A pet diary – Pet in the Pod [M][s][f32][M38][HUML] – Prologue

Previous parts:








Master Nene told me today he’d share the first 8 days of this diary with strangers on the Internet.

If you are reading this, I imagine you are one of them. I hope you enjoyed the fortunes and misfortunes I related here.

It’s not that things got boring after day eight, but lets be honest, who can keep up with the day to day of a caged little pet like me. But maybe we can do some highlights.

After day 8, things fell into a never-repeating routine. Every day was the same, every day was different… with some exceptions.

My 30 day anniversary, Master brought me a present; a scale. In all honesty, it’s easy to lose weight when you are severely overweight, you are forced to workout and you eat little and healthy (and have no chance to cheat), so I give myself no credit whatsoever, but after four short weeks I had lost somewhat around 40 pounds.

Obviously by that time the changes in my body were noticeable. Yes, I was still a saggy mess but my belly, my boobs and my thighs were clearly thinner. The place I felt it most was my neck, when Master had to keep adjusting it so it kept tight to my skin. Seeing the result in numbers was a wonderful culmination of a milestone.

To celebrate Master said we would have dinner out. This was a bittersweet feeling. I didn’t leave the Pod in 30 days, except for the one time I opened the door for the pizza delivery I hadn’t even see sunlight for 30 days so, of course I wanted to go out. Also Master was taking me out (I paid attention he said ‘we’) so ‘we’ would go out like on a date or something. What was there not to like? Well, I was bald, I had no eyebrows and my body was covered with permanent marker leaving little to the imagination about my worth. Also, I had no clothes, at all, although I imagined Master would have provided me some. I didn’t think he’d take me out just to see me arrested. Naturally, he had thought about all of this.

It was 5 PM when he told me it was time to get ready to go out. He handed me a bag with clothes in it: short gym tights and a sport bra.

I put on my new clothes already starting to realize that, with Master, things are never as straight forward as they seem. Both bra and tights were at least 1 size to small, probably more and they didn’t cover much skin at all. My boobs basically overflew the elastic fabric on the top. The bottom went down only few inches, basically at pussy-height which by the way, was extremely obvious through the textile and my perfectly smooth well shaved pussy drew a very pronounced camel-toe. If all of this wasn’t enough, they were white, contrasting with my dark tanned skin, and allowing that most of everything including the marker ink, could be intuited if not flat out seen, through it.

And that was it, with so little fabric almost all of the marker writings on my skin were visibly, not to mention the ones in my face and bald head.

So Master produced a bottle of alcohol. The ink has remained on my skin since the first day it was written. Only once in the three weeks since I got them Master refreshed the ones on my back, where I couldn’t reach, but if you asked me they were immaculate. It seemed then, that alcohol was the solution (now I know this is a good pun, I’ll get to this later).

I began cleaning the ones in my arms, being the most accessible, and what I was about to discover had (has) far-reaching consequences. The ink went away easily as soon as I rubbed the alcohol on my skin, but to my surprise and horror the text remained. How is this possible? Well, it looks like Master in his long-term planning provided me with a marker that had also 30SPF, meaning each of the about dozen times I got into the UV bed I was actually tattooing (in a way) the text on my skin. Panicking I hurriedly removed the writing in my cheeks and forehead verifying exactly the same result. I was so tanned, the text was perfectly legible in contrast with my natural pale skin.

Also, making me put the clothes on and then giving me the alcohol in that order was no accident, I guessed, as now my ‘little clothes’ were also stained with tiny black trails.

Next thing was makeup. Ultra-red lipstick, absolute-black eye shadow and eyeliner and more than excessive pink cheek blush.

And, to top it all, bright red 6 inch stiletto high heels.

I crawled into the living room where Master was waiting for me. I was about to ask him to punish me (because I was not happy with the setup) when he squatted next to me

“ Just few more details. “ he said.

First he put my butt plug in my mouth. This was a new one, it was slightly thicker and much longer. While I sucked on it to make it wet he showed me what would be my earrings for the night. Would you guess? It was two mini-buttplugs, in a purple color that were out of tune with everything else. He pulled the toy from my mouth, rolled down the waist of my pants and slowly but surely he inserted it in my ass.

