Our Father’s Legacy Ch. 2 (M/F) (Repost)

DISCLAIMER: Sexy time in next chapter. Sorry, ran out of room!

=== ***MINA*** ===

I can still taste him on my lips. I can still feel his hands on my hips, his heart beating against my chest, and his breath on my face.

We were close. So close. If it wasn’t for his nosy sister, I would’ve gone all the way with him. I’ve seen him on the lunch table, alone, and I finally worked up the courage to do what I did and initiate contact with him. Seeing him over the summer ignited this fire in my chest. This longing, this intense feeling like I needed him. Sure, I was sad when he and his friends and family left, leaving me with a lasting image of him and his well chiseled body. He’s so handsome, so fucking handsome!

The first day of high school and I walked into the cafeteria. I saw him, my summer crush! But I thought he would be surrounded by friends, like the time at the pool. I thought he would be deep in conversation with them. But no, he was alone, and he looked sad.

It broke my heart. How could someone be so handsome, so ridiculously handsome, be alone? He should have throngs of friends, surrounded by laughter and adoration! But no, all I found is loneliness. So, I worked up the courage to walk up and sit in front of him. I found the courage to talk to him. I found the courage to let him know that someone sees him. Sure, it took a couple of days, but I found it!

What I found was a person completely different. I thought he would be boisterous. I thought he would command attention. I thought he demanded respect, like all those American high school movies and shows where the good-looking guy is often portrayed.

What I found, instead, is a sweet and quiet guy. A person who has a deep understanding on how to behave, and an intensity that he hasn’t yet realized. During history, he became engrossed in lecture and there was this fierce concentration from him that sent a chill running up my spine.

But he could make me laugh. He could make me smile. Me, a broken girl from a somewhat broken home.

My parents are older than most. They are in their 70’s. Still strong, but not as strong as most. We moved here because, well, circumstances dictated it so.

I call them my parents but they are really my grandparents. My mother, who I thought was my sister for a majority of my life, never grew out of her partying ways. She had me at 15, and my parents decided to keep me because my *mother* was young and stupid. When she was 19 and I was 4, she married a rich banker and forgot I existed. She went on to have a couple more kids, my brothers and sisters, and when she see’s me, she see’s a little sister and not her daughter.

Finally, they paid for my parents to go and live in America so her and her husband can have a more private life. We receive a monthly stipend from them, deposited into my parents account, with an apartment that barely fits us.

But they are wonderful parents! Truly wonderful! They decided that I am their daughter, and raised me better than my *sister* with morals and guidelines.

But it seems that the Apple does not fall too far from the tree as I am feeling myself heavily attracted to him. Wildly attracted, even.

Our short interactions brought a beacon of happiness into my somehow dreary life. Luckily, I live a couple of miles away from him. Nothing my legs can’t take me to.

But hearing a running footstep behind me made me turn to regard my pursuer. It’s him! Running toward me! His brown locks bouncing with every bound!

“Hi-hi,” he said, slightly out of breath, “I’m glad I caught you.”

All I could do is smile as I watch his mouth move. But, I didn’t register any of the words he said.


“Ah, yes, sorry. I was… what did you say?”

“Do you need a ride? My mom said she can take us.”

I clapped my hands happily. “Ah, yes, thank you very much!”

“Well, it’s getting a little late and dad always said to never let a girl walk alone in the dark.”

He kept talking, but the words melted away. All I could watch is his perfect composure, and his handsome face make all sorts of facial expression. I just dreamily said “yes” to what he said. Then he gave me a confused face and I knew I had to focus.

“You don’t know where you live?”

“Oh, I know where I live, I’m sorry. I’m a little, um, tired.”

He pressed his hand against my forehead and I instantly blushed. “You’re a bit hot. I hope you don’t get a fever.”

We hear a honk that cleared up the air between us. A vehicle pulled up parallel to us, and the windows rolled down. I see one of the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen behind the wheels.

Barely any wrinkles on her face, and the length of her hair is extraordinary! She could pass off for his older sister, if I’m being honest.

“Come on, my mom can take us,” he bid and so I took his hand and into the car I went.

“Oh, honey why would you walk? How far away do you live?” She went on as she looked me over.

“I live nearby, in Palm and Woodland.”

His mom blinked for a few seconds. “That’s 7 miles away! Oh my goodness! Logan! Did you make this poor girl walk 7 miles!?”

His mouth went agape in shock, but held his ground, “no, of course not! I thought her parents dropped her off!” He reasoned and I couldn’t help but giggle as I lean into him.

“My mom dropped me off earlier then went to the store. I did not think I would have to go home so soon,” I explained and his mom nodded understandingly.

“Okay, because we raised you better Logan, okay? Your dad would be so disappointed if he found out you made this poor girl walk home alone, by herself. Oh, I wonder what he’s going to cook. I hope it’s roast beef. Oh, knowing him it’s curry! I love his curry!”

