She breaks my routine [MF]

I’m a creature of habit – I have a Monday to Friday job, so I tend to fit my schedule around it. 
I like to avoid traffic, so I leave for work early in the morning. I also prefer to workout in the morning – it gives me a high for the rest of the day.
That means I’m usually the only person in my apartment’s fitness center.
Which is fine with me – I don’t have to wait for using any equipment.

Recently, another resident has been showing up as I’m finishing my routine.
She’s attractive – and fit, and I’ll admit I’m curious about her (haven’t noticed a ring), but I’m usually drenched in sweat and self conscious about that as we politely acknowledge each other in passing. 
Plus, I don’t want to be a creeper trying to pick up a woman at the gym, she’s there to work out and so am I.

The first time we spoke, I was wiping my sweat off a machine and she caught me off guard, “mind if I turn the thermostat up?”
I like it cold, and being the only person working out – have never had to negotiate the temperature.
“Sure, I’m actually finished. Have a good workout.”
It gave me the opportunity to look into her eyes, they are a dark, rich, amber. I’ve never seen eyes like hers.
I was like a deer in headlights, but luckily she seemed to not notice as she said, “oh, okay, thanks” and turned away to set the temperature.
I checked out her backside on the sly as I made my way out.

I’m not going to lie, I started to fantasize about her as I showered, but needed to stick to my routine and get to work – did I mention I hate traffic?

Over the next few weeks, I would sometimes see her at the end of my workout, and sometimes not. We exchanged greetings and established a routine – as I made my way out, she would go change the temperature. I would take cautious glances, because damn she had a really nice figure.

Last week, on my way out the gym after my workout, we practically bumped into each other. Apologizing profusely, we locked eyes and I stammered, “I really need to go”.

She held my gaze, “You seem to be in such a rush all the time”.
I didn’t know how to respond.
This was the longest time we’d spent so close to each other and I was starting to worry about getting a bulge – athletic shorts don’t hide anything.

Taking a breath, I said, “well, yeah, I need to shower, have breakfast and beat the traffic on my way to work”.
She looked disappointed, and I thought maybe she was hoping I was rich and didn’t have to work, my mind cycling through irrational fears.

She piped up, “You never talk to me, are you wondering why I’ve been coming to the gym at this ridiculous hour?”
That shocked me into a response, “I just figured you had a routine, like me.” 

She grinned, “How polite of you”. Looking down at my hands as I covered my crotch, “well that answers my next question”, she grabbed my wrist and walked to the bathroom door that’s next to the gym. After pulling me inside, she locked the door and stared into my eyes, mesmerizing me.
“Let’s see if I can make this quick, but you’ll owe me.”

My mind was racing, was this a dream?
She threw her workout towel at my feet, knelt on it, holding my gaze as she groped my growing member, “tell me how much you’ve wanted this”.

Stating down at her, I could hardly think, “You have the most beautiful eyes”.

Grinning, she pulled my shorts down, “and?”, she cupped my balls, licking them and continuing upward, still holding my gaze.

Moaning, I stuttered, “that feels so good, I’ve been thinking about you when I jerk off”.

Her eyes sparkled, “that’s more like it”, she took a deep breath, “mmmm, you smell so musky – I want to swallow your hot load”.

One hand still holding my jewels, her other hand guided my throbbing cock into her mouth, eyes still locked on mine.

I matched the rhythm of her strokes, her tongue worked magic and she slurped on me like a popsicle. 

“This is way better than jerking off”, I managed.
Her eyes brightened in response and she mumbled in amusement, sending vibrations along my penis, and that pushed me over the edge. “I’m going to c-“.

She quickly grabbed my ass, shoving my entire length into her mouth. As my cock entered her throat, I reached my climax, pumping load after load of cum. My knees going wobbly, I shuddered and leaned back against the door, amazed that she was still holding eye contact and gulping down my sexual release.

As she pulled back, she took a deep gasp, “I hope that was quick enough.”

Shocked out of my stupor, “I’ll figure it out.”

I pulled up my shorts and helped her up.

I knew I would be facing traffic, even if I rushed through the rest of my routine, but it was well worth it.

To be continued?



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