Platonic Friends 14 – Playground Relations Pt 3 (fiction, 23M/23F/23F, Con, Friends, Roommates, Open Relationship Established)

We had quickly ordered our food before our *drinks* that were heavily spiked with all the fun stuff that Emma promised would be there could kick in.

Felicity ordered a simple salad with light dressing and light oils.  Plus a small order of shrimp.

Emma also ordered a simple salad with no dressing light oils with a small order of oysters.

I, however, did not order *rabbit food* as I went with the steak and lobster meal and opted for water while Emma ordered *another* spiked drink and pushed each of us for another round. This time it was OUR choice.

Felicity went with a simple pina colada.

While I went for the more well rounded old fashioned and swore this was the LAST drink as I didn’t want to get hammered and not remember the night.

We put in our orders and before the food could come the first drink and it’s additives kicked in causing ALL of us to become rather frisky.

It wasn’t long before Felicity had essentially removed her dress to keep it from being torn as it was folded at the end of the U shaped booth giving me access to her entire body as the only thing that remained was a thinly material pair of panties.

Emma on the other hand obviously didn’t care about her dress as the top part had fallen to the side giving me access to her bigger boobs and the bottoms were pulled up around her waist giving access to her *free* bottoms.

We spent god knows how long simply kissing one another letting our tongues intermingle while I try to not take dominance and *choose* which one would be blowing me while the other I would be kissing though in my heart I kind of knew who would be doing what.

Then each of us *decided* what *appetizer* we would each be enjoying as each girl took her place.

Emma naturally disappeared back under the table and helped remove my own clothing to where I was swinging in the breeze as she wrapped her warm mouth around me to show her suction game.

And Felicity stood up and straddled my face from above as she lowered herself down.

I quickly got lost in the sensations as Felicity became **MY** appetizer and I became **EMMA**’s appetizer as she played tug of war with her mouth on my soldier causing me to twitch.

I don’t know how long we were each other’s appetizer but I was surprised that I hadn’t fired off from Emma’s obvious expert level in her head game.  I think being lost in Felicity’s labia kept me distracted.

After being lost for so long we *barely* heard the knock letting us know our waitress would be entering as Felicity fell to her side of the table before disappearing under the table while Emma remained attached leaving me to deal with the waitress.

The waitress walked in carrying our food and not saying much as she placed each plate where the girls were sitting along with my food.  Then she placed another drink before placing a large pitcher on the table.

And without another word, though she did blush, the waitress quickly turned and left closing the door behind her and resealing us in our own bubble.

Mind you as soon as we got lost in ourselves the whole *we need food* went out the window….quickly.  So when the food was set down and the waitress left gave us the opportunity….or the girl’s the opportunity to tag each other and *switch* being appetizers.

Emma quickly came up and straddled my face pulling me in to taste **her** labia while Felicity remained down below as she enjoyed **ME** being **HER** appetizer.

When that switch happened let me tell you there was a **CLEAR** difference.

I mean yes both girl’s pussy tasted differently.  I understood that no girl’s pussy would taste exactly the same so that *difference* was a ‘*gimme*’.

No the difference was in their head game.  Emma being the more….enthusiastic as it *seemed* she preferred my dick down her throat over air.

Well that and seeing if her suction could make my already of a monster phallic object more monstrous….and possibly more scary like she **WANTED** my tip to touch her actual stomach for a more direct line when I let off my protein package.

At least that is what it **seemed** like.

Still not complaining.

Then there’s Felicity who was more *gentle* though she did snake the object down it more like she was cooing the object and gaining more of a pact with it and it’s owner over *brute force* and a *high suction* game.

So yeah that was a *clear* difference though last time Felicity kissed my snake she was gentle last time too…..though I don’t remember her swallowing the python but last time we did kind of quickly get to the act over enjoying each other.

Then there’s the *taste*, though I had alcohol on my tongue, it was clear **BOTH** girls used some type of flavor *enhancing* product as Emma tasted like strawberries and cream while Felicity tasted like peaches.

Yeah you can’t get that **natural** flavor without using some type of product.

Still it was welcoming….and helped enjoy them like a lifesaver as I licked and sucked my way until their thighs were shaking, beginning to slap my face as they held my head for balance and panting.

Once the girls thighs had enough slapping against my head while I tried to eat my way to their hearts……and my raging hard on was ready to cut through every metal known to man it was time to *switch* from one orifice to a different equally wet velvet one just without the teeth.

I don’t know **who** pushed the table out for more access but using whatever blood was left in my brain and using *logic* my only conclusion on *who* pushed the table away had to have been Felicity as Emma was currently shaking her thighs into my head while I was 3/4 of the way to her heart.

Still the table moved, giving more room as Emma almost fell to the ground as her legs were shaking and she was panting.

I blinked finally after having body shades covering my eyes for an extended period of time to see a petite silhouette straddle over me before the silhouette was lowering herself down on the unbendable object as heard Felicity groan as my mind was flooded with Felicity’s warmth, wetness, and firmness as she slid herself down further and further on my important object causing a groan to be caught in my throat as Felicity was cooing…..and saying something that sounded like *compliments* but the repeated thigh slaps to my head kind of made me loose temporary hearing as my ears rang.

My vision came back after a few seconds to find that the **table** had been moved as far away from the booth as possible, giving the center a more open atmosphere.

There I saw Emma laying on the ground holding herself as she was obviously panting as her legs shook while Felicity was currently *beginning* to ride me saying something but the ringing made any way of hearing it impossible.

Still I grabbed Felicity’s hips and **helped** her ride me as we slowly found each others rhythms.  Her’s was almost easy to find but it was too painfully slow for my liking as my hard on was currently throbbing something fierce.

I felt myself speak, “mind if we change positions?”

I could hear Felicity’s response but was watching her when I asked and between the way her mouth moved and her nod I imagined she said yes with the way her head nodded.

I moved my hips and basically rolled Felicity along the U shaped chair/sofa so I could be on top to start actually fucking as now whatever was in the drink from earlier had really kicked in as my dick was throbbing demanding I use it.

I started pumping my dick in and out of Felicity while she moaned and groaned in appreciation as I was getting close to popping my top.

Without asking *where* could I cum with one final push I grunted as my dick pulsed in Felicity’s pussy as I watched her eyes go wide to stare at me as she felt her insides get flooded causing her to gasp and hold her breath.


I looked down and in Felicity’s petite frame I could see exactly where my dick was bouncing inside Felicity giving off a faint indentation.

I smiled weakly at the scene, never seeing this before before my orgasm made me roll my eyes and the euphoria took me and I groaned as I arched my back as my dick continued to *splurt* my first **big** load.

Eventually my orgasm subsided and my dick stopped bouncing as the last bit of my thick goo was now leaking out as I pulled my dick out of Felicity as she sat there panting from the usage as we looked at each other a smile plastered on our faces.

I watched her face and eyes shudder as I pulled my penis out of her now sensitive vagina before letting go of her body to essentially slump on the U shaped bench.  My goo now leaking out of her lower anatomy.

I panted myself happy my first load was now out of my system but as I looked down my dick wasn’t beginning it’s *deflation* process as I had used it until **I** orgasm instead it was back to **RAGING** and pulsating just as hard.

One look at it and I *knew* that Emma had just sealed her fate as now I had to do something with it.

I looked down at Emma who had watched everything still panting though she had gotten herself somewhat under control.

I turned to face her and all she did was smile at me with a wink as she grabbed the back of her thighs as she presented herself to me for easy access.  

She smiled and cooed at me, “Don’t hold back.”
