The distressed bride (Part 2) [F/M 20s-30s]

The distressed bride (Part 2)

[Part 1]

“What are you doing here?! You can’t be here Peter!!!” Eleanor gasped in surprise, shock and horror, hoping that Sarah and Joe would hear and move appropriately.

“It’s bad luck for you to be here and I hear that tons of stuff needs sorting at the hotel what the hell are you doing here?”

Peter started walking in through the door of his own house and Eleanor was holding him back “Listen I’m not joking you can’t come in today you have to go back to the venue why are you here? If you’ve forgotten something I’ll grab it?”

Peter was having none of it “I need to see Sarah, things are not adding up and I need to know what’s going on now!”

Fuck! Eleanor had not heard any movement upstairs, Peter was about 15 seconds away from seeing his next door neighbour naked on his bed with his cum dripping out of his fiancée’s pussy – perhaps not the best way to start married life.

“Although technically that would be this afternoon or even tomorrow morning” Eleanor thought to herself.

“Listen, I don’t know what’s going on, I don’t know why you’re stood here in Sarah’s robe without your outfit on and why Sarah didn’t answer the door earlier” explained Peter. He looked at his watch and Eleanor noticed it was almost 11.30.

Shit! Eleanor slowly started to realise, the make up artist probably turned up at 11 and due to activities taking place upstairs, had completely not heard the doorbell. And oh… did Lisa (or was it Laura, still couldn’t remember) hear anything?!

“Peter listen we still have time, we were sorting out a bloody crisis this morning and you’ll be pleased to hear it’s now sorted, if you could just go outside and call Laura back and then we’ll just delay the photographer by 20 mins it will all be fine” said Eleanor.

“Who the hell is Laura?” Peter said.

“Oh for fuck sake Peter will you just fuck off back to the bloody hotel after you’ve called Laura or Lisa or whatever her bloody name is! Come on get with the programme it’s your wedding today come on!” Shouted Eleanor.

Perhaps this was harsh but this was totally for Sarah and Joe’s benefit and when Eleanor saw the horrified look on Peter’s face, she smiled sweetly at him and kissed him on the cheek “don’t worry about us, all is under control, Sarah is already looking incredible, you’re looking super handsome, make the calls on your way back to the venue and we’ll see you there – prepare to be stunned ok?”

Peter, now slightly less concerned, stepped back towards the door clutching his car keys and phone and dialled Lisa’s number. As the door was closing, Eleanor heard Peter say “yes they’re definitely there, they were sorting a crisis apparently”.

Eleanor dead bolted the front door and ran upstairs, “guys that was too bloody close, he could have just walked upstairs earlier!” As Eleanor got into the room, she was relieved to see that Sarah was in the shower and Joe was tidying up the room.

“Thanks for the warning announcement there” Joe said to Eleanor “I think I was still asleep and that woke me up, bloody hell that could have been bad”.

Eleanor shoo’d Joe into one of the other bathrooms with his clothes and said to him to shower fast and get out of here. She then stuck her head into the bathroom Sarah was in and said “hurry up, Lisa will be here any minute, I’ve just managed to get rid of Peter”.

As Eleanor managed to throw on some clothes, the doorbell rang again, it was Lisa, she invited her in “she’s just showering after a hectic morning she’ll be out in a few minutes” and Lisa explained that she would proceed to getting set up ready for her.

About 5 minutes later the doorbell rang again just as Joe was walking down the stairs. Eleanor shouted “don’t get that in case it’s…”

Joe understood and waited in the kitchen by the back door, ready to slip out if it was Peter again.

“Laura?” Eleanor said at the door. Joe walked back from the kitchen “Eleanor for goodness sake it’s Lisa, why is it so confusing!” And as he finished declaring this, he saw Eleanor hugging Laura – Laura who Joe and Eleanor both knew from the gym and who ran her own creative agency.

Laura was an impressive individual both in terms of her career, her business, her drive and ambition and of course her physique – she also did a stint as a personal trainer which is why she knew Eleanor so well and Joe had also admired Laura at the gym many times. On a professional level Joe had also worked with Laura indirectly, referring clients between each other, Laura being more creative and Joe being more operational, the dynamic worked well.

“Hey Joe!” Laura smiled and walked in with open arms to give Joe a hug “so good to see you, what are you doing here? Calming down Peter?”

“Haha something like that!” Joe laughed nervously. “What brings you here this morning Laura?” Joe asked. And actually Eleanor was a bit confused too.

“Peter and Sarah asked me to do all the wedding photography and videography!” Joe and Eleanor looked at each other a bit confused before Eleanor realised “Well that’s why I was getting confused with Lisa and Laura – I swear Sarah had been mentioning both names – but I thought Silver Star were doing the photography?

