Have any of you sold your erotica as books

Hi, I was wondering if any of you have taken that step or if you just post for free online. I’ve been writing an erotic story for a while now. It’s far from finished, and I plan to rewrite it all to flesh it out and change it from 2nd to 3rd person.

One friend of mine said I might be able to sell it online, and that idea was pretty exciting to me. But another friend of mine said I won’t be able to do it, no one will like it, you won’t be accepted on Amazon or whatever you try and sell it on, etc.

So, since I’m pretty new to this and I don’t know how any of the actual distribution or whatever works, I thought I would ask here. Is the friend telling me I’m wasting my time right? Or is selling it something I should be seriously looking into?

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/w4vmsv/have_any_of_you_sold_your_erotica_as_books

1 comment

  1. I will say that Kindle Vella is new and you can post your erotica in episodes. There have been a lot of people finding success there, but I have not. However, I also don’t really do much to advertise my story.

    I would recommend just doing it if you enjoy writing and see how it goes. I don’t know about on reddit, but I know there are plenty of Facebook groups, forums, etc. including one on the Amazon website where the authors that do publish using KDP discuss their results and whatnot.

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