Empire Vader – Ch 10 (Vader, Rae Sloane, Hera Syndulla, interracial, interspecies, Twi’lek, Women in Uniform, Rewards, Domination, Sith, Creampie, Rough, Hardcore, Breeding, Impregnation, Star Wars)

**Check my Profile for Previous Chapters**

The captain of his flagship informed him that all systems were green, and they were ready to depart from the planet. He withheld the order and quickly checked in on his wife and children. They were safe, under the guard of a loyal unit that he trusted. Part of him wanted her here so that he could hold her tightly and dream of better days. Her mere presence or even her voice over a holocall was enough to calm him, even during some of the bloodiest fighting of the battle. Now, fresh from surviving two brutal attacks on him, Vader stood by his earlier decision and kept her and the children where they were.

‘Her involvement in this is not needed. This is a hunt, swift and bloody work,’ Looking out of the windows of his cabin, the ex-Jedi turned Sith Lord heard the war howls of Tusken Raiders. When he thought deeply about that night, he could remember the smell of the barbarians as his blade sliced through them as clearly as the rage that drove him. The same anger became fixated on the group trying to kill him now. They were foolish, earning the ire of a veteran of dozens of battles during the Clone Wars, and much else before that as Jedi.

‘This is why the galaxy needs my strength…’Once he was done checking in on his family, he reviewed Wullf’s earliest reports. So far, as expected, the ISB agent’s reports consisted of the highlights of many subtle interrogations of people within the command structure of Coruscant. While the ex-Admiral crunched away, Vader sent out a Clone Commando unit to hunt down the origin of the explosive used to set the assassination attempt off. Part of him didn’t like to use the four-man fire team. Knowing Palpatine’s hands to be the perpetrator of the entire clone wars, which included the creation of the clone army, Vader could only imagine what the Sith’s contingencies had been.

The Sith made a point to travel to dig deeper into the topic and perhaps visit Kamino once the organization behind the attempts was dealt with. While the Clone Commandos chased down one lead, Vader turned his attention to a list of some of the most dangerous people and organizations in the galaxy. From there he cut the entrees to a fraction by searching out hostile actors with proficiency in stealth, piloting, and leadership.

Sneaking a bomb into the Imperial Royal Academy was no small feat. Vader believed it nearly impossible that the device came from within and that it must have been sourced elsewhere. Wullf’s investigation would ensure that was the case, but Vader was not about to sit around, presenting a stationary target to his enemies. His eyes examined the list again and then he ordered the captain of the Vengeance to make full speed to the nearest target.-xxx-A week later, Vader tracked down Hera Syndulla, daughter of Cham Syndulla. The green-skinned woman had the headtails or Lekku of her people and the tenacity of her father. After leaving Ryloth, she’d learned everything she could about flying. The reports also noted that the same temperament that drove her father to become a freedom fighter and thorn in the Separatists had given his daughter a rather…

undaunted attitude. Reports showed that she’d already made enemies of various pirate groups, the Hutts, the Corporate Alliance, the Free Transporter’s Guild, and even some group called the Aces that operated out of a refueling station. Vader’s command of Imperial Intelligence informed him that nearly all of these hostilities stemmed from incidents regarding ships, wagers made while flying, and other related situations.

So, he felt little surprise to find her bent over a docking clamp, hard at work with some slicing tools. The vessel she was attempting to steal looked sleek and fast enough that it nearly gave Vader pause. He took another step closer, and she straightened up, turned, drew, and then stiffened as she found herself facing a rather imposing-looking figure in sleek black, Sith armor.“Not many people can sneak up on me. You don’t look like the owner of this sloop, so I’m guessing… bounty hunter…”“You’re off your target a bit, Hera Syndulla,”

“That’s Captain Syndulla to you,” It was hard to take her arrogance seriously while she held such a tiny blaster. Vader imagined he could have stopped a blast from the weapon with just a finger.But naturally, Vader’s curiosity kept him from simply disarming her. Whatever she might be, Hera Syndulla was definitely a skillful pilot. For that, Vader believed she was due a more personal interrogation that didn’t employ the use of an IT-O droid back aboard his ship.

