Cute Raptor Girl Wants Human Guy In Both Her Naughty Holes [mf, monstergirl, fantasy, vaginal, anal]

*(The Story So Far: On an alternate Earth populated by human-dinosaur hybrids, raptorgirl cousins Jirollo and Pirollo visit a major human outpost.)*

“I don’t see him yet,” Jirollo said excitedly, standing in the back bay of the cramped wagon just behind the driver’s bench. She stood up on her clawed toes to peer over her cousin’s scaly shoulder. “Do you see him?”

Pirollo snapped her pointed teeth in irritation. “No more than the last five times you asked. And keep lifting your tail like that, and even the dumber humans are going to guess what’s on your mind.”

The tan and mahogany-striped raptor abashedly lowered her long tail, making sure it covered everything between her legs. Their light shifts allowed them more than enough modesty, even by more dowdy human standards. But a tail lifting its hem too much could expose more than just impure thoughts.

The multi-ton ankylosaurus pulling the cart trudged up to the outskirts of the human archaeological camp next to the ruins of the ancient settlement of Talaa-Guska, following the barely-there dirt road. The city-sized stone ruins were apparent from miles off, even if most were choked over with moss and plant life. When they wound around the last curve in the trail, they more easily spotted the large, cleared field off to the side of the outermost ruins containing the many tents and composite laminate walls of the humans’ modular buildings.

Tall, thin windmills sparsely dotted the outskirts of the structures like whirling sentries, generating supplementary power for the camp’s needs. Most of the land around the central cluster of buildings had been cleared, both for visiting aircraft and ground vehicles, as well as to accommodate the changing structure of the camp, when had grown from a handful of researchers to the second largest concentration of humans on the Dino World, with over a hundred personnel.

The wooden-wheeled conveyance of the raptor girls was a solid rectangle eight meters long by three wide, with high palisade walls to help hold in the cargo. Four large wooden wheels elevated the main bulk off the ground by more than a foot, to keep its occupants and its cargo dry from the many mud tracks it traversed. The wagon’s looked similar to the prairie schooner of the 1800s used on the humans’ Earth, but with even beefier woodworking.

A human guard at an outer check point recognized the young merchants and waved them through. The picket casually carried a long rifle over his shoulder. The Crossworlds Research Foundation that ran the site had to be serious about security on a foreign world that was still mostly ruins and wilderness and unknown tribes.

With a quick exchange on his walkie-talkie, the picket informed the camp’s administration of their approach. The pair of raptor girls saw humans and a pair of Triceratops saurian researchers emerging from the main cluster of buildings a quarter-mile away to greet the incoming wagon.

The cousins always did robust business at Talaa-Guska. It was one of their biggest sources of human goods. They mostly acquired small plastic doodads and metal trinkets that were easy to transport, but also some scrap metal and minor gadgets like folding knives and solar-powered LED lights. All were always valuable with many Saurian communities in the region. In exchange, the humans loved getting local preserved foods and homespun clothing and gene-modded spices from the time of the Makers of Form.

People converged on the wagon as it stopped at a camp- adjacent field, reserved for visiting locals like themselves. They tied up Whitey to a thick wooden railing staked deep in the ground, while a human maintenance specialist wheeled over a bale of hay on a trolley to keep the big ankylosaurus happily mollified.

The humans at the forefront of the small crowd offered the usual polite greetings. The girls were just returning the first of those when a young man pushed through the crowd. “Jirollo! Pirollo! How’ve you been?”

Both raptor girls stopped mid-motion as soon as they heard the familiar voice. “Tuscan!” Jirollo proclaimed excitedly as soon as he emerged into the open. She rushed right over and embraced him hard, murr-growling in excitement in a particularly raptor way.
Pirollo gave their human friend a tight hug of her own. Then she had to elbow Jirollo emphatically to remind her cousin to lower her tail, which raised up and thrashed lightly from side to side in her excitement. It was no surprise that the humans didn’t catch on to the significance of the gesture, but the Triceratops couple at the back of the crowd snickered to themselves.

