The one where I got [M]y [F]irst handjob in the nation’s capital

After enjoying the stories on this subreddit for years, I’ve decided to finally write and share a few of my own. They will be in chronological order, so my first is my earliest proper “hookup” experience. I’ll say up front that my writing tends to run on the long side with lots of description and build-up. If that’s not your thing… you have been warned.

*Everyone in the story is 18+*

To set the scene: before graduating from High School, I attended this program in Washington DC with other students from across the country. The kind of thing where you get to miss a week of class to see how the US government works. In hindsight, it was probably a bit of a racket. But it was a fun experience that resulted in my first and most memorable handjob of my life.

The program was actually quite fun. You’re a teenager in an unfamiliar city with tons of strangers from around the country, living in a sort of dorm, doing something different every day that is infinitely more exciting than sitting in class. There were chaperones of a sort in the form of group leaders, but it was all pretty loose and there was the thrill of freedom away from home. It also had that summer-camp sort of vibe to it, since very few people knew each other, and chances were none of us students there would ever see each other again after. Most importantly, the girls outnumbered the guys 60/40, and there were a ton of hotties.

A little about me at this time: I was a classic late-bloomer. Generally pretty nerdy and shy growing up. Spent way too much time playing video games, which is why my first hookup story was happening later than most. But I was finally starting to grow into my own. I was tall at 6’4” and beginning to appreciate that it was an asset rather than something to feel awkward about. I was thin and lanky, but growing more muscular from working out. I had dark, curly hair and a deep voice. I was just beginning to learn that girls found me attractive and had started noticing attention from them as I matured and became more confident and comfortable in my own skin. I was also very lucky to be blessed with a dick just shy of 7.5 inches, though I had never used it or even had a girl see it. Between my lack of experience with girls, the sample size of porn I had watched, and having a wild best friend who had a literal 10 inch monster cock that he was not shy about showing off and was legendary throughout our hometown, I thought I was just average and all guys had what I did. Therefore I had no “big dick energy” or confidence in that department.

I was also uncircumcised, and at that time in the 00s as a white dude in the South, I was heavily in the minority. If I had peers who were also uncut, they were as quiet about it as I was. If it ever came up in conversation amongst guys, jokes were made, and I would sit quietly feeling embarrassed. I was terrified girls would be turned off or grossed out. Spoiler alert: I would soon come to realize this would not be my experience, and sometimes it would be quite the opposite. I would end up being a lot of girls’ first experience with an uncut guy. Thanks to some early positive reactions, I grew confident and even proud of my “rare” penis.

I also definitely have a much higher-than-average sex drive, even for a guy. At that time with my out-of-control teenage hormones, I could probably jerk off and cum 10+ times a day given the opportunity. Each day, I always rubbed one out first thing in the morning and also before going to sleep at night. In addition, by the time school was over in the afternoon, I was always dying to get home and have a big, explosive orgasm. I would get raging erections constantly throughout the day in school. I never wore belts, so I could safely tuck my dick up through my waistband and conceal it with the jackets or button ups I often wore. Most days, I would ask to leave class to go to the restrooms when they were empty so I could get a quick cum in. Looking back, it is incredible that I had any room left in my brain with so many sexual thoughts taking up space.

So there I was: a sexually inexperienced and painfully horny young man, in our nation’s capital in the company of lots of pretty girls that were all new to me. I was a novice in my flirting game, but I wasted no time in maximizing all the opportunities to do so with the ladies, putting my already raging hormones into a fever state. Between that and the complete lack of opportunities to jerk off (thanks to the dorm situation), I felt like I was hard for at least half of my time awake. Every day began for me with a case of diamond-status morning wood that wouldn’t calm down until after breakfast. I learned on day 1 that I needed to wear my belt very loose, because otherwise being hard in my suit could be very revealing, especially as the freeballer that I was.