I could see the resemblance between the two. She’s beautiful, like really beautiful. Unfairly beautiful. I wouldn’t be surprised if she is a model. Her body is extraordinary! Tall, buxom, with wide hips but a slim waist. Really nice, big tits and a very sexy body. It’s almost unfair how well she is built, like god herself built her to tease men into submission. But the way she talks of her husband, almost with great adoration. I wonder what kind of man have made this goddess submit to him. Looking at Logan, he must be a very handsome man.

“Would you like to eat dinner at our place?” she suddenly asked, and I am greatly surprised by it.

“Mom! I’m sure she has food at her home. She wouldn’t want to eat dinner at someone’s house, especially since we literally *just* met today.”

“Oh, what’s the harm kiddo! She’s your friend, I’m sure her parents wouldn’t mind!”

I’m sure they wouldn’t mind either. My parents are aged. Old. Not like how American parents can still function properly. My grandfather worked in a plant for almost 50 years, while my grandmother worked as a tailor in a shop. Right now, they should be resting. But since my sister selfishly dropped me into their lap, they had to continue to work. They can barely speak English, and so they couldn’t exactly find a job here. Luckily, a Romanian restaurant opened up nearby and they are fluent in it, so my parents work as a dishwasher and as a cook.

We can barely scrape by. We have just enough to cover rent expenses, a small electric vehicle, the bills and food just enough for us. The meager pay they bring in allows me to enjoy the experience of a young adult, and I so wish they would spend money for themselves. I sent my mom a text, telling them to eat my food and to go and rest as I will be with a friend. My father simply sent me a text telling me to enjoy myself and to be safe.

“They don’t mind,” I told her, “I will be happy to accept. But I do not want to be a bother.”

“Oh, such a good manner! She reminds me of Alexa when we first met, especially the accent.”

She pressed a few buttons on the center console and a man’s face appeared. “Chris, baby, we’re going to have a guest! Set up and extra plate please.”

“Oh, I suppose I can, but Tabby and Logan is over at Alana and Roxxy’s right now, and she’s having dinner over there.” I hear him say. He’s handsome, but not extraordinarily handsome as I thought someone would be who is married to someone like her. There must be something I’m missing.

“Baby, no, Logan is with me. So, it’s just you home then?” She corrected.

“Logan’s not with Tabby? Huh. Then I hope our guest doesn’t mind curry,” I saw him smile and Logan’s mother happily clapped her hand.

“I knew it! Do you need me to get any drinks or anything, baby?”

“I mean we’re out of the usual juice, but you can get whatever you want, I guess. Is our guest allergic to anything?”

She looked at me, I shook my head “no” then she relayed it as such. His dad confirmed it and then hung up.

“Wanna get some deserts and stuff? Don’t be shy now.”

Logan and I just looked at one another, “sure, let’s get something mom,” he answered while I become lost in his deep, blue eyes.


Logan went ahead, wanting to grab a shopping cart. Which left me and his mom, alone.

Good lord she’s tall! She must be a foot taller than I am! And her figure, *Ó můj bože* it’s better than I thought! And she really is gorgeous, and her hair is shiny and smooth!

“So, I didn’t get your name little bird,” she said with a disarming smile as she flipped her hair over to her other shoulder.

“It’s – it’s Mina,” I answered and she let my name marinate in her head.

“Mina, hmmm. A good name for a good girl, I hope.”

“What?” I asked, alarmed.

“Oh, nothing. So, what do you like about my little wolverine?”

I didn’t really have to think about it. I know what I liked about him. “Well, he’s an intense person. Careful in his consideration, and honest in his feelings. He makes me smile. He makes me laugh, and I like that very much.”

She digested the words with every step. “Good, good… I would hope you two would understand one another. You’re young, okay, so don’t move too fast.”

Oh, little did she know I’ve already move fast. Way too fast.

“So, have you done it?”

Well that caught me off guard, and she’s so nonchalant when asking. I looked at her weirdly, “c’mon, I won’t tell him,” she smiled.

“Um… um… I… I haven’t. T-Today, I kissed him though.”

“Oh my, you just met and you kissed him already?” She playfully gasped, “well I shouldn’t pry too much into Logan’s romance.”

She says those words, but I can tell that she’s extremely curious. The way she hides her smile, the way she laughs silently to herself. She wants more information, and not the type you would tell your parents. She desires the sordid details.

“He was respectful,” I mentioned and she purred softly.

“Good,” was all he said, “we raised him to be respectful.”

She seems satisfied with those words, and I didn’t want to tell her about how his tongue was all over the top of my breast or how his fingers were inside the sleaze of my shorts.

Logan was waiting for us at the entrance, a trolley waiting. “What were you two talking about?”

“Oh, nothing kiddo,” she cooed softly as she reached over and tussled his hair. Logan brushed his hair back and he looked so cool when he did that!

I’m always amazed by American supermarkets. I mean, we have them back home but the amount is just so much! That’s not to say my country is poor or anything, but I’ve never gone to a *huge* store like the ones America has.

We were only supposed to get some juice and desert. That should have taken 10 minutes at most. But his mom kept grabbing other things. Bread, peanut butter, some jelly, some chutney from different fruits. A whole chicken, some beef, various vegetables! She bought a month’s worth of food!

“Mom, this is a lot of food,” Logan said and his mom simply waved her hand.