Jirollo hovered close to their human friend even after Pirollo’s hug. “So how have you been?” she asked.

Tuscan seemed aware of her close scrutiny, his cheeks coloring slightly. “Ah, just fine I guess. Work here’s been keeping me busy, among other things. How about you guys?”

“Same,” Jirollo said. “We’ve did our usual route through the settlements north and started our loop back south for the cold months. I, er, we, can tell you all about it, if you want.”

“Sure, but maybe later?” He glanced at the small crowd, some waiting patiently, and others not so much, for the girls to get done with their chit-chat so they could get down to business. “I see you two are busy.”

Jirollo’s face fell. Her cousin growled softly and cast her eyes skyward, as if asking for higher powers to give her patience. Pirollo grabbed her business partner by the arm and abruptly pulled her close, whispering in her ear ridge.

“What?” Jirollo asked aloud. “Pir, are you sure?”

The other raptor snorted. “We both know that’s all you’ve been thinking about for weeks. Go and get it out of your system. I’ll handle things here.”

Jirollo hugged her cousin briefly. “I owe you!”

Tuscan, who had been looking on bewildered, was even more puzzled when Jirollo grabbed his hand. “We, uh, have a special deal we want to tell you about, Tuscan,” she began, with a loud, stilted voice that seemed more for the benefit of the crowd than anything else. “It’s very special, but we need to discuss it in private, if, um, you know a place.”

The male blinked. “What are you…”

“She wants to bang you, dipshit,” one of the Triceratops saurians blurted out. “Just go, already, so the rest of us can get on with things.”

The female the fellow was with slapped him hard on the arm, but he didn’t look sorry at all.

One glance at Jirollo’s eager eyes and Tuscan knew the Saurian male was right. He gave her a quick nod, and, still holding her clawed hand, led her away from the crowd and toward the resident dorm building.

– – –

Tuscan had just eased the door shut on his small single-room apartment when he turned to the tan-scaled raptor. “Now, do you really…”

Jirollo leapt up like she was pouncing on prey. She threw her arms and legs around Tuscan and glomped onto his larger, thicker body with a playful squeak. Tuscan managed to catch her, moving mostly on sheer instinct, with his hands clumsily glomping onto her scaly thighs to hold her up. He staggered about for a bit but managed to stay upright. As soon as he stabilized, Jirollo planted her lips on his, followed quickly by her long, sinuous tongue findings its way into his mouth.

The human’s own uncertainty instantly melted away with the dirty kiss. His grip tightened on her legs to better hold her, even as her long tail wrapped around his lithe body to pull them together even tighter.

Still, their combined weight was proving awkward, and the human stumbled back against the prefab plastic wall with a thump. That barely slowed the horny raptor girl down. Jirollo reached down with one hand and dexterously pulled her loose shift up, hooking it up over the curve of her modest breasts and leaving her completely naked below it. Thin rivulets of clear lubrication were already seeping down over her taut buttocks and dripping onto Tuscan’s jeans. “T-take me?” she begged, her voice trembling with need. “Right now?”

Tuscan shifted his weight forward and managed to stagger the several steps needed to reach his cot. He leaned fully forward and braced on hands down on the mattress, angling his partner down as well. Jirollo took the hint, loosening her limbs enough to fall backwards onto the well-cushioned cot he used for a bed.

A second later, Jirollo’s shift floated to the floor beside the cot, leaving her fully nude. Tuscan did the same with his tee-shirt and fumbled at his fly. A moment later, he pushed his jeans down his legs, revealing his hard member throbbing up toward the ceiling. The raptor girl cooed happily at the sight.

He looked like he was about to ask how she wanted to do things, but Jirollo was too impatient even for that. Her hands gripped his shoulders and her clawed toes clamped over his hips. With an outward flexing of her knees, she drew him close so that the underside of his cock wobbled right down onto the folds of her exposed, and very wet, cunt. He just missed entering her by less than an inch, his log spearing up to rest along the length of her sensitive furrow. She cried out at feel of his hot sex on hers.