To say that there were a few girls that caught my eye would be an understatement. It was undoubtedly my horny teenage brain that wanted every girl that was a 6+ within my proximity. But there were a few in particular I noticed and spent time around and fantasized about more than others. The one that is relevant to this story was Lauren. Physically, she was right in my wheelhouse: a cute little blue-eyed blonde, slim but with incredible curves somehow. I’m not much of an ass man, but she had this great tight one with beautiful hips that I’d find myself staring at in her form-fitting dresses.
I would go on to do terrible, unforgivable things for great pairs of tits in my time. And Lauren had this incredible set of DDs she couldn’t manage to conceal that I found myself literally salivating over. She also had this fun and mischievous vibe about her that presented as a sort of twinkle in her eye – what I would later in life refer to as the “slut sparkle”, something I would have a very soft spot for, and would become an excellent identifier for a girl I would be very sexually compatible with.

But at this time, I was extremely inexperienced and just finding my way to my own confidence. I had no idea how to pull girls, really, and I was far too attracted to Lauren, which in my head meant she was far out of my league. Yet I did keep finding myself in company with or around her. So I would man-up, and take these opportunities to hit on her. I felt like I was kidding myself, but she did seem to smile at me often with that eye twinkle, and this had a huge confidence-boosting effect that made it easier to keep doing it.

Fast forward to Thursday of our week-long program, we were at The Capitol and sat for a few minutes in the top gallery of the House chamber while some tedious and sparsely-attended session was going on. I remember very little of it, because Lauren was sitting just in front of me in the row below and the angle was such that I had a pretty good view of her body from above. Obviously the girls weren’t wearing extremely revealing dresses, but thanks to my vantage point and nature of her 2busty2hide proportions, I got a bit of a cleavage view and was able to stare, unobserved, to my heart’s content. Needless to say, I don’t think my dick had ever gotten that hard that fast. One moment it was resting in comfortable semi status down my suit leg, the next it was a steel rod trying to escape the thin fabric. I had to quickly but casually fold my hands low into my lap to try and hold the monster down. I didn’t dare glance around, because I was sure everyone close by would notice and was afraid that if I acknowledged them seeing, it would be game over.

So lost in a cloud of fear of being exposed while also being extremely turned-on, and still unable to tear my eyes away from the magnificent female form below me, I was completely taken by surprise when everyone started standing up. Apparently we had been motioned to file out and onto our next destination. I was in an awkward spot, but I knew time was running out to move. People to each side were already standing and Lauren and the girls beside her below and in front were doing so as well. I tried to covertly shift my dick out to the side as I stood, but realized once I was up that it looked absurd and obvious trying to escape from the side of my pants and resembling a sideways flashlight. There was no way I could casually walk in this state. So as we turned to file out down the aisle, in desperation I made a bold move and quickly reached a hand down through my belt and into my pants to shift my dick upwards. It was a bit awkward with the whole tucked-in shirt situation, but I felt I had salvaged things unnoticed under the cover of my suit jacket. That is, until I looked up to see Lauren staring right at my bulge, eyebrows raised, before her eyes flicked up to meet mine. I had the distinct feeling she had seen my entire not-smooth move. I know that from a reader’s perspective this might sound like a hot situation, but at that moment I was mortified and felt frozen with terror and shame. Her eyes shifted from surprise to this amused expression that did not make me feel any better, and she gave this subtle smirk before turning to walk out. I’d like to say I smoothly returned a grin or some suave look, but I guarantee my face was stuck in a kind of expressionless horror, and I zombie-walked out, feeling detached from my body with panic.

Our next stop was lunch at one of the capitol dining areas where we were arranged at long tables. I sat with some friends I had made that week and ate and talked mostly on autopilot. I couldn’t stop thinking about what had just happened and was very lost in my own thoughts. There was the embarrassment, but underneath it was also something very thrilling. I eventually worked up the courage to glance a few looks at Lauren, who was across and further down a table. Once, she caught my gaze and gave this knowing smile, to which I forced myself to grin back, awkwardly. From that moment on for the rest of that day and the next, I noticed her looking my way much more frequently than before, and we often locked eyes. I was mostly relieved that she hadn’t reacted negatively to what had happened, and I was more than a little oblivious in those days. But still I couldn’t help but feel that things were different in the way she looked at me. What I didn’t comprehend then, in my inexperience, but I know well now, is that she was giving the “fuck me” eyes.

