A Dull Week at the Fertility Clinic [M42F28] [free use] [bimbo] [sequel]

Dr. Schrader yawned. He put his book down, an aging spy thriller with female characters as nuanced as bricks. He sighed and looked around his office.

It had been a slow day. It had been a slow week too. Two women he’d already impregnated had come in for checkups. Two others had canceled at the last minute.

He heaved air into his lungs, then stood, unfolding his long stature. He took his travel mug of green tea from his desk and sipped it as he walked down the hall towards the front desk. He whistled a bit. Some nonsense tune.

In the office, Lilian sat on her desk chair.


There was no response.

Dr. Schrader heard a snore come from her.

“Lil. Lilian.”

There was no response.


She jumped awake, looking around to find him staring at her. She blushed. “Hi, doc.”

“Any calls?”

She looked at the phone on the desk across from her. “Nope,” she said.

The bubbly pep in her voice was still charming. Lilian had her flaws, Dr. Schrader thought, but there were very few candidates that could replace her. Her pale skin, dark raven hair that hung down to her waist, all of the obscene nurses’ outfits she owned. He swore she wore a new one each week. Then, there was the fact that she had no qualms about-

“I’m sorry there’s no one around to rape,” she said.

Dr. Schrader spat green tea across the room. He fumbled for words for a few moments. “Oh, we don’t- I don’t…uh…like to use that word.”


Dr. Schrader nodded.

“But, that’s what you do, isn’t it?”

“Well, yes, of course. Technically, yes, it would be considered…that.”

Lilian nodded. “You know, it’s nothing to be ashamed of.”

Dr. Schrader stared at her. “Oh? How do you figure?”

“Well, you’re helping them, aren’t you? They want to get pregnant, and you help them. Sure, they didn’t ask for your type of help, but at the end of the day, I’m sure they’re happy.”

“…You really think so?”

“I do,” she said.

Dr. Schrader leaned against the counter to admire his nurse and secretary. She had big, doe eyes and a cheerful expression, seemingly a permanent fixture. In the time he’d known her, she didn’t seem to be bothered by anything. She really was beautiful, too. Big, glossy lips, a slender neck, pale cleavage and thick thighs that-


Dr. Schrader looked back up at her eyes.

She batted her eyelashes at him. “Say, you wouldn’t be looking to rape me, would you?”

“No! No, of course not!”

She seemed downtrodden. “…Is it my hips?”

“Excuse me?”

“My tits then?” she said, squeezing them together.

“Lilian, no. Please. You’re…sexy.”

“Why did you pause?”

“Because I’m uncomfortable with this conversation,” Dr. Schrader said, sighing. “Look-…I don’t want to jeopardize what we have. I need you to help run this office and I…would have a hard time replacing you.”

“Because you rape women here?”

“Yes. Plus,” he began. “…It wouldn’t be the same. I need…the thrill of the hunt. I need to feel…powerful, in charge. And if you ask me to do it, then I’m not exactly…in charge.”

…Lilian nodded. “Well, do you want to fuck?”

…Dr. Schrader said nothing because he had no response to that.

“I just figure, you’ve gotta’ keep your stamina up, right? What if Mrs. Folner comes back? She takes three ‘shots’ doesn’t she?”

Dr. Schrader shook his head woefully. “It’s up to four now.”

Lilian whistled. “Where does she put it?”

Dr. Schrader laughed. “So, um…is this a serious offer?”

“Of course. I don’t know if you’ve caught on, but I find you attractive.”

“That actually is news to me.”

Lilian just smiled at him. “…Tell you what, any time you feel the urge, you just come right down that hall, stand here, and whip it out. I’ll suck you. Fuck you. Whatever you want.”

The heat began to rise under his collar. “…Really?”

Lilian smiled and nodded. “To put it another way. You are free to use me however you’d like.”

…A switch flipped inside him. He carefully set his travel mug down on the desk. He loosened his tie. “You’re sure?”

Lilian smiled and nodded, adjusting her little nurse’s hat.

Schrader walked around the desk, approaching his nurse/secretary until he loomed down at her.

She smiled up at him.

He unzipped his fly, reached in, and pulled his cock out.

Lilian, still smiling, kissed the tip, lapping her tongue against his head, teasing him. She stared up at him as she pursed her lips and sucked him into her mouth, her tongue rolling side to side at the base of his head.

Schrader let out a moan and his erection grew inside her mouth. He put his hands on his hips and watched her.

She began to slide her lips up and down along his length, with each descent she seemed to take more of him into her.

It was too much for Schrader. He put his hand on the top of her head and started to thrust his hips, deeper and deeper he sank until he felt her throat begin to roll over his head. “Ooooooooh,” was the sounds she drew out of him. His mouth agape at her talent, her skill.

