Your early morning treat [M+F]

“Morning love”

Your eyes flicker open at his greeting, and the crisp bright light streaming through the slatted blinds momentarily dazzles. As you adjust to the winter sunshine your other half’s mischievous grin slowly draws to a focus.

“Sleep well hun?”

“Mrmmh-huh”. It’s about all you can manage; it feels unnaturally early to be awake for a weekend and your head hasn’t quite caught up with the reality of the resumption of consciousness.

“Whysosmiley?” The words come rolled into one long murmur. “S’too early.”

You stir and shift slightly, tugging the duvet up under your chin and wriggle closer into his body. In the warm haze radiating from his body – tightly cuddled up against you – you can feel his arm over your side and his cock, taut and hot, pressing against your stomach. The penny starts to fall and the sudden twitch of your inner thighs tells you that you’re not so sleepy that his morning wood is completely unwelcome.

Shifting again to run a hand down his back, you realise the grin is still on his face and widening rapidly.

“Wha’ so funny?”
“You’ve forgotten, haven’t you?” he replies, the slightly smug grin is rapidly becoming irritating.

“It’s this morning that you get your… treat.”

The penny drops so hard it would, were it not metaphorical, imbed itself into the hardwood floor. Your eyes widen as your beloved lifts his hand from your waist and raises it up out of the covers and gestures at where I’ve been stood, waiting patiently, in the doorway since he’d let me into your home a few minutes previously.

Your smile breaks wide and I give a little wave. “Hi again… Still up for this?”. My voice is warm and light with a confidence I’m not entirely sure of.

The reply comes quickly and conclusively as the duvet gets thrown back and I’m given a glorious view of you as you roll onto your back and stretch widely, your breasts thrust skywards as your back arches gracefully. One of your cats had greeted me in a similar fashion as I’d stepped through the front door. This was a much better view. The smooth, soft curves of your hips and thighs are contrasted well both by the sheets and your lover’s darker complexion, his body still pressed up against yours.

I step towards the bed, hands dropping to my shirt buttons, heart pounding as we make eye contact. I can see his eyes watching me too, studying my response to the reality of your naked proximity.  The short distance from door to bed is long enough for the shirt to get undone sufficiently to pull it over my head and I do so before dropping it to the floor.  The shyness I’d been sure I’d feel at stripping in front of two near-strangers is already easing as I focus on the way we’d agreed this would happen, helped further by the smile on your face as my thumb flicks the top fly button of my jeans open. The other buttons follow slowly as I watch you watching me, the small lick of your lips as my hard-on causes the opening of my jeans to spread further with each flick of the thumb.

I’m without boxers beneath them and as they drop to the floor I’m left as buck naked as you boh are and with my cock standing stiffly to attention as I stand at ease. The moment allows me to let you run your eyes over me just as your husband’s hands have begun to run over your body.

You, faux-coyly, turn your head to him. “Mmm, may I?”. Your tone suggests it’s not really a question so much as a statement of intent, and he chuckles before nodding and confirming what you already know.

“That’s kind of the point, sweetie” he affirms, the approval accompanied by a wink at me.

I take a step forward and place first one knee and then the other on the edge of the bed between your feet. Pausing to smile and wink back, I dip my head and lift your calves in order to place a kiss on the instep of each foot in turn before slowly run a line of gentle kisses up the inside of your legs. Alternating between left and right leg, the warm touches start to tickle as they brush up and over your knees, then trail onto the soft skin of your thighs until you wriggle at the sensation as I reach the top of your legs and the tuft of soft hair over your pubis briefly leaps at my lips until your hips dart away. The playful wriggle is accompanied by a shy giggle. From the corner of my eye I see your husband snuggle up closer behind you, almost tucked in underneath you with his right arm cupping your shoulder and his left arm draped across your chest, cupping your breasts and holding you closely against him.

My kisses linger at the curve of your hips, tongue flitting over the skin until I can’t keep my hands off you any longer and I hold your hips with both hands, thumbs nestling in the hollow where the skin slopes away to your tummy.

