[MF] Neighborhood Mom and Guy 10 years her junior

I can easily go through an ounce in a short amount of time, typically partaking on our deck. I met Addison through this pass time as she smokes too. I first met Addison who is 5’0 and 130-150? Not sure. She is chubby/curvy, she has a nice shape and is not a ball. Enough to satisfy me who is 21, 6’0 and 180 [swimmer’s body-ish]. Addison is around 28-35, not going to ask, she has some loose skin. Anyways – heres the story. I was smoking pot post work-out mixing endorphins with weed. My personal favorite altered state when I heard a bong! I immediately walked down to the end of our backyard [I am a little high at this point but enough to be in my own head enhanced but not have thoughts racing], so the way our houses are setup is that if you walk to the end of your backyard you can see into the the peering neighbor’s yard and up their deck a tad bit, I asked later and she did confirm she had been eyeing me for a little before walking down to meet another stoner lol, I smoke nightly and am on a routine sometimes leaving my deck just to walk in mindless circles so I guess mindless circles while looking down at my phone is an attraction. Addison’s best assets are her boobs. She has a big chest that shows itself in a way that you’d almost be forced to look if you were talking to her, especially with my height advantage. Here’s some free game for the guys reading here – If a woman has cleavage and wants attention, do not give it to her in any way. You will make her crave your attention and thus automatically creating some form of attraction. [Bro science, it has worked in the past but never scored with it before]. Anyway, we spoke about

mundane shit at first, I asked what she does and she asked me the same, spoke about how we like to smoke and I asked if she preferred a more mellow indica high or a land-race sativa – she said a mellow indica and I replied with saying that’s lame and I prefer sativa [A lie but I know arguing with girls over dumb shit is efficient] and after about 2-3 minutes of us talking, me persisting eye contact / looking behind her at other neighbors in their yards I eventually told her to give me her number or ig so we could be friends, it worked she gave me her # which was a great sign for me, if a girl gives you her snap or ig she usually wants to do some screening first and make sure you don’t give off the wrong vibe. Phone number though? We have breached. I repeat we have breached. Texts started off innocent and instantly, I went in my house, got in bed turned on my TV and had a text from my new friend. We started off very innocent via text, different vibe immediately from in person and I thought I had ruined or fumbled my opportunity somehow however, I woke up the next day with a text asking if I wanted to come over to smoke and hang-out when her kid was with her mother. I immediately replied yes, she said she had to go shopping and would drop off her kid. I woke-up around 9am, it was a Sunday. I got this message from her and was in a constant state of anxiety [I’m usually very calm with women as I’ve been on both sides of the attraction scale fence], I was 300lbs at a time and have been a complete ghost to them. It is painfully obvious when a girl is attracted to me now. But yeah she went shopping, texted me when she was coming back and that I had to wait for her to shower and clean-up the house a bit more [this was a lie, she was putting on make-up and more.]

I was in a constant state of just being un-easy/on edge [my parents were home and I had to find a good excuse so I told them I’d be going for a walk, not fucking our neighbor lol] and I think the idea of “is this really going to happen” was also playing a factor. Nonetheless, she gets home and I am essentially camping her front-door and waiting on a text. I watched her bring in her own groceries through my window and when inside she texted me to give her 30 mins, I hopped in the shower and washed thoroughly, walked over to her house once receiving a text “ready” and telling my dad I was gonna go for a walk [not uncommon, I lost majority of my weight going for walks, rest was gym]

I walked over and was immediately greeted with her chest in a low cut tank-top and ass in low cut light black shorts with her ass cheeks being exposed, she closed the door behind me and immediately went in for a tight hug. I am 6’0 and she is 5’0, whilst hugging her I felt her ass and this was more or less confirmation for me. When I get confirmation that I can take-over the situation with a girl I go animal mode. I know what it’s like to think “I’m gonna die without getting laid” I’ve been there, it’s easier to trigger this I think and am naturally a better fucker because of it + repetition helps. After confirmation I could grab her ass without rebuttal we went from her door-way entrance to the couch in a matter of seconds, kissing and embracing each-other the entire time, we landed on the couch together and I took off my shirt before she did, revealing my core with some loose skin/beginning of abs lol. I could put up a photo of myself and our txts if this blows up I guess. Anyways she immediately stopped and asked how big I was, I replied 300, I told her to take off her shirt revealing her loose skin that was well kept and she 110% has worked her core, it was not flabby or just “loose fat”, it was tight to the skin similarly to mine and honestly I didn’t mind it, anyways she said in that moment she felt secure about it I replied same which was true after this I pounced on her immediately as this point it’s just her low cut shorts on and her giant tits are exposed that I am glued to, kissing her neck and telling her I dreamt of her tits, she took off her shirt when we were talking, after more kissing and rubbing her she told me to take the fun to her bedroom. I agreed. As we’re walking up the stairs I am grabbing and smacking her

