New Year, New Experiences (MFF) (bf/gf/fwb?) (Slow Start) (Consent is Sexy) (Open for Criticism)

Long time Lurker, first time writer. Never done any real writing like this, so sorry if I don’t make the cut here. Open to hear good and bad.


“Yeah babe, might as well see if anyone else is in, the house will be empty. Yeah I’m on the road now, an hour and a half out. Love you too”

Hanging up with a sigh I rubbed the back of my neck. Long days packing,

moving, and driving everyday for 2 weeks had started to take its toll. After I graduated high school the folks decided to move so Dad wasn’t working so far away. I was taking a year before college doing odd jobs around our small town. It made sense for me to do most of the moving and pocket the money that would go to movers anyways.

I would have worked right through this weekend but the folks insisted “it’s new years and you’ll have the house to yourself, invite Liz and your friends and have a no guilt house party!” I wasn’t that big of a party goer so it’s not like we’d trash the place. Glancing over at my phone there was no light, no one yet had answered my text. They probably all had made plans without me, and I didn’t judge as they all thought I was busy. Besides, it would just give me and Liz more time to ourselves.

We had started dating a year and a half ago, and had been each other’s firsts for everything. Her Christian parents didn’t like me much, and I think it was because they thought I’d “corrupt” their angelic daughter. Little did they know she had a devilish streak and she initiated every step of our mutual journey of sexual discovery. The first time her soft small lips contacted mine, The first time she stripped naked in front of me to show her blemish free pale skin, the first time she took my hand under her jeans and explained exactly what I needed to do. I trusted her to take the lead when she was ready and she trusted me never to push it. When we lost our virginity she told me she felt safe and confident with me as she slowly lowered herself onto my cock. Coming out of her shell was an understatement but it was the most accurate way to describe it.

Thinking about those times caused me a familiar ache and I had to adjust in the seat. Between moving and the holidays we hadn’t had much time together recently and I was feeling a little pent up. Pulling into the old driveway I still hadn’t heard from anyone else, so I accepted that Liz and I would just have some genuine time to ourselves.

Step 1 was shower, smelling of labor and the road is not how to start the night right. Liz would be here soon and then we could decide on grub and raid the liquor cabinet. Standing under the showerhead I tried to relax and let the hot water defeat the soreness in my shoulders. Losing myself to the sound of falling water I was only roused by the bathroom door opening. Before I could react I was surprised by the touch of breasts against my back as she hugged me.

I turned into Liz and embraced her, then straightened back under the water and looked up and down her nude body. She was a farm girl so she had a toned, strong body that only hard labor could give, but her face had almost perfect proportions, with delicate features, blue eyes, and smooth blonde hair. She had such a unique beauty from that contrast that most couldn’t see.

“I’ve missed you” we both said at the same time, then chuckled.

“Did anyone else get back to you?” She asked.

I shook my head no before pulling her in and kissing her. Our tongues danced for a while before my hand wandered to her chest. Her breasts were special: perky, but so soft to the touch; her nipples were small but could cut glass, and very sensitive. She sharply inhaled as my fingers danced over her areola, I moved to kissing her neck as she grabbed the back of my head, running her fingers through my wet hair. She tasted a little salty, must’ve been in a hurry when she was at work.

“Oohk, I have missed you”, she half moaned, I only replied with a smile. I started to lean back into the water to finish my shower.

I could tell by her sly grin that Liz wasn’t done. She kneeled down in front of me and took my member in her mouth. Her lips were cool compared to the hot water, I shuddered as she licked the spine.

“It wouldn’t be so bad if it was just us right?” I muttered.

“You mean you just want to have sex all weekend? That doesn’t sound like much of a house party” she stuck her tongue up at me.

“No, it does sound like heaven” I chided back at her.

“Hmm we will have to see then” as she wrapped me with her lips.

Just as she started to bob her head the doorbell rang, “oh shit! the pizza, ” she said as she scrambled up and out of the shower.

“There isn’t a pizza place that delivers in this town” I muttered in my dazed, horny state.

Liz must not have heard me as she dried quickly and got dressed, tits bouncing for my pleasure-intentional or not. She pulled up a pair of jeans that hugged her ample hips and thick thighs, covering a black cotton thong that I just barely noticed. She matched that with a bra that fit tight and pushed her breasts together and up like nothing else, had to be uncomfortable for her. Covering that with a red cotton tank-top and zip up hoodie that pushed her cleavage even more. I realized she had planned this outfit just for me, and I felt myself twitch in anticipation.

