[FFM] Seduced By A Nerd from Work. Off-the-Rails (Part 2)

This is a continuation of the evening referenced in the original post which you should read to better understand what is going on. Here it is:


“Kate, I’m REALLY sorry. I didn’t realize you were home. Otherwise, I would have been way more discreet.”

“Are you kidding? It was sooooooo hot! I had no idea that you were such a swordsman.” She laughed.

“Thanks…I guess.”

“No. thank YOU. I couldn’t help it but…geez…I listened for a while from my room and she got me off…TWICE!!” Then she giggled “That hasn’t happened in while. Believe me.”

“What?!…” This had already passed the point of weird, and it was about to get even weirder. “Waaay too much information Kate but…uhhh…you’re welcome…I guess?”

“Who is she? WHERE is she? Is she cute? I wanna meet her…ya know…just to see the person that made me…uhh..ya know…happy.” Kate was becoming a little shy about oversharing I think.

“Just met her at the office today. She’s really not my type, but…uhh…yeah…she’s uh sexy? I guess she’s sexy.”

“Is she still here?”

“Yep. Asleep in my room.” I was suddenly becoming suspicious of the line of questioning.

“She’s asleep?” Kate put her bowl of cereal down and perked up. “I wanna see her! I wanna sneak in and see her!”

“Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! NOT a good idea. I think it’s an invasion of her privacy…not cool!” What the hell is wrong with her.

“Yeah…I guess you’re right…” I detected some dejection.

And then she sprinted right past me and rumbled down the stairs before I could even react, and I had to chase her towards my room. The door was wide open because, you know, nobody was supposed to be home!

Before I could catch her, she was at the foot of my bed peering at the splayed form of Tina lightly snoring and now washed in the warm afterglow of dusk.

“647Stealth, she so is so little!” She whispered.

“Get out!” I hissed.

“She has a beautiful body! So toned.” I momentarily contemplated her observation, and well…yeah…I had to admit that she looked really good naked on my bed. Notwithstanding the goofy glasses and the mousy brown hair tussled up on her head, and the brown tweed dress with the cream blouse, underneath was really quite ok. Although, I didn’t think it was appropriate at the time to bring up how beautiful her genitalia was.

“I need to smell her first. Then I’ll leave.” She smiled


Before I could do anything to stop her, she tiptoed over to the side of the bed, bent over Tina’s bottom, and took a long deep sniff. What the fuck??

Kate tiptoed back to my side, at the foot of the bed, leaned against me and whispered “That girl smells like sweat and cum. You should get her cleaned up before she goes anywhere in public.” Of course she smelled, maybe Kate missed the giant gooey slick in the middle of my duvet and the globule of cum drying on Tina’s anus.

“OUT!” and I shoved Kate out of the room, leaving her to giggle up the stairs.

I moved to the side of the bed and nudged Tina on her shoulder. After a few light shakes she awoke momentarily startled by the unfamiliar surroundings and then focusing on me “ Oh, hey!” She giggled.

“Wanna grab a shower? Clean towels are under the sink.”

“oh definitely, thank you.” She rolled over and stretched her arms over her head, arching her back, cat-like. “You fuck better than I expected. I hope we can continue.” She removed her glasses and set them on the side table. “There is so much more I want you to do to me.” She smiled. That fucking smile.

“Remember, I own you.”

“All of my holes.” She winked, grabbed the glass of wine next to her glasses and downed it all in a single dramatic swig.

“See you in a bit.” And with that I returned upstairs to pour another glass of wine for myself.

The immediate problem I had was what to do with Kate. I didn’t feel like Tina and I could continue our night together with Kate in the flat. It was already getting pretty late in the evening so I resolved to drive Tina to wherever she lived, grab a bite along the way, and plan to continue our escapades on another night with no roommates. I was entranced by her beautiful vagina.

