The frog and the princess [25F, spanking, humiliation, coercion] PART 2

“Summon a servant” barked the frog. The princess, confused, complied. A young woman, about twenty, appeared and curtseyed. Her eyes darted to the frog and the princess knew that the gossip had already spread around the castle about their strange guest.
“Can you count?” Asked the frog to the servant girl.
“Yes sir” she said.
“Good, then I wish you to count the seconds it takes the princess to retrieve the ball the next time I throw it. Can you do that?”
The princess’s cheeks burned red. It was enough of an indignity to crawl about at the behest of a frog, but now this servant would see her also.
The servant girl nodded slowly, her eyes fixed on the princess.
The frog gleefully launched the ball and the princess crawled after it. She could hear the servant girl counting reluctantly and she made an effort to retrieve the ball quickly. It still took her twenty three seconds to do so.
“Twenty-three!“ said the frog gleefully. “You will regret being so slow princess. Now come bend over the bed and put your face here on your pillow so that I might look at it.” The princess staggered to her feet confused.
“Servant girl, I wish for you to administer the princesses punishment for I lack the arms to do so. One smack for each second I think, that should inspire her to do better next time.”
The princess sputtered with rage and stamped her foot. “I will not consent to be.. spanked! By a servant girl! This is outrageous frog, you demand too much.”
“I demand what is owed” said the frog “as you promised me anything I wished. I wish to play a game, are you not having fun? Remember you are bound by your promise”
Tears streamed down the princesses face as she stalked to the side of the bed and bent over, her bottom high in the air. She laid her head on the pillow and eyed the frog with rage in her eyes and heart.
“Gather up her skirts” said the frog to the servant girl who obeyed mutely, lifting the princesses heavy dress and exposing her thin cotton undershorts.
“Flat of the hand, alternate buttocks. And do count out loud please. Also, do not go so easy on her just because she is your princess. I shall simply make you start over.”
The princess braced herself but was unprepared when the calloused hand of the servant girl came down hard across her left butt cheek. SMACK. the noise seemed to resound around the room. SMACK. the servant girl counted dutifully. 1… 2… SMACK 3…
By the tenth stroke the princess’s behind was burning. She writhed miserably trying to evade the inevitable smack on her unblemished flesh. When the twenty third stroke landed, she almost melted in relief.
“Splendid” said the frog. Now let’s see if you can fetch the ball a bit quicker this time princess. Are you ready?”

(End of part 1. Leave a comment if you enjoyed this and would like to see more! I promise the frog is a real perv.)



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