The Perfect Victim (femdom, real, kidnap, torture, consensual) (m35/f38)

[ This is the first time I’ve recounted an event that is 100% true. It’s from my point of view, but we’ve now talked about this for the last 10 years, and I’ve seen so much of the video; so it is pretty accurate. Would love to hear what you think ]

Part 1

The email was pretty straightforward; “Drinks Tonight?” Was what the subject read, and it was signed Miss Mia. She’d asked him earlier in the week if he had plans for the Labor Day Weekend, and he told her he’d finally broken up with his girlfriend, so he was ‘flying solo.’ It was just another example of the way that the timing was just never right for the two of them – every time one of them was single, the other was not in a position to start a relationship. This time was no different as she was set to move to London in the Fall to start her dream job.

They had an amazing relationship. She was very comfortable with her BDSM-centric lifestyle, and he was in his 20s and still very shy about his interests; but he trusted her and told her more than anyone. She helped him make sense of his kinks and fetishes, and the two played together on a regular schedule.

He emailed her back simply saying “Sure. You name the time and the place.” She told him at the dive bar near her house at 7PM. He went home and showered and shaved as he was hoping it turned to more than a drink. He also put on a pair of silky pink panties she had given him, and inserted a small butt plug – she used both to humiliate him at work, and even if she didn’t want more tonight, he knew that the self-humiliation factor would be something he enjoyed.

He got there a little early as it was somewhere he’d never been. It was a very interesting place, very much “working class.” He ordered a bourbon straight up, as he knew that should allow him to fit in, and started to sip. When she opened the door, it was like everything stopped. She was wearing the same thigh-length faux leather dress as the first time they hung out, and a pair of ankle boots that looked amazing. All of the patrons couldn’t help but look. She took the stool next to him, said hello and kissed him on the mouth. It was safe to say, he was instantly the envy of everyone in the bar.

Without her saying a word, the bartender brought over a Tom Collins and a fresh Old Fashioned – she always drank the gin-based cocktail and the bourbon concoction was his go-to drink.

“The first round is on me – I hope that’s okay,” her smile radiated as she looked into his eyes. “To the perfect couple with the worst timing ever. Cheers!”

They touched glasses and each took a drink immediately followed by another. By the time he set down the glass after the second sip, he felt a bit off and joked about the strength of the whiskey. A few minutes later, he told her he just needed to go outside for some air. She put two $20s on the bar and followed behind him.

She had steadied him several times on their way to the parking lot, and she walked him around outside, eventually ending up leaning on her Jeep Wrangler. She told him he looked like he needed to sit down, and guided him into the backseat – she followed behind. As soon as she confirmed no one was looking, her complete demeanor changed. She reached down along side the back seat and grabbed some socks, balled them up and shoved them in his mouth – he was too disoriented to protest much, and her scent on them did turn him on a bit. She followed up with duct tape wrapped around his head three times – the fact he was completely bald and clean shaven made this even easier. It also made it easier to pull a leather bag-style hood over his head. It seemed almost instantaneous that he went pretty limp as she cinched the hood around his throat. She continued adding cuffs and leather mitts for good measure.

She hopped in the driver’s seat, drove to her home and pulled into the garage. She had been actively trying to find a renter for her home, so it was extremely clean. She hadn’t planned on him going out so quickly, so she was worried she might have to improvise to get him where she wanted him. Luckily, she was able to rouse him enough to guide him out of the car, through one room and into what was her workout area at the back of the downstairs. Once he was there she gave him a nudge, but in all likelihood, he would have tripped and fallen onto the twin-size mattress on the floor. He hit it like a ton of bricks and laid there face down. The room was empty except for the mattress, a large, thick chain bolted to the concrete floor and a security camera on a tripod. She went ahead and pulled a thick, heavy, metal collar from a bag she had carried in from the garage and put it around his neck. She used a very heavy padlock to secure the collar to the heavy chain. It was probably about 36 inches long and didn’t really allow him to move much further than the bed.

She unlocked the cuffs on his wrists, but left the thick leather mitts on. His body laid there motionless – chained, gagged, hooded and without use of his hands. She had some concern about the gag, but could hear his muffled snoring through the hood – he was completely in dreamland. The last thing she did before calling in a night was to squat over him and completely empty her bladder. She wanted to make sure the first thing he would remember when he came to was lying in her filth. Her piss beaded up on his leather hood and rolled onto the mattress, soaking in and almost immediately created a stain. She stood up, removed her panties and used them to clean herself, threw them down next to his head.

As she walked down the steps, she looked at her victim before turning off the lights. She couldn’t believe she’d pulled it off. It had been so long since he told her about this kink, and she always had executing it in the back of her mind. She was exhausted, but wished it was morning already. She would get to play this dream role for the next three days, and she wanted to make the most of it. When morning came, he wouldn’t know what to make of it, but until then, she hoped she could sleep as soundly as he seemed to be sleeping.