“I’m breaking the engagement and leaving Andrew.” I nearly spilt the wine I was pouring. “I don’t think he loves me. He just loves the idea of me. He doesn’t even want to touch me. And he’s a mean drunk.”

I’ve seen his mean streak.

“Pretty heavy stuff for a Tuesday, Kate.” My head was spinning a bit. Here I was re-arranging the organs of some random stranger that I just met, whose name I could not remember, and who was currently taking a shower in our house while Kate was dealing with this existential crisis regarding her future.

“Do you want to talk about this?”

“Not really. I made up my mind weeks ago. I did all my crying then. I just want to get on with my life. Not be afraid. You know? Look, 647Stealth even though you are pretty annoying sometimes, I consider you to be a dear friend and I just wanted you to know. I’m aiming for joy. I feel like I’m about to burst!”

We sat quietly for while in front of the TV. Like friends sometime do. Kate was beaming with her decision, and I was happy for her. I was happy that, despite dirty dishes and arguments over utility bills, she considered me to be her friend.

And then bounding up the stairs exclaiming “I can’t wait for you to own me!” Tina appeared wearing only a white dress shirt that she fished out of my closet. Her damp shower hair made the shirt wet and see-through across her shoulders and down to her breasts where her prominent dark nipples poked against the fabric. Tina was aroused.

My shirt was only buttoned in one spot because it was obvious to her that we were alone. Not only was her dark bush visible, but her pinkish/purple labia was again swollen, prominent, and even from across the room, clearly wet.

I completely forgot to tell Tina that Kate was home.

I expected Tina to yelp in embarrassment and run away downstairs to my bedroom where I would follow and explain myself before driving her home in shame.

That didn’t happen. Instead, with the confidence of a tiny Jedi,

“oh…hi…we haven’t met, my name is Tina.” She smiled at Kate. That fucking smile.

The incredible verve about this moment was that Tina didn’t know Kate’s relationship to me. She could have been anyone to me including my girlfriend, my wife, my sister. Yet she stood there nearly naked, clearly aroused, vulnerable, and just. Calmly. Introduced. Herself.

“Wow…you are so hot!” marvelled Kate loudly.

Somehow this triggered all three of us to fits of giggling.

After the giggling subsided I was finally able to properly introduce Kate as my roommate (and also remember Tina’s name again).

“I came home while you and 647Stealth were in the middle of things. Holy hell!” Kate’s confession was in full swing “I mean…it was so intense…you got me so hot…I mean…I got off. Twice! It’s been so long…like a really long time. Thank you! ” Kate’s throat was flushing bright red as she continued. “ I mean, you’re so powerful…I mean…IT was so powerful…Oh crap…so nice to meet you. I owe you, big time…” and her voice trailed off. Kate was flustered. I knew her for a few years and not once did I see this side of Kate.

I just want to recall that only a few hours earlier I bumped into this completely unremarkable unkempt stranger with zero grooming and drug store glasses. Now, sitting here in front of her is a women gifted with the “pretty gene” reduced to groveling to Tina’s peculiar sensuality.

To this point, I haven’t revealed what Tina actually looked like. She wasn’t high-end pretty like Kate was. I have mentioned her smile a few times and the intensity of her gaze at times. She obviously had pretty lady bits, but I had a hard time understanding her allure to so many people that met her (including me!). She didn’t have conventionally attractive features. She had prominent eyebrows, and she certainly didn’t have a button nose that so many deem attractive. looking back, I would compare her closely to the musician PJ Harvey of the early 2000s. Not only facially, but her body was similar. Small, lithe and athletic like a dancer. However, I doubt PJ Harvey possesses an undercarriage of such remarkable beauty that Tina had.

During Kate’s confession I noticed that Tina was softly biting her lower lip, and that she was shifting her weight from hip-to-hip. And as she did so, a film of wetness was growing on her inner thighs. She WAS hot!

It was at that moment that I regretted my choice to wear a pair of basketball shorts because the next exchange made it very hard to conceal my own arousal as I sat at the opposite end of the couch to Kate.