“Done drinking in the view? Come on and get dressed” she bit her lower lip, “don’t worry I’ll leave room for dessert” and then she bounced out of the bathroom. Drying off I had planned to just wear a simple long sleeve shirt and some loose gray sweatpants for obvious reasons and saw no reason to change.

“Thanks again Sam for picking this up, I wanted to surprise him and get here at about the same time” I heard from Liz as I came into the kitchen.

Sam was Liz’s best friend, but small town and all I’ve known Sam since we were young, and were friends. I made my presence known.

“Oh hey Sam I didn’t know you were doing delivery now” I said with a smile and holding my arms for a hug.

“Only for two of my favourite people, besides I offered when Liz called saying you’d be in town” she said as they both turned to me and Liz blushed. I realize now that sweats might’ve been a bad call still flying half mast.

I tried to play it off and lowered my arms “yeah just been working so hard emptying this place I’m being lazy and not dressing up” I chuckled with that and Liz relaxed a little but i noticed Sam had her mouth open and her eyes were low.

“Sam? You okay?”

“Oh sorry, well don’t let me keep you two” as she snapped to attention and started to turn away to the door.

Liz piped up, “Wait, do you have plans tonight Sam? We’ve got the place to ourselves all weekend, booze and whatever’s left to keep ourselves entertained” she stopped and turned back with a big smile and looked to be mulling a decision.

We had all stayed over at Liz’s place a couple times at this point so it wasn’t a crazy idea. Though the last time they’d both changed with me in the room and I’d managed to steal a look at Sam in her underwear from behind. Dark blue textured cotton complemented her brown skin tone wonderfully. Sam is best described as cute and curvy, she had a bit extra in all the right places and carried herself extremely well. Normally happy in a thick sweater seeing her like that made me commit that image to memory whether I wanted to or not.

She was looking at me with those exotic hazel eyes with a pout on her thick lips and I realized I was daydreaming.

“You sure Jake? I’d be happy to stay but maybe you need to rest, you have been working a lot” She looked genuinely concerned and had a hand on my shoulder. I couldn’t rightly tell her I was thinking about her half naked behind.

Thankfully Liz spoke up right away “how about we have this pizza and discuss it? I had more planned this weekend anyway Jake.”

So we dived into the pizza and talked about the weekend. Turns out Liz had to go get her mom’s car from the city tomorrow, and all 3 of our schedules were clear for the next 3 days. We decided that we should spend them together, go to the city on New years eve and spend a night or two together after that. To celebrate we took some shots of some found liquor from the cabinet, tidied up and put the leftovers in the fridge as it will be needed.

Heading downstairs a realization hit me, with well over half of the stuff in the house gone we were a little light on furniture and activities. Sam would have to sleep on the couch downstairs instead of the spare room upstairs.

Turning to more immediate problems, how was I going to entertain them? I took stock, most of the games were gone, as were most of the movies. The TV and player needed to be set up on the coffee table so I started there before drinking too much. My shoulders were sore so I was grunting and groaning as I reached around to plug everything in. I looked over at them cuddled on the loveseat together, whispering and sipping on their drinks.

I threw on whatever movie was left, honestly don’t remember, cars and other related eye candy. They were still cuddled together whispering so I stretched out on the couch, subconsciously adjusting myself for comfort. I had a large drink to catch up with the girls who giggled their way through the movie.

By the time the movie ended we were all a little restless, we all started looking around for anything to do to make it through the night. Liz came back with a deck of cards, and my alcohol addled mind went to a fun and not innocent place.

“Nice, we could play poker or something,” I suggested.

“Can’t play that without chips,” Sam answered with a frown. True.

“Well we’re all comfortable, why not our clothes?” Liz blurted out.

Sam looked a little awkward. I thought maybe this would go sideways and I looked for Liz to take the lead..

“Look at it this way” Liz offered, “we’ve both got our underwear, socks, shirts, hoodies, and pants, that’s double what he’s wearing. Jake loses 3 and he’s out and we can make him leave before we’re naked” Liz winked at me.

Sam got a bit of a smirk, she was always competitive “oh but that would be a hell of a tease for poor Jake” she muttered as bit her lip. Was she getting into this?

“Well if that’s the case, then if I beat both of you not running away, I get to ask each of you for 1 thing.” I was pushing my luck.

