(Part 2) Jenni’s Tale [fantasy, female pov, sexism, early 20s F, mid 20s M, potential triggering content: contains descriptions of sex slavery, rape, and prostitution]

[Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/w1q0k0/jennis_tale_female_pov_rough_sex_prostitution/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


“I’m not sure that’s such a good idea,” the mayor was explaining. “I’m very happy you’ve volunteered, of course, but are you sure you’ll be safe? We don’t know what’s going on over there.”

“I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself,” I explained back to the mayor, “and Ayala knows the woods between here and there better than anyone.”

“The woods are the least of my concerns frankly,” the mayor mused looking over us with one of those lingering gazes that leaves you feeling a bit uncomfortable. He stared a moment, then an idea seemed to come to him.

“Alright you have the job, but on the condition you take an escort.” The mayor announced.

Ayala rolled her eyes while I just started back in disbelief. Sometimes this cute sleepy little town seemed so mired in tradition it hurt.

“What? Why?” I asked.

The mayor ignored my question and continued, “My son can accompany you, to see you come to no harm.” and then he called through the open doorway. “Robert, I have a job for you.”

There was a loud disgruntled sigh, and a man stepped through the door. Not just any man of course…

“You!” Ayala yelled in anger and surprise.

Robert glanced her way, and smiled recognizing her. “Hey it’s the whore from the alley yesterday, you come back for more? You brought your friend too I see!”

“Ahem!” The mayor cleared his throat and looked scornfully at his son.

“Right, sorry. I mean… not that I’d know anything… um… about any illegal, um… activities that would embarrass the family?”

There was a collective groan from the rest of us in the room. So the jerk from yesterday was the mayor’s son.

His father quickly changed the subject “Given you all seem acquainted already I’ll skip introductions. You all have the job, scout the unusual smoke coming from the other side of the ridge and report back as soon as possible. The townsfolk are growing nervous, and we need to know if this is a concern. Don’t tell anyone what you’re doing though, I don’t want to fan any sparks of panic until we know what’s going on.”

“Gotya pops,” Robert said with a smile and a half-hearted salute. “come on ladies, stay close and I’ll keep you safe!” and with that he marched right out the door. While I exchanged a look of disbelief with Ayala. This wasn’t the job we bargained for.

We said goodbye to the mayor and met up with Robert just outside of town. He called for us to follow him again, and we did, albeit reluctantly. Robert talked long and loud about his many accomplishments as we walked along the main road, but the two of us were generally quiet. Ayala said nothing at all, leaving me to blabber “yes, oh interesting, uh huh” and other such nonsense at every outlandish tale he dreamed up. He certainly must be impressed with himself, I decided.

We were nearly up the hill and Robert was on some tangent about differences between various popular types of shields in military regiments when Ayala finally got some nerve and interrupted him.

“Do you ever stop talking?” She finally asked in a frustrated tone.

“Well someone has to keep our spirits up,” Robert replied, a bit surprised at her tone.

“No spirits will come within a mile of us with this much noise,” Ayala retorted.

Robert looked confused a moment before things clicked, “Oh right, you’re half-elf. You actually believe all that magical nonsense then?”

Ayala’s face got a little red, but she calmed herself. “It’s not nonsense.”

Robert laughed as we crested the ridge line. A couple more turns and the valley would be in view at least. Hopefully then we could finish our job, head home, and be done with this banter. Thankfully the exchange quieted Robert down, not that awkward silence was much better.

We rounded the first switchback going down the hill, then Ayala suddenly stopped.

I noticed and turned to look at her. She was looking at something near or in her satchel or waist and seemed concerned. “I think we should get off the road,” she said.

“What? That’s nonsense. Why?” Robert replied.

Ayala just glanced at him and then at me.

“Okay lead the way,” I said, not sure what she was onto.

“Seriously? What is this?” Robert called from the road as we headed into the brush. “You’re going to get lost!”

“You can stay here or follow us as you like, but be quiet if you follow.” Ayala said back just above a whisper.

Robert just rolled his eyes and sighed, “Dammit whore, where are you leading us?” He moaned, but still trudged off the road and followed us.

One could definitely tell Ayala was used to this, she moved quickly and quietly through the woods while I struggled to keep up. Robert followed behind, grunting and muttering under his breath, but mostly keeping quiet as requested. After a few moments we came to a cliff side, you could see the valley stretching out before us.

I gasped in surprise, this beautiful valley I’d passed through a few weeks earlier was now dotted with the scattered smoking remains of farms, barns, and fields. There was scarcely a building left standing.

“What happened?” I whispered to no one in particular.

“Nothing good,” Ayala replied in a forlorn voice.

“Tempest Raiders, from the sea,” Robert chimed in, “Bet they’re here looking for slaves to sell.”

“What makes you say that?” I asked curiously.