You’re held between us and instead of wriggling you’re only able to feel the entirety of the light brushing kisses as they trail higher still, meandering their way over your gorgeous stomach, to your chest, to your breasts, nipples and neck. As my lips make contact with your breast the giggles are punctuated by a sudden gasp and your skin puckers. The goosebumps rise as both your nipples harden to small, tense buds and I take them each into my mouth and tease them with lips and tongue until the gasps become a sleepy little moan. My own body tenses in response and I press closer to you, my chest sliding softly against your stomach and breasts. I continue the kisses on up to the nape of your neck and can feel your body respond to each touch beneath me now, soft and warm as your hips and chest alternately rise and fall up against me, your husband’s hands still holding and stroking your sides.

My lips flick through the soft wisps of hair behind your ear until they find your earlobe and as kisses turn to nibbles I become aware that the feel of your groin has become a constant presence against my thigh, hot and slick as you press tighter onto me. I whisper “Mmmm, good morning…” into the ear I’m tugging with my teeth and, exploiting the leverage of my hands – still grasping your hips – roll over onto my left hand side, bringing you over towards me too.

Moment later your lover has followed suite and you’ve become an intensely aroused bundle of squirm between us as our hands resume roaming over your skin.

You’re aware of him, still rock hard, pressed up against your back and with a slight gasp as one of us – you’re not sure who – starts to run a firm thumb over one of your nipples, you lean your head back to murmur “Hun, please…”. He chuckles again and kisses you hard on the lips as he shifts slightly to lower himself down the bed, while my right hand slips over your body to the join of hip and thigh, tracing the sloping curve down to your knee. A quick shiver runs over you as my arm brushes over your lips, and then I’m lifting your leg and easing it onto my waist as your husband’s cock brushes past your bum and eases forwards to rest against the opening of your pussy. I can see his face over your shoulder as he kisses the back of your neck, and I can recognise the intense concentration he’s putting into not immediately entering you, as he tries to allow the anticipation for you – for all three of us – to build.

My hand slides back up your thigh and brushes over your labia again, with the same shivering quiver as before rewarding my touch. I can feel the heat radiating from both of you and it’s intense, mirrored by my own cock fiercely burning where it’s nestled against your thigh.

I lean in closer and our lips meet as my fingertips spread you, the slick wetness an exquisite silk that removes any friction from my touch. We kiss with an intensity that surprises me, then excites and intensifies both your need and mine. My hand, fingers together, runs up slightly and cups your clit between them as your tongue seeks – and finds – mine and then I slip my fingers down, down to where the head of your partner’s cock rests against your perineum and I stroke his glans, coating it in your juices and instantly that’s it, all his control is spent and with a slow, firm thrust he pushes up into you aided by the way my hand is holding you spread and he’s there, deep inside and filling you from behind. Our kiss breaks as your moan escapes.
His hands on your hips hold you steady as with long, deliberate, strokes, he begins to fuck you as I find and match his rhythm with my fingers on your clit. They run in big, slow circles with an even pressure that swiftly builds to a steady momentum and the low moans from you suggest we’re getting it just right. We lie there, your leg resting on my hip and my fingers teasing and stroking you as your husband works himself in and out of you until your gasps become a serious of begging pleas for us not to stop – but behind you I can see your husband’s wink again and I slow the pace of my strokes as he begins to rest, thrust up as far inside you as his cock will reach but, so so tantalisingly, he stays tremulously still inside you.
The soft moan that escapes your blushing lips is almost sorrowful but it fails to stir a resumption from us and my hands shift to your hips as he eases himself from you and I work my kisses back down your body, before completely turning around and lying inverse, head at your navel. You can feel his hands guide you up onto your knees and it quickly becomes clear what he intends for you as he gently but firmly eases your hips down onto my lips.

The response from you is immediate; an electric shock that runs up to the back of your neck and down to your toes – your husband smiles as he sees them twitch at the sudden warmth and softness of my mouth on your lips tongue gently teasing the soft folds of your inner labia aside. You’re soaking wet with and the heat radiating from you is still amazing. What’s more I can feel the throbbing beat of your pulse on my lips. The feel of you, the taste of you – even your scent – is insanely arousing and a little moan slips emanates from the back of my throat.

