The New Fertility Clinic [M42F25] [noncon] [breeding]

Dr. Schrader hums a little tune as he gets out of his car. He grabs his travel mug of green tea and his briefcase as he steps into the warm, morning air of July. He unfolds as he stands, rising to his slightly stooped 6’4″. He’s lanky, his dress shirt and slacks custom-made for his long, almost slender form. Close-cut graying hair shows his age in the early 40s, rising to a widow’s peak over what might have been a stern face if not for the smile lines against his eyes. He has a few days of stubble on his chin, enough to give him the satisfaction of a good face rub.

His clinic is a one-story building on one of the lesser-used roads outside of town. The parking lot is surrounded by forest. The adjacent lot across the road is vacant. A few birds can be heard singing. It is a private place, the notion of which still relaxes Schrader as he takes it in.

There’re two other cars in the lot. One which Dr. S recognizes, the other he doesn’t. At the thought of a new patient, he smiles and some tension within him eases. He breathes deeply. It was going to be another perfect day at his practice.

Striding across the lot, he pulls open the door to find Lilian where she should be, behind the desk. Her raven hair lying still, silken on her shoulders. Her face is pale and plump, rosy in a meek, cute way. “Good morning, Lil. Who do we have today?”

Lilian smiles and hands over a file.

Schrader’s heels click down the hall. It was time to get to work. When God gives you a gift, you use it; Dr. Schrader’s gift just happened to be his sperm…

With a brief pause to steady himself, he takes a breath, and knocks on the door before opening it and stepping inside.

Inside, a young woman, mid-20s sits clutching an overly large purse to herself. Her hair is blonde, going to brown at the roots. She has an average build, maybe 5’6″ with big eyes wearing the expression of a trapped animal. Her breasts are hidden behind her bag, but Schrader can’t miss her thick thighs and muscular legs.

*A farm girl?* Schrader wonders. They had proven…difficult in the past. He unconsciously rubbed his temple, remembering a bruise he’d received from a young woman who’d ripped through his restraints. He cleared his throat. “Miss Springfield? How are you this morning?”

She can only nod to acknowledge him.

*Not a farm girl, then. Likely one of the megachurches,* Schrader thinks. Farm girls were never so meek. This one had vulnerability etched into her bones. Perfect. Schrader shuts the door behind him before taking a seat on a rolling stool. “Now, Miss Springfield, I understand you might be nervous, but trust me, I’m a professional. Can you tell me a bit about why you’re here today?”

“…My husband and I have been…um, trying to conceive for a while…”

“How long?”

“A few months. Seven months.”

“I see. How often are you sexually intimate?”

Again, the hunted expression. I relish in her expression as she fights against what must be years of self-repression. “…We-…um…about twice a week,” she finally answers, not looking me in the eye.

“I see. When you are intimate with your husband, do you achieve orgasm?”


“It’s a simple question. I understand it may be alarming, but it is necessary information for me.”


Schrader is writing down her answers on a piece of paper. His legs are crossed to hide his growing excitement. “And how often do you masturbate?”

Her large, soft eyes glare at me. “…I don’t.”

*Likely a lie, still,* Schrader thinks. “Miss Springfield, thank you for your candor when answering these important questions. Now, when you made your appointment, you were asked to make sure of…”

“Yes, I’m…um, I’m ovulating now. Can I ask, though, why wasn’t my husband allowed to come? He comes with me to all my appointments with doctors. I just don’t understand why he couldn’t be here.”

“Trust me, Miss Springfield. Our treatment guarantees conception, but it is only for those who…have the most need. Do you want to conceive?”

“Of course, but-”

“Very good, then I think we’ll proceed onto the physical examination. I’d like you to remove your panties, have a seat on the examination table, and place your legs in the stirrups,” says Schrader. He makes no move to turn around, savoring the sight of this woman fighting her impulses to hide herself, her body from him. She is going to do it. She’s going to set her bag down, pull down her panties beneath her dress. He just has to wait and watch.

The young woman stands hesitantly. She takes a deep breath, then sets her bag down.

Schrader gulps as she displays her luscious D cups that had been squeezed against her bag. They cling to her frame, stretching the fabric of her dress.

She looks away as she reaches up, under her dress, and slides off a pair of white, cotton panties. They fall to the floor and she stoops to pick them up, folding them slightly before setting them next to her bag. Continuing to hesitate, she climbs slowly up onto the exam table, pins her dress with her hands to hide her sex before setting first one leg, then the other into the stirrups extending from the table.

“Very good, now, again I understand you’re nervous,” he says standing, and approaching the table. “I’m sure you’ve been through an exam like this before, but for many patients it can be alarming. I’m going to apply these restraints here,” he says, taking the leather straps and wrapping them around her ankles.

“What? Wait, doctor-”

“Don’t worry. Don’t worry. It’s all standard procedure,” he says as he takes her wrist. She eyes him carefully and he can feel the strength in her arms, but she doesn’t resist. He straps down one wrist, then the other. She is pinned, vulnerable, helpless. Schrader’s cock grows against his pants.

