Old Flames 06 – Lust Quarrel Conclusion (fiction, M29/F28, con, friends, exs, rekindle, hate sex)

Sam looked up at me with tears in her eyes, “I’m sorry Kev,” before she started crying causing me want to instantly jump and wave my hands at her begging her to not cry.

Like I had done when we were together.

I hated seeing her cry when we together.

And seeing her cry now just brought back all those memories….and it hurt.

I looked down at her and sighed not offering any part of my body as that would be an opening in my mind instead I remained sitting on my bed, “You can be sorry later Sam.  Just go get some sleep and *maybe* we’ll talk in the morning.”

I stood towering over her body as she still hadn’t fully gotten up as I spoke, “You can still take the couch Sam but please leave my room.”

I turned, “And now if you shall excuse me I have a **cold** shower calling my name,” and walked off to my attached master bathroom to my room leaving Sam not caring how she left as long as she left my room by the time I got out of the shower.  Before I closed my door to my bathroom I spoke into the room, “Good night Sam,” and closed the door.

I turned on the light instantly making me regret the bright light in my bathroom as I nearly cursed in a variety until I semi got myself under control and made a mental note to have accent lights installed or something to cut the pure brightness of the bathroom.  Something to make it dim but not dark.

I moved over to the shower after I made the mental note deciding to turn on the shower on **ICE** setting before reaching back over to the lights and simply shutting the fuckers off as they were too bright making my alcohol soaked mind hating it all together and welcomed the dark.

Once in darkness I stripped down letting the cold air on my body do it’s thing as a certain part of my body was still rebelling against me for the form in the other room demanding it go back it’s home that it sorely missed.

Even in the darkness I mumbled down to the raging flesh, “I’m gonna make you listen,” before stepping into the altered shower as torrents of ice cold water fresh from the icebergs causing me to curse out a shrill as I exclaimed to no one in the darkness, “***HOLY SWEET JESUS MOTHER FRACKER MARY AND JOSEPH THAT’S COLD!!!!***”

I looked down in the darkness as I could literally see my rager in the sub arctic water as I thought *THIS WILL TEACH YOU!!!* thinking the iceberg water will make it run and hide so it doesn’t get frostbite and fall off as I stepped back slightly letting to full blast of the frozen arctic hit the throbbing piece of my flesh while I tried to not shrill and scream like a girl.

Now it was a test to see *WHO* would tap out first….me….or….well little me.  And I knew I was stubborn enough to know **I** was going to win but it was if I looked down in the darkness I could see ‘*little me*’ give me the bird and laugh maniacally at me yelling *I’m **NOT** going away until I go back to **MY** home!*.

Definitely a battle of wills as I let the sub-arctic water blast against my important body part ready for the long haul as I showed my little man I was the master and not him….or….he’ll fall off and I become a eunuch.

My battle wasn’t long before some light was shown telling me that my bathroom door was opened as I heard Sam speak, “You ok in there Kev?” quickly followed by her speaking, “And why is it dark?”

The ultra bright lights in my bathroom turned on making me instantly regret never installing accent lights as I almost hissed and spat out a multitude of expletives as I made the final decision in my mind ‘*Tomorrow I’m going to the store and buy accent lights to install in here*’ as I groaned to Sam, “Yeah I’m ok Sam.  Now will you turn off the fucking lights and leave me be!”

I watched as Sam rounded the corner so I could see her…..as she stood nude.

And giving my little man the *vigor* he needed as he raged against the arctic waters though now I could no longer feel him as he was slightly purple in the light.

Sam pouted at me, “I was dirty and hoped to shower before bed.”

I saw her smiling at me and semi giving me a wicked smile as she twisted her nude body this way and that showing off her curves while she caught small glimpses of my rager in the middle of arctic blasting water against it.

I looked at her and nearly growling, “What’s wrong with the shower downstairs?”

Sam twisted her form slightly as she pouted, “It’s smaller!!!”