Going into Friday, the last full day before we were all set to fly out on the weekend, I was probably riding the wildest hormone high of my life. But even if I had the talent and game to progress things into hookup territory with Lauren, the opportunities for doing so seemed as remote to me as the moon. Thus, I am eternally grateful that the planners of these youth conference rackets, in all their carelessness, had arranged a poorly-regulated dance the last evening with all the other programs of that week.

Back home, I hated school dances. I was one of the guys who skipped prom, and even had to turn down a girl who asked me, which I would later feel bad about. To me, the teenage social politics was as exhausting as it was anxiety inducing. But this situation felt different and exciting. In retrospect, it was my first experience with the wildness that comes from the juxtaposition of a celebratory situation within a professional context. Think of the classic office holiday party paradigm, where people getting to let their hair down after work leads to a sort of manic atmosphere where things can get out of hand fast. This was in some large convention center spot downtown and close to where we were dorming. It felt huge and there were probably hundreds of students there, complete with disco balls and a live DJ duo. Despite the lack of alcohol, it had that feeling of uncontained revelry combined with frustrated teenage sexual tension. It was a potent combination.

I was unabashedly having a great time from the beginning. The knowledge that this week was over and I’d likely never see any of these people again was really hitting me. This was probably the first time in my life that I really let go and gave myself up to what would become one of my deepest loves: to dance. The details of the evening are unimportant to this smut story, but more than halfway through I was really feeling in the zone. Thankfully the DJs were accurately reading the room and not putting on excessive amounts of coupley slow dance songs to a crowd of young adults who had been strangers a few days ago. So the vibe was fun and there were lots of opportunities for solo, group, and of course, some casual booty dancing. I would see Lauren periodically and talk to her or dance in groups as the constantly shifting tide of bodies on the dance floor moved and flowed. But mostly, I found myself dancing with a lot of girls and just generally feeling on top of the world. Horny as I had been the whole week, it was honestly more of a fun thrill with only some subtle sexual undertones as I danced on and around the many lovely ladies. Though I was often sporting a semi hard on, I wasn’t doing any serious grinding and was mainly just riding a dancer’s high. I was finally finding a good outlet for all that pent-up sexual tension of the week.

But the universe had other, much more exciting plans in store for me. Seeming to appear out of nowhere, just as a good song was coming on, Lauren was directly in front of me. She was giving me a stronger version of that look from the last two days as she stepped close and draped her arms up playfully around my neck, sending tingles down my spine. She was much shorter and smaller than me, and this close proximity really made me feel big and powerful looking down at her. I could swear she was having the same feeling in reverse and loving it. This was before I learned to actively look for eye dilation, but I’m sure her pupils were full open, seeing something she liked. On a subconscious level, I was definitely responding in a feedback loop of attraction. There was a palpable electricity between us, and I reached out and grasped her hips through her skin-tight dress as we moved in unison to the song.

I should mention that her dress really had her tits on full display – the top half of them exposed and curving into delightful cleavage I wanted to dive head-first into. I had been sneaking glances at them when I saw her earlier, but now I found myself inches from them and couldn’t help but stare. I was enraptured by how impossibly full and nice they were on her slender frame, and found myself hopelessly titmatized gazing down at them. She then did this seductive giggle-laugh that I will never forget, because it was filled with such lustful female sexual energy, and it broke me out of my trance as my eyes flicked up to lock on with hers. She gave me this knowing look before turning almost shyly away, smiling, and then pressed herself against me, tiptoeing up to kiss the side of my neck. Blood instantly started to rush to my dick and it spasmed against her body. There was zero chance she didn’t feel it, and she seemed to confirm this with a short little gasp and her lingering tightly against me. After a prolonged embrace, she shifted back down, giving that same, seductive giggle, and broke away from me, turning around and pressing her ass into my quickly hardening member as we began to dance.

