working half day today and it’s the last time I’d see her—I hope. I skipped work today since I’d be picking up Charlotte before lunch.

“Hazel,” I called to her as she began walking away then continued, “I think I’ll take the kids to the airport. You can go home after breakfast and pay you full for the day.”

The initial plan was to leave the kids at home with Hazel until I return home with Charlotte from the airport. I don’t think it would be a good idea to let my wife see our babysitter.

“Sure,” she smiled cunningly before continuing to walk away.

After breakfast, I paid Hazel and sent her home with ease. We didn’t speak anymore than just thanks and byes. I don’t know what to feel about it. I don’t think she’s someone I could trust.

I texted Paige that we needed to talk as I sat on the armchair in Chloe’s room while Charlie’s taking a shower in the master’s bedroom.

She didn’t reply in the next 5 minutes making me think she’s probably in the middle of a swimming class. We’ve decided last night that I’ll try to talk to Hazel to ask her to keep silent and to even make a deal with money involved if needed. I failed at this and I needed to let Paige know about it.

While waiting for Charlie to finish bathing, an email notification popped in my phone.

I checked it and noticed it’s from a weird email address of a bunch of numbers and letters. The email contained no text but the subject said, ’*Charlotte*.’ It also only contained a file that looked like a video.

My first thought was that it’s definitely phishing or a virus of some sort but my guts told me it’s not. I suddenly felt the urge to play it.

I walked out of Chloe’s room and walked to the master’s to fish out an old laptop that I haven’t used since we got here.

I immediately plugged it in and and logged in to my email account.

After a few deep breathes, I clicked on it and it showed what looked like to be a wedding reception.

It confirmed for me that it was *the* wedding after seeing Justin, the groom, dancing with his bride.

The camera then panned to the right and I didn’t understand it at first but as soon as it zoomed in, I realized it was Charlotte sitting on chair across a man I can’t clearly identify yet.

About a minute later with the camera just focused at them, they both stood up and this was when I got a glimspe of Joe, my best man who had an affair with Charlotte.

I paused it and glanced at the bathroom door trying to listen if Charlie’s close to getting done—the last thing I wanted to happen was for him to catch me watching his mom having sex with someone.

I then continued playing the video where the person who was taking it tried to follow them sneakily. Charlotte and Joe eventually walked out to what seemed like a garden and sat on bench before kissing. The next part of the video was too dark and unintelligible but it was clear that they were having sex with Charlotte bouncing on top of his lap. Their moans were loud that they were heard clearly from afar. Then the video just ended there.

I logged out of my account and shut my laptop down. I don’t know what to feel about it. I’d be lying if I say I don’t feel a bit hurt. The remnants of the pain I felt a year ago when I first found out suddenly woke up inside me. They were still there after all.

But then, I felt relief—adrenaline, even.

I saw it as an opportunity to get out of our marriage. But I need to be quick enough before Charlotte finds out about me and Paige. It’s deceitful, but I can’t think of a better way.

Just in time, Charlie walked out of the bathroom and told me, “I will look after Chloe while you shower, dad.”

I felt a lump in my throat.

How dare I set aside how my son would get affected by this. I felt disgusted by my thoughts. I was so fucking thrilled to see Charlotte cheat on me again—it was fucked up. The kids should never have been in the middle of this but in reality they were the ones truly damaged by the fuckery done by the adults around them.

I don’t know if I could stomach it to give Charlie a broken family, but on the other hand, wasn’t it better than giving him parents that pretend they still love each other then cheat every single day of the year under each other’s noses or am I just saying this to make me feel better about f*cking my neighbor’s 19 year-old daughter.

Our marriage can’t be saved at this point, but the kids should at least be shielded from it’s downfall. I just don’t know if it’s still possible.

After having a shower, I suddenly got a phone call from a telephone number I don’t recognize.

I doubted but still answered and heard the person say, “You got my present?”

“Liz?” I asked knowing how her voice sounded like.

“Oops,” she laughed menacingly before continuing, “I’m guessing you already watched it. Was it good? Anyway, this call costs a ton of money so I’ll be quick. It’s true I liked you when I first saw you Trent. You’re fucking hot, you still are. But I gave up on it a long time ago. So just to be clear, I’m doing this now not because I want you, okay? My sister got away from too fucking much in her life just because she’s prettier. Our parents didn’t even try to hide their favoritism. At one point, I even thought I was adopted, you know that? It was hell! And Charlotte liked it. She loved it. She never once tried to talk to my parents about how unfair they are to me even after I confided to her. She even got you as a husband! Can you imagine that? It’s so fucking unfair. Now, I think you should just divorce her. Just saying. I mean, I know I’m doing you favor for this but I’d rather have you fucking that girl than my sister. You understand that? Leave Charlotte! You should’ve done that the first time she cheated on you. Enough of her thinking she’d get away with everything! And just for the record, she knew Joe was coming. I told her the very night I asked her to come with me as my date. And they both disappeared even before the reception ended. I guess we both know what happened next, right? Sorry though, I don’t have a video for that.”

