[MF] My Best Buddy’s Widow – Anything her heart desires.

First of all, to all the folks who decided to read my stories and follow me, I thank you sincerely. I hope you enjoy reading about Addison and I’s journey. This next story is one I am excited to share. It’s a long one, but I hope you stick till the end and enjoy.

Two weekends ago, I came back from spending sometime with my son, Junior in Florida. It was the longest time we spent together, just him and I since he got engaged.

Addie picked me up from the airport when I got home and she saw how happy I was as I told her about my trip. When we got home, Addie commented that I stink of old airplane smell and invited me to take a shower with her. We fooled around a bit as we washed it each other and eventually ended up in bed.

That evening, we were having pizza for dinner as we sat in the living room watching TV. The movie “Under the Tuscan Sky” came on and Addie wanted to watch it since it’s one of her favorite movies.

Sometime in the middle of the movie, Addie told me that if there was one sexual fantasy she had it would be having sex in a Tuscan Villa in the middle of the day with the windows wide open. Or in a hotel balcony overlooking the Eiffel Tower on a rainy Paris night. She gave me a naughty smile as she told me and I knew enough to take note.

That night as we headed to bed, I asked her what she did while I was away with my son. She said she hung out with her son and his girlfriend. Addie and her daughter are still not seeing eye to eye and she told me that she did not even get a call from her daughter to spend sometime with her while I was away.

Then she told me that Saturday night she talked with Kaia for a long time. For those who don’t know who Kaia is, read about her here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/gszukm/mf_my_best_buddys_widow_part_11/](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/gszukm/mf_my_best_buddys_widow_part_11/)

During the pandemic, Kaia moved back to Maryland to be with her family. She has taken her life seriously and has stopped doing escort service. Though she says she missed the money terribly, she admits that she feels a lot better about herself.

Addie told me about what Kaia is up to in her life and she told me she missed Kaia. I told her I missed her too.

Years ago before I settled down with Addie, I was a sales/market manager that traveled all over the country. For years I was traveling more that I was home and during that time I acquired quite a bit of frequent flyer miles. Because of the pandemic those miles sat unused.

Coincidentally, the next morning I was checking my emails and I got a reminder from the airline about my miles and I actually had a lot more than I remembered. I started to look at trips to Italy and Paris and figured out that I was able to use my miles to get Addie and I almost free round trip flights to Europe.

I had a big smile on my face as Addie came into my home office to bring me some coffee. She asked what I was smiling about and I showed her my screen.

“Oh my God, are you serious?” was all she could say. She sat on my lay, threw her arms around me and gave me a giant kiss on the lips.

That night as we were laying in bed, thanked me again for our upcoming trip and told me how much she was looking forward to it. I made some dirty comment about how I was looking forward to fucking her in the ass, as we looked at the Eiffel Tower. I admit, it “cheapened” the moment, but I thought it would be sexy to say it at the time.

Last Wednesday morning, she came home from the gym and came into my home office. I was finishing up an email for work and that was pretty much it for my work day. Addie asked me if we had plans for the day and as far as I knew it was just going to be a boring Wednesday. On top of that, the weather report called for thunderstorms through out the rest of the day. I asked her if she had anything in mind. Addie said that the girls at the gym were talking about the new Top Gun movie and it kinda peaked her interest. She said she wanted to see it. I just about jumped out of my seat, grabbed her hand and said “let’s go!!!”.

She said “Whoa boy. We need to take a shower first”.

Addie and I jumped in the shower. Except for mild touching, we were very behaved and afterwards started to get ready to leave.

We got to our local cinema-plex, got some lunch and Addie decided to do a little bit of shopping in the mall attached to the theater. I told her I’ll head over to the theater, grab our tickets (as if it was going to sell out… it was Wednesday afternoon) and wait for her there.

Unsurprisingly, the theater was pretty much empty and the kid in the ticket booth looked somewhat annoyed that I interrupted the game he was playing on his phone to sell me a ticket. The movie was not for another 30 or so minutes. I texted Addie to let her know.

I made my way inside the theater complex and sat down on a bench, took out my phone and started scrolling through social media. A few minutes later a young lady sat next to me. She was attractive, probably early 20’s. I looked up and smiled at her as she sat.

“Hi, daddy!” she said.

I looked at her and then looked behind me to see if there was anybody she was talking to. I looked at her again and she smiled.

“I was talking to you, daddy. What are you doing today?” she asked.

Really I wasn’t sure if I was going to be offended about the whole “daddy” thing, but I have been called a lot worse so I paid it no mind.

“I’m getting ready to watch Top Gun.” I replied.

“Awesome” she said. “I haven’t seen it. Do you want some company?” she asked.

Let’s be honest here for a sec. I am not the most good looking guy in the world. I didn’t win Addie’s heart because of my “drop dead, put George Clooney to shame” good looks (being sarcastic). Far from it. So what is this girl doing flirting with me?