I was in a haze, riding such an intense chemical high and feeling this sense of unreality as we moved against each other. I was completely unprepared for how sexually charged and intense it became. Any doubt I might have had about what she was doing was stripped away as she looked back over her shoulder at me with that seductive twinkle and bit her lip, moving her ass expertly and sensuously against my dick, grinding in such a way as to move it until it was standing straight up and out. It was like she was charming a snake to stand at full attention and rightfully proud of her talents. Thankfully, it was crowded and dark enough on the dance floor that we were probably not drawing too much attention with so many others booty dancing. But I probably wouldn’t have noticed in any case. My world had shrunk down to the two of us and the intense sexual energy flowing between. I felt as if my whole being was concentrated in my dick, which was as hard and throbbing as it had ever been in my life, pitching a massive and absurd tent in my pants. Lauren bent over in front of me, grinding herself against it and sliding it rhythmically up and down as she would continue to look back at me over her shoulder and bite her lip.

It was at this moment that I realized this was a girl who probably had a lot more sexual experience than I did, and her slutty confidence in knowing what she wanted definitely awakened something, and was driving me absolutely wild. To this day, that type of sexual energy is my golden goose to find in girl, and the origins of it here are clear. I felt a surge of confident dominance as I ran my hands over her back and waist. I found myself dry humping her in rhythm to her grinding as if I was fucking her doggy style right there on the dance floor. I’ve never in my life cum in my pants, but in that moment I came dangerously close. I dug my hands hard into her hips and she gasped in clear pleasure. Without even taking a moment to consider or think about it, I wound my right hand back and smacked her ass hard, to which I heard her let out an involuntary yelp/moan. It was loud enough that I’m sure people nearby heard it. But we were in our own world and quite oblivious.

She hadn’t said a word to me this whole time. All our communication had been of the nonverbal variety. But now she flipped back around and put her hands on my chest. She looked up into my eyes and moved closer. I was expecting an intense first kiss, and began moving to meet her lips. But she stopped just shy of touching and whispered “Let’s get out of here”. She then moved her left hand down to grasp my right, and turning, she led me swiftly off the dance floor.

There were several exits from the main convention center room. From the outside, we must have looked like a real stereotype: a teenage couple leaving the dance floor clutching each other in desperate lustful purpose. I was following my hard dick like a divining rod; the tent in my pants leading the way as much as she was. I’m sure people noticed, but I was far too caught up in the moment to feel self-conscious. The hallways outside were like a maze and full of other students and program leaders, but apparently no chaperones were trying to stop teenage pregnancy that night. It may also be that we just got lucky. We took twists and turns past other groups loitering and laughing, and other couples making out. It all passed in a blur, until it got quieter and we were mostly alone. We stepped into a side hallway; clearly in a part of the building not being used this evening. The lights there were off, and it faded into darkness in the distance. You could hear faint sounds, and I guessed there were other couples fooling around nearby. This was confirmed when we opened a door into what must have been a small conference room, and spilled light on just such a pair. The guy had his pants down around his ankles, the girl was kneeling on the floor, bobbing her head up and down, sucking his dick enthusiastically with loud slurping sounds. He was beyond words, gripping the back of her hair with one hand; the other on her shoulder. It was my first time seeing something like this in real life, and given how turned-on I was already, it was thrilling. Lauren and I both stopped short, transfixed by the sight for a moment. That is, until the girl, alerted to our presence, pulled her mouth of him with a loud popping sound. Catching her breath, she shot a simple “Go away!” in our direction.

