Adult Swim [MF]

Carly was not the most striking of the wives who were not mine at the pool party, but she was super cute and I always felt a little spark between us. I had just gotten in the pool and was standing near the edge, trying to decide which of the little conversation circles to join, when she waded in next to me.

She elbowed me in the hip and nodded, a mischievous grin on her face, the early evening sun bringing out some green flecks in her eyes and making the smattering of freckles on her nose and cheeks glow.

“Hey you,” she said.

“Carly, what’s happening?” I replied. “I think the last time we talked was in this same spot, at this same party last year.”

“That’s right! I was about the same amount of buzzed last year too,” she said, indicating her Yeti full of rose. I had been drinking IPAs for a couple of hours and was feeling pretty loose too.

We chatted for a bit and I was working hard to stay focused on her eyes. She’s about 5’6 to my 5’10, fit and slim with average-sized tits and a truly remarkable ass. She rides a Peloton and it shows. Her suit was a white-and-red striped one piece but not at all frumpy, low cut in front and high cut at the hips. As we talked we kept inching closer to each other. I was keeping one eye on my wife, who was talking in a large group on the pool deck that included Carly’s husband. I could tell Carly was keeping an eye on him as well.

Our conversation was easy and jokey. It was hot so we were taking turns dunking under the water. When I went I was stealing glances below the surface, and when she emerged I took advantage of her closed eyes to take in the shape of her tits and nipples as the water dripped off the front of her suit.

After about 15 minutes of chatting she lightly brushed her hand against mine below the surface of the water and gave me a very direct look.

“I think I need to find the bathroom,” she said.

I choked and made no suave reply. My mind was racing. Did she mean to brush my hand? Did she really just have to pee, or was she giving me a sign? She waded over to the steps and walked out. I watched her go and the view was pretty amazing. I looked around half expecting the entire party, including my wife and her husband, to be staring right at me. That little jolt of fear was enough to subdue the chubby I was cooking under my suit, but when I scanned the pool and deck, everything was normal. No one was looking at me.

I waded to the steps and followed her wet footprints on the cement and through the back door. The downstairs bathroom was tiny, with a window that looked over the pool, and it was a high traffic area. Not safe. The wet footprints went right by the bathroom door and up the stairs. I followed them.

At the top of the stairs there was a bigger, nicer bathroom. The door was about 3/4 closed, so I walked over and looked through the opening. She was staring at my reflection in the mirror above the sink, and I was staring at hers. She was looking at me with that same wry grin but I could tell by her eyes that she was turned on.

I went through the door and shut it behind me, fiddling for the push-button lock without taking my eyes off her. We came together and started kissing, my hands exploring and teasing her, and hers doing the same. She untied the string on my trunks and took me in her hand, and I slid two fingers past the front of her suit and pushed them into her. She moaned and whispered in my ear that we had to be quick.

“Not a problem,” I said. “My specialty.”

She was giggling a little as I turned her around to face the mirror and got behind her. I pulled her shoulder straps down and kissed her neck as my thumbs circled her wet nipples. She moaned again and told me to hurry up. I put my hand on the middle of her back and pushed gently so she’d bend over a little. I pulled the bottom of her suit to the side and pushed the same two fingers in all the way. She was wet and warm. I pushed my own suit down, struggling as it got caught on my dick and awkwardly wiggling it down to my ankles. I slipped my fingers out of her and used them to hold her open as I put the tip in position. I looked in the mirror and met her eyes. Her mouth was open and she was quivering and we locked eyes as she pushed against me and I sunk all the way into her. We both stifled moans and I began to thrust.

I only managed a minute or two but it was enough. I felt her warm juices gush over my shaft as I came and she pushed back against me hard as I clutched her hips and we stared at each other in the mirror.

It was then that we both came to our senses.

I pulled out and pulled up my trunks and went straight to the door. I cracked it and the coast was clear, so I walked out and back down the stairs, my dick deflating with each step. By the time I reached the back door and rejoined the party, my heart was still fluttering but the only evidence of our encounter were my sticky pubes and member, both of which were stewing in the heat of the afternoon but safely contained in the mesh of my suit.

I went to the diving board and did a cannonball, got a few cheers from the assembled party, got out, grabbed a cold beer and went back to join the conversation my wife was involved in. Carly came out a few minutes later, perky as always, and rejoined the party as if nothing had happened.