“Very good. Very good,” he mutters as he approaches her, between her spread legs. He stoops down and slowly raises her dress, exposing two plump lips and a slight, pink slit cradled below a tuft of brown pubic hair. Schrader can’t resist and he smells her, filling his nostrils with her intoxicating scent. He feels himself relax. “Very good,” he murmurs. He reaches out and presses his thumb against her clitoris. First, he moves up, then down, gently rubbing, stimulating her.

She squirms in her seat, not fighting her restraints, but pressing against them.

While his thumb toys with her, his fingers rest on her pelvis. He feels the pubic hair there. Resisting the urge to sink his tongue inside her, with his other hand he begins to tease her slit with his index finger. The dampness on her lips is growing.

She squirms more. “Doctor-”

“Just relax. Just relax. All part of the procedure,” he reassures her as his finger tip slips inside her. He hums, quietly to himself. A low, inaudible growl of satisfaction. His finger goes deeper. Her walls, slick, embrace him, squeeze him. Schrader’s erection is now straining against it’s confinement. He wants her. He wants to buck his hips. He wants to pour himself, his love into her. He wants, no he needs to give her a baby, his baby.

He stands, his bulging pants now in full view. “Miss Springfield, you’ve done so well so far. We are going to continue your treatment,” he says, unclasping his belt. “Now, as I said, many patients find his next part alarming,” he says, unbuttoning and unzipping his fly. “My treatment guarantees successful conception,” he says, dropping his pants and exposing his raging strength. “You want to have a baby, don’t you?”

Her eyes are a wild and shifting mix of horror, shock, disbelief, confusion as Schrader steps up to the exam table, up between her spread legs.

He rests his head against her glistening wet lips. His cock throbs with anticipation. “Very good. Very good. Just relax and let me give you that baby. I’m going to give you a baby,” he says as he leans forward, pressing his hands onto her hips and holding her down, in place. He drives his hips, himself forward and he moans with pleasure as she opens to take him, to squeeze his head, his shaft. He pushes further in.

The woman is straining against the restraints, making small, desperate noises of panic and disbelief. “No,” she whimpers.

“Good girl,” Dr. Schrader whispers as he thrusts up to the hilt. He moans as her lips wrap around his base, the deepest parts of her are embracing, squeezing his cock so tightly. He starts to fuck, slowly, very slowly, relishing in her warmth, her depth as her walls grip him. He moans louder and relinquishes her hips. He reaches out and pulls down her dress, spiller her luscious tits. His mouth finds her nipple and his kisses it. “You want these to fill with milk, don’t you?” He licks her nipple, teasing it with his tongue. “These will grow even bigger for your baby.” He bites down on her nipple, nibbling it between his teeth, before he starts to suck. He wraps his arms around her, and fucks a little faster. She’s so tight, her grips a wet vice around his length.

“No. You can’t. My husband…”

“Your husband is impotent, Miss Springfield. He’ll never give you a baby. He’ll never give you what you want. Just endure a little longer.” Schrader feels the tension in his balls rising. He leans even further forward, pressing himself down across her body, her tits squashing against his chest. He kisses her collarbone, her neck, then wraps his arms around her and starts to fuck hard, grunting into her ear as he drives his iron hardness into her love. “I’m going to cum. I’m going to cum inside you,” he moans.

She is making small little noises of tension and suppressed pleasure. “No, no you can’t.”

“Get pregnant. Take my seed,” he says and his orgasm begins. He squeezes her tight against him as he sex pulses, emptying his balls, pouring his hot seed into her deepness. Her pussy clenches hard around him, milking him. A silent scream of pleasure plays across his face before turning into a groan, a roar of victory and conquest. He breathes hard into her ear as the afterglow, the waves of hot pleasure soak through his muscles, into his bones. “Good girl,” he whispers. “Good girl.” He kisses her cheek, then pushes himself upright. He takes a moment to savor her expression: conquered. A rosy blush plays across her neck, her cheeks. She is panting and can’t or won’t look at him. Reluctantly, he pulls himself free from her grip, his cum welling up and spilling out of her pussy, running onto the exam table. He breathes deeply. “Very good, Miss Springfield. Very, very good.” He cleans himself, his cock of her juices and his cum.

One by one, he undoes the restraints. She doesn’t say anything. She doesn’t do anything. Silently, she puts on her panties, cum drying on her thighs. She picks up her bag as Schrader puts his belt back on. “Excellent work today, Miss Springfield. I’m sure with a couple more treatments you’ll be pregnant. That’s a guarantee,” he says, smiling. He opens the exam door. “Talk to Lilian at the front to schedule your follow-up.”

He watches her shuffle down the hall. He smiles.



  1. Hey! This was a fun kink to read:).
    I hope it was as fun to write as it was to read.

  2. This is some very good stuff! I’ve always been a huge fan of sadistic character who are experienced in the stuff they do. Using the gynaecology table as a form of bondage never gets old. Also love how it feels like Lilian’s in on it too. I’m curious as to how the doc prevents his victims from venting their concerns about this treatment to staff/police?

    It would’ve been ever hotter if the doctor plugged a dildo inside her to keep the cum in and left her in the stirrups whilst he did some paperwork until the appointment ended. Maybe even have asked the woman to bring a sample of her husband’s sperm so that if she does get pregnant, he’ll think she was artificially inseminated. These are just suggestions that I *think* would’ve added even more to the story, but alas these are just my own opinions that you don’t have to listen to!

    Overall, great read!

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