Not ones to overstay our welcome, we turned and exited quickly. Once outside we stopped and looked at each other before breaking out laughing. I muttered something about how it looked like they had been enjoying themselves. Lauren snorted with amusement before pulling me further down the hall until we stumbled into a little side alcove a bit further down. The darkness was deeper here and almost spooky as we got away from the lights. I felt Lauren was reluctant to go further down in search of an empty room. Or she might simply have been unable to wait any longer. There was a definite lustful, impatient hunger about her, and I certainly felt the same.

We hadn’t spoken on our trek through the halls but she turned to me and said “Ok, here is good.” Thankfully, I had the sense at this point not to say anything stupid like “Good for what?”, but instead just slid my hands back around her waist and pulled her close. She placed her hands gently back onto my chest, and we had our first, lust-filled kiss. I had made out with a couple of girls at this point, but they were always timid and shy and it had been a bit awkward. Lauren was confident, a great kisser, and had this sexually submissive, yet charged intensity about her that I found intoxicating. Looking back years later in my sexual career, I can tell that she bore all the signs of being really fucking horny, and I didn’t yet fully understand what a powerful lure that was for me.

I, too, was overflowing with lust. As we were making out I started to get much more handsy, squeezing her ass and running my hands over her body as she moaned and melted into me. I was desperate to feel her tits and began running my hands up and over their sides. She broke away and placed her hands over mine, moving them up directly onto her tits with that devilish look in her eye.

“You like these, don’t you?” she said seductively. I could only nod in response as she asked, biting her lip, “Do you want to see them?”

“Fuck yes.” I breathed, giving them a full squeeze. In one effortless motion, she stepped back, shrugged off the straps of her dress, and slid the whole thing down her body. I barely had time to take in the fact that she was down to only her underwear as she moved lithely. It was this lacey black set, and I was just beginning to take in how incredible her body looked, particularly her barely contained tits, when she reached back and unclasped her bra.

My jaw hit the floor as she dropped it to the ground. Her tits were absolute perfection. They were very full, natural, and boldly defiant of gravity for their size. Being the tit expert I am now, I find that I am often disappointed with busty girls having large or weird nipples. Lauren had these perfect little pink, quarter sized ones that were hard and just begging to be sucked on. The shape of her tits and how they swayed and bounced as she stepped towards me was an image that would forever hold a special place in my spank bank. I had always had a thing for boobs, but this experience cemented that love forever. In the years that followed, I would sometimes become obsessed with finding girls with tits of similar perfection and getting them into bed. It became a sort of holy grail for me.

As she stepped closer, she had this look of extreme satisfaction with the effect she was having on me. She knew exactly what she was doing, and it was incredibly sexy. As if to drive this point home, she moved her hands seductively up, cupping her tits and giving them a bounce and squeeze.

“Guys always go crazy for these” she said as she played with them and moved right up against me. Something about this really turned me on: she knew how good she looked and how bad guys wanted her, and wasn’t shy about saying so. My mind jumped to the fact that she probably hooked up with a lot of guys. But that, if anything, just turned me on more. I was beginning to uncover what I would later come to understand was my unapologetic love for sluts.

With her bare breasts pressing against me, I was once again fully and completely titmatized. I ran my hands over them hungrily, groaning with no words available. I pinched her nipples and bent down, taking each into my mouth and sucking on them. I was in heaven and could have stayed doing that for hours, but her moans of pleasure drew me back up to her mouth as I kissed her hard and pulled her tightly against me, pressing my still-raging hardon into her.

“Mmmmmm,” she cooed, as our mouths intertwined. Her hands moved down below my belt for the first time, and I felt the thrill of anticipation. She reached out and ran her hands slowly over the bulging tent in my pants; exploring my full size and shape as she gently scraped her nails along my length. She let out a moan and I grunted involuntarily as, for the first time in my life, a girl grasped my dick in her hands.

It was incredible and every moment felt like the new high point of my life. But she suddenly let go and took a tiny step back so there was a small amount of space between us. Her hands rested on my belt as she dug her fingers into my waistband.

