chapter 5: wife’s ex-bf invites her on a yatch

My wife’s ex-bf who she broke up with 2 months ago, reached out to her last Monday and said he wants her to go with him on a private yatch! She used to tell me that he’s still infatuated and she’s been ignoring his advances to patch up all this while.

A bit of background: My wife is the director of research at a biotech company, she hired a young college grad about a year ago to help her with lab work. The boy (about 22 yrs) and my wife (42 yr) had started an affair, the affair lasted about 6 months then when I caught her, the breakup itself took about 2 more months. Since the last 2 months they have been separate.

So since they broke up in early May, he’s tried to woo her a couple of times before finally finding a girl his age. Last Monday, he told my wife that he had booked a private yatch with a 1 person crew (captain/chef) to take his gf, but that she broke up with him just before the planned weekend. He told her, that it’s the most expensive spend he has made n is not going to get a refund for it, it was a use it or lose it deal. So he asked my wife to go along with him, a final weekend of fun for old times sake.

My wife told me about this proposal, which I assumed she had refused as she was laughing when saying this to me on Monday night after we had put the kids to bed. I just told her, I still can’t believe she ever had a fling with this guy who was 20 years younger.

My wife used to be a normal middle aged lady, the mom of 2 kids, I have always found her attractive n sexy, but she was not conventional sexy, always moderate in her dressing, very shy/conservative towards other men, all this changed after the birth of our second child -daughter. She started to distance herself from me, put in a lot of effort to get thin, lot more effort to go to parlours, waxing her legs smooth, thick lipstick, perfume, the dresses went higher at the bottom n lower at the top. She looks beautiful by the conventional standards of beauty now, to me having seen her previous self, this was a completely different person.

On Wednesday she asked me to take care of the kids during the weekend, she said, she needs this one more final weekend with her ex bf! She said it will be like just hanging out with a friend (what!!) and just the weekend, she is not getting back with him, but she’s just excited about being in the yatch. She said he has paid about $5k for it and will lose it all if she cancels.
There was no discussion, or room to talk about this decision with me. I told her that I am not happy about it and am not in favor of it, but that did not seem to matter.

My child care duties started Thursday as she decided to go shopping for the trip after work on Thursday.

Friday morning, I dropped her at the airport, she was going to fly to Florida and go with her ex-bf on the yatch from Miami.

To be cont’d



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