“When can I collect?”


“When can I collect on what you owe me?…Big time?” Tina smiled.

Instantly, it felt like an unseen charge had entered the room.

“Uh…oh…whenever…what do you…uh…have in mind?” Kate was slightly but noticably squirming on the couch and she had pushed her pelvis so that it was even with the front edge of the couch. Her legs were spread slightly and the seam of her silk green shorts was riding up to give her a very prominent cameltoe. Silk is a very poor material for hiding wetness and her shorts was stained dark at the edges of the seam. Kate was unaware that both Tina and I could see the growing evidence of her arousal. It was literally Tina’s green light!

Tina glided from the top of the stairs to position herself between Kate’s legs. Kate whimpered as Tina stood dominantly over her. Tina was staring into Kate’s eyes while her beautiful pussy was dripping onto the hardwood inches from Kate’s grasp.

“I think you know.”

Kate gasped and her hand fluttered to grasp the back of Tina’s knee, which she pulled against her crotch. The pressure elicited a long soft moan, almost a purr from Kate.

In the meantime, I was barely hanging on. I had long since given up on trying to hide my erection and was sitting on the end of the couch with a useless tent pitched in my shorts. I couldn’t easily comprehend what was happening literally three feet from me. The nerd from work who only hours earlier orgasmed as I face-fucked her, was now actively seducing my pretty roommate right next to me. Minutes after meeting her.

Tina reached out and touched Kate’s jawline and traced her fingers down her neck and collarbone to brush against one of her nipples. Kate groaned and began to actively grind her crotch into Tina’s leg. Tina tweaked Kate’s nipple causing her to squeak delightfully.

“You are so beautiful. When you give me my orgasm, I want you to cum with me. I want to watch your pretty face when you release. This is what you owe me…big time!”

Kate said nothing in return. She was mashing her pussy onto Tina’s leg, her mouth agape and her eyes scrunched shut in her own bliss.

Suddenly Tina pulled away and Kate was left empty and heaving. And confused.

“There is one problem” and for the first time in, like forever, Tina acknowledged me and my tentpole. “Tonight, 647Stealth owns me. All of me. All of my holes. All of my orgasms. For me to collect, he has to release me. Give me permission to cum with you.”

OK. That was an unexpected twist. How the hell did she come up with that in the middle of seducing Kate?

It took me a few seconds to comprehend the situation and then the opportunity. Kate started begging me to give Tina permission and I noticed that she was rolling her hips and rubbing her pussy over he shorts. Her throat and jaw were splotched red and she was clearly on fire so I didn’t want her to lose momentum.

“OK. Here’s the deal. Tina I give you permission to orgasm with Kate. In return, every time I make you come, Kate cums too. I still own you. If you fail you will pay” I tried to growl. It was kind of pitiful but seemed to work in the moment.

While I was making my proclamation, Kate had already shimmied out of her silk shorts and crop top and was naked on the couch in front of Tina. I have seen Kate naked once previously, and her body is impeccably toned. She has smallish tits, bigger than Tina’s, but her nipples are like pretty pink pebbles balanced on top of impossibly white cones.

Unlike Tina’s stunning, gloriously large vagina that opens wide like a flower and oozes with arousal, Kate’s pussy is completely bald with a delicate light pink labia that barely protrudes. Her clit is tiny and I learned later, so sensitive that she recoils when it is rubbed directly. It could be considered the epitome of a peach. Whereas Tina’s anus is puckered and dark and almost always covered in her fluids when aroused, Kate’s is pink and barely visible.

Tina moved back to her position in front of Kate, this time placing her foot on the couch beside Kate’s hip. Her vagina was open and on stunning display and she guided Kate’s trembling fingers to her entrance. Tentatively, Kate inserted a finger up into Tina. At last, Tina cooed and, at last, unbuttoned and discarded my shirt that was shrouding her body. Kate is only about 5’4” tall and about 120 pounds, but she looked much larger than Tina when she pulled Kate’s face in to suck on her nipples. It was incredibly erotic to watch my roommate fingering and sucking on the nipples of, essentially, a stranger to both of us.