“I wanna see it,” she purred in this silkily seductive voice, and started unbuckling my belt with delicate, expert precision. I couldn’t really believe all this was happening and had a moment where I was actually convinced I had to be dreaming as she unzipped my pants and pushed them down my thighs, her eyes fixed as if she was opening a treasured present.

She gave this delighted gasp as my dick popped free. It sprang up hard and full into the open air, impossibly stiff and swollen at a 45 degree angle. So much blood was flowing to it, I felt like I might pass out.

“Oh wow…” Lauren whispered, sounding both like a kid on Christmas and a porn fantasy come to life. She reached out and slid her slender hand around the base, her fingers not quite touching as they encircled me. I remember her hand felt cold against the burning heat of my erection, and I throbbed against her touch. “Just wow…” She breathed again slowly, giggling. She then broke her gaze away and looked up to meet my eyes. “You’ve got a huge cock.”

Those words are forever seared into my memory. The way she said it, so obviously happy and horny while also being in awe, would form the basis for a major kink I would have from there on out of girls playing with and worshiping my dick. I had no words to say as I stared intensely into her eyes, but my confidence and pride was erupting in fireworks. I could feel my dick twitch and stiffen in response, which drew her focus right back down to it. The way she was looking at and holding my member is difficult to describe, but it was as if she had found something she really liked and was reveling in the fact that it was now all hers.

I would later become much more dominant in all things sex, but during this first, intense experience, everything was so new due to my lack of experience, and I was so turned-on and in shock, that I was barely able to stumble my way through it. I was helpless in her hands, and dying for her to keep going. I would have done anything in that moment for this to not stop. Fortunately, she had no intention of stopping. Still gripping the base, she waved my dick slowly back and forth almost reverently. Even that small motion felt unbelievable, and I was already spasming uncontrollably every few seconds in her hand. Every twitch she would draw in a small gasp that was so sexy to me, it’s a miracle I didn’t cum right there. We were both breathing heavily as she slowly began to squeeze and gently pull on my shaft with one hand, her other hand caressing my balls.

Now I have mentioned that I was self-conscious at this time about being uncircumcised. Despite the rush I was experiencing at that moment, and Lauren’s very positive reaction to my penis, I was still having doubts in the back of my mind, wondering what she thought. It was almost as if she read my mind as she was intently studying it in her hands. She looked up at me and inquired, “You aren’t circumcised, are you?”.

“Uhh…no.” I said, somehow managing to feel self-conscious despite everything. “I have hippy parents.” I didn’t really know what else to say, but fortunately I didn’t apologize or say anything insecure.

“I’ve never seen one that isn’t circumcised,” she muttered, looking back down at it as she inspected it closely. I felt like I was holding my breath, all my insecure fears about girls being turned off by it running through me. Then, she looked back up and met my eyes and grinned mischievously. “…I like it.”
She said it declaratively; the seductive tone coming back into her voice as she looked back down at my dick with that same lust-filled gaze. I couldn’t believe her words.

Now something to note is that when I say I’m uncircumcised, it’s not the kind you sometimes see in porn where when the guy is hard and you can’t tell the difference. I’m talking Manual Ferrara uncut status, where I could be at full mast and my foreskin is still able to cover everything. Lauren was learning the fun fact of my dick that made jerking off very easy, which is that the whole thing is like a big sleeve that moves easily up and down, and she really seemed to be enjoying playing with it. It was as if she had just found a brand new toy and was trying it out.