Liz nodded right away but Sam hesitated. “What I ask of you will not require you to be naked” I had no intention of pressuring her, just trying to have some fun with the situation.

“Deal” she seemed confident.

Simple rules, 5 cards and you could fold or exchange cards once. If you folded you had to take a swig of your drink and if you exchanged you had to play it out, losers lose a garment. Not tournament legal or anything but worked for the 3 of us to keep the game from dragging on for hours.

First few rounds were folds, but the drinks made us all a bit more brave. First to lose was Liz, she peeled off her sweater showing all that cleavage she had prepared for me. Next hand she lost her socks, she never was great at poker.

I got too greedy and lost my shirt to Sam, she blushed but smiled. “Soon enough you’ll lose the rest” She quipped confidently.

“Yeah but you’ll have a full view of my dick as I walk by you to go upstairs” I retorted. Her blush darkened, she was so cute I almost felt guilt. Liz giggled as she took another drink, tits bouncing.

Next round Sam was the one to overcommit and she lost her socks.

“Come on Sam, aren’t you all hot and bothered in that sweater?” Liz teased.

“Ah fuck it” as she lifted the sweater “pity rule” she said sticking her tongue out at Liz before it went over her head.

I got a look at her slightly round belly and the bottom of her bra, the same one I saw her in before.. she adjusted her white ribbed tank top but there was no hiding those. She had to be a D at least. I looked up as she finished fluttering her hair to see her biting her lip again.

“You gonna deal?” She still had a smirk so I laughed and started dealing.

Liz lost the hand and decided her pants were next; jiggling her top to the point it was under her breasts, only the bra covering.

“Since when do you wear thongs Liz?” Sam stammered out looking at Liz’s hips.

“Since I had someone to appreciate them” winking at me.

“So you two have been, you know..” Sam trailed off. It was kinda adorable how she put her hands together to badly pantomime the act she meant to say.

“Having sex? Oh yeah and its great, his hands alone.. I’m shivering thinking about it,” Liz had enough booze that her filter was totally gone. Sam looked at her shocked but not disgusted, I guess this hadn’t come up. I cleared my throat and started dealing again.

Sam couldn’t look at me without blushing a little now, which continued to be adorable. I had no idea how innocent she actually was but she seemed to be really rolling with it.

Liz lost the next hand and her tank-top came flying off at me. I think she was enjoying the stripping more than the poker, she stretched and her nipples almost slipped out the top of her bra.

“You tease” I quipped.

“Don’t worry, you two have given me no chance” she crossed her arms pretending to pout, but actually pushing her breasts in and up.

I was so distracted I folded the next hand without even looking, wanting a drink instead. Before I finished the drink Sam had lost and was standing from her chair. She was shy about it but she unbuttoned her jeans and slinked them from her hips, two twists from her hips as she pushed them down. The same textured blue cotton panties hugged her figure without really showing anything. Though I wondered if it was shadow or something else making the crotch darker. She bent at the hips to pick up her pants, which gave me a clear view down her top. I couldn’t help but mouth a ‘wow’ at what were definitely D’s as I looked over at Liz, who also was looking but with surprised eyes that met mine.

“What?” Sam didn’t normally like being the centre of attention. She tried to cover herself up with her hands as she sat back down, but her blush and smirk told me some part of her was enjoying it.

“You’ve always been attractive Sam, I can’t help but appreciate you” It was cheesy but both of them giggled.

“Careful Jake, talk like that will make Liz jealous” again with the lip bite.

“I mean.. If you were a random floozy you’d have a point, but I won’t stop my cute bestie from getting compliments” Liz breathed looking at Sam.

“Well then, thanks Jake” she kinda jiggled in her seat with a smile.

I dealt out another round. Sam folded and took a large gulp of her drink, and Liz lost to my 3 of a kind.

“Let’s save the best for last” she muttered and threw her panties on top of my head. Grabbing them they were soaked, had she been playing with herself? I tossed them over by the clothes pile.

Sam got up to go to the bathroom, giving me another clear view of her round butt as as she walked away. I glanced over at Liz whose face was red and her shoulder gave her away as rubbing herself under the table. I leaned over to kiss her deeply as she shook a little more.

“Whatever happens, take this as blanket consent” her voice was husky and her breathing heavy. I leaned back just as Sam came back from the bathroom, she’d tousled her hair and splashed some water on her face.

“Are you feeling alright?” I was concerned, we had drank a fair bit of alcohol.