Tina began to moan softly as Kate spent more time teasing her nipples. In turn, Tina expertly spread and lifted Kate’s legs so that Tina had full access to her opening. And she did something a bit unexpected. Without so much as a warning, Tina jammed three of her littel fingers hard into Kate’s cooch. The suddenness made Kate cry out against Tina’s nipples in shock and pain, and within a few seconds, immense arousal. Tina was in complete control. Actually, I think Tina was in complete control all night. As she was slamming three fingers roughly into her pussy, Tina pushed Kate’s head down so that she was essentially straddling Kate’s pretty face. At no time did Tina relent her fingering assault on Kate’s delicate pink vagina as she rode Kate’s tongue. Complete control.

As far as I have known Kate, she was about as straight as I thought possible. She actually still acts straight, but on that hot summer evening, something sure bent in her. Because one of the absolutely sexiest things ever in my life was listening to the slurping of Kate’s tongue against the always seemingly impossibly wet pussy of Tina.

“Oh baby, don’t stop. That is perfect! Please don’t stop….ohhhh! mmphh! Oh fuck! Your tongue.” And as Tina convulsed and spasmed through her orgasm, she slid down Kate’s body while finger fucking her with those three fingers. Kate’s delicate pink pussy was squelching and schlicting to the rhythm.

“My god. This is impossible! Please. Please. Please. Don’t stop.” Kate’s hips were bouncing and rolling and her arms were flailing. And to push Kate over the edge into bliss, Tina fluttered her tongue against Kate’s clit and that was it.

Kate’s body tensed into full rigor mortis and she stopped breathing momentarily, as a massive orgasm coursed through her body. Tina scrambled up her torso to watch up close the spectacle of this uncommon beauty, whose juice covered face was bright red, and in the throes of a truly epic orgasm that she caused. After an eternity, Kate gasped and rolled into spasms then she began to sob in utter ecstasy. After a while as their breathing returned to normal, both of the girls giggled softly and then kissed deeply.

It was one of the most beautiful things that I have ever witnessed. Vivid to this day. And one of the reasons I was compelled to share this.

I was still sitting there on the end of the couch will a massive hard-on twitching under my shorts.

Soon, Tina slid down again between Kate’s legs and was beginning to softly lick and butterfly kiss around Kate’s pretty little slit. After her earlier explosion I thought that there was no way that Kate could handle any more, but I was wrong. Kate was staring down intently into Tina’s eyes as her tongue danced and rolled around her little clit.

“Oh…you know how to push my buttons. That feels sooooo fucking good.”

It was on again!

And this time, Tina was on her knees with her face between Kate’s legs and her cute butt and beautiful vagina in the air inches from my face. Inviting my participation.

I finally removed my shorts, and my member sprang up and waved in the air.


I looked up to see Kate staring at my cock. It never even entered my mine that she had not once ever seen me naked before this night.

“it’s pretty isn’t it?” Tina giggled from between Kates legs.

“Shut up and eat!” Kate grabbed a tuft of Tina’s of hair and pushed her face back into her crotch. Tina moaned and I could see goosebumps form on her thighs next to me. She loved being submissive.

“It is pretty though.”

Those were the last words spoken before I impaled Tina’s pussy from behind. With no warning. Just jammed it into her swollen folds. Tina’s groans were muffled by Kate’s slick pussy.

“Fuck her. Hard!” Kate was staring at me with those crystal blue eyes. They were molten with passion.

I tried to oblige. My hips were slapping into Tina’s wet little ass and my balls were bouncing off her clit.

Kate was groaning and mashing Tina’s face into her cunt with no regard for Tina’s well-being. Kate was in full use-mode. Intent only on her own pleasure. And Tina was loving it.

