My single [F]riends are horny for my baby daddy

I have recently became a mom. The visits are flowing in to see our daughter. Last week, my single friends came to our house. For context, I just turned 30 and I am the only one in a stable relationship with a house, a kid and an husband.

They were dying to see our little girl. Since it’s summer time, my husband’s spending most of his time in chest, it is also easier to give her skin to skin care. He is in decent shape, but the night time snacks while feeding our baby is becoming noticeable. Still, I did noticed a little lurking from my girlfriends. We had a great time and an hour later I received a text in a group chat that was clearly not meant for me:


“I know, there is something different about him now…”

“I kind of want to call him daddy now 😳 ”

I was dying laughing, I couldn’t help but answer:

“Girls I’m guessing you guys have a single’s group chat 😅”

The chat went silent and I was left on read. They apologized later on and begged me to keep it a secret. Witch I intended to do, but then again I haven’t fucked my husband in months and he’s been so good to me. I am guessing this story would cheer him up quite a bit 😁

Any suggestions on what I should do?



  1. I’m guessing the ego boost will be good for him. That said, I would recommend that you have sex with your husband once you have recovered from childbirth. Even a quickie during mid-day nap time is a good solution.

    If you aren’t ready, then a BJ or handy once in awhile to let him know you still think he’s attractive and an equal priority to your newborn.

    Opening the door to an open relationship at this time is not recommended, lest you want your daughter to have a bunch of half-siblings a year younger than her…

  2. Let your man out of the stable. He’ll gallop right through the whole group and leave them wanting more. It might create a new dynamic, but could be a very fun one in the future.

  3. What do you do? Well that depends on a few things! But first you should know what you and your husband are comfortable with.

    Does your friends being turned on by him turn you on? Would you be open to exploring that, or do you just like the flirty idea of it and sexual tension?

    Maybe you aren’t into full cuckqueening, but you could take it further one piece at a time to see how you feel (if it does excite you in the first place)

    The important thing is you and your husband understanding each other, but the first thing to do with this information if you decide to do anything at all, is talk with him about it. Maybe it could lead to playing with your single friends, or it stays a dirty secret you use to tease him. No real rules to this whole sex thing here. He’s a lucky guy ;)

  4. I’d say tell him if you trust him implicitly. Guys don’t get a lot of compliments really. So it’s always nice to hear we look good. Plus once you get to fuck again in 5-11 more weeks, i bet he will be an animal

  5. If you trust him 100% you could tell him. I know you can’t have sex right now but if you give him bj or handjobs etc you could tell him as dirty talk during to get his reaction. Just an idea
    We don’t get compliments very often so it’d give him a boost. I know it would me

  6. What should you do??? Go fuck your husband like a mad woman. He’ll love it.

  7. Uh can we/I have a faceless pick of your husband so I need to know what I should be working towards?

  8. Invite them, in group chat, to take turns taking care of him while you’re out of commission. You know, being good friends, helping you out. You, of course, can still sit with a vibrator and watch.

  9. If its not too late… Don’t tell him.

    They didn’t tell you intentionally. They certainly didn’t intend to tell him.

    Plus, if he finds any of them attractive, you’re just planting seeds of temptation that could result in an affair with them. Knowing someone wants you is powerful, even with the best intentions.

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