New Friends (MFMF)

“Why are you taking a shower? We’re about to get in the hot tub.”

You reply, “I have to be clean when they get here. It’s been so long, I want to look my best!”

As always, you’re right. Maybe I should join you… We do have an hour before they arrive! I check the kabobs to make sure they are marinated well, then check the cooler to make sure it is filled and cold. Everything’s perfect. I hear the shower start, and figure I’ll give you a minute, then join you. I pour a glass of white wine for us to share, and come to the bathroom just in time to see your leg disappear into the shower. Very enticing!

I remove my clothes and slide the shower door open. I watch for a second as the water cascades over your body. Your eyes are closed as you enjoy the jets of water pulsating into your scalp, massaging your head. The river of water rolling down your hair and onto your chest, around your breasts, and over your abdomen. The water then gently rolls over your pelvis and down the inside of your legs. Oh, how I would love to be a drop of water right now, sliding across your skin. Feeling each inch as I cascade down your body…

Stepping into the tub, I touch your skin. You open your eyes and see the glass of wine. Taking it from me, you take a deep sip from the glass, letting it roll down your throat. I retrieve the glass from you and join you in sampling the new vintage. Not bad. Not a great wine, but good enough to drink in the shower…

I place the glass on the shelf and pick up your scrunchy. I still don’t understand what you see in that funny plastic brillo-pad, but you love it! I apply a generous amount of body wash and start scrubbing. Standing behind you, I start with your neck. All around, rubbing gently. Moving down the center of your chest and around your breasts, pressing up behind you as I move my hands over your body. Over your nipples, and back up underneath your arms. I caress the length of your arms, sliding my soapy hands between your fingers. Back down your arms and over your back, roughly scrubbing your back to relieve the tension. I traverse your beautiful rear end, following the curves up and over your hips. I pass my hands around your waist and back down your abdomen, pulling you into me as I cross your pelvis. Your soapy bottom sliding against me, beginning my erection.

I kneel down, and begin cleaning your legs, starting with your thighs. Reaching between your legs and brushing your vagina. You very politely spread your legs allowing me better access. I slide my hands up and down your legs, massaging while soaping them up. Caressing them. Feeling every muscle. Occasionally brushing across your lips teasingly. Just enough to cause you to jump. I pull on your calf, prompting you to lift your leg. I rest your foot on my thigh, carefully washing it. Sliding my soapy fingers between your toes, in and out, paying attention to each individual toe. I slide my hands back up your leg to your buttocks, caressing your cheeks, grasping firmly and giving them a knowing squeeze. I repeat with your other leg, using my soapy hands to rub all over.

I place your foot back on the floor, reaching behind your legs as I stand. Pulling you into me as I rise, sliding our bodies together, my hands searching, sliding up over your rear, I press my hands into the small of your back, forcing my pelvis against you, sliding my penis between your legs. You feel my erection against your lips. You rock your hips, hoping I will guide myself into you.

I turn you towards the water and let the droplets rinse the soap from your chest. I then lean down and softly nibble on your shoulder, moving across your back to your neck. My hands continuing to pull you into me.

You pull away, “we don’t have that much time… You need to be clean as well.” You move behind me and begin applying soap my body, rubbing my neck, then my back. Your hands continue down my sides. You reach underneath, between my legs, and fondle my already stiff shaft, sliding first out, then back, letting your hand slide back through my legs and up the back of my butt. You playfully press one soapy finger forward between my cheeks, crossing my anus, startling me, as your hand continues its journey back from between my legs.

Your other hand reaches around the front of my body and rubs my chest, running through the hairs, scratching ever so slightly with your nails. After continuing its way back down my abdomen, you slide it along my penis, stroking it once before moving down my legs.

I feel you kneel behind me, your hands stroking my legs, cleansing each spot. Up and down my legs. I place one hand on the wall to steady myself, leaning my head back and moaning softly as your caresses drain the stress from my body.

After a moment, you nudge me, turning me around to face you. The water cascading down my chest, along abdomen, and down my legs. Using the palms of your hands, you slowly brush the soap from my body, allowing the water to wash it away. Once clean, you kiss the tip of my shaft, then lick it once. You look up grinning slightly and open your mouth. Slowly, you begin licking my shaft, taking me into your mouth. Reaching up, you grasp me from underneath. You tug me forward, pulling me deeper into your mouth. Your tongue rubs around my throbbing penis for a moment, then stops. You slowly withdraw, nipping gently with your teeth. Back at the tip, you suck gently causing a slight ‘pop’ when you release me. I shudder once in response.

You rise up from your knees, then turn around and lean over to turn off the water. As you do, I come up behind you and slide my erection between your legs, brushing it against your vagina. Stroking it slowly, teasingly, until you finally turn off the water.

You stand up, turning around, and kiss me fully, tasting me with your tongue. “We’ll have time for that in a while…” You say as you get out of the tub and begin to towel off.


A short while later, our guests arrive. You invite them in and take their coats. The night has turned a little chilly. After pouring drinks, I join you in the living room. We enjoy a simple repast arranged on the center table as we catch up on the past several weeks. It has been a while since we’ve had a chance to get together and just chat. Eventually, our hunger satiated, we take the food to the kitchen and send them to the spare room to change into suits for the tub. You and I prepare the tub, and start the jets, removing our clothes and jumping in, hoping the surprise isn’t too much.

A few minutes later, they come out, shed their robes and join us. The conversation picks up where we left off. The after-dinner wine flows freely. The first bottle empty, you suggest we need another – maybe something lighter – a little fruitier. I begin to get out, but you stop me, saying you know just the bottle. As you rise, both our guests are somewhat shocked to realize you are not wearing a bathing suit. Confidently, you step out of the tub and walk into the house to retrieve a new bottle. With a large grin, I remind the two of them, “Bathing suits are optional – we just elected to use that option”.