She came up for breath and hung there below his cock, this big bright smile on her face. Drool and precum hanging off her lips. She giggled. “I really love my job, Dr. S.” She reached up and unbuttoned his pants as her tongue ran along the underside of his cock. She pulled his pants to his ankles and his underwear with them. When his cock bounced up, she caught it in her mouth and sucked on his head.

Schrader winced from the pleasure as he felt her tongue rolling around his head. He-

Her fingers with long, manicured nails reached out and took gentle hold of his balls.

“Fuck!” He groaned.

She smiled with her eyes as she gently ran her fingers up and down his sack. Without warning, she dove her head onto his cock, throating him deep. She-

The phone rang.

Dr. Schrader slammed his fist onto the desk.

Lilian withdrew his cock from her throat.

“FUCK!” they shouted in unison.

Lilian wiped the drool from her mouth and with a practiced touch wiped the tears from her eyes. She took a deep breath, bent over the desk, and answered the phone. “Dr. Schrader’s office, how may I help you?” she said in her sing-songy way.

Schrader heaved air into his lungs. His erection was a pulsing, angry, almost painfully stiff thing. He clenched his jaw and glared at Lilian’s curves, the way her dress was riding up, the little red thong hiding her soft lips from him. He exhaled as the bull he was and stepped out of his boxers and pants and approached her from behind. First, he grabbed her by the waist.

She made a cute little noise as he did.

He pulled her dress up over her ass, fully exposing two big, plump cheeks. He slapped her ass hard, driving his palm into her flesh.

She let out a brief, stifled cry. “Dr. S, wait-”

He smelled her scent, then grabbed at her thong to pulled it down to her knees. He sidled up to her, putting his cock between her cheeks. He smiled down at it, at her big ass and meaty thighs. He put his feet in between hers and slowly widened his stance, walking her legs apart. Dr. Schrader watched as her wet, pink lips parted just for him.

“Doc, hold it-”

He rocked his hips back, lined himself up, felt her juices kiss his head, grabbed her hips, and sank himself up to his hilt, grunting as he did so. She was so fucking wet for him, her walls slick and gripping as he started humping in and out, unable, unwilling to control himself.

She was making noise with each thrust now, the pitch was changing, her voice was getting deeper. The fucking slut was about to cum already.

“Ah, fuck,” Schrader grunted as he felt her pussy lock around him.


He came, gripping her hips and dumping himself deep inside her pussy that held him in its grip as he pumped. He moaned as she milked him, his cock and balls still pulsing with his love. “Fuck,” he grunted. He heaved breath into his lungs and finally drew himself out of her. His cum began to drip down her lips, her thighs.

“Of course ma’am. I’ll let him know. I-”

Dr. Schrader was dimly aware that Lilian had been on the phone the entire time. At the moment, he couldn’t care less.

“Of course, ma’am. I understand. Y-Yes, I-…I understand. I’ll let him know. We’ll see you soon. Okay. Okay, buh-bye,” she said in her sing-songy way, then hung up the phone. She wheeled on him. “What the fuck?”

Schrader was having a hard time focusing his eyes. “What?”

“That was bad. I told you not to. I told you to stop you idiot.”

“What? What’d I do? I thought you were ‘free to use’?!”

“Huh? Oh, this?” she reached down and ran her fingers across the cum leaking from her pussy then slid them into her mouth and cleaned them. She smacked her lips, seemingly satisfied with the flavor.

Dr. Schrader admired her immensely. Truly she was an incredible woman.

“I’m not talking about that. That’s fine, well, actually, no it’s not.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Do you want to take a guess as to who that was?”

Schrader’s mind was blank.

She held up four fingers. “Mrs. Folner will be here in 20 minutes.”

Schrader went pale. “…Oh fuck.”

Lilian laughed and sat down in her chair. She giggled to herself and looked at him with that big bright smile. “Good luck, stud.”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/w3b6jt/a_dull_week_at_the_fertility_clinic_m42f28_free


  1. THIS WAS GREAT! I hope you don’t mind feedback, because this is already the best I’ve read on here.

    – I like how the doc isn’t like an overly masculine person, that isn’t afraid of telling people that he’s uncomfortable.

    – I’m glad Lillian could get his cock, as I’ve kind of wanted that from part 1. If you have a female helper, she deserves a reward as well, right?

    – The “FUCK” in unison is the second time someone has made me laught via litterature. The first one was from the diary of a wimpy kid.

    – I personally think “The *fucking* slut. Had an unnecessary swear word, which kind of took me out of it for a second.

    – Good plot twist! I’m glad both of them enjoyed the experience, and I hope Lillian can maybe help him in his conquest sometime in the future.

    Can’t wait for part 3.

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