Laura laughed “yes – that’s me! Well us, a friend of mine, Danny and his colleague will do the video side and I’ll do the photography – I’ve been doing tons of photography with the agency work and I started off as a photographer so this is what I enjoy – we use a different business name when we do wedding photography”.

“Ah ok makes sense!” Eleanor said.
Joe, conscious that he was there actually not to have been a calming influence to Peter decided to make an exit “Ah well amazing Laura I’m looking forward to seeing you shooting some great photos later, see you Eleanor, call me if you need anything, bye!”

Joe left the girls to it and decided he would catch up with Eleanor just before 2pm when they were scheduled to leave.

He looked at his phone and saw that Sarah had created a new group chat with him and Eleanor, she had sent a few photos of her before and after her shower and some messages saying how much she enjoyed solving the crisis earlier and thanking both Joe and Eleanor for earlier.

“It felt so good feeling your cum drip out of my satisfied pussy in the shower just now x” the message from Sarah said. Eleanor has also replied “it looked so good babe x”

Fuck, what an amazing morning it had been.

Fast forward a few hours and everything else went smoothly, Eleanor looked amazing, Sarah got to the venue only 15 minutes behind schedule and looked beautiful, the ceremony was just perfect.

There was a gap of about 4 hours between the ceremony finishing and the reception and dinner so all the guests who were staying went to check in to their rooms. Eleanor found Joe and said “I’ll check into the room, can you grab the bags from Laura’s car? I bundled them all in there, also Laura said she’ll need the other bag in there for her camera stuff, just bring it to the room I’ll message you the room number once I know it”.

Joe grabbed his overnight bag from his car and then just took all the bags in Laura’s car to the hotel. “Room 319” pinged up on Joe’s phone as he got closer to reception.

As he got to the 3rd floor, he walked over to room 319 and knocked on the door, Laura opened it “Oh sorry Laura I was looking to drop these off to Eleanor, but I have your bags too”.

Laura laughed “Eleanor told me everything, come in, i’m next door in 321 I was just catching up with Eleanor”

Oh good ok, Joe felt relieved that he didn’t have to pretend and sneak around. Eleanor walked in and gave Joe a passionate kiss “what a day” she said and Laura smiled at them “aww you make a really great couple! Are you official?”

Eleanor smiled “we will be after today I’m sure” before then laughing and commenting “so I had no idea what kind of clients you were passing to Laura!”

Joe looked a bit confused, “the last one?” He asked. Laura and Eleanor both nodded.

“The multi-vitamin people?!” Joe asked, confused.

“Yes!” said Laura, “I was telling Eleanor about their flagship product launch and campaign and seeing as you helped them with it, I’m surprised you didn’t mention the details to me!”

Joe was super confused. The company was launching a new vitamin supplement into a new market and he had helped them with sales and marketing plans, target customer segments etc and then passed them onto Laura to get some creative work done like product photos, a new webpage and a marketing campaign created as per the plans.

“Joe, did you see the webpage or even get a product sample from them?” Asked Laura.

“No – well they said that they liked the blue colour scheme and that the supplement was a blue colour which was different to their other ranges which is distinctive and differentiated” Joe explained.

Eleanor laughed, “he’s so cute Laura I genuinely don’t think he has an idea! You should tell him the good news then the interesting news” she said smiling.

Laura said to Joe “I wanted to thank you for the referral.” Joe laughed “well you seemed a bit pissed off from what I can remember about the fee I negotiated for us?”

Laura laughed “yes I was – I don’t usually take on jobs that don’t pay anything up front! But it turns out by negotiating a percentage of the product revenue, we’re both going to do very well out of it!”

Joe said “it was only 5% and it was quite a niche market so don’t get too excited Laura”.

“Niche but very popular so far babe” Eleanor said, “I’ll show you the details” said Laura and she then proceeded to show Joe what was essentially lots of softcore pornography.

“I really don’t understand here” said Joe.

Laura explained that the new supplement contained Sildenafil as the active ingredient but with their signature mix of multi-vitamins too for a morning or evening boost.

“Sildenafil?” asked Joe, “that’s Viagra isn’t it?”

Laura and Eleanor laughed “lower dose though and I confirm, it’s very very good” said Laura, as she took out a bottle of little blue multi-vitamin tablets and also in a chewable format. She threw the bottle to Eleanor and she took one.

“Err, ok so they basically commissioned you to create artistic soft porn?! Gosh I’m so sorry I had no idea!” Joe profusely apologised.

“Don’t apologise Joe, this month we’ll both be due a pretty good cheque from them and I have really enjoyed the project, in fact, I was showing Eleanor some of the photos and videos I had taken so they could promote this on specific adult communities”

Laura passed Joe the camera and as he looked through the photos in the folder “Sildenafil supplement” he saw in the corner of his eye Laura and Eleanor taking a second chewable blue supplement. Laura then declared that she would be back and left with her room key to room 321.