“Wow.” She kept saying, while giving these sexy little giggles. ”You’re so fucking big.”
“I guess…” I said uncertainly, not really knowing how to respond. “Do you like that?”
“Yeah,” she said with a giggle. “I love big ones. And yours is perfect.”
I could not believe my ears and felt like I was in some daze of unreality. She was now playing with my foreskin with one hand, seemingly entranced by how she could rub the swollen head of my dick under it. Her other hand left my balls and she ran her finger around the opening, which sent shivers through my body as I kept spasming uncontrollably. She then grasped my shaft firmly and started slowly stroking me up and down. After a few gentle strokes she pulled firmly and fully down, causing my foreskin to roll down and fully expose my swollen head. It felt really good, and I shuddered in pleasure as she moaned and said “Fuck that’s hot.” She then pushed the skin back up and over and seemed mesmerized by the way she could slide it up and down my head as she kept going, slowly covering and uncovering it. It was surreal how turned on I was feeling about how much she was enjoying my dick, and I was no longer insecure about being uncut. If anything, I was relishing how much she was enjoying her first time playing with one. This girl loved dicks and was super turned on playing with mine. I was really into it.

I realized at this point she had been lightly touching herself over her underwear with her other hand, and I reached over and slid my hand into her panties as she moaned gratefully. She was completely shaved and I was blown away at feeling my first pussy ever, amazed at how soft and delicate she felt, and also how wet my hand was already. I was probably very clumsy playing with a girl for the first time, but she was so turned on that it was like playing a video game on notice mode.

I started running my fingers over her and she began moaning louder and grinding against my hand. I had wondered for years what the inside of a pussy felt like, and really wanted to put my fingers in her. I reached further in, and had the experience many guys do on their first time, which is that the opening was much lower than I expected. But I soon found it and slid my middle finger into her as she gasped hard. She was so tight there was no way I was getting any more fingers in there. I pushed my long middle finger deeper, and her walls tightened so hard it almost hurt. As I was doing this she was starting to jerk me off more vigorously, and I could feel more involuntary spasms that told me I was not going to last long at all.

Trying to breathe and slow down my building pleasure, I slipped my fingers out of her and began searching for her clit. I wasn’t ignorant – I had done plenty of research at this point on the internet reading, as well as watching some instructional porn – but I was completely new to doing anything. Lauren reached over with her hand and helped push my fingers onto her sweet spot. I started gently circling it, which drove her wild. As I got into a rhythm she began to shake and get louder.

We couldn’t have been at this for longer than a minute or two at most since my pants came down, but we were standing there, half-naked in this alcove, a hand between each other’s legs desperately playing with each other as we both sped towards our orgasms. We tried to make out a bit while doing this, but ultimately I think we were both far too in the moment of what we were doing to each other.

I clearly remember between her moans she blurted out “God I love your big cock.” And she moved her other hand onto my shaft as she started stroking it faster and harder with both at once. I was new to dirty talk, and the way she called my dick a “cock” and how she said it had my brain reeling.

I had the idea in my head that a guy who was good at sex needed to hold off cumming until he made the girl cum first. But I was so turned on hearing her words, and she was also now getting into a rhythm that was irresistible. I knew I couldn’t hold off any longer. Everywhere I looked I was more turned on, whether it was the intense and lustful cock-hungry look in her eyes, her delicate little hands stroking me, her big tits hanging forward and bouncing, or my hand between her thighs, pleasuring her. I circled her clit, and no matter how much I relaxed and tried to concentrate, I was having that building feeling of pressure deep in my prostate, the involuntary spasms and almost painful swelling of the head of my dick that was telling me I was about to cum like I had never cum before.

A low, involuntary moan was escaping me as the pleasure she was giving me spiraled out of control. She must have realized how close I was, because she took her left hand and reached down to squeeze my balls. This was too much for me. I felt like I was going to black out and could barely form words, but somehow I managed to grunt out “I’m going to cum!” as I crossed the point of no return.

“Yeah?” breathed Lauren, “I want to see you cum!”

This seemed to be pushing her over the edge too, and she moved to the side and bent forward, getting her face closer to my dick but out of the line of fire as if she wanted a front row seat.

I can’t say for certain what the strongest orgasm of my life was, but this one is definitely in the hall of fame, and without a doubt the most powerful I had ever had at that point. All the build-up from a week of being being so horny and pent-up from not jerking off, the novelty of getting my first handjob, the sheer attractiveness of this girl, and how arousing the whole situation was with her worshiping my dick… it was like a cannon going off.