“I’m okay, just feeling a little hot” was her meek reply.

“Hell yeah you are” Liz breathed out as she licked her fingers. I don’t know if Sam noticed or realized why as she looked intently at her cards.

Another round and another loss for Liz. I reached over and popped the clasps on her bra, and she merely let it fall in her lap.

“Oh my god they are so cute and pink! I never would have guessed,” clearly they haven’t been topless together. Liz’s nipples hardened from the cool air and probably the eyes on them. She wiggled in her chair and ran her hands over her breasts.

“Maybe we can compare when my man here beats you?”

“Hmph, not a chance.”

The next rounds were very conservative, both of us having our drinks refilled by a giggling, naked Liz. Who surprised me with how comfortable she was, running her hands all over herself when she thought Sam wasn’t looking. I’d give just about anything to just take her right now, but I couldn’t send Sam away long enough without offending her.

The next round was a win for me, and off went Sam’s shirt. There really wasn’t much left to the imagination now. Her caramel skin on display, her slightly round stomach looked like it hid muscle and her breasts were cradled by her bra that almost didn’t seem necessary.

My curiosity was getting the better of me, and the next round I lost my pants for my impatience.. Standing up I pulled the knot out and let the baggy pants fall. There was no hiding my erection at this point, and I didn’t really care about the tent in my boxers.

I looked them both over and shrugged “what can I say I like what I see, take it as a compliment.” They both smiled.

“I know I like what I see,” Liz winked at me.

Sam was speechless as she bit her lip, stretching her arms in front of her and pressing her tits together. Was she teasing me so I’d be careless again? Or is she that genuinely aroused? She only needed to win one more round, but was that so bad?

As the round was dealt I decided either way the game would have been fun enough.

I tried to bluff her by taking no cards, I had nothing but it was getting late. She called and I was ready to stand up when she had nothing to beat my King high.. I didn’t understand.. I started to say something but was greeted with another pair of panties thrown on top of my head. Grabbing them there was no mistaking her level of arousal, the smell was sweet and the crotch was damp. I threw them over my shoulder.

“In a hurry Sam?”

“Eh it is getting late”

“Well then, I’ll go in on this hand without even looking, what do you say?”


She revealed her cards first, 2 10’s better than nothing.

“Ready to whip that out for us Jake?” Liz looked very excited.

I flip my cards, 2 Queens “very fitting” I mused.

Sam looked shocked, blushed, pouted a little but looked right at me. Reaching behind her she undid her bra gracefully, letting it fall into her lap and what a sight. Her nipples looked like Hershey’s kisses, perched on mountains of caramel. Her breasts barely moved when the bra came off, they defied gravity.

“Well, are they everything you hoped for?” she said it teasingly, my face was telling her all she needed to know.

“Damn Sam, they’re gorgeous just like you” Liz reached over to poke one, “they look so firm” her finger pushed gently “oh but they are still soft.”

Sam recoiled and covered herself, pushing her cleavage line deeper. “Hey at least ask first” They both giggled.

“Don’t ever doubt how hot of a body you have Sam, I mean it” I said as firmly and warmly as I could.

That got her to relax a little and lower her arms “you really think so?” she shuffled a little and her breasts bounced from side to side. Running her hands over her body I noticed the goosebumps and her nipples harden.

“I wouldn’t lie to one of my favourite people” looking into her hazel eyes I saw them soften and relax, her being so vulnerable I felt I had to be nothing other than genuine.

“Thank you Jake, this was fun.”

Liz stretched and yawned like a cat “well time to get big glasses of water and decide whose sleeping where”.

“Yeah about that, the rest of the beds are moved, there’s basically my bed and the couch here”

“Is there room? Can we all sleep together?” Sam blurted out. It sounded innocent but considering the state of her undress it was hot as hell.

“Yeah sure why not?” Liz was on board “I am starting to feel cold, more cuddling will help”

“Wait, what about your prizes for winning?” Sam remembered.

“Well if we are all sleeping together already” I pondered, “Liz can you tidy all of this up? And Sam, how do you feel about giving me a backrub? My shoulders are killing me.” I stretched and groaned to really sell it, Liz had told me Sam was pretty good at working out her knots and that’s what came to mind. I hadn’t thought this far ahead honestly.

“Really? You want me to clean?” Liz pouted and crossed her arms.