“And last, but not least…”

He grabbed my chin and got me to stand on my knees. He pulled his cock out and started fucking my mouth, hard and deep. In these few weeks I had gotten better at eat, but I would still gag and choke on his dick when he wanted me to; and he wanted me to. He used my face like a fleshlight thrusting harshly, his balls bouncing on my chin, his pubis blocking my nose. Tears were dropping from the corner of my eyes, and my nose was dripping thick and sticky goo. We finally pulled out to cum all over my face.

“Punish me Master.” I cried

I shook as electricity ran through my neck

“Beat me Master”

Another shock

I could hardly form words “More. I beg you, punish me Master.”

He turned around as I continued begging. When he reached the entryway door he called me with his hand. I crossed the door crawling and only then he allowed me to stand up.

Master’s truck was parked in the driveway, only a few feet from the house’s door. This was the second time I ever seen it, together with the first time I came here. The sun hadn’t quite set yet. I had hopped there would be less light than this, honestly. I was still wondering in what kind of restaurant he’d walk in with me looking the way I looked. I couldn’t imagine, but then again I didn’t know Master’s sense of propriety from the doors out.

I had gotten pretty good at walking on heels due to my work-out routines, and although these ones were slightly higher and with a thinner heel I didn’t have much issues getting to the copilot door.

“Pet!” Master called from the back of the vehicle. “That seat is for people. You go here”

In disbelieve I walked towards him. On the truck’s bed there was a crate secured with cargo ties. I looked him in the eyes and I knew there would be no argument. Before I got shocked again, I resigned myself and climbed into the crate.

Thankfully, the drive was short and the truck bed was high enough that I don’t think many people saw me there if any. I mean, it wasn’t much worse than walking into a restaurant the way I looked, but being carried in public in a dog crate wasn’t something I wanted to share.

We stopped on a supermarket parking lot. He came to the back and helped me down.

“Ok. First this” He said, and put an ear bud in my ear.

“Now, this…”

He pulled my top forward and inserted a phone between my boobs. He walked back inside of the truck and through the ear piece I could hear him

“Can you hear me Pet?”

“Yes Master.” I answered.

I suspicion was starting to build in my mind. He said we were going to have dinner out together but why would he give me a phone.

“And lastly…” Master continued. He was crumpling a hundred dollars bill in his hand. He pull my pant waist forward, put his hand inside and put the bank note in my pussy.

“Great. Now we are ready. Go inside and get one of those preprepared salads.” He said pointing at the store’s door. “Bring back the change in the same wallet, Pet”

“But- Master…” I said, and before I could finish the sentence my collar shut me up. I tried to start speaking again and I got another shock.

“Do I need to send you in crawling?”

The idea of crawling in a public space was horrid. Doing it in Walmart it was untenable.

“No Master.” I finally said as I turned around and walked towards the door.

Saying that everyone was looking at me would be an understatement. People followed me around the shop! The gawked openly and stare to all my writing-tan-tattoos. I did the only thing I could do, I kept my eyes low and pushed forward.

The butt plug was doing funny things as I moved on my heels, but the banknote in my pussy was much worse.

I grabbed the salad and beelined to the cashier.

“Good evening! Did you find-“

“Good evening” I answered without looking at her face.

Then the ear piece talked…


I couldn’t help but moan lightly as I my pussy went from 0 to 100 in 1 second. If there was an occasion to test the conditioning, this was really it. And it worked, unfortunately, it worked flawlessly.

The cashier decided to make herself busy until I became responsive again, then she said:

“Eight dollars and thirty seven cents”

I tried to be inconspicuous, but there really wasn’t a way I could hide. I put my hand in my pants and pull the bill, that was totally and completely soaked. I dried it as much as I could in my pants and legs and gave it to her.

She picked it up with two fingers as if they were tweezers and threw into the open drawer. She grab the change and left it at the end of the belt, turning around immediately and focusing on the next customer.

I thought about it for a second, I started wrapping the coins inside the bills, making a little ball with them and then, one by one, I pushed them inside of my soaked cunt.

As per my training, the voice command had instantly brought me to the brink of orgasm, my nipples hardened like rocks pressing out of my tight top. My hand , not having much room inside my pants, couldn’t help but rubbing my clit as I pushed each of the money balls inside me, all seven of them filled with coins.

As I inserted the last bundle I realized I had a whole audience looking at me. Some of the trying to guess what was happening, some visibly excited, most clearly disgusted.

