Moonlight Rainfall Chapter Two (MF, BDSM, Rough, Romance)

Note: This is intended as an audio story so there are indents made for
recording purposes and may not flow as well when read. Hopefully there
is something of value in here regardless. I would appreciate any
feedback on it. Part one is linked here.

Chapter Two

My heart raced as I walked into the room and scanned the area to attempt to learn what could be in store for me. My eyes darted left to right, yet nothing stood out as a threat. I carefully examined my surroundings, slowing my gaze, noting a pair of crimson candles either side of the dresser at the right of the room. They must have been recently lit as the wicks still held a vivid white as the flames froliced against the wall. The aged oak wardrobe stood tall at the side with the doors sealed; perhaps this was Pandora’s box which contained the implements of my desolation. 

Shifting my gaze slightly, I saw that the window in the centre of the room had the curtains drawn, with the last remnants of daylight fading on the horizon. Below lay a single chair, its back containing four slats framed by a large oval leading to an indented seat supported by a pair of sturdy armrests. My eye was drawn to the underside, it appeared as if there was rope running in an intersecting pattern criss-crossing just out of sight through the chair legs at the back. I knew I couldn’t stare for too long and had to remain subtle as I tried to unravel what lay ahead.

I stepped carefully through the room, my feet brushing through the long faux sheepskin rug on the floor, each movement causing a thousand slight caresses between my toes. Freya leant against the wall, turned to me and, with a widening smile “Clothes. Off. Now.” 

Realising this could be my opportunity to disarm her somewhat, my fingers painstakingly began to part my shirt, button by button. I smiled, as with each slight pop her eyes followed the path of my chest as it was slowly unveiled. I noted her eyes tracing the outline of the intricate artwork that adjourned my chest. I parted the damp shirt and allowed it to fall slowly down my arms and placed my hands towards my back to subtly allow her a moment to watch my broad shoulders pull taut before releasing it to the ground. I stood tall above her, raising my chin slightly to emphasise the disparity between our frames. While she may be relatively tall, the difference between the two of us is staggering. I shifted my posture slightly to allow the light to catch my bare flesh, enabling shadows to be cast along my arms, chest and torso, creating pockets of darkness between the muscle.

I watched as her hand moved across my chest and slowly descended down my body, tracing a path toward my belt. A light tug from her finger caused the tail of the belt to unfurl and drop. We stepped together and embraced in a passionate kiss and, as our lips met, my belt began to disappear from my waist. I could feel the slow pull as it snaked around my midriff, lightly cracking as it passed through each loop on my jeans before it was finally set loose. I heard the metallic clink of the buckle collide as it landed on the soft rug.  Freya’s hand reached down and rubbed against my growing shaft. Her light caress through the black denim caught me off guard once more, as I began to strain against the constraints of the little clothing that still burdened me.

With a light push in the centre of my chest, I fell backwards toward the bed, landing softly into the light feathered quilt. Freya moved on top of me, straddling my waist as I gently moved my hips back and forth to coax her into giving me what I wanted. She pushed me down to lie flat with a firm shove as I watched her lift the gorgeous lace top over her stomach to unveil one half of a lace vermillion lingerie set accented with black straps. This ensemble perfectly framed every inch of her wondrous body, leaving me enamoured with her form. I moved my hands from my sides and folded them under my head allowing for a greater view of the smokeshow before me, and with a single flick of her wrist the top was discarded to one side.

Both of her hands ran up the sides of my bare chest as she glided effortlessly upwards to make her eyes parallel to my own. I leant in gently for a kiss that was reciprocated with warmth and tenderness until I felt a sharp bite on the right of my bottom lip. Her hand deftly gripped my throat as her mouth moved once again to my earlobe as she whispered.“Are you going to behave for me?”I froze, how the fuck do you respond to a question like that? 

If there was a moment to turn the tables this would have been it. I knew trying to overpower her would not work, Freya has a terrible habit of making me think I have won and suddenly flips the script, leaving me in a considerably worse position. This would take tact, timing and charm. As far as ideas go, it might be best to try and push that mindset on her. I unfurled my arms and allowed them to drop to my sides, perhaps if I presented the illusion of submission I might be able to gain an upper hand. It was surely worth a try. Freya pulled back slightly and examined me up and down noting my change in posture.“Looks like someone is going to be good tonight” as those words left her mouth she nodded for me to move to the centre of the bed. I pulled back with hesitation as I still had no idea what she had in mind and it was best to play along for now.

 She moved further down my body and arched her back allowing me a glimpse of the top of her underwear, confirming it was a set, as her hands moved up my thighs to unbutton my jeans. Slowly I felt the tension relieve around my waist as the zip was prised open and with a long pull my jeans rested at my ankles. She slinked forward and sat atop my chest, as I was drawn in for another kiss. Our lips met, followed by her tongue while one hand gently massaged my cock through my boxers. “Hands above your head, now” she ordered, sternly yet softly. I complied.Her hand slithered beneath my boxers and her grip tightened against my aching cock. I tilted my head backwards to catch my breath as the tension grew and I closed my eyes. “Keep your eyes shut” she whispered as I felt her move along my chest. The sound of clicks to my left and right left me frozen.

I had stupidly let my guard down as I felt the tight grip of the handcuffs rest heavy against my wrists. I opened my eyes to see Freya sitting astride my waist, her gaze dancing with intent. She lightly slapped me across the face and leaned inches away.“You will behave for me, or you will find yourself in some real trouble. I Promise.”

Oh fuck.