“I don’t see your ship, Captain…”

“You’re just early. Come back in an hour I’d have been long gone from here. What can I help you with?”

Vader stepped closer, and the light from a nearby lamppost in the lot revealed his features to her. Hera’s lovely turquoise eyes didn’t recognize the Emperor at first. Meeting the ruler of the known galaxy in a place like this had hardly entered her mind. She lowered her blaster. If she were going to escape, the lithe woman knew she’d have to be smarter than just trying to shoot the man in the face.

“Recently, people tried to kill me and bring further destabilization to the galaxy,”“Perhaps they don’t like the idea that the Republic is now just a shell with a fancy new name,” She said with a chuckle.

“You’re not helping your case, Hera. You have all the skills and the resiliency of an insurgent pilot, and the attitude to do something as foolish as help others try to kill someone you had no chance against…”

‘Well… he certainly still has all the bluster and ‘humbleness’ of a Jedi…’ Hera blinked slowly, weighing her response.

“I’ll spell this out nice and clear for you. I don’t like what you’re up to, but I really don’t care either…”He bristled at her indignation. Few were given a second chance to give him his proper title. ‘She’s as stubborn as a Corellian…’“Elaborate…”

“Palpatine was as slimy as they come. I knew that just by looking at him. So, I’m glad you did the galaxy a favor. I know many people would rather put their faith in someone like General Skywalker over a career politician…”

“So, you’re saying you had no involvement in the assassination attempt?”

Hera’s head leaned to the side. “I think we both know that you know I didn’t. I watched Jedi Master Windu enough to know that he could see through deceptions and lies. But… that begs the question,”

The alluring Twi’lek folded her arms boldly in front of the Sith. “Why are we still having this little chat?” The question had an air of feigned innocence. Vader knew that she was now trying to learn more about him, to gain a measure of this person she’d read about, probably to seek out the facts from fiction.

“To ensure that you will not be a problem I must insist that you do your patriotic duty. Ryloth is part of the Empire after all…”Vader’s gaze turned from her and looked up to the stars hanging above them.

“The galaxy is still in tatters and my Navy is the most important safeguard to its stability. Prove yourself at the academy, and you’ll have gained my trust, and likely your pick of assignments,”“I’m very flattered, but I’m not interested in licking boots to prove anything to you. But…” Her lekku twitched as she got an idea.

“How about a friendly wager? A dog-fight, low-powered cannons. The first one to three marks wins,”

Vader thought about the offer for a moment. “Name your prize?”

“Let’s call it a Letter of Marque, direct from the Emperor,”

Vader nodded. He knew of a few privateer organizations that had served on the Republic’s side during the Clone Wars. In effect, Hera would be free to fly or do whatever she wanted without inference from the Empire.

“As you wish. If you lose-”

“Hah, dream on,” Hera’s lekku twitched angrily as her eyes narrowed.

“If…” Vader repeated, using every ounce of control remaining in him. He wanted to fly against her, to prove himself the better. It would be more enjoyable than dominating her like he had the Jedi. He continued.

“-you lose, you will join my Navy and produce a child with me,”

The second part of the arrangement had her pull back in surprise. It harbored no subtlety or hint of romance, but Hera still enjoyed the thought that he was enamored enough with her looks to toss it in.‘If he gets horny while we fly, all the better for me…’ She thought with a quiet amusement that turned into resolve as she nodded.

“Deal, let’s get this show on the road then,”


Hera began regretting their arrangement as she dropped into the cockpit of a TIE/Ln starfighter, one of the first of its kind. She adjusted her helmet and quickly began familiarizing herself with the foreign starfighter. It felt strange not having her usual companion to back her up.

“No shields?” She asked over the com channel.

“I doubt that will be a problem for an ‘ace’ like you, Captain Syndulla,”

“Unless you try to vape me!”