Eleanor walked over to the connecting door, unlocked and opened it. Laura did the same and casually walked through from her room directly back into 319, except this time, with her blazer off.

Joe didn’t notice this or notice Eleanor take off her jewellery and shoes, but did eventually look up and say “so basically they’ve asked you to become a porn director?!”

“Nooooo, shhhh, it’s all artistic and it’s soft, I have worked along side a few porn directors now though, they organised proper porn actors for these shoots you know” Laura said. “Doesn’t it look so sexy and beautiful though?” Laura asked.

“Well I think so, just a shame you were on that side of the camera” Eleanor added. While Joe heard this, it obviously didn’t register as while he was looking at the risqué photos, Laura and Eleanor had started kissing on the bed.

“You can look at those tomorrow Joe, can you focus on us now?” Laura pointed towards the tripod near the light and then said “attach it to there and point it at this bed and come on”.

Joe looked over and saw that both Laura and Eleanor were in the midst of some quite passionate kissing and caressing. He attached the camera to the tripod and set it to video mode.

Laura leaned over to the night stand and pressed a button on the remote for the camera and it beeped and started recording. Joe watched Eleanor’s hands pull and tug at Laura’s clothing and Laura running her fingers through Eleanor’s hair while the continues kissing.

An annoying red light kept flashing on the camera so Joe found the power cable and plugged the camera in to the wall socket and light turned green.

“Thank you but please come here now” said Laura. Joe didn’t have to contemplate whether Eleanor would be ok with this, he took off his jacket and shoes and got onto the bed.

Laura had been wearing a light coloured blazer suit that was fitted to her athletic body and contrasted against her auburn hair, her blouse was very tight and the satin texture felt so soft to touch. As Eleanor had started unbuttoning Laura’s blouse, Joe noticed Laura’s signature turquoise colour underneath in the form of a lace bra.

Eleanor said “it’s like she knew this was our favourite colour” and Laura laughed “yours too is it?” They both carried on kissing while smiling.

Laura said “I always knew it was Joe’s, that’s why I wear the turquoise sports bra and pants to the gym so much!” And before Joe could comment, Eleanor said “you look so sexy in this colour I always admire your boobs in the gym when you wear that set too”.

Laura unzipped Eleanor’s dress all the way down and she rolled out of it revealing no underwear at all “Ele! You’re so naughty!” Laura giggled and caressed Eleanor’s naked body, running her hands over Eleanor’s 34D boobs, her nipples becoming harder.

“Long story but Sarah is borrowing my lingerie set today” Eleanor declared while trying to unbutton more of Laura’s blouse. “Help me Joe she’s too covered up!”

Joe got straight to it and finished unbuttoning Laura’s blouse, slid down Laura’s trousers and admired her turquoise lace panties and bra in full view.

Laura moved Joe to the side of the bed near Eleanor and whispered to Eleanor’s ear “do it like the scene, but don’t stop”.

Eleanor turned to kiss Joe and said “just follow my lead and don’t block the camera with your ass, you’ll be great” and then as they kissed she transferred the supplement that was in her mouth into his.

Eleanor removed Joe’s shirt and trousers while they kissed while continuing to caress Laura’s toned body. She encouraged Joe to sit up in bed and then whispered “pull her up to you”.

Joe leaned over to kiss Laura and pulled her up so she was facing away from him, towards the camera and he had the opportunity to caress Laura’s beautiful boobs in her bra from behind her while Eleanor was sliding her hand down Laura’s panties.

Eleanor whispered in Laura’s ear “how does it feel to be this side of the camera?” And Laura moaned “so fucking good babe”.

“Are you ready for the plug?” Eleanor said to Laura. Joe chimed in while enjoying Laura’s body “I’ve already plugged the camera in”. This almost killed the moment and Laura and Eleanor laughed and opened their eyes wide and looked at Joe.

“Babe!” We’re talking about Laura’s special plug! Eleanor laughed. Laura turned to Joe while Eleanor got off the bed to get something from Laura’s bag.
“Joe darling, you need to plug me, I’ll explain later”.

Eleanor clutched Laura’s butt plug in her hand to warm up the cold metallic feel of it while Joe unclipped Laura’s bra and revealed her sexy hard eraser nipples to the camera. “I feel so fucking horny in front of the camera” Laura moaned in Joe’s ear.

Eleanor pulled down Laura’s panties and started to tease her clit and rub her pussy lips while positioned to the side of us. It was clear that the primary focus was on getting Laura fully exposed to the camera.

Eleanor started to tease Laura with her plug, lubing it up with her pussy juices, Laura moaning with delight while she had the attention of both Joe and Eleanor on her naked body.