“They’re always raiding homesteads along the coast here. They’ll kill anyone who resists and put the rest in chains. Sail away with them and sell them in Venato.” Robert replied rather confidently.

“I’ve never heard of them destroying a whole valley like this before though. There must be over a hundred homes burnt just from what we can see.” Ayala said doubtfully.

“Must be a large group. Come, I’ll prove it to you,” Robert said and worked his way down the hill back in the direction of the road. After we shared a doubtful glance the two of us reluctantly followed. Though Ayala seemed to be nervous and hanging back more, so I stayed by her side.

“Venato is an amazing city, beautiful architecture, and your choice of slaves,” Robert began explaining. “If you have excellent connections like me, you can rent a night with a beautiful woman for merely a silver coin or two. Plus they’ll do anything you want…” Robert turned around and gave Ayala a disapproving glance, an obvious allusion to their encounter yesterday “…because they know their master will punish them harshly if they don’t. Those are some creative punishments too! Maybe they’ll force them to be a street whore, or resell to some goblins, or worse. They have an arena many slaves end up in. The shows are incredible, you’d never see anything like them here, though maybe not for the squeamish. Anyway it’s really an amazing place. You should visit.”

“It sounds… interesting.” I said back, a bit at a loss for words. It honestly sounded like the last place I wanted to be.

Just then Ayala, put her hand across my chest, “wait!” she whispered as a warning.

“What’s wro…”

“Shhh!” she warned, “get down.”

“But what about Ro…”

Ayala clamped her hand across my mouth as we both got on our hands and knees behind a nearby shrub. The road was just ahead. I couldn’t see anything, but Ayala seemed worried.

“Look here,” she whispered to me. Out of her waistband she pulled out a small silver dagger. It was elegantly engraved with some kind of writing I couldn’t read. The dagger glowed very faintly with an eerie blue light. “That glow, there’s danger nearby.” She explained as quietly as she could, putting the dagger back in its sheath. I just nodded, and crouched next to her.

Robert kept walking, and talking, not realizing we weren’t there… “The arena? Interesting? Oh yes, it is! I managed to catch a night show. This woman, a disobedient slave I was told, she was chased down and railed by 70 men! Right there on the arena floor. Can you believe that? 70! She didn’t seem too happy about it either. Not that anyone cared, she was a slave after all!” Robert was laughing at his own story as he went, oblivious to the fact he was walking alone now. He reached the road and stepped out onto it.

Then we heard shouting from down the hill. Robert stopped his yammering, turned and looked in surprise, his mouth hung open. You could see his face filled with fear. He screamed and turned tail, running up the hill.

I began to reach for my bow.

“Don’t…” Ayala warned, “there’s too many.”

I quickly saw what she meant, as many as a dozen figures chased after him. They were not men, but vaguely similar. They stood maybe two feet taller, with rough tan skin, and tusks protruding from their mouth. Their arms and legs were muscular and powerful. They bellowed deeply as they ran after Robert.

“Orcs,” Ayala explained in a hushed tone, “I knew those pirates would never burn on that scale. They only ever raid quickly then retreat to sea.”

The chase was short, and they quickly fell upon Robert, tackling him to the ground. “Ayala! Jenni! Help me!” We heard him wail.

“Fuck,” Ayala muttered under her breath. “they’ll come looking for us now.”

“What do we do?” I asked worriedly.

“Stay still,” Ayala mentioned. “I have a trick or two if we need it.” She started rummaging through her small satchel.

“Bring him here,” A loud voice bellowed from the path, “Find his companions.”

“Wait! Please don’t hurt me, I’ll tell you everything!” Robert was pleading. “We mean you no harm!”

The orc with the loud voice approached Robert who was being held firmly by the others. This orc seemed different. He stood a head higher than the others, and unlike them he was clad in crude iron armor. It looked strong, and only added to his terrifying persona.

“Tell me who you are weakling,” the orc snorted, brandishing an iron axe, “and I might choose mercy.”

Robert stammered, trying his best to sound brave, “I… I’m Robert… I’m the son of the mayor of Mossyrock! A very important person you know! I’d be careful not to harm me. My father knows the King himself! A whole legion of troops will come to wipe you out if you harm me!”

The orc just laughed, “Good, I’d love a real fight.”

“You don’t know who you’re messing with here! My father, he’s greatly respected!” Robert warned again, his voice cracking with a terrified uncertainty.

The big orc grinned, “Okay how about you lead us to your town, human. We’d love an audience with such an esteemed ruler.”

Ayala finished her rummaging and shoved something in my hand. It was a small vial. “Drink that and run as fast as you can to town!” she told me. “You’ll be invisible for a couple of minutes. It should give you enough of a head start to get away from here. You need to warn them, these orcs could be there soon.”

“Wait, what about you?” I asked.