The man in the opposing TIE Fighter thought back to the fateful podrace on Tatooine. The day when his life had completely changed.

“We have an arrangement, Captain. I will not cheat,”

“Hmmph. That’s a poor lie. You’d have to cheat just to keep up with me,” Hera powered on the ship’s engines, Vader did the same and the two raced in at one another.

Each pilot executed sharp maneuvers as they zeroed in on one another. The moment they got within weapons range, bursts of piercing green plasma scorched out across the space between the gray and black fighters. Hera swooped low to avoid the barrage, but she ended up being clipped.

“Karabast!” Anger flashed through her light-green eyes. She’d hoped to drop beneath Vader, flip around, and engage him from behind to score three hits in a row and end the contest. Now he had the lead.

Cursing herself, Hera pushed on. There was far too much at stake for her to not give this battle everything she had. Her sharp eyes tracked Vader’s ship through the scanner and eventually found him banking to fire on her again. Hera pushed the craft to its limits, enjoying the high-pitched howling of its twin Ion engines.

‘No shields means extra speed!’ She thought with a grin. She pounced on Vader like a Loth cat and managed to blast him once before he lost her in the night sky.

“Impressive,” She heard his voice over the com channel.

Vader grinned in his own fighter. Her management of the ship showed off her skills, but he would not be caught by Hera again.

“Your skills are wasted just being a lone captain on your own,” She heard his strong and self-assured voice call out over the com unit. Part of her knew she should shut it off, but her pride didn’t allow that. She would beat him and belittle him for being a fool to challenge her. No one could hold a glowrod to her.

“I don’t need anyone slowing me down!”

Vader felt her frustration through the Force even at the distance between them. His eyes closed and he let the mystical power surround, lift, and then submerge him. Everything became one in his mind, the fighter, the other fighter, and even his opponent’s racing heartbeat was known to him. He felt like he was sailing across the wide-open swath of the racetrack once again. Then… it was all over.What Hera imagined to be another chance to engage her suddenly turned into Vader cutting his engines. It happened so swiftly and suddenly Hera had no chance to correct. But as she zoomed through his original flight path, she jammed her hands on the control jokes and spun her ship, tracking him hunting him. This time, Vader showed out his own impressive maneuverability and ended up behind her the moment she overtook him. When he pulled the triggers on his own controls, two canon blasts hit Hera’s rear at point-blank range.

The Sith smiled as she howled out in frustration. For a long time, the com unit remained silent, and then he finally heard her voice once more. “A deal is a deal, Vader,”

“Good, we can start with calling ourselves by our proper titles, Captain…”

“… Yes… my Emperor…”


“You are a liar and a cheat…” Hera wished she felt angry, but her words hardly had any edge to them because she soon moaned out. The source of the sound was Vader kissing and stroking her lekku. One hand nimbly and gently touched the sensitive area of her green headtails with a tenderness that surprised her. Even more surprising, was just how wet she was becoming as he displayed an unearned mastery of her body.

The Emperor kissed up her lekku and then found Hera’s lips on his own. His hand groped her breast and then pulled back, using the Force to open up her flightsuit to reveal the nervously rising and falling mounds of her tits.

“I only used my natural gifts. And do I really need to remind you of your place again, Hera?” Intense pools of fiery orange and yellow looked at her. She suddenly felt a rough tongue on her lekku, but Vader’s hands were now stroking and squeezing her tits. Hera tensed and her eyes narrowed slightly. The reminder was plain as day, not only had he bested her, but he had a power, unlike anything she had at her own disposal. Feeling that way was new to Hera but as she licked her lips and tasted his essence on her tongue… she found that it was enjoyable.

No more did she have to sail and navigate through a chaos that constantly threatened to gobble her up. With him, she could just… be.

“Hmmph. Speaking of natural gifts…”Vader’s eyes gleamed as the sexy Twi’lek opened up his pants and began stroking his powerful erection. This thick white cock stood in contrast to her thin green fingers. Handling his cock caused Hera’s legs to tremble and feel weak.