You gasp at the vibration of my mouth and my body wriggles in response to you. All I’m aware of is the slick sexy mouthful pressed against my lips and the intense ache of my cock as it strains upwards, so aroused it’s damn near reaching my belly button and ramrod stiff. I have no way of knowing it but your lover’s hands are still roaming over your body as he kneels next to you; one moment holding your hips down slightly onto me, the next sliding up over your back and sides in series of slow strokes before they reach your shoulders, kneading and massaging you with firm thumbs and soft fingertips. He kisses you briefly before he leans up to your ear and murmurs into it to let you know you can return the favour.

The soft words are accompanied  by a quick nibble of your earlobe – just for a moment – as your head swoops down to my waist without any hesitation. I can feel your body press down against mine – the soft, yielding pressure of your breasts against my lower chest and then a warmth as your lips pick a path of light, teasing kisses from my belly button out to my hip before trailing down the iliac curve, arcing down the short, neatly-clipped hair at the base of my cock. Another gasp from you – brought on by a long lick of my flattened tongue over your clit – causes a warm wave of air to rush over me and my hips rise up from the bed to meet your mouth.

You’re good. Seriously good. It’s clear from the start as you open with a series of long, slow licks from the base to the tip and the glistening pearl of precum that forms in response to your kisses quickly vanishes in a teasing, tingling moment when you take the head of me into your mouth and roll your tongue around me with a gentle sucking motion.

Mouth full, you’re not quite able to smile as the moan you illicit from me rolls out of the back of my throat and ripples through my mouth and into your soaking pussy. Your own whimpering response is muffled but unmistakable as the noise of a very aroused woman on the brink of a massive climax, and it becomes louder if not clearer as you push yourself further onto my cock and I, keen to please, swirl my tongue and lips around your clit in ever-faster, ever-firmer laps that bring you quickly to the edge…

…and then the hands that know you best, the hands that know exactly how to tempt and tease and bring every sinew of your body to a shaking, quivering epiphany, those hands are no longer stroking your back and shoulders but slipping down to cup the curves of your butt, fingers spread and caressing as they go – until suddenly your husband’s fingers aren’t just on you but inside you, a pair of them eased between pulsing, soaking lips. He wriggles and works them inside with a beckoning motion, pushing you down onto the mouth that’s kissing up onto you. It’s overwhelming; so close for so long now, his firm strokes push you over the edge you’ve been teetering on and you clench around him in a vice-like grip as the spasms ripple through your body. Toes splayed, tummy taut and tense, your hands grasp the sheets while your moans echo into my body through my cock and your breasts heave against my body. It’s unbelievable; you come with an intensity and vigour that betrays how unfair we were to deny you earlier.

My kisses slow from a frantic lick to a slow, gentle tease, playing in circles around your clit and flicking it with a soft tongue; your juices are streaming from your cunny and I take every drop I can, each rivulet running down my cheek a wasted taste of your sexuality.

His fingers have slowed too and your husband is better than I at spotting the moments to ease and when to quicken again, but between us we keep you rolling into a second, and then third orgasm until, shattered, you roll off me and collapse to the bed. I slip from your mouth as you pant and gasp your way back to having breath inside you and it’s my turn to sigh with a moment of frustration as your warm lips leave my cock – still standing rigidly to attention but left feeling cold and wet in the morning air.

“Jesusfuckingchrist” is all you’re able to say initially – several times over – as you roll onto your back and pant. My hand slips down to my waist and plays in the slick sheen your mouth has left on my cock, my thumb flicking over the underside of my glans lightly. It’s an absent-minded sort of play, not really intentional, my body keen to keep alive the lingering sensational memory of your lips around me. I look you and your husband over – he’s licking you from his fingers while trailing his other hand up and down the pale smooth silk of your thigh – while you’re flat out, breasts rocking up and down with a satisfying heave as your breathing slowly returns to normal. The dark bands of crisp shadow from the window blinds cross your body with a stark contrast to the bright stripes of sunlit skin. The combination of direct sun and post-orgasmic flush cause your freckles glow with a faint iridescence that I want to run my – slightly aching – mouth over and kiss.