After a moment, you return. Both sets of eyes are on you as you walk towards the tub, your breasts swaying as you walk. You kindly pour each of us another half-glass of wine. Settling back in the tub, you cross to the other side, placing yourself between the two men. The talk continues for a few moments, when our male guest says, “please excuse me, I need to use the restroom.” He climbs out of the tub, and heads into the house. His wife picks up the conversation. She didn’t think we had ever been in the hot tub without suits on. How little she really knows. You tell her that we seldom DO wear them. It’s much more exhilarating without them – and that she should try it.

She moves next to you and turns her back, asking you to untie her. You oblige, the bikini top falling away into the bubbles on top of the water. She lifts herself out of the water to remove her bottoms. It is just enough to see her beautifully rounded breasts, wet and glistening in the lights. “I agree, the sensation is astounding – especially with the little bubbles. Quite exciting. Why haven’t we done this before?”

After a moment, her husband returns. This time, without a suit at all. His little soldier is already standing at attention. He confidently climbs back into the tub and resumes his seat. “Did I miss anything while I was gone?” he asks. His wife replies with a huge grin, “of course. We just finished having mad, passionate sex. We’re all tired now, and are planning to get out.”

I speak up, “Actually, she’s just foretelling the future. She meant, We are ABOUT to have mad, passionate sex. We all know YOU’RE ready.” At that she laughs and leans over, feeling between my legs, stroking my shaft, already stiff with excitement.

“Well, apparently you’re pretty far along yourself, huh?” She leans across and brushes your breasts. You jump a little, not prepared for that. “And, I guess you’re pretty excited watching all of this too?”

Uncertain of what to do, you think for a second and then reply, “well, it is very erotic, but I think I’d prefer a little more masculine touch.” She looks at the two men, saying “I’m sure there’s plenty of that here.”

Looking at you, I raise an eyebrow, wondering if you’re really prepared to do this. In response, you slide over and brush your hand up our friend’s leg to his crotch. He reaches around your shoulders and pulls you over to him, kissing you on the neck, and brushing his fingers around your nipples. You close your eyes and moan slightly, allowing it to happen. His fingers wander over your body, searching every part of you. Sensing your responses, and remembering where you most enjoy his touch. After a few moments, he pulls you sideways onto his lap. You can feel his erection under your legs. He leans down and brushes the tip of his tongue around your nipples, teasing them. He then continues around your breasts, and back up between them, tracing a trail up to your neck. He gently sucks at the base of your neck while his hand brushes up and down your side, making you shiver. His other hand moves down between your legs and begins to fondle you. You squirm in delight.

Once wet, you move over him, facing away. You reach down and guide his throbbing shaft into you, touching him as you do. You can feel the difference between he and I. It excites you, feeling each vein and bump as you slide onto him. He reaches around and grabs your hips, pulling you down until you are pressed together. You lean back into him, allowing him to reach the back of your neck with his tongue. His hands continue to explore every part of you, touching each spot, pressing in all the right places. He flexes his legs, sending you up slightly, then relaxes allowing you to slide back onto him. You reach behind you and hold the edge of the tub, allowing you to control the speed of his thrusts. Every time he pushes you up, you chill air stiffens your nipples. Every time you slide down, taking him into you, you feel the warmth of him.

Meanwhile, I have pulled the other woman onto my lap, facing me. She is tall, and her head rises above mine. I cup one of her breasts in my hand and lift it to my face, suckling on it, while moving my hips, making sure she feels my erection stiffen. She begins sliding back and forth over my shaft, rubbing it between her lips and across her clitoris. She rocks her hips back and forth, coaxing me ever harder. I pull her to me, responding to her rhythm. Sucking on her nipples, drawing them deep into my mouth and back out – in concert with her rocking. Slowly at first – back and forth. The tempo gradually increasing. As the speed picks up, our passion grows intense. I can no longer pay attention to what you are doing. The last vision I remember was of you, with your eyes squeezed shut, your head leaning back, and your mouth open in a silent moan.

My reactions are animalistic now. I need her. I nip at her breasts. She grabs me around the shoulders and pulls my face into her chest, driving her hips onto me. She rises slightly on her knees and pauses, looking down into my eyes. She can see the longing in my face. Her head plunges towards mine as she drops roughly on top of me, her mouth finding mine. Our tongues entangle, desiring each other. Tasting our passion, her fingers dig into my back. I can feel her nails digging in. The sensations drive me wild, and I thrust ever harder.

Our movements make waves that wash over the side of the tub, Each of us oblivious to the other couple for the moment. The crescendos coming rapidly. The next thing I hear is your scream. It shocks me back from my passionate revelry. I look over to see your twisted face. The scream obviously one of immense pleasure. I will remember the look on your face forever. One of complete abandon. Your pleasure, the most important thing for the moment. Seeing you sends me over the edge. I embrace my partner, and squeeze her, my orgasm already imminent. She moans loudly in response, “YES! YES! … I’m ready! … NOW!” My throbbing turns to quick pulses, sending wave after wave of cum into her. The heat of the semen surrounding us. My thrusts diminish as she tightens around my penis, pulling every last drop of passion from me.

As we come down from our height of passion, you and I begin to laugh. Our friends, caught unaware, glance at each other with a look of confusion. When you see it, you tell them, “Sorry, we were just laughing at how long we have talked about this, but always assumed it would never happen. Now it seems almost funny.” They smile in response.

After a second, the woman, looking at you, reaches down and strokes my penis, replying “well, if you’ve been thinking about it for that long, we have a lot of lost time to make up!”



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