I bit the bullet and my best friends bottom lip last night! [FF]

So, my best friend(C) and her boyfriend (Y) bought a house, their first. My boyfriend and I helped them move a bit, but their housewarming was last night- we saw some friends we hadn’t seen in a long time, and caught up with each other, talking new jobs and recent holidays.

When we first met, maybe 4 years ago, C became my bestie immediately. I was a little shyer when we met, but I was in the process of coming out of my shell. She was already emerged, low walls and high energy. She’s shorter than I am, by at least half a head, slim but thicc, and, at the moment, is rocking long blonde hair. I have pics on my profile of me, but I have darker blonde hair, am about 5’8″, and have recently started going to the gym, however am a little pudgy around the belly. I have a nice butt though, that I can say honestly πŸ˜‚.

As besties do, we’ve spoken about our sexual encounters and told tall stories about previous partners, as well as what we’d still like to do. She’s spoken to me about how I would be her ultimate 3rd in a threesome, and although she’s pretty attractive, I never truly considered it bc like, Ive never been with a girl, and when would that opportunity even arise? Safe to say though, she’s into me.

I mention this, bc we all got drunk last night, proper drunk, and fairly high. Drinking makes me flirty, and nearly every time I have drinks, I get wet. C is pretty loose, and the gals and kissing, on cheeks and foreheads bc we miss our girls!! I give her a hug, and go to kiss her cheek, and she guides me to her lips. This has happened before, but something hit me last night, and I didnt want to stop. Her lips were so soft, and the way shes looking up at me was truly a first for me, and I was shaken.

I think we make our way outside, back to the bonfire and have a chat everyone, and we keep looking away as we catch each other’s eye. Still talking tall stories, I can’t help but imagine what kissing her deeply would feel like, warm and intoxicating and gentle and relentless. We get to chatting and I end up sitting next to her, and I remember whispering in her ear, “I really want to kiss you again,” and she says, “yeah?” really quietly, and I just say yeah. And I debate, and I try to not think about it, and eventually, I lean over and say, “i’m gonna head to the bathroom, you should meet me there”. She kind of looks at me, and I’m worried for a second that I’ve got it wrong, that the looks are really the work of the alcohol. I head to the bathroom and I’m waiting there for a minute, and it truly feels like 10. I open the door a few times and take a peek down the hallway to see if she, or anyone else, is coming towards the bathroom, and I make myself stop looking, bc what if I look out and she is coming?? It’s too awkward to think about, so I close the bathroom door and wait.

A knock comes not long after that. I open the door and make sure it’s her. It is. She smiles and walks in past me, and I close and lock the door behind her.

“What the hell, Far? Wheres this come from? Are you okay?” I can barely look at her, I’m so nervous, but I can’t stop smiling. I shake my head. “I don’t know. Yeah I’m okay, I just really want to kiss you right now, I’m so sorry.”
“Hey,” she grabs me by the arm, and puts her other hand on my cheek, “don’t even think about apologising.”

And she kisses me.

Softly, to make sure I’m ok, and I hold her head and chin in both hands, and pull her in. Guys, it was phenomenal. She really likes me, and this, and she was so careful, and it was so wrong bc we both have partners, but it didn’t feel like a deal-breaker?? And she’s kissing me back, and touching my ass, and holding me close, and her hands are on my neck and my bare midriff from my crop top, and I can’t touch enough of her. It’s just not enough and I’m obsessed.

We break, and I breathe in her ear, “I want you. Fuck I want you so bad,” and she giggles a little and says, “Y should know, I don’t know how he’d feel about this.” I knew it, “I’m sorry, I know.” Because genuinely, my bf is pretty vanilla, and though I love him, he knows I want more. The four of us are really close, and I think if I ask him if he’d be okay with me sleeping with her, that he would actually say yes. Not that he’d like it, but that he would understand why I wanted it, and if she would be okay with it, that’s good enough for him.
“Stop apologising! It’s okay.” And she kisses my nose. And we kiss again. Full makeout. I nip her bottom lip while her tongue tries to make its way into my mouth. I really want to touch her boobs but I still want to be respectful of her bf I think?? The alcohol was talking again. Now we’re moaning a little.

We hear someone using the toilet next door. I move back from her a bit, take some deep breaths. We stare at each other. Laugh a little. Say thanks. Shake our heads.

“We should leave.” “Yeah we should.”

We meet a friend’s on the way out. He might know. I doubt it. Maybe though.

We sneak looks all night. I can’t hide how much I want her, but I do try to give her space.

Later that night, I’m with my partner in his swag. I ask him, straight up. “Would you mind if I slept with C?”
“If that’s what you really want, I wouldn’t mind.”

I nearly crawl out and tell her, I can barely sleep I’m so turned on. My bf is too tired to fuck, and so he falls asleep while I masturbate next to him, over and over, thinking of her, until I fall asleep as well.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/w165cv/i_bit_the_bullet_and_my_best_friends_bottom_lip


  1. Sounds so hot. My wife wants to experience this too. Can I ask a question? Would you be ok with your boyfriend hooking up with his best friend and fucking?

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