I [25f] had sex with my parents this past weekend and it was…all the things [incest]

I’ll start by stating the obvious in saying that it feels VERY weird to be posting to the internet about how I had sex with my parents…buuuuuut here I am posting to the internet about how I had sex with my parents.

A little bit of background: I’m a 25 year old woman, the oldest sibling in a very academic, liberal artsy family. I’m currently getting my PHD, my mom has a PHD and works as a professor, and my dad has a PHD and an MD. We can sit around the dinner table and talk about theory until the cows come home (and we often do).

With that in mind, we’re also the sort of family that can and does talk about EVERYTHING, including sex. Not in a super personal way, historically…more in an abstract, theoretical way. It’s kind of been a boundary of sorts.

For the past little while though, that boundary has gotten sort of…fuzzy. I’m the only one of my siblings living at home and as the oldest, my parents have always seen me as more of an adult. Our conversations have been more frank than they would be if my brother and sister were present, and a couple of weeks ago, they got a LOT franker.

We were sitting and talking about sex and psychology, and the subject of Oedipal and Electra complexes came up. I was on my woke high horse about how OF COURSE a man (Freud) would reduce everything to sex and how OF COURSE a man would find an intellectual justification for taboo interests. My parents pushed back a little bit and we were having a healthy, fun argument when, without thinking (and of course assuming the answer was no) I said to them, “it’s not like YOU think about having sex with ME.”

And my parents went…dead silent.

I was basically like “Guys? Guys? Helloooo?”

And they were sitting there stonefaced until finally my mom said, “actually, sweetheart…”

And you can imagine the conversation that ensued. It was…long. And hard. And EMOTIONAL, in a very big way. It was the first of several big, emotional conversations.

I don’t even know how to describe how I felt. Repulsed. Confused. Intrigued. Kind of flattered?

We talked, and talked, and talked, because that’s what we do in my family. Until this past weekend…when we fucked. And fucked. And fucked.

It was the most disgusting and exhilarating sex I’ve ever had in my life.

Now, the big question: do I keep going? My parents would like me to. They’re being REALLY sensitive and conscientious and not putting pressure on me. But they’ve made it clear that they want this to be…a thing.

I don’t have any entanglements right now. Dating hasn’t really been on my radar for a while, so it’s not like I’d be cheating on someone. And intellectually, in the abstract, I do think any taboo against consenting adults doing what they want is basically stupid.

But the other side of the coin is…they’re my parents. And there’s a part of my brain that can’t help but say “EW!” And a part of my stomach that can’t help but want to puke.

So I bring myself here, sharing my story. Incest is a whole new ballgame for me, and this rookie would appreciate any guidance (a little razzing is fine too) from the veterans in her midst.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/w3opvx/i_25f_had_sex_with_my_parents_this_past_weekend