“Eh, don’t worry about it kiddo. It’s not for us.”

“Eh? What do you mean?”

“I said don’t worry about it,” she said firmly and with an intensity that I’ve only seen in Logan. Then she smiled at him, “you worry too much about stuff, kiddo, just let mommy do her thing.”

He seems to let it go.

When we got to the house, Logan was about to grab all the stuff from the back. “Nope, leave ‘em there. Just grab the juice, yogurt and fresh mango.”

Logan looked at her weirdly, and then to me, shrugged and grabbed the one bag.

When we got inside, we’re met with such an assault of smell that my stomach immediately growled in anticipation. I realized that I hadn’t really eaten since lunch time, and I’m partially sure that it was rather loud too. My mouth started to water, and I found myself looking forward to it.

“There you guys are, Its been hours! The food is starting to get cold, jeez!”

His is shorter than them. But, there’s something about how he carry himself. He’s so sure of his place in the world, sure of who he is. I mean, he didn’t even flinch when his wife pouted at him.

“I cooked my ass off for this mean, and you have the nerve to come in late!?” I hear him.

“I’m sorry, babe,” she said in such a small voice. I watched him slowly walk over to her and grab her by the back of her neck roughly.

“That’s all you have to say for yourself? ‘Sorry’!? That’s it!?”

“I’m sorry… daddy,” she shuddered.

“That’s better. I’ll deal with you later,” he growled against her. Then, he caught a glimpse of little old me and immediately reverted back. “Shit, why didn’t you say she was right there!?” I hear him whisper.

I saw her face. Saw her blush red, biting her lips seductively. The look of someone fully entranced and enamored, someone filled with lust even. She wants him so bad, I can tell.

“Sorry about that. Um, I’m Chris, and this is my wife Bella.”

“Hello, I’m Mina, Logan’s friend from school. Thanks for letting me have dinner at your place.”

He gave me a tired smile and led us inside. Well, I was shocked to see his sister sitting there, and she was just as shocked to see me. It has been an hour or so since the call, so it would make sense that she would be back.

=== ***TABBY*** ===

She’s here, the harlot. Now she’s having dinner with us!?

She sat next to Logan, and the pair had to sit on the opposite side where mom usually sits. Mom sat next to me, and as usual dad sits on the head.

It’s Curry night, well dad usually handles most of the cooking because mom panics when she cooks. Well, Bella-Mom does, but when Marie-Mom is here she’s able to make simple meals. Mom has a split personality, she got it from a head injury a long time ago, and so sometimes she switches with her alternate personality Marie, who is a little more competent in the kitchen.

The only way we know who’s who is when she calls my dad. If she calls him “Honey” it’s Marie. If it’s “Babe” or “Darling” it’s usually Bella.

Logan went ahead and scooped some rice for her first, then served her some of dad’s curry. He then served himself then handed the spoon over to dad, who started to serve some food for Mom. It’s a thing he does, and mom loves it when dad does it for her. But mom plays with him a bit, complaining that she’s a grown adult and she can get her food.

“You’ll just flood your plate with too much sauce,” he would reason.

“But I —“

“Just shut up and let me serve you, jeez.” Dad would tut at her, and while she makes it known, verbally, that she doesn’t appreciate the fact that he’s treating her like a kid, we all know that she absolutely loves it. In turn, dad gets riled up.

This translate to them having intense, house shaking sex. We’ve heard it, it’s not a big secret that they still love to fuck each other mindlessly, like horny, hormone driven teenagers. It gets so loud that dad had to install some sound dampening materials on the wall.

And here these two are, playing their games in front of a stranger!

“So, who’s your friend,” I said aloud as I play with the clump of rice and brown-orange sauce. Dad cleared his throat, he doesn’t like it when I play with food, and I’m reminded of that fact. I mixed the two up, push the meats on one side and the veggies on the other, and start.

I know her name. But I don’t *know* her, the person sitting next to my brother. The place that I occupied until recently.

“Mina,” she said flatly as she took another bite of her food. “This is really, really good Mr. Logan’s dad!”

Dad can’t hide the fact that he likes it when his food is complimented. He gets shy and blush easy, and he’s honest like that. “Well, thanks little lady! You can come by anytime and have some.”

She simply nodded. I think she’s seriously considering it! The nerve of this bitch!

“So, Logan, anything interesting happened today?” I asked.

“Hmm? No, not really,” he shrugged. He didn’t even look up from his plate, but the second this bitch lightly nudged him, he looked over to her and smiled. “I guess something did happen. I met her.”

“Aww, thanks,” she swooned as she playfully leaned against him.

Dinner was awkward. Logan and Mina kept being flirty with one another. Mom and Dad kept sending horny signals towards one another, and I’m left there to play with my phone.

“Oh, I need to go home! Thank you very much, Logan’s parents, for having me for dinner! I really appreciate it!”

“Oh, anytime sweetie! You’re more than welcome,” mom smiled, “Logan, come on and let’s drop her off to her home.”

I’ve never felt so irritated in my entire life…

~ End of Chapter 2 ~

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/vuq894/our_fathers_legacy_ch_2_mf_repost

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