“You really want it like this?” Tuscan’s voice was tinged with a deep burr of lusty excitement. “No foreplay?”

Jirollo nodded vigorously. “I’ve never needed your cock in me more than right now!”

The human lined himself up with the entrance to the raptor’s aching pussy, nudging her flowering lips aside with his tip, and pushed in. She was already so juicy he sank right in to the root on his first very thrust. They both groaned loudly in ecstasy.

Jirollo began trembling uncontrollably as the bigger human began sawing his hips back and forth, plunging his molten-hot barb lightly in and out of her. She hunched against Tuscan to grind him in even deeper if she possibly could. A soft trilling escaped her throat, the distinctive sound of a very pleased raptor female quenching her heat.

After only a few gyrations of her sopping clit against his pubic mound, Jirollo felt tingling shocks shoot everywhere in her body. She came hard. Her tail curled, her big eyes squeezed shut, and her left leg hinged open and closed in little machine-gun spasms. Her vaginal tunnel clenched even tighter on his pumping cock as a wave of molten warmth overwhelmed her with pleasure.

Tuscan watched her climax in fascination, his hips never stopping. His animal hind brain took over completely, overriding all other concerns with the deep primal need to thrust and breed. Feeling her heated quim convulse around his dick was amazing, and watching the light caramel scales of her cheeks and breasts and shoulders flush in orgasm only added to his lust. How could she look so adorable, doing something so lewd?

Jirollo was just coming down from her sexual precipice when Tuscan’s own body went into overdrive, jackhammering his cock into her as he felt himself pass the point of no return. “C-cumming!” he barely managed to stutter out.

“Give me it all!” she begged. “Fill me up!”

His reply was incoherent ecstatic grunting, as he planted himself as deep as he could possibly go and held himself there. With several powerful twitches of his thickening cock, he climaxed, jetting thick whitish spurts into the depths of her sloppy saurian womb.

– – –

He collapsed on top, his smooth skin against her soft scales. She yummed at his welcome weight as he finished filling her over the next half-minute or so. Her clawed fingers glided lightly over his slim, solid back.

They rolled over languidly on their sides, still facing each other and basking in the aftershocks. He quietly slipped out of her with a muffled slurp.

“I know I didn’t last long,” he said. “But you felt so good…”
She giggled. “I don’t mind at all. I’ve been thinking of you for months. Remembering those few days we had together made me super-horny every time.”

“I’m surprised I’d have that effect on you. I figured you’d have had a bunch of partners since.”

“Just Pirollo, once in a while. Truthfully I hadn’t had much taste for sleeping around lately, especially with males.”

“Why not?”

She sucked her lower lip, the scales on her cheeks reddening ever so slightly. “Because maybe I wanted to save myself for one very sweet cock in particular.”

It was Tuscan’s turn to blush, tongue-tied at what to say.

The raptor girl turned over on the narrow cot so she was facing away from him. With a bemused smirk, she curled her sinuous tail over the human’s hip and shimmied her soft scaly butt up against his crotch. She murred pleasantly to feel that he was still somewhat hard. “Plus maybe I was saving up something special for you.”

Tuscan looked adorably befuddled. Jirollo reach back under her tail and used her fingers to pry open her butt cheeks, showing off the darker of her two holes. “Want to try my ass?”

His shaft throbbed to steely hardness in an instance. “Hell yes!” he enthused. He shimmied up, preparing to mount her immediately.

Her tail snaked down, imposing itself between his hips and her rear. “Hee hee, easy. You can’t just go in dry.”

His expression sobered a bit as he nodded. “Er, oh yeah. Sorry.”

Jirollo lifted her tail and once again pushed her rump back onto him, letting the tip of his cock nestle warmly in the soft valley of her rounded ass cheeks. Her hand reached down and gathered copious leftover juices from them both between her legs. “Is this your first time doing anal?”

“Yeah. You’re not the only one who has been saving himself.”

The raptor girl blinked in surprise. “Really? I know things soured with that Himiko, but I thought you would easily find someone else. ”

Tuscan nibbled hotly at the crux of her shoulder. “It’s complicated. But mostly I didn’t want any other partner, either, until you showed up again.”