I looked at her, “**YEAH!!! AND…..!!!**”

She frowned at me, “And it’s missing you.”

She reached in touching the water and instantly flinched bringing her hand back to her body, “Jesus!!! Why is the water so ***cold***?”

She looked down at what was currently being blasted before looking up at me and smiled wickedly, “*Teaching **him** a lesson?*”

I looked at her stone faced before sighing and nodding.

Her smile turned wolfish as she cooed, “Shame your punishing yourself.”

I remained silent as she continued, “How about you turn the water warmer so I can help with your problem?”

I reached behind me and turned the dial from *ICE* to *Warm* as the water slowly turned from being fresh off the iceberg to something warmer.

I stepped forward intending to walk **passed** Sam so I could **exit** my shower as put her hand on me, “Where do you think you’re going?”

I looked down at her, “Out!”

She pouted as she looked down at my now purple yogurt slinger who refused to run and hide from the ice water as it remained in its **raged** state before looking at me, “But Why?”

I groaned, “**BECAUSE** ***SAM*** I don’t want to fuck you.”

She smirked at me, “You sure?”

I sighed, “Yes I’m sure!  I’ve moved on.”

She pushed me into the shower as I let her, “Then WHY are you letting me push you in?”

I looked at her, “Because I don’t want to slip and fall.”  I leaned down, “WHY are you being so flirty when just a second ago we were literally fighting?”

She looked at me, “Because **I** miss you Kev.”

She looked down and spoke, “And *someone* has missed me too it seems.”

I sighed, “That’s **ONLY** because you’re nude Sam.  It’s an involuntary reaction.”

She looked up at me, “I don’t think so.”

I felt her reach and grab my frozen member and feeling her warm hand instantly made me groan as she spoke, “I think you’ve missed me too.  You’re just denying it.”

I looked down, “Yeah AND?”

Sam smiled at me and grabbed my hand and pulled it down until my hand was touching her pussy as she purred, “Well *she’s* missed you just like I have.”

I looked her in the eye as I spoke, “I *think* you’re misconstruing the leftover lube as that *she* misses me.”

Sam gasped as her eyes went wide, “Why you *little*…”

Sam tried to *hit* me again this time I blocked her and luckily for me the hand she used to hit me was the same one that was grasping my rager that was back to being a rager.

I spoke, “I **told** to stop trying to hit me!”

Sam wiggled trying to get her hand free, “And HOW DARE YOU MENTION……”

I smiled, “You gonna deny that there’s still lube in your pussy?”

Sam blushed as she turned her face, “Why do you **keep** doing this?”

I spoke loudly, “Keep doing what?  Trying to seduce you Sam?”

She looked at me, “No!  Keep starting the fight?”


She screamed at me, “***OH YEAH!!!***”

Before I could retort anything she lunged towards me and jumped quickly wrapping her legs around me and wrapped her free hand around my neck and moved in to kiss me.

And it completely startled me.

And threw off my anger.

I stood there frozen as I barely held us both up on my drunken legs….in the shower.

Her tongue darted into my mouth as I remained with my eyes open at the kiss, then I began to fall and did the only thing I could think of to catch us both.

I let go of her slapping hand and used both hands to catch us on the wall to steady myself causing Sam to moan into my mouth that was still open.

Sam pulled back from my open mouth and ran her fingers through my hair before getting a handful and pulling back as she hissed, “Kiss me back you *fool*!”

I nearly screamed having my hair pulled before she moved back in for a kiss making me pucker my lips and actually kiss her back.


In the momentary confusion I regained my senses and let my arms fold slamming Sam into the wall causing her to groan into my mouth breaking our kiss as I growled, “I’m NOT your **BITCH** Sam!”

As I used my hand now that it was free from supporting both of us reach up and easily grab a handful of her hair and tug causing her to gasp as I continued to growl, “If *anything* **YOUR** ***MY*** **BITCH**!!!”