I grabbed my salad and started walking out, objects wiggling inside both my holes as I consciously kept them tight and pressed my legs together. My pants were drenched with my juices which made them even more translucent, basically turning everything between my thighs in a window to my crotch.

Not only was this the most humiliating and embarrassing time of my life, I also could hardly think in any scenario worse than this. At least night had fallen over the parking lot as I left the store behind.

Master was waiting sitting on the car bed, next to the crate. He helped me up and inside my crate but he left the door open. I was sobbing and disgusted with the whole situation but my body didn’t care and crawling in cage nearly pushed me over the edge into what would have been the weirdest orgasm ever. In my defense, it’s also important to note that I had been edging for at least two hours a day, almost every day for the last three weeks, so it didn’t take much.

He opened the salad and ate some of it, then put the container on the truck bed and had me finishing it.

“How are you enjoying eating out Pet?”

“You should punish me Master. I don’t like it at all”

I flinched as he patted my head. Pushed the container in the crate and closed the door. “Finish it on the way, we don’t want you to be late for bed”

Master made me ‘undress’ as soon as we were inside the house, leaving my clothes in the entryway. Once in the leaving room he had me lay down on the floor and pull the ‘money balls’ out of my body. I was extremely relieved when the last one came out and none of them had opened inside me. I needed all the focus I could garner to keep myself from cumming, and it was only going to get worse.

As soon as I was done Master took me to the bathroom. As a special blessing I was allowed to use the shower hose to thoroughly clean my pussy. I really wanted to do that, money is so dirty, so I did as good as a job as I knew how to, meticulously cleaning my insides as Master held the water head right on my crotch. Despite myself, I had to stop several times and concentrate to fend off the incoming orgasm as the water jets on my clit were too much to bear with my fingers inside of me.

Back in the living room, Master put me into my now usual edging position. I groaned as soon as I noticed what was happening and got a shock for my troubles. Mind you I already had a two hours edging session earlier today and right at this time I didn’t think I could bear the vibe for more than few seconds. Anyway, I complied, because that’s what Pets do.

I pressed the switch in my hand and almost instantly I started urging the need to cum. As weeks went by, holding my orgasm has become easier, I can keep it right on the line for longer, but at the same time being as pent up as I was also meant that I got to that point much faster. Today, after Master used the trigger on me it was worse. Much worse. I don’t know exactly how long the it was before I pushed the switch again, probably less than a minute. To my despair, the vibrator kept running.

I tighten my muscles, all my muscles. I tried to visualize things that would cool me down, like the humiliation I had suffer just a while ago, but there was no use. A ball of heat was pushing outwards from inside of me, to the point I could physically feel my flesh expanding and giving way unable to contain the flood that was to come. I kept pushing the button franticly as I screamed and yelled for Master’s aid.

“Flow.” Master whispered as he put his hard cock in my pussy and started fucking me. I spasmed as his dick rubbed on the dildo from inside, me the damn finally broken a chill froze my body on a chill that reach every inch of my bean. I was moaning loud; not moaning, screaming. My nails stabbing into my skin, my feet and legs contorted my abs tight, my neck extended out.

My pussy was gushing fluids out, like water boiling overflowing a pot, only resisted by Master’s cock that easily glided in and out as short squirts abandoned my body shot all over the place. The vibration kept going, Master kept going and my orgasm kept going bringing every muscle of my body to tremble putting me in a seizure-like state. My mind was blank behind my blindfold overcame by the overwhelming pleasure that was threatening with turning my lights off. My mouth was opened, but no sound came out of it other than a mute humming as screams were drown by the lack of air in my lungs.

Master finally came inside me, taking me the last step into ecstasy and bringing a new orgasm even when the previous one hadn’t finished yet.

It was minutes after he stopped the vibrator and finally exited my body that I finally settled down, breathing hard, drooling, exhausted and with the most stupid grin drawn in my face.

This was the first time Master used the trigger word for me to cum and it was, well, memorable. It didn’t wipe the slate clean from the hardship I suffered in the dinner outing and that very night, right before my ‘Diary writing’ time I almost left the Pod. I went so far as walking (note, not crawling) all the way to the entryway prepared to put an end to the whole experience. I stood there, before the door, with my hand in the handle thinking of what I was doing. I have had a very positive reinforcement at the beginning of the day seeing how my weight went down, but I didn’t know I could ever put up with something like the grocery store visit again. But then, I thought, that was done, and there was no guarantee that anything like that would ever happen again (or that I would feel the same way about it) and I knew, if it ever happened and I felt like it was too much I could just feel at that very moment before going through such an experience again. So I decided to stay, I went back to my blanket and after describing in writing what had been the hardest day in my life I eventually fell asleep.