She then breathed heavily while I stayed silent. Then she spoke, “I guess that’s all, Trent. Oh, before I hang up, how was Hazel? Did she do a good job babysitting?”

I just kept myself silent.

“Silence means yes. Her friend Emily told me she always does her job well. Good bye, Trent. I hope you sleep well tonight ‘cause I’d sure do,” she uttered before hanging up and for some reason I could even feel her cocky grin from across phone lines.

– – –

I picked up Charlotte’s biggest luggage and propped it inside the trunk while she got in the car.

I then hopped in too hearing how excited the kids were after seeing their mom again after a few days.

After their quick greetings, Charlotte whispered to me, “Thank you for bringing the kids.”

“Sure,” I smiled at her.

Charlie then began telling Charlotte how his past days went. He sounded so happy he couldn’t even put words together and ended up stuttering at some point.

We also grabbed pizza and ice cream on the way home so we could spend the night playing board games.

Honestly, we looked like a normal happy family with nothing but healthy relationship revolving around us. It’s heart wrenching to know how far this was from the truth.

– – –

Around 10 in the evening, the kids were both fast asleep while Charlotte and I remained in the couch finishing the movie we played earlier.

“Let’s have some wine downstairs,” I muttered not looking at her.

I noticed she turned her face to me before saying, “Yeah, sure.”

We walked in silence to the cellar and I locked the door behind us.

I turned the lights on and she walked to one of the armchairs while uttering, “So, uh, did you miss me?”

I just smirked at her as I grabbed a bottle of wine and two wine glasses.

“Have a sit,” I uttered sounding like I was teasing her but I was on it for something she probably didn’t expect.

“Okay,” she hesitantly sat with her cheeks blushing.

I poured wine and handed her a glass before sitting on a chair across her.

I sipped once then nonchalantly asked, “How’s Joe?”

She chuckled nervously as she mumbled, “What?”

“Joe, *the Joe*. My former friend and Chloe’s father. Yeah, that one. How is he?” I reiterated.

She furrowed her brows but with a smile still in her face like I was telling her joke, “I—I don’t know. How would I know?”

“Charlotte, just tell me,” I spoke calmly.

With a grin in her lips, a tear fell from her eye as she muttered, “What am I gonna tell you? You know what, you’re speaking nonsense. I’m going to sleep.”

“I already know, Charlotte. I just need to hear it from you. So there’s no use acting like you don’t know what I’m saying,” I explained.

“How? I mean, no. We didn’t—I didn’t—he’s. . .not there,” she mumbled now sounding a bit mad than nervous.

I just kept silent, played the video on my phone, and showed it to her.

She didn’t even finish it and slammed my phone face down on the table while her hand covered her mouth as tears flowed out of her eyes.

“I was drunk. Believe me. I don’t remember anything,” she uttered with no conviction like she didn’t even believe herself.

I thought if she can’t remember anything, she would’ve watched the whole thing to know what I was talking about. She didn’t even make it past the scene where they were just talking over the table.

I didn’t say anything and just drank my glass empty.

“I—I’m sorry, baby. Please, I was weak. I didn’t mean to. I promise,” she muttered.

After a minute of her sobbing and me in silence, I spoke, “Charlotte, I think it’s time to. . .let each other go. We just keep hurting one another.”

“No, no. Please, I promise it won’t happen again. Please, Trent,” she wailed.

It’s the same exact line she told me a year ago. The only difference was back then she was on her knees begging and I felt both pity and pain. But now, all I could ever feel was guilt.

I realized I must’ve spaced out when she suddenly said, “It’s your fault.”

I looked at her before she wiped her eyes as she continued, “You never want to make love with me. How am I gonna survive that? Joe’s been always all over me. Unlike you. I wanted to have sex, for fuck’s sake! You can’t give it to me and he’s the only one I could do it with besides you. How’s that my fault?”

I stared at her wanting to savor every word she just said before I spoke calmly, “Alright.”

Her facial expression quickly changed from cocky to worried, “You don’t love me anymore, do you?”

– – –


*What do you think’s gonna happen next?*

*Next chapter within next week. See ya!*




  1. Time for some 🍿!

    Good chapter. Interesting twist with her sister. Curious how the fallout will play out in the house across the street. Will Paige and Trent get a happy or tragic ending? 🤔

  2. Just read the entire series, honestly never been so caught up in story like this, very well written and amazing character development throughout.

  3. >You don’t love me anymore, do you?

    Lol, the fuck you think?

    I like the dialog, accurate for a narcissist cheater that Charlotte is

  4. I love the attempt at gaslighting. the “You don’t love me anymore, do you?” had me chuckle a bit too. Another great installment!

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