I watched as Sam smiled up at me with a cheshire smile, “*FINALLY!!!* We’re getting somewhere!!!”

I blinked thinking *Huh?*

Sam groaned up at me as she pulled me down, “Then **TAKE** ***YOUR*** **BITCH**!!!”

And she kissed me….again.

This time she was more forceful with her tongue action in my mouth.

I let my other hand against the wall travel down and finally gasp Sam’s firm ass causing her to groan while still kissing me.

Somehow I felt Sam move her leg as it mysteriously moved up and rest on my shoulder as her free hand grasped my dick causing ME to groan into Sam’s mouth and before anything else happened our kiss broke.

I lightly panted but still spoke, “So…you…gonna…admit…there’s…still….Lube….in….your….Pussy?”

I heard her pant back, “Shut up! And fuck your bitch!”

And I thrusted as my dick slipped into her pussy and quickly slid up in her with the greatest of ease confirming my suspicion that there was indeed still lube in Sam’s pussy.

But did I care at that moment?


All I did was thrust harder into Sam making her moan….loudly as she let out a throaty, “YYYYAAASSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!”

Before she started to start whining as each thrust slammed her against the wall both her legs now resting on my shoulders as her arms were firmly wrapped around my neck.  My hands were holding on her lower back and butt as her lower body swayed back and forward as my hips thrusted forward.

Now normally, in the past….when Sam and I *were* dating we *usually* would fuck in one position and one position **only**.  

Not saying we were a ‘*one position*’ **only** couple.  We did use *multiple* positions….just not in **one** sitting.

So *if* we started in Doggy….we finished in Doggy.  *If* we started in missionary….we finished in missionary.  *If* we started in cowgirl….we finished in cowgirl.

The *only* way we would stray and throw in an *extra* position is *if* we started in an oral position then *usually* we would **add** a position like cowgirl….or doggy….or missionary.

What we had **never** done was go from doggy then move to cowgirl…or reverse cowgirl to doggy.

The reason for that was simple….we enjoyed each other.  And my stamina wasn’t exactly high.  More normal if not average.  Plus Sam was *really* sensitive so it worked out for us.

***BUT*** we aren’t **together** now are we?

And this wasn’t a **normal** session was it?

Nope.  This was ***years*** of emotions as WE BOTH took it out on one another.

I thrusted my dick into Sam as hard as I possibly could not giving two shits I was one motion away from fucking up and breaking my soldier.

Sam moaned and groaned, accepting what was happening as she whined begging for more!!!

Then we made our **first** adjustment and for the first time in OUR relationship we had just changed our position.

I put Sam down making her stand facing the wall as I grabbed her hair in my hand and the other firmly on her hip and resuming **SLAMMING** myself into Sam’s lubed up pussy as I occasionally pulled her hair making her head remain tilted back as she started to scream, “**YES PUNISH YOUR BITCH KEV I DESERVE IT!!!**”

Each pull of her hair felt gratifying.

Each smack on her bare ass felt amazing.

Each slam of my dick into her lubed up pussy felt like I was returning it home.

Each thing I did to **PUNISH** Sam for nearly eight long years came flooding into me as I continued slamming, pulling, and smacking Sam as she accepted and begged for more.

Then just like we had never before we changed positions **again**.  My dick still rock hard and every fiber of my being was not ready to cum yet as I had SEVEN YEARS of hate that needed to be taken out on her.

We moved to where she was laying on the ground as I held her in half and was pounding into her.

Each scream from Sam as she egged me on thanking me for each and every smack and thrust as I hurled every insult directly in her face.

Until finally in the last moments of what was my first time having hate sex we finally kissed as I unloaded everything into her as we both groaned into each other’s mouths as we both essentially orgasmed at the same time.

On the floor.

In the shower.

All our emotions were twisting, churning and mixing until finally….*finally* I felt something I hadn’t felt in a long **long** time.


Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/w51cve/old_flames_06_lust_quarrel_conclusion_fiction

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