Master had planned for that day to be bad. Proof of it was that the next day was a mental health day. It was the second time I had one. Essentially, it meant that my schedule was clean after my workout time (which was also ‘easier’ than normal days) and Master would spend the whole day with me. We would, of course, keep our relationship as Pet and Master, but we would just spend normal time together doing ‘normal’ activities.

That day specifically I got a very pleasant surprise. One of the things that would keep us entertained was building a bed for me. We spent a very enjoyable time putting it together on the same corner my blanket usually laid. I remember wondering if it would be hard or weird sleeping on a bed, but I was in any case more than willing to try.

Even better, once it was built we tested it out by having sex on it! And I mean, having sex on it. No bindings, no predicament, no pain, no gadgets, no tricks… Just delicious and pleasant sex between a man and a woman.

As of today I don’t know if Master saw me almost leaving the Pod, and if he did if it had any bearing on how we spent that day, but it was one of the happiest days of my life.


Four months later I had consistently lost an average of 4 pounds a month, putting me at 155 pounds just above what was considered overweight for my height. But that wasn’t all. The muscles in my legs and arms were well defined an visible. You could even see my abs behind a now thin layer of fat. I even liked my ass and thought proudly that it looked really hot in the context of my body. My boobs were slightly perkier than they had been, but they were still quite saggy. I wasn’t sure if any amount of exercise would allow me to have any kind of sizable breast firmly held up.

I had also moved up in the Pet world. I was now allowed to walk (albeit wearing high heels) everywhere except the bathroom and the living room. We stopped writing on my face and bald head and eventually the text evened out and mostly disappeared when it got pretty much the same color as the rest of the skin.

I even went through the text books in the library. Pushed into it out of pure boredom, I managed to start reading days that I had literally nothing to do (and couldn’t put myself through the conditioning room). It started slowly, but eventually I got to liking it and Master had brought me many books more once I finished the original ones. I now had, besides higher level text books, some novels as well.

During this time, the girls visited us several times in days were I had ‘Orgy’ in my schedule. Sometimes all of them, sometimes only two. Every visit was wild and brutal and most of the times I wasn’t allowed to cum, even though them (and Master) got to finish several times. The times I was allowed to, though, those were memorable.

My workout schedules had improved, and I got newer and harder routines constantly to keep me challenged.

Things were looking great and although I still struggled with somethings and obviously had some pretty bad moments, I hadn’t considered leaving the Pod again since the trip to the groceries trip day.

On Day 158, my schedule had a new activity, something I had never had before. It was set to start at 2 PM and it would last four hours. So long tasks were unusual, and this one was specially unsettling due to its name: ‘Cum dumpster’

Master and I walked into the fitness room. He instructed me to adopt the ‘face-down butt-up’ position on machine number 12. This machine, and position, was something we did frequently. It would be in occasions Master wanted to abuse my holes while having me completely defenseless (as I could not move at all). As soon as I was bound he popped my biggest dildo into my ass.

“Pet, you’ve made great progress. So much so that you don’t look as much like a disgusting pig anymore, so I’m finally willing to share you with strangers.”

He put a chastity clap on my pussy, a metal slab that covered most of my external genitalia with a little plug that held pressed against my G-Spot. Finally he put a paper bag on my head.

“Wait here.” He chuckled.

Master left the room and I heard the entryway opening and a series of steps walking down the corridor. He had said strangers which obviously implied it wouldn’t be Jackie, Martha and Eva. Was he just going to let a bunch of unknown people fuck me? How big of a bunch?

“Don’t worry Pet. They are all clean. I checked”

He stood next to my butt and pulled out my butt plug

“First in line please”

Instants later a dick was being pushed into me. It went right in as it was obviously even thiner than the plug (and short to) and didn’t cause me any physical discomfort, not much of a reaction at all. Whoever it was it took him all of 20 seconds to finish, and for my disgust, he did it inside.

