The Business Trip, Part 1 (bdsm) (fdom) [F40/m43]

She sat at the end of the bar playing with a half-melted ice cube inside of a rocks glass. She checked into the hotel earlier, but was still wearing the sweats she had been wearing on the plane. She had flown into Chicago for an industry trade show, and knew she had a few busy days ahead. She alternated between people watching in the lobby and watching the Cubs play the Mets on the lobby TV – anything she could do keep from picking up her phone and scrolling. She always loved business travel, it gave her a chance to feel free again. It had always been that way for her – there was something about that moment she passed through the security gates at Newark Airport that felt freeing. This was only heightened over the past few years as the work-from-home culture had taken hold at her company – she’d only been to the office about 20 times in 24 months, a far cry from the four days per week she was used to pre March 2020.

As she took a sip from her glass, someone caught her eye, he looked familiar, but she couldn’t quite place where she might know him from. He was also dressed down in what looked like travel ware – gray sweatpants and a white tee. He seemed to be watching the game on TV as well, although with a little more intent than her. As she tried to place where she knew him from, her hobby had now turned into the singular – person watching. She watched the inner turmoil of him trying to leave his phone face down on the bar in between innings, but always unlocking it and making a few taps before locking it and placing it face down again.

She let her mind wander as to what he was looking at when he unlocked the phone. Maybe a mystery hook up who he was meeting that night, maybe just waiting for a text from his wife to say good night – it was clear he was married as even from where she was sitting, she could see the tan line on his ring finger. She knew it well as she looked down and saw the same on her left hand. As her glances turned more to a stare, those urges she tried to resist on her iPhone started creeping into real life. As she looked at this very average, but sexy man sitting a few seats down.

Was he turned on by the intoxicating scent of leather the way she was? Would his cock be large enough to get her off? What would she do with his body once she killed him?

These were exactly the thoughts she was trying to suppress, but here they were. She was already at the point where she was shifting around in her seat due to the uncomfortableness between her legs. She thought maybe she could just have a conversation with him, and not find answers to all of her questions swirling around her head. The one word that she always used to describe the way she felt on these solo trips was ‘bold’ and she was about to make her first bold move.

She picked up her drink and walked down to where he was sitting. “Is anyone sitting here,” she asked, already knowing the answer was ‘no,’ she waited for a response.

“Um, no, no one is sitting there. Would you like to um,” he was completely caught off guard, and fumbled his words as he reached and tried to pull out her chair for her to sit. “There you go.”

He was stunned. She was the woman from the airport at home and the flight, and now the hotel. He first saw her as he ate breakfast in Newark, and hadn’t been able to get his mind off her since. But he tried to play it cool, as it was a busy bar and she was just looking for a place to sit. He kept watching the game on the TV, now having something else besides his phone to try and block out.

“Where you from,” she asked casually as she glanced at the crotch of his gray sweatpants clearly seeing the outline of his cock head showing through. “Exciting season, huh?”

“Um yeah. New York, or North Jersey actually,” he said as he broke his attention away from the screen and looked towards his new neighbor. “Out here for work, trade show tomorrow.”

It clicked for her at that moment. Not only had she seen him at the airport and on their flight, she’d seen him off and on over the years at different events, but Covid and his middle years had treated him well. She found something sexy about what they called a dad bod. She started some small talk, and before she knew it, they were three drinks down, the game was over and the bartender was letting everyone know the bar was closing soon.

“Well, I know this might be awkward, and I don’t mean it to come off that way, but would you like to continue this conversation up in my room,” she acted again in a bold manner as she asked him the question. “No pressure.”



  1. Hi All! This story is a work in progress. It’s from a recent experience, and if you like it, I will continue to put it on paper. Looking forward to feedback. Thanks!

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