ass, before we get to the bedroom I embraced her fully and hugged her from behind the at top of stairs, grabbing her tits and kissing everywhere behind/around/her ears etc, rubbing her more from this behind position. We eventually stutter step into the bedroom where I grabbed a pillow amidst kissing and threw it on the carpet, I told her to get on her knees immediately, she obliged. She had to quickly grab a hair-tie from the bathroom so I stroked myself slowly whilst waiting. She came back in a really messy bun, I didn’t say a word, just motioned to the pillow. She understood and got on her knees, starting off with more ball action than I had experienced during this time period, it is now a favorite and a request of mine, blowjob was a 8/10, she never attempted to take me fully whole or use no-hands like I demanded. But I’ve only had one girl take me fully whole, rest all stop around the same spot lol. After 3-4 minutes of this I held my hand out and she used it to get herself up, as
soon as she was up I used my strength to front-ward fireman carry her onto the bed into missionary, where I was going to fuck her raw but she had a condom in the night-stand. I’ve never had a girl opt to use a condom but I obliged, I knew I’d last longer and I wanted this to last, I slipped it on and immediately start fucking her in missionary at the end of the bed, motion of my hips is a lot easier on my sexual stamina with a condom on versus raw so I was fucking her to the best of my ability, starting off slowly and just getting myself in there, I slid in and immediately started humping whilst on top of her but the condom was killing it for me, she was very wet and knew this would be better without one. I told her to get into doggy [no I did not silently take off my condom, that is practically rape.], I had her arch down before I entered, I was sliding my dick around the entrance with a condom on and I had been vocal this entire time [girls like it when you’re vocal / moaning], I moaned saying “would feel great” whilst slapping my dick on the top of her flit and she replied “Just fuck me take it off then”, I heard / sensed urgency in her voice so took deep breaths whilst sliding my dick around without entering [teasing her] and filling with my hands, this didn’t last long as I wanted it just as much if not more, so I slid in and she let out a much more audible moan this time and as did I, I had to pace myself as I was not aware I was this close to finishing already I slid in and you ever slide in sometimes and just know instantly this isn’t going to last? This was one of those times.

The first pump is never telling but the 2nd is always telling. In my mind I had to maintain the speed / hip fluidity that I had with the condom on so I tried this for around a minute before pulling out and telling her to get into suck more. [I needed time to pull myself together and regain my stamina through breathing], this time she was much more enthusiastic to suck my cock and suck some of herself, I got on the bed next to her and with my legs spread on top of the bed sheets, pillows behind us she started sucking with more eye contact/more pornstar esque, now with spit and throat/splash noises. I have a vid of her giving me head but not from the first time together, 2nd time she gave me head is still ingrained into my brain, I continued to play with her pussy as she was to my right but would stop to look at me every now and then, I knew I was close but I wanted to fuck her again. I had planned to finish on her tits but told to her have her ass in my face and ride me reverse cow girl with her in control. I knew as soon as I was in this position and inside that this was not going to last, I asked her if she wanted to 69 and she said no. She wanted to keep riding, she kept riding and eventually after an undisclosed short amount of time my balls were drained. I tried to-do the most with my endurance, engaged my core/pelvic floor, tried to relax my pelvic floor but it’s hard to stop the feeling when she won’t stop the feeling lol

After we were finished and cleaned up I received a text from my dad that the family was going out for brunch which meant I could stay longer, we shared a shower and smoked a joint together while she sat on my lap outside on her deck, I had my boxers on, she had sweats and a baggy tee on, my cock was pressed against her ass and as soon as both of us were high and I was ready for round 2. She was too. We went back inside this time high together. I recall feeling peaceful and very relaxed, probably because I had just busted 30 mins before and smoked but let’s say it was her presence that did it. We got on the couch together and started cuddling before long I heard her ask “Do you want to see something?” and boy was I in for a treat. Whilst watching marty byrde and the crew I received a blowjob that lasted half the episode, before we finished the episode I told her I was going to fuck her again after hearing the word “FUCK” so many times in the show lol, she said lets get back in the shower, so we did exactly that. Her shower is big enough for the two of us but not enough to comfortably fuck to be honest with you [height being #1 thing and me not wanting to break my neck for some pussy.] lol, I tried to fuck her and leverage her for me but even her holding the railing and me going at it still wasn’t getting me to finish, so I cycled between jerking myself off and using her pussy, to get inside I had to bend down almost with her legs up towards me whilst she was holding the railing, I ended up finishing with my hands and on her chest/stomach area.

I was seeing her around once or twice a week on average till summer break hit. I cannot wait till Fall, this is on-going and we still talk. I would like to apologize if this is hard to follow or my writing isn’t the best. I have more stories but their all more or less similar to this one. She enjoys giving blowjobs while high and I’ve found this to be true with other girls too, till next time. I have other stories but their normal stories in pretty common situations, I’ll remember this girl for ages to come, we’re still on-going friends.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/vx6pd6/mf_neighborhood_mom_and_guy_10_years_her_junior

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