“Fuck her. Faster!” I tried to go faster. Tina ‘s cries of ecstasy were muffled by Kate’s crotch.

“Ooohhhh! Tina your tongue is so good. I’m so close again.”

Kate and I were staring intently at each other as she urged me to pound Tina into oblivion. Kate’s upper torso, throat and cheeks were again bright red. With my thumb, I began to massage Tina’s butthole. It was again super lubricated by vaginal fluids from her earlier orgasm. So, it popped in effortlessly when I pushed on her entrance. Her hips squirmed in response and she groaned into Kate’s bald pussy. I tried somewhat successfully to match my thumb movements to my thrusts.

Kate was staring amazed that I was fucking Tina’s tiny bum with my thumb. Soon after, Kate’s eyes widened with surprise and she gasped hard and shuddered. Tina had moved Kate’s spread legs up to her chest and although I couldn’t see well, I knew that Tina was licking Kate’s pink little anus. I was envious of Tina. Kate’s eyes then transitioned to being nearly closed and she was smiling blissfully with little gasps of pleasure. Yep. Kate was really enjoying Tina eating her ass.

“Ooohhh yeah” long gasp “So nice!” Short gasp. From my angle I could see that Tina had replaced her tongue with her ring finger, was finger fucking Kate’s pussy with her other hand and I could hear her lapping away, assuming somewhere near Kate’s clit. That was my move! After a pretty short time, of all of the stimulus from Tina, Kate groaned hard.

“I’m gonna cum 674Stealth, you’re gonna make me come again!” Who was she referring to?

At that moment Tina’s pussy began to spasm, her anus began to wink around my thumb and I felt a rush of wetness rush over my cock and balls. Tina was mummffing into Kate’s pussy as she beat everyone to her orgasm.

“I’m coming again!” And Kate squeeled in pleasure as she humped Tina’s tongue and various fingers to her now fourth orgasm from Tina. Watching her pretty face twisted in that ecstatic agony was all that I could handle. I pulled out of Tina’s beautiful vagina and had a deeply inappropriate impulse. In the middle of her orgasm I ran to Kate and literally jammed my cock down her mouth and shot my load down her throat as she trembled.

Honestly, this was a super bad idea because, up until this point in our lives, I never once even thought about touching Kate in any way sexually. I didn’t even know if she liked sucking cock, let alone swallowing jism.

Luckily, she not only welcomed it, but she also grabbed ahold and eagerly cleaned Tina’s cum off of it after I finished pumping the last bit down her throat.

“Holy shit 647Stealth, that was fucking HOT!” I remember being exceptionally relieved at that moment. I may have crossed a boundary that could have had a terrible outcome. Then again, Kate and Tina and I had busted though a boatload of boundaries that unforgettable evening.

When Kate pulled Tina up from her pussy, for the first time I noticed a tinge of disappointment because she didn’t get the chance to swallow my cock. Kate ended that by giving Tina another deeply passionate and tender kiss. To say that Kate worshipped Tina’s mouth would be a giant understatement. It had to last for over a minute and when it was over Kate cuddled Tina into her bosom. It was so beautiful. Tina’s lithe little body looked like an elven princess being held by Kate, the protective queen.

Drained and dehydrated, we all fell asleep on the couch. It wasn’t even 9pm yet.

Things got even weirder after our little nap. If that is possible.

I may share the story of the end of the night later. It’s just that…I keep that one close to me. And it is a much less frequent withdrawal from the spank bank, which is what this is all about.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/w9jynp/ffm_seduced_by_a_nerd_from_work_offtherails_part_2


  1. Fucking hell, that was so hot. Can’t wait to hear how the evening ended! I so hope you share that story!

  2. WOW!!! Im no frequent reader but this is so perfectly written in my opinion!! We need all the updates possible please!!!! UPDATE!!

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