As a tingling explosion burst up my spine, the head of my dick radiated with intensity and my prostate surged and pulsed. All I could do was let out one long grunting moan as the intense pleasure overtook me. The first, thick rope of cum shot out of my dick hard and fast, flying several feet and hitting the wall with an audible splat.

“Ohh yeah!” Lauren squealed with delight. She seemed even more excited than I was about my cumming and was clearly very turned on watching me shoot everywhere. Her orgasm began just as mine crested, and she started shaking and spasming, clenching her thighs hard around my hand, but never letting up on stroking the cum out of me as she came hard at the same time.

This somehow managed to turn me on even more, so that it felt like my orgasm got even stronger after it started. When jerking off, my first shot was usually the biggest, but this time shots 2, 3, and 4 were just as large, and I was too lost in the sensation to even be amused by the audible sounds it was making flying across the alcove and hitting the far wall. I can’t say I was in the headspace to count, but it felt like I had more cum in me than ever in my life, and I shot more than 10 huge ropes. The later ones became more watery and explosive and it flew everywhere, covering the far wall and the carpet in a 3 foot arc from the direction my dick had been pointing (sorry cleaning crew). Lauren’s enthusiastic and turned-on response to this made it even hotter. I have no doubt she went on to become a real cum slut later. That definitely planted in me another seed for a later kink.

I was empty of cum, but my dick was still spasming. Lauren kept stroking as she felt the pulses began to ease, and she began to loosed her vice grip on my hand between her legs. As both our orgasms subsided, our legs were shaking and we disentangled and leaned back against the wall, catching our breath. She started to giggle and I chuckled before we both broke into laughter. Uncontrollable, satisfied post-orgasm laughs from deep within. I had no way of wrapping my head around what had just happened, but I knew something big had opened up in me that night. I would think back on this moment years later when learning about how the French called the orgasm “la petite mort” or the little death. Part of me definitely died in that release, and a more sexually adventurous and confident explorer was born out of the ashes.

Eventually, we grew quiet and turned our heads against the wall so our eyes could meet. Amazingly, there was no negative post-nut clarity or any awkwardness. We had this relaxed afterglow that was quite beautiful. She looked like a statue of some goddess, her blond hair draped against the wall, her big tits moving in rhythm with her breath, her perfect form covered only by her panties. I felt like I had just won the lottery. There was no need to exchange any words as we smiled at each other. Eventually, we pushed ourselves off the wall. She retrieved her bra and we dressed, trying to make ourselves presentable. We found our way back to the dance just as it was ending, and had one perfectly suggestive and deep hug and “goodnight” before she winked at me and we were separated in the disbursement as we were herded back to our dorms.
I never saw Lauren again after that. The dance was the last organized event of the week. The following day everyone was catching flights back home, and it was all chaos. She and I hadn’t had the chance to exchange phone numbers or other contact information. As I was on my way to the airport, I realized I didn’t even know her last name. Perhaps with enough motivation I could have contacted the program organizers once I was back home and found some way to get in touch. But I think part of me recognized the magic of our moment together in this time and place, and that there was a barrier between it and our respective lives back home that couldn’t be pierced without spoiling it.
She remains one of the hottest girls I’ve ever hooked up with. I fantasized for many years imagining what it might have been like to have taken things further with her. I’m sure, given the opportunity, we would have had a lot of fun. But timing and chance are powerful forces that one cannot control. I think that’s part of the way of things, that I was intended to have that moment and let the rest alight my imagination and fantasies. It was exactly the experience I needed at that time, and would open the door to my sexual confidence, and many more adventures with other partners to come. The first of which was just around the corner….

To be continued in my next story. I hope you enjoyed.



  1. That was awesome! What a fucking great first time. Please write more, super talented

  2. Longest handjob story ever. Lost count of how many tangents and diversions you went on. Also, it’s obvious your passion is for descriptive writing, not dance.

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