“Next!” Master said as the current, now limp, dick left my body

Sweaty hands grabbed my hips and I was penetrated again. This was was a bit bigger, but not much and again physically it wasn’t a challenge. Mentally, in the other hand, this was being pretty rough. Being fucked by a stranger was one thing, being bred but people I never saw in my life (and never would) was at a whole different level. The operation repeated, after some thrusting (pretty weak, if you ask me) I felt his sperm down my intestine.

The next one was a different story. He got behind me, I felt how he pushed his tip on my hole, but it wouldn’t go in. He pushed harder and my ass started wrapping around his cock. At least he wasn’t being a brute about it and was giving my flesh the chance to relax. The head went in and he pressed in, slow but steady. I couldn’t see what was getting into my ass, but it glided in for a long time, straightening my insides as it moved. I could have sworn it even bulged my belly. I felt his balls finally bouncing on my pussy and he started pulling out, just as slow. When he was at the point were only the head was in again he started sliding in again, this time much faster. The first go had somehow made room inside, but not totally and this sudden poke still felt like it was opening way. It was deep, very deep. The movement in and out got faster with each shove and my ass was feeling like about to catch fire. He pressed his fingers on my waist and yanked my body towards his as he came inside my belly.

One after another they kept coming in. Some longer, some shorter, some thicker, some thinner, some quicker, some slower… They all had their turn to fuck my butt raw. I would not be able to say how many men flooded my ass that day. Twenty? Thirty? I would not be able how long I was nailed down on machine number 12 while complete strangers used me as their cum bucket.

When the last one finished, Master put the buttplug back into my ass. It wiggled, my ass was so gaped, so numb at that point that I couldn’t feel it in and by the looks of it, it wouldn’t hold.

Master left showing all my donors outside. As he came back he effortlessly removed the plug and put in a bigger one. This one must be new, because the one I had was the biggest I used so far. He removed the clamp from my pussy and started unbinding my cuffs.

“Aren’t you going to say anything Pet?”

I hadn’t spoken during the whole ordeal. I even did my damned best to not even moan even when fucked by the biggest dicks (not always succeeding, I must admit). I was somehow out of my mind, trying to comprehend what happened, knowing the my ass was filled with cum from dozens of men. I could feel the gooey liquid moving inside me as I stood up.

“Punish me Master”

He grabbed one of my nipples and twisted it hard with his fingers, his other hand slapping it out of his grasp. That was really painful.

“Master, beat me.”

He pushed my body against the wall and started spanking my ass with his hand. It stung terribly and the impacts made the gunk move inside me making me more and more conscious about it.

He had his way with both my butt cheeks before turning me around and doing the same in my boobs. When he stopped my tits and butt ass were tingling in the worst way and all I could say was: “Thank you Master”

We walked back to the living room, where I realized it was still 4 pm. That meant I had two hours left from my cum dump activity unless Master had overestimated his guest’s prowesses. But I knew him better than that and I knew for certain there was something else in store for me.

He laid me down on the couch, my shoulders over the couch’s arm. He took off my collar and tied my hands on a way my fingers where interlaced right on my trachea, like I was trying to choke myself. He pulled the knot tight. My hands prevented my chin from moving down, fixing it upwards with my air paths wide open. At the same time, I could feel the air coming in an out as in slightly tinkled my fingers. He used cargo ties to fix my body to the couch so I couldn’t move at all and he put a silicone cock sleeve mask that kept my mouth open, going in about 3 inches towards my throat.

A shudder of terror struck me when I heard the entryway door open. The first place my mind went was the scenario where another two dozen men would fuck my mouth and cum in my stomach. I was about to ask him to stop, to tell him I would leave right then and then when I heard Jackie’s voice

“Oh, you had her all prepped already.”

“Yep, we can get to business right away.”

From the corner of my eye I saw both Jackie and Eva getting undressed. Master and friends was way better than a bunch of strangers, so I decided to man up a take it like the cock sucker I was.

We jumped quite a bit since my first days in the Pen, so it’s worth mentioning that my oral prowess had increased to ungodly limits. I could swallow Jackie’s, Eva’s or Master’s dick all the way to the balls and press my face against them without gagging. I could swallow dildos bigger and thicker than their cocks without gagging. The snake dildo still made me gag though, but I managed to hold 15 or 20 inches of it in my body for several seconds before I had to pull it out. So, this couldn’t be so bad, right? Well, I would find out soon enough.

