The joys of delivering pizza [18]

I think I found the greatest job in the world.
Last month, I graduated high school, and went in search of a job for the summer.
My parents told me that if I wanted to have cash for spending, I would have to earn it.
So off I went in search of employment.

I discovered that the working world wanted people with years of practical experience, along with skills that matched the companies needs.
How was I going to get the required experience, if no one was willing to hire me.
Interview, after interview, I was told we’ll get back to you.
Of course, I never heard back from any of them.

Two weeks ago, my buddies, and I went out for pizza, at our local hangout.
While we sat waiting for our food, the owner walked over to the front door, and hung a sign that read.
“Delivery driver wanted, inquire within.”
figuring I had nothing to lose, I snatched up the sign, and walked over to the owner.
“Mr Green, I would like to work for you, I have a good driving record, no tickets, and I’m always on time, on top of that I don’t have much else to do this summer.”

Mr Green told me to finish my meal, and then come speak to him in his office.
Returning to my friends, I told them what had happened, this was met with a series of “high-fives”.
As our dinner concluded, my friends left, but not before each of them wishing me good luck.
Walking into Mr Green’s office, we sat and talked for twenty or thirty minutes.
While he was telling me what my job would include, along with the two of us setting up a schedule for the next few weeks.
At the end, I was officially hired, after which I learned about filling out my tax forms, that way the government could dip it’s fingers into the money I just earned.
There were a few perks to the job, one of which was I ate for free, and I also met a ton of cute girls.

The first couple of days were uneventful.
I delivered the pizzas, and made some decent tips, due to my route being in the upscale part of town, typically anywhere from five to ten dollars per delivery.
It was on the third day that this job took an interesting turn.
Pulling up to a house that was nothing short of a mansion, I grabbed the heat retaining delivery bag, and rang the doorbell.
To the right side of the door, a speaker came to life, asking who was there.
Responding “Pizza delivery”, the ladies voice said she would be right down.

Seconds later, I could hear the door being unlatched, followed by the door swinging open.
The door wasn’t the only thing that opened, my jaw was the second.
The woman who stood before me was tall, with a head of copper red hair, pulled back into a ponytail, skin as white as rice paper, with a smattering of freckles that covered her face.
In short she was stunning, yet with an air of elegance that bespoke of a high class upbringing.
She wore a summer wrap around type dress with a floral pattern that looked like it was made of silk.

Now, I’m no slouch as far as looks, I am six foot, one hundred, and sixty pounds, along with a body that was built around years of gymnastics training.
Asking me to place the pizza on a side table near the door, she asked me to wait while she went into the kitchen to get her purse.

Returning to the front room, she began to rummage through her purse.
Taking out her wallet, she offered me her credit card.
When I informed her we were a cash only delivery, she dug into her wallet once again, and pulled out a fifty dollar bill.
Taking the fifty, I began to make change for her order.
While I was concentrating on the task at hand, I noticed the belt holding her dress closed, slipping open.
Turning to face her, the dress stood wide open, revealing a body fit for the movies.
Her pale skin stood in contrast to the deep pink nipples that stood atop her small “A” cup breasts.
Her pussy was shaved smooth, and looked like a perfectly thin slit, where a small amount of moisture was gathering.

The first ten or so seconds found me rooted to the spot.
Putting her change on the table I turned to leave, not that I wanted to, it’s just not a situation I have ever encountered.
As I began to move, she stopped me in my tracks by holding out a twenty dollar bill, telling me not to leave without my tip.
As she approached me, she took the twenty, and slid it into my shirt pocket.
However, her hand never left my chest, in fact, her hand began to roam around my torso, until it slid down, and cupped my crotch.

Coming out of my trance, she knelt on the floor, and began to undo my belt.
Once my belt was loosened, my cargo shorts dropped the the floor.
Standing there, my shorts on the ground, a beautiful woman on her knees before me, and oh yea, my cock harder than it’s ever been, she began to rub my cock through my tightie-whities.
When her fingers slipped under the elastic of my underpants, followed by her sliding them down over my hips, to join my shorts on the floor.

Leaning inward, her breath caressing my cock like a ghostly unseen lover, caused it to begin bobbing up and down.
The second she took me between her lips, my soul left my body, and began to soar.
This was only the third time I had ever received a Bj, prior to this the other Bj’s were from rather unskilled girls my age.
This on the other hand was a gift given to me by a woman with a lifetime of skills.
If she kept this up much longer I was going to burst in record time.

In the midst of my introspection, she took my hands, and placed them on either side of her head.
Slipping me out of her mouth she said “Fuck my throat.”
Now she had turned the reins over to me, so I did as I was told.
Grasping her head, I held it still while I rammed my cock down her throat as fast, and as hard as I could.
From her mouth, you could her her gagging, while I watched a gallon of drool run from her mouth, over her chin, and then onto the floor.
Over, and over I slammed my cock down her throat, as she gasped trying to catch her breath.
Letting go with my right hand, I grabbed her ponytail at the back of her head, using it like the reins from a horse’s tack.
Reaching down with my free hand, I began kneading her little tits, and nipples.

It seems that her tits were attached directly to her clit, I knew this because the more I played with them the more vocal she became.
In only seconds, I felt my impending climax approaching.
Telling her I was about to cum, she begged me to paint her face when I was ready.
Two or three minutes later, the inevitable came to pass.
I ripped my cock out from her mouth, while still holding her by her hair, I shot rope, after rope of cum
across her face.
Once I was empty, I took my hand, and spread my cum over the whole of her face.

Dropping to her hands, and knees while doing her best to catch her breath, and recover, I pulled up my underpants, and shorts.
Taking my pizza bag, and cash tip, I began to leave.
From her place on the floor, she gasped out “I think I will need to order another pizza next week.”

As the door closed behind me, I began to understand why people love this job.

That was day three, I’ll write about some of the other encounters I’ve had soon.
Stay tuned.



  1. I haven’t had such an amazing mental picture in a long time! Thank you. I’d like an example of what she was wearing if possible.

  2. You know what broke the story for me? Upscale neighborhoods give absolute shit tips. Whole thing became completely unbelievable.

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