[F] The time I touched myself with the windows open not realising people can see me

This happened a year back. I’m a Muslim hijabi and I cover myself well out in public. I was just starting a job at the city and I got to live in an apartment provided by my boss. The apartment though was in a quiet area just about to be developed. It was on the 11th floor and I shared the room and the queen bed with a colleague because it was just a temporary arrangement. Work starts early morning and ends after the sun has set and in the morning my room mate would close the curtains so I couldn’t really see the view properly. From what I could see, the huge window overlooked and empty land with just trees and a small lake. I do know however that there was a Starbucks with a drive-thru near the apartment. And as always, the Starbucks is always full and cars were always lining up. I’m bad with my spatial skills so I have no idea where it is located relative to the unit I was living in.

After a few nights of sharing the room, my colleague went back home for a some nights so I had the room all to myself. Along the years I have developed an exhibition kink, I started to enjoy playing with myself with the windows open, but I made sure no one could actually see. For example back home my room was on the second floor and the window that I usually face when I play with myself didn’t face another second floor (the next door neighbour was a one-storey house).

So there I was alone at night, horny and finally being able to relieve myself. I opened the curtains because I was so sure the curtains just faced an open land. I sat on the edge of the bed completely naked, even took pictures of my reflection and touched myself. It was so hot but I still was a bit scared if someone saw me so I made it quick, gave myself a good orgasm and closed the curtain again and went to bed.

The next day I went about my day as usual. I don’t remember how many days have passed when I finally took a good look at the view of my window. Right underneath it was the high-traffic Starbucks. And that was when I started panicking. Later on that night my friend drove near the Starbucks to get into the parking entrance of the apartment building and I looked up and I saw that the windows to all of the units were completely transparent and you can clearly see what goes on inside. So I thought “fuck someone could’ve seen my tits out that night”. If people were in their car queuing up and if they looked up they would definitely be able to see my naked body on display that night.

So that was definitely the first and the last time I played with myself out in the open, in that apartment, of course. I still do it now in my own home where I know no one can see.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/w7x2lv/f_the_time_i_touched_myself_with_the_windows_open


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