Master went first.

“Focus Pet. No mess.”

With no ceremony or ritual he put his already hard cock in my mouth. The cock sleeve (the silicone one, not me) prevented me from feeling his dick in my lips; my mouth was open wider than his girth anyway. But I could most definitely feel it on the roof of my mouth and in my throat and, for the fist time, I could feel it in my fingers. My throat protruded as his cock found way, deep into me. I could actually push my hand against it as it thrust through what I could only assume was my esophagus. He’d be disciplined to stop every few seconds to allow me to breath, so I had to be very disciplined as well to make sure I used the little time I had to get the air I needed.

He used my boobs as handles, grabbing them from the sides with his big hands and pulling.

Eventually, he pushed his member as far as it could possibly get and came inside me. His cum didn’t dripped off my mouth or my nose. I couldn’t feel it in my taste buds so I could only assume it was going straight to my stomach.

Then it was Jackie’s turn. Jackie’s cock was longer and thicker than Masters, but that didn’t prevent her from going all the way in. She used my tits the same way, making them start to feel a little raw.

Some tears were falling off my eyes, but so far I had managed to not gagging at all. Jackie, just as master was good at letting go every so often for me to breath and while we all kept our focus I thought I would be fine. Just as my previous load Jackie’s went directly down my throat, not missing even a single drop.

Eva’s dick felt different, thanks to the piercing in her frenulum. It tickled my wherever it rubbed, threatening with making me lose my concentration. That, I knew, would be catastrophic. I kept my focus on, so much so that I even could spare some neurons for my fingers to play with their cocks as they stretched my throat. She finally came in , just like Master and Jackie did. At this point there was a lot of sludge on my nose and eyes, but I am pretty sure it was only spit. To my surprise, I was weirdly enjoying the session and feeling deeply proud about my skills.

I looked at Master thinking he’d come to untie me now that they were all done. Instead he gently pushed Jackie’s butt towards me.

“We are going to do an experiment Pet. We never tested how many times they can go.”

Jackie placed her limp cock in my mouth. Her balls where on my lips (well, the silicone cock sleeve) and at its current size the head rested on my teeth.

“Tequila!” Master said softly

Like an inflatable raft her cock grew in my mouth, soon reaching my throat and catching me by surprise, which made me gag for the first time. She moved slightly away and let me clear my throat and recover my breathing pace.

We had played several times with the trigger words for erection and orgasm and it never got old. Seeing how the dick grew from zero to hero in an instant time sometime even made me wish I had one myself.

She pushed her member back in and accommodated it in the back of my throat. She didn’t fuck it, she just “put it there”


Jackie’s dick started to spit her sperm into my throat as the throbbing tickled my tonsils.

Of course Eva would do the same. Eva’s dick was much bigger when flaccid, and comfortably sat at the back of my tongue until Master activated it


Her piercing scratched its way all the way to my pharynx.


This went on four times for Jackie and SIX TIMES for Eva. The last few I could barely feel anything going down my throat but just the fact that they could get hard with little to no refractory period was mind blowing (throat blowing in this case).

Finally, Master’s word caused their dicks to gorge slightly and the one to cum made them only become flaccid again. The gave up playfully arguing with each other proud of their achievement.

Master wanted to have the last go, and he did have some time to rest. He wrapped his hand on mine around my neck pressing them and thrust his cock deep into my throat going in and out furiously until he finally came in me for the last time that day.

As he was untying me he explained the girls that when I finally removed my butt plug and emptied myself I’d be squeezing out over 30 different loads.


Today is day 291 of my stay in the Pen. My last day in the Pen. Master and I decided it was time for me to leave. I have many plans for when I’m back out in the street. I’ll get my high school diploma and do something meaningful with my live although I’m still sure what that will be. I would go get piercings… so many piercings. I’ll be the terror of every metal detector. I want to get some tattoos too, some of the motive I even have already decided on. I’m going to put the, if I may say so myself, model body I have acquired to good use and share it with others. Show off my skills and enjoy every minute of it.

I will have surgery to put my boobs back to where they belong and probably do some fillers in my lips.

I’m going to keep training, getting stronger physically and mentally and when the time is right I’ll come back to Master so we can give this Master/Pet thing another go.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/vyicit/a_pet_diary_pet_in_the_pod_msf32m38huml_prologue