“I need to warn my own people,” Ayala commented, “If they’ll listen to me that is…”

“I’m sure they will,” I reassured her, “good luck.”

“You too!” she replied and drank a potion of her own. Her figure slowly faded away into nothingness.

I took a deep breath to gather my strength, and drank my own potion. I felt lightheaded, and winced a little at the sour taste. When I opened my eyes though I glanced at my hand. I couldn’t see it at all! It was working! Knowing I had no time to lose. I darted away from the bush, away from that danger as fast as my legs could take me. Over the top of the hill and down the other side I ran. Jumping over boulders, weaving around trees. My lungs ached, but I kept pushing myself.

The potion lasted longer than I expected, and I stumbled once or twice. It can be surprisingly hard to run across uneven ground when you can’t see your own feet. I was exceedingly grateful when they began to reappear. My race back to town took nearly an hour, but it finally came into sight. My legs were weak, my lungs were about to burst, but I pressed on. I caught sight of the guard and waved my arms frantically to get his attention.

“Hey!” I yelled breathlessly, “We… need to warn… everyone!”

The guard came towards me as I stumbled towards him. I collapsed at his feet panting.

“Woah, easy there Lass. What’s gotten you so worked up?” He asked a bit concerned.

“Orcs!” I gasped, “A whole group of them! They got Robert!”

“What madness is this!?” the guard sounded confused, “There’s no Orcs in these parts, the king drove them well away years ago.”

“It’s true! I saw them with my own eyes!” I explained. “They grabbed Robert!”

“Robert? You mean the mayor’s son? You got away though?” the man asked, seeming a bit confused. “A trained soldier gets captured by Orcs while a woman slips away somehow?”

“Ayala, she gave me a potion… I turned invisible, and raced all the way here!”

“You… um, turned invisible?” he replied with doubt in his voice. Then he beckoned to his companion, “It’s that traveler Jessi, or Jenni, she claims some Orcs grabbed Robert in the woods.”

“Orcs?” The other man laughed, “Really?”

The guard standing over me replied, “I know, but it’s what she claims. That and she can turn invisible.”

It began to dawn on me, they didn’t believe me, did they?

“Well something frightened her,” the one standing over me continued, “she’s shaking like she saw a ghost.”

I looked up at the other guard, who looked down at me. He rolled his eyes, “She’s probably just eaten some bad mushrooms, poor thing.”

“What!?” I gasped, “No you have to believe me! I need to warn the mayor!”

The guard standing over me shook his head, “Of course, I’ve seen this before. Her face is bright red too. Hey relax now miss, you’re just a bit delusional. Let’s get you someplace safe until you sober up.”

The two men each grabbed my arms, and picked me up.

“No wait!” I protested, “Stop! We’re all in danger!” I must have sounded like a mad woman to them, screaming about monsters.

They just laughed. If I’d had more strength I would have fought them off, or at least tried, but I was exhausted from running and could barely lift my arms. They took me to the guard post just inside the town’s wooden stockade.

Despite my protests I was disarmed and placed in a small dark holding cell. My things were set just outside my cell on a table. There was only a small window in the door and another narrow one on the outside of the wall. It looked out of town in the direction of the road.

As they locked me in I pleaded one last time, “Please, tell the mayor what’s happened! His son is in danger!”

The two men just laughed again, “Easy missy, we’ll be back in a couple of hours once you’re feeling well again. Then we can have a long talk about these ‘orcs’ you saw.”

“It’s not a hallucination!” I pleaded.

They just laughed again, “Sure, sure, whatever you say. See you in a couple hours.” one of them said. Then the other added, “Hey don’t those shrooms make you horny too? Maybe we’ll all have some fun if you haven’t come down from your buzz yet?”

There was more laughter.

I kicked the ground in frustration sending up a small cloud of dust from the earthen floor as they left me to return to their posts. This was impossible, I couldn’t believe it, the town was in danger and they didn’t believe a word! What was I going to do?

I sat on the small bench in the room and stared out the thin window down the road, hoping they’d let me out soon, dreading what might be standing outside this window before they did.


Hi again everyone 👋

I hope I grabbed all the important tags with the new rules, but please let me know if I messed something up and I’ll fix it!

Chapter 2 is complete. Let me know your thoughts! We’re building up to the next chapter. There’s danger coming, and being locked in a cell is a precarious position to be in during such times. 😬

Anyway, hope you all have a safe and sexy day! 😊

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/w6mevk/part_2_jennis_tale_fantasy_female_pov_sexism


  1. Yeah, 2nd chapter!!!!! Finally We get to see some COOL Magic!!! Glowing weapons are the BEST!!!! Storm Raiders are now my favorite group!!! I can’t wait to see how the story of the Orcs plays out….Why are they back??? What do they want??? Happily looking forward to Chapter 3!!!!

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