“Come on then… I don’t have all day,” She teased, knowing now that she’d agreed to join up with the man’s military, at least until she found a way to turn it to her advantage.

As Hera continued stroking his mammoth manhood, Vader let out a powerful growl and then reached out a hand to strip off every other piece of her clothing. The green-skinned woman with an air of leadership and confidence didn’t move an inch to cover up her nakedness. Not even her glistening emerald folds were covered up. Watching her proudly stand before him stirred up Vader’s lust and he quickly picked her up in his powerful arms and held the thin woman with a nice curvy ass aloft while his cock began probing her insides.

“Huraah… fuck! How can you fly with this thing bumping your legs all the time?” Hera asked in complete and utter confusion as Vader began reshaping the entirety of her dripping sex with powerful thrusts. Her tongue lolled out to the side and her eyes had trouble focusing. During each heartbeat, Hera lost all energy to be mad at him. All she wanted was to feel more of his cock, which the ex-Jedi happily obliged.

A tumultuous comet of pure, energy rose up within her core. Hera’s mind scrambled with fear. She’d never cum with something so big inside of her, what if it made her lose her mind, or worse, what if it tapped into the deep and primal sluttiness that some Twi’leks were rumored to have. Never before had she given in to such fear, but now, as her folds feasted on Vader’s enormous and powerful cock, the fear became as tangible as the pleasure whipping and flying through her as it threatened to make her heart do a somersault.

In an effort to at least gain some small measure of victory and make him cum first, she gracefully swung her body forward and managed to knock the powerful Sith onto his back. Naturally, the Master of the Dark Side had foreseen the event. As his back hit the ground, he quickly did a barrel-roll with his cock still slamming its way all the way up to Hera’s womb.

As they came to a crashing halt, her eyes became uncoordinated and panicky. Her tongue smacked against her bottom lip and her lekku became emblazoned with pure ecstasy as she came. Without even realizing what was happening, the green woman cried out blissfully and wrapped up her arms and legs around the incredibly, muscular human pounding away into her molten passageway…

“Huauahhhaaa… no… Keep going faster. G-give it to me! Deeper, I can’t b-believe…

Ohuraaah!!!”Even while the sinewy woman came and her juices squirted free of her pussy like the explosive echo of a proton bomb, Vader pressed on. He squeezed her tits and even bit down hard on her nipples, marking her as his before he finally reached the crest of his own fuel tank.

All the sweat on Hera’s body had her glued to Vader’s powerful form even before he began spilling his thick cum inside of her fertile and ready womb. Her pupils dilated as torpedoes of fiery seed shot out and began pouring out inside of the small space deep within her.

“Oh Kriff! It… it feels so… good… Warm… I mean…. Nuraaaahiiaah!” Her second orgasm was not nearly as explosive as her first. Instead of losing all control and looking like a lazer-brained nerf-herder being shocked with Force Lightning, she buried her nose and lips into his shoulder and bit down hard. As her womb received more and more of Vader’s rich savory jizz, Hera bit down on the thick flesh of his shoulder as her green body shuddered violently against him.

‘Blazing Sun! He’s filling me up so much! I’m going to be pregnant for sure…’-xxx-Vader got dressed first between the two of them. The bed in his cabin was so comfortable, and since she had nowhere, she needed to be, Hera was in no rush to vacate it. He turned back towards her, obviously enjoying the sight of her body and the slow trickle of some of his cum seeping from her pussy.

‘I should fuck both her and Aayla once. I wonder which one has more sensitive lekku…’“I’ll get you a uniform and a posting aboard the Vengeance. You’ll oversee the fresh pilots,”

“That sounds incredibly boring. And a waste of my talents,” Her luminous pale-green eyes gave him a mischievous look.

“One more deal, I stay in a cockpit and actually get to fly. Then, once we’re sure you’ve put a little ship in my hanger, you can put me wherever you want, my Emperor…”


Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/vxkodn/empire_vader_ch_10_vader_rae_sloane_hera_syndulla