Eleanor whispered in Joe’s ear “spread her legs as wide as they will go, I’m going to put this in”

While Joe spread Laura’s legs wide, he whispered to Eleanor “take that green label off?” Eleanor laughed – “that’s for the camera to recognise the centre of the shot apparently”.

As soon as the plug slid into Laura’s ass, the camera beeped and Laura began to change positions and the camera automatically followed so she was in the centre of the shot. Clever stuff.

Laura, with her ass up in the air, her pussy lips glistening for the camera, started to kiss and lick Eleanor’s pussy while her hand was wrapped firmly around Joe’s cock.

“Fuck, Joe! It’s so big, thick and meaty, I’ll need to ask Eleanor if I can have it in my pussy later”

Eleanor laughed “only once it’s been in mine! I’m last in the queue otherwise!” Referring to this morning when Eleanor saw it being plunged deep into Sarah’s unmarried pussy.

“Absolutely” Laura said and with that, she encouraged Eleanor to roll on her side towards Joe and then guided Joe’s big throbbing dick towards Eleanor’s tight pussy and started to tease Eleanor with the tip of Joe’s cock. Laura licked Eleanor’s pussy and then sucked Joe’s dick so that eventually it would slide inside her effortlessly.

Laura reached over and grabbed a sticker, peeled it and placed it carefully onto Eleanor’s leg directly next to her pussy. Laura whispered to Eleanor “only guide it in once I say”

Laura stepped out of shot and the camera re-centred on Eleanor, Laura got behind the camera and smiled after seeing how good it looked on the little screen.

Eleanor was holding the shaft of Joe’s cock rubbing the tip up and down her pussy lips coating Joe in her wetness. She held his cock against her clit and moaned as she felt his dick throb against her.

Laura whispered loudly “ok babe” and with that, Eleanor guided Joe’s big rock hard stiffness slowly between her dripping wet pussy lips and Joe instinctively pushed his cock deeper until his entire length had disappeared inside Eleanor as she let out a big moan of sheer pleasure.

Laura zoomed the camera in to capture the moment, the very first moment Joe was experiencing the ecstasy of having Eleanor’s tight pussy lips wrapped round the base of his dick, her juices dripping down his balls as they slowly and sensually thrusted together in pure delight.

Laura came back to the bed and started to lick the pussy juices off of Joe’s balls while fingering her own wet pussy.

Laura whispered to Eleanor and Joe “can I have it in me now?” and Eleanor moaned and laughed at the same time. “Ok, ok” Eleanor said and then whispered to Joe “I want you to fuck me all night later tonight I don’t want to sleep at all”.

Joe and Eleanor stopped and Laura paused the camera “do you want a drink?” she asked.

Eleanor laughed “this really does feel like a shoot – what’s the next scene director Laura?!”

They laughed and Laura noticed some messages on her phone.

“Peter drinking with his bloody mates, hopefully he’ll fuck me later, if not I’ll be livid, so horny after this morning. What room are you in, have you got those supplements?”

Followed by

“Also are Joe and Eleanor checked in yet? I hope they’re in their room together, what I’d give to see Eleanor get nailed by Joe, ugh, so hot. Sarah x”

Laura smiled and without saying anything, she sent a reply to Sarah “Room 321, come up by yourself and don’t be too long x”

As Laura put the phone on the dresser, she climbed back onto the bed and on top of Joe, suspending her huge tits in his face. She pulled Eleanor toward them both and encouraged her to sit on Joe’s face “hmm, twice in one day” Eleanor said “I could get used to this”

As Joe reached out to caress Laura’s boobs and eagerly awaited for Eleanor to lower her wet pussy lips onto his face, Laura pressed record and began sliding Joe’s cock up and down against her pussy. She rubbed the tip of his cock over her clit until she climaxed and moaned in Eleanor’s ear.

“Are you sure it’s ok to have him inside me babe” Laura asked Eleanor once more. “Of course babe you’re our friend, anything for friends” Eleanor replied.

Laura kissed Eleanor and directed Joe’s cock inside her pussy. Laura couldn’t help but let out a loud moan that Eleanor had to muffle by kissing her and sticking her tongue into her mouth.

Laura lifted her pussy all the way off Joe’s thick cock so she could feel him spread her pussy lips apart again and as she lowered her pussy down onto his dick, she once again moaned loud.

Except this time Joe and Eleanor looked towards the camera as the sound felt like it was coming from there, Eleanor looked confused and wondered it a microphone was transmitting the audio to the camera speaker.

“Fuck! This is so fucking sexy!”

Eleanor jumped off of Joe’s face, Joe sat up and Laura looked round and gasped once she recognised the voice.

“Sarah!!!” Exclaimed Laura. “What the fuck! I said come alone Sarah!!!!”


Part 3 to follow…



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