“Only because I don’t have to ask for anything fun” I jested back at her as she got up and grabbed her clothes and walked toward the bathroom.

“I.. I still can get dressed first, right?” Sam’s cheeks were still slightly pink.

“If that’s what you want of course, do what makes you feel comfortable.”

Sam smiled as she nodded and got up from her chair, I noticed she was completely shaved-possibly waxed. She walked right by me and stopped. I fought every urge in my body to put my hands on her. She slipped her panties on, right next to me and turned to face me.

“I’d rather do you on the bed” again she sounded innocent but with her nipple inches from my face my dick twitched in my boxers. She noticed and smirked, “Go get comfortable, I’m gonna gather up my clothes.”

I didn’t bother putting any more clothes on, and went to the bedroom. Between the booze and the long days I relaxed as soon as I laid down on my stomach, aside from one part of me I had to tuck away. I heard Sam and Liz talking but thought nothing of it.

I caught a glance of Sam as she walked in. In the dark it looked like she’d just put her white tank in addition to her panties. She shuffled onto the bed, and rested on her knees next to me.

“OK so just your shoulders?” She asked while gliding her hand up my spine.

“Y-yeah” I said, shivering from the feeling, “a lot of tension there”.

She started to work, at the top of my back. She even found some oil or lotion, I don’t know where. She was able to get a lot more pressure than I expected, and I could feel the weeks of stress going away.

“Damn you really do have magic hands” she softly giggled in reply.

I don’t know how much time went by but I heard Liz shuffle into the bed, I looked over and saw her loose pyjama shorts and tank top – another favourite of mine.

“Everything is cleaned up, we’re good to leave first thing in the morning” she said softly.

I leaned over to kiss her and Sam’s hands slipped off my back and she fell forward. Her chest landed on my back and she indeed wasn’t wearing a bra, her hard nipples poked me.

“Hey! warn me if you’re going to move” she chuckled

I looked over my shoulder and her top was now damp with lotion, almost see through. “OK I’m gonna work down your back now” as she threw a leg over and straddled the small of my back. This allowed her to press up and down on either side of my spine. As she moved her hips I couldn’t help but notice she was grinding her damp crotch against me. I could hear her breathing getting heavier, but when a soft moan escaped her lips she immediately stopped moving.

She cleared her throat and asked “how do you feel?”

I stretched my neck and rolled my shoulders, “great, you’re really talented, if Liz was under me it would’ve been perfect” I jested.

“Whatever” Sam giggled “at this point i would be okay with it, but I think you’ve gotten your prize” she then dismounted and laid down on the other side of Liz.

Liz, who had been quietly smiling and half asleep, looked at me and bit her lip. I noticed she was massaging her chest and she let me have a peek.

Sam started to get up, “ugh I’m gonna need another shirt and to wash this off”.

“Why not a little massage for you? Work the lotion in?” Liz dared to ask.

Sam laid down on her back and looked over at me.

Liz saw a chance “Jake gives fantastic boob massages, you should let him.”

Sam’s blush returned and she shuffled a little, “well.. okay go ahead”

I was completely shocked, I didn’t believe they both gave permission and I hesitated.

“Jake..” Sam looked sad, I had hesitated too long.

“Yeah, yeah of course just gimme a sec”

Liz rolled onto her back to let me roll over her, I gave her a kiss and thanked her. She let her knee brush against my crotch as I rolled off of her.

I decided kneeling by her side was the best to start. I needed to start slow and respect her boundaries or the night could be ruined.

She took off her shirt and tossed it on the nightstand. She rested one hand on her belly and the other on my knee. She looked in my eyes with desire. I nodded my head and she nodded hers. I looked over at Liz behind me who was licking her lips and nodded.

“This stops the instant you want it to, okay? This is only worth it if you enjoy it” I said softly.

“What do you think Liz and I have been whispering about all night?” she whispered in reply and patted my leg in encouragement.

With consent all around I gently brushed my fingers around her round mounds. Her skin immediately prickled, her nipples stood at attention as she shivered.

I moved to using the palms of my hands on the bottoms, as much of the lotion was there. They weren’t as soft as Liz’s so I didn’t want to start squeezing right away. Spreading up her sides, her boobs pressed together and I couldn’t help but think how it would feel to cum between them.

‘No stay focused, this is about her’ I told my drunk self

Her face was slightly flushed and her breathing was heavy, she was enjoying it. The rustling covers behind me told me Liz was enjoying it too.