She moaned at that, and quickly set about lubing them up, spreading the mixture of her own pussy oil and his cum onto his cock head and her own puckered sphincter. That combined with a generous glazing of Tuscan’s saliva quickly had everything feeling very slippery.

This time, when Tuscan went to mount the raptor girl, she offered no resistance. “Just be gentle when you go in,” she said. “I haven’t done this in quite a while.”

“Of course.” Tuscan grabbed hold of her curvy hip and eased the tip in. Jirollo tensed only slightly at the penetration, then relaxed again a heartbeat later as his head fully popped in. A shiver of pure delighted pleasure rolled down Tuscan’s spine. So tight!
The human began easing more of his pole in, pulling back a little every now and then before pushing in even more to spread around the lubrication. Jirollo eagerly welcomed the deep invasion of her back hills, allowing herself to relax more and more. Tuscan was indeed being as gentle as she had hoped, and that made her want even more of his dick in her.

The young man panted lustfully as he finally worked himself in to his root and held himself there, savoring being cock-deep in a woman’s ass for the first time. It certainly felt different than a pussy, but no less exciting. Less inner movement and form-fitting. But still very warm and smooth and snug, with her small muscular ring occasionally puckering around his base.

Jirollo wiggled and pressed back onto him, a silent urging for him that maybe he need not be so gentle any more. He began pumping away her sweet anus before he was even consciously aware of it, his thrusts becoming more strident by the moment. She loved it and begged for more.

As he lay on his side, his one hand underneath clasped at her shoulder, while the one above wrapped around and found an incredibly pillowy breast to squeeze and knead. A saurian hybrid’s scales were never hard or stiff like many humans back home thought. They were silky and pliable, like well-worn leather, with many tiny soft bumps to the touch.

The raptor girl gave guttural little growls every time she felt the male bottom out in her, sending small shockwaves rippling through her soft butt cheeks. Her sharp teeth bit at the air. “This is soooo dirty…” she gasped out happily.

Jirollo pulled her torso down away from Tuscan, clawing slightly forward on the mat just enough to better angle her hips so he could penetrate even further into her rectum. As a saurian female, she instinctively wanted to appear as small and submissive to the male as she could.

The change in position allowed Tuscan to grab both of Jirollo’s hips, giving him the leverage he needed to start really pistoning his cock into her. Loud slaps could be heard every time as his hips impacted her rump, a staccato counterpoint to the sloppy slurping sounds of his rod churning the depths of her rosebud.

Tuscan’s orgasm slammed into him abruptly, locking up his muscles as he was fully entombed in her tight abyss. His shaft convulsed, erupting with blasts of sticky white lava. Jirollo keened loudly, savoring the multiple explosions of liquid heat deep within.


1 comment

  1. Excerpted from the Fantasy Erotica ebook **HOT DINO GIRLS 6** by Paul Lucas.

    – – –

    *On an alternate Earth populated by human-dinosaur hybrids, normal human Mike Ardavan works as maintenance man and Herdmaster at Niska’s Bed and Breakfast Inn. He shares his life and bed with three curvy dinosaur-women twice his size: the mature and earthy Niska, the fun and impulsive Anaika, and the energetic young Lorika.*

    *Featuring steamy fun and erotic adventures on an amazing alien world, with three brand new full-length tales!*

    *HOT RAPTOR GIRLS 2: Unsavory trouble unfolds when raptor cousins Jirollo and Pirollo visit the Talaa-Guska dig site!*

    *KADLAI’S HERD LIFE: Young Plesiosaur Kadlai must become one of Mike’s breeding females or face dire consequences!*

    *MIDWIFE BLUES: Ylan meets exotic Pteranodon midwife Syhmee amidst the chaos of multiple births at the Inn!*

    *Set in the same scifi world as HOT DRAGON GIRLS, ICE AGE HEAT, and THE WAR DRAGON’S MATE!*

    *Contains adventure, romance, and very naughty sexual shenanigans. ADULT READERS ONLY!*

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