Don’t forget the bread part 1 [M-30’s&F-30’s]

Today was just like any other normal day for you and you were running around town doing errands. You had just dropped off the water bill and the last stop was the grocery story to pick up some things for dinner. As your walking up and down the isles checking things off your list, you hear hey! Not thinking it had anything to do with you, you keep walking down the bread isle. As you reach out for the loaf to put into your basket, hey long time no see. This you were sure was directed at you as the voice was close to you and when you came down the isle you were alone. You turn and look to see a man standing there with a beard looking at you. You don’t immediately recognize him, you hold your bread and very politely say I’m sorry have we met?… The man takes a second and you see his face change to look like he was thinking. Then he looks back at you and smiles, yes we have met many years ago. If you agree to have coffee with me I’ll tell you who I am. I’m your mind you are taken back, how could I not remember him if we have met. You look up and down at him when he was glancing away. His hair is dark brown and his eyes are hazel but seem to burn a hole at what ever he looks at. His beard is up kept and looks very good on him. His shoulder are broad and his chest looks like something you could get lost in. You feel your face blush as your mind comes back to reality, well what could coffee hurt you think to your self. When exactly are we supposed to get coffee you ask the man. Well any time really he responds I’m pretty much open. You think to your self and say meet me at CafeDiem oh let’s say 5 o’clock this evening. He smiles and says see you then!

Looking in the mirror at your self you can’t help but think about who the man could be. You have searched all the corners of your mind and still can’t remember. I would surely remember someone that attractive you think to your self. Even tho you agreed to meet you did it the smart way, you picked the location and a time when it’s still day light and you know a lot of people will be there that are just getting off work. You walk up to your closet and shuffle through different outfits thinking what should I wear? You finally settle on a sun dress, it’s not a special dress by any means but you do find your self very cute in it. The time for the meet up is approaching, you have showered shaved your legs and are getting dressed you decide to wear your favorite bra for comfort and some blue cheeky panties. You put on your sundress and begin doing your hair and makeup. As you finish getting ready you grab your keys and walk out the door to your car. The drive which normally only takes 10 minutes seems to take weeks as your mind keeps thinking of who the man can be. Finally you arrive at the coffee shop and park, you are a little early and walk towards the door to go pick out a spot. When you hear let me get that for you, you turn and look and there he is walking up smiling. I guess we both wanted to get here early he said as he grabbed the door, after you as he waved his hand towards the door.