My hands moved inwards and I started running towards her nips, but not touching them. She shuddered slightly every time I got close. This went on until the lotion was mostly soaked in, then as I was rubbing the inside edges my fingers brushed against them, lightly but purposefully.

She closed her eyes, arched her back, and let out a moan of pure pleasure. Then looked up at me through hooded eyelids.

I moved my hands to the tops, placing my index and middle fingers on either side of her nips. My every touch seemed to shock her, she bit her lip and looked down at my hands. I started to rub my hands up and down, varying the pressure and squeezing my fingers together. Her moans and squirms were my guide and we settled at a slow firm rhythm, she looked so cute with her closed eyes and flushed skin.

I glanced over at my shoulder to see that Liz had dropped any pretense, her eyes closed and kicked the covers off herself as she was plunging herself loudly with two fingers, bringing herself to orgasm.

I looked back to seeing Sam biting her knuckle glancing over at Liz. I moved my hands to cradle her breasts together and started tracing circles upon her nips with my thumbs and she started to shake and moan, but still she looked hungry.

I felt the bed shift as Liz tensed up behind me, “Oh Fuck” was all I heard and I looked over to see her cumming before looking sleepily over at Sam.

She wasn’t going to get off just from this so I took a risk. I let my left hand wander down to her hip and hooked the waistband of her panties and gave it a tiny tug. Sam looked up at me with almost puppy eyes, looked back at Liz, then looked back at me and nodded.

“Please” was all she managed to whisper in between her ragged breaths.

I moved down to her inside thigh and worked my way up. Her panties were soaked as I touched them and she moved right away to remove them, guess she was teased enough. She was all inside, I was greeted with glistening smooth caramel skin with just a slit in the middle.

I took my hand and placed index and ring fingers on her lips, with the middle finger down her slit, feeling her clit easily. As I started to rub up and down her hands went to her breasts, squeezing harder than I ever did, then settling to holding my one hand to her chest while the other went to cover her mouth.

After rubbing the outside for a time until she relaxed I curled my index finger to find that little bump. Hers was little indeed but a yelp and a twitch from her body told me I’d found it. Starting slowly I did light circles with my fingertip as she let out surprised moan after surprised moan.

She looked in heaven and I kept increasing my pressure and tempo every time she relaxed. I couldn’t believe what was happening. Just a little fun between friends turned into this?

She then reached down, took my hand, and guided my middle finger to her entrance. I hesitated for a second “are you sure?” I asked with a husky voice.

All she did was bite her lip, nod and gently push my finger inside her as she moaned in pleasure and arched her back. She was so tight I could feel each knuckle go in. When my finger couldn’t go deeper she just held my hand and started breathing deeply. After a few moments she relaxed her grip and I could start to move. Gently curling my finger up I found her g-spot, and worked in and out across it. Her eyes looked at me in surprise and started squirming in pleasure. Her hands grabbed out for anything to hold onto as she lost control of her body.

As her moans got louder and louder I pushed my palm onto her clit, and started shaking my whole hand up and down.

“Ohmigod ohmigod, don’t stop!” I couldn’t help myself and put one of her nips in my mouth to lick and nibble on it. She moaned so loud it’s almost a scream as her whole body tensed up, her hands grabbed my head and held me to her breast, her opening clenched down so hard I was scared my finger would break. I kept shaking at that tempo until her grip started to relax as her orgasm subsided. She released my head and I straightened back up to see her body glistening with sweat, her chest rising and falling with her breath. I gently pulled my finger out of her as she twitched against my every move.

She looked to be in euphoria, as her breathing settled she looked so calm. “Thank you both for tonight” she muttered softly without opening her eyes. She still looked so damn cute even naked. With a kiss on her forehead I replied “anytime for one of my favourite people”, her reply was a very cute satisfied hum.

Liz also looked to be nearly asleep as well. I laid down on my back snapping wide awake, as what just happened reality set in and worry took over my mind. Liz must have noticed as she shuffled over and rested her head on my chest looking over at Sam.

“Wow Jake, you put her right to sleep” she giggled softly as she stretched up and gave me a kiss.

“You don’t think this got out of hand? Are we all still gonna be good in the morning?” I whispered shakily.

“Mmm yeah we are” I heard as Sam nuzzled into my other shoulder.

“We knew what we were doing, don’t overthink it” with one more kiss from Liz her eyes closed.

Sandwiched between the two of them, sleep suddenly found me easily.