My first thought is she is probably a pro. Then I thought, maybe she was just looking for something to do, and I was that something. N-ah. I am not going to flatter myself.

I told her that I had company and that my wife will be here any minute now. That didn’t seem to deter her and she introduced herself as Kim.

Addie walked up as I shook Kim’s hand and introduce Addie. Kim said “hello”.

“So you guys are watching Top Gun, huh? I heard it was really good.” Kim said.

“You haven’t seen it?” asked Addie and Kim shook her head.

“Do you want to join us?” Addie asked and then she turned to me and asked me to get Kim a ticket.

I kind of thought to myself…”wait, what?” Something is up. Maybe. That is not something Addie would do But on the other hand she might just be being friendly. I know she missed her daughter and Kaia’s company and maybe that’s what she was looking for. I don’t know, but whatever.

I took out my phone and got Kim a ticket. It looks like the theater was somewhat empty so I got her a seat away from Addie and I.

Addie and Kim continued talking as walked away and went to the men’s room. When I got back, they were in line at the concession to get some popcorn and then we headed to the theater.

I told Kim where she was sitting as Addie and I made our way to our seats, which was at the very top row, right in the middle.

“But I want to sit with you, Daddy.” Kim said.

I looked at Addie to see if she heard what Kim said and Addie invited her to sit with us.

Like I feared, Addie sat on my left, Kim sat on my right and they talked the whole time through the previews. I whispered to Addie that I would like her to keep quiet when the movie starts and she playfully bit my ear.

The movie started and for a while there, Addie and Kim were quiet. Half way through the movie, Addie laid her head on my shoulder. I looked at her and she smiled and kissed me on the cheek.

“Are you enjoying your movie?” she asked.

“Yes I am” I answered.

She kissed me again on the cheek and put her hand on my chest. Then Kim put her hand on my leg.

I looked at Addie and again she smiled at me. Now I know something was up and I didn’t mean just my dick.

Addie leaned over my lap and undid my pants. I didn’t even bother to ask her what she was doing since I already figured out what was going on. She put me in her mouth the second she got my dick out. Kim was watching Addie and when she saw me looking at her she whispered

“I want your cock, daddy”.

I don’t know if she saw me roll my eyes. What she said was so typical porno, I did not find it sexy. But looking back I do appreciate the effort.

Kim took my hand and put it on her breast as she nibbled on my ear. She whispered for me to put my hand under her shirt and feel her nipples.

Addie was just happily sucking away on my dick. Have I told you lately how much Addie loves to suck dick?

After a few minutes, she gave my dick a kiss and pulled away. Kim put a condom on me and then put me in her mouth.

I kissed Addie and told her “Thank you”. She smiled and kissed me again. Somehow, I missed it when Kim took her bottoms off, because the next thing I knew, I was saw getting ready to sit on my dick. I moaned as I entered her and slowly she rocked back and forth. Addie took turns on my lips and my ear. Asking me if I was enjoying it. How Kim’s pussy felt. If I was very hard.

Kim’s pussy felt great even with the condom on, though I know I would have a harder time finishing. After a while, I told Addie I needed he mouth and I guess she understood what I meant.

She tapped Kim on the leg and Kim got off. Addie pulled the condom off, put it in the popcorn bucket, and put me back in her mouth. 30 seconds later, I came in her mouth.

Kim handed me some napkins to clean up as she started to put her pants back on.

Addie reached into her purse, and got something to wipe her mouth off and then both ladies excused themselves to go to the ladies room. Addie took the popcorn bucket with the used condom in it and threw it in the garbage.

It was a while before the ladies came back. Addie and Kim both rested their heads on my shoulder, but Kim took my arm and wrapped it around her.

The movie ended and both ladies commented that they enjoyed it.

As we walked out of the theater, Addie invited Kim to join us for an early dinner and Kim declined.

“Next time” she said. “you have my number” she told Addie.

With that, Kim kissed me on the cheek and said “Bye Daddy. Thanks for coming”. I felt like rolling my eyes but I feared she might see me do it.

“Another cliche'” I thought. Oh well, I did just fuck her. I’ll let it slide.

As we got in the car, Addie was so casual about the whole thing that she decided we were going to talk about where to go for dinner.

“No,no, no my dear. What just happened?” I asked.

Addie smiled.

“I wanted to reward you for the trip to Italy and Paris. It so happened that when I was talking to Kaia she asked if I could help out a friend of hers. And that was Kim. So I arranged this whole thing with her”.

I thanked Addie again, then brought her home and fucked her brains out!!!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/vzu1ya/mf_my_best_buddys_widow_anything_her_heart_desires


  1. Awesome story! You both have something very special going on and I can’t wait to hear about the trip.

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