Groped, Betrayed, Blackmailed…a new chapter [ non consensual] [humiliation][oral] [anal play]

Part 4

Charles’ comment elicited another big laugh from the drunken group. “Bet that’ll leave a mark” someone said. More boisterous guffaws. Arthur liked it. He was seriously thinking about sharing what he had “heard” with his wife. But not, of course what he had just participated in. But then he thought better of it. He didn’t think she would tell anyone, but if she did and people started talking, it might mess up his new playground. And he intended to play there again.

After making sure the others had left, Earl helped Vicki sit up. She crossed her legs Indian style to help stabilize herself. Her head hung down, both from exhaustion, and she didn’t want Earl seeing her cum covered features. He opened the back door and helped her outside. It wasn’t quite dark yet, and should anyone show up they would easily see her. Even in her condition the thought caused a tingling sensation and she could feel the goosebumps again. What was wrong with her?
Earl led her to the concrete pad and told her to lean against the block wall of the building. Taking the hose and using a gentle setting on the nozzle, he began by hosing the cum and sawdust from backside. He then told her to bend forward and spread her cheeks apart with her hands. She did as he said. He aimed the stream of water at her asshole, then gently washed out her cunt the best he could. She stood there allowing it all, feeling no shame. She then turned around and the process was repeated on tits and legs. She held out her hands as Earl filled them with water that she then splashed on her face. Earl then went to her bag, and found the bottle of body wash. She stood there as he soaped her up with his hands. Paying particular attention to her breasts, and lingering longer than needed as he soaped up her pussy. Vicki never flinched. She accepted a handful of soap and thoroughly washed her face. Earl then took the shampoo and washed and rinsed her hair twice. Standing back and perusing his work, he deemed it acceptable and took one towel from the bag and dried her from head to toe. He then wrapped it around her body and handed her a second towel for her hair. She wrapped it around her head like a turban. Earl then led her inside. “Well, thats about all the help I can be. I noticed make up and a hair dryer in the bag. There’s a mirror and electric plug on the back wall if you want to use it.”

Vicki thought to herself, of course I want to use it, I need to look like I did this morning, when I left. Instead she heard herself say “thank you.” She had thrown everything she could think of in the bag including a toothbrush and tooth paste. She pulled these items out first, brushed her teeth twice, and threw the toothbrush in the trash. Next she dried her hair and tried to do her make up in the dim light and using the dirty mirror. Earl said she looked fine. He then went to his truck and returned with her clothes draped over his arm in the order he thought she’d need them. Panties first, then bra. She accepted them as he handed each item to her. “Nice touch on the underwear by the way”, he told her as she stood before him in her panties and bra. Too bad Arthur wanted you naked when they got here. Seeing you like that would have really set them off.” The comment made her blush. She had consciously worn the frilly underthings. But she didn’t think they needed to be “set off” any more than they were. Next she pulled on her skirt and shoes and dropped her blouse over her head. After putting her long hair in a ponytail, the checked her self in the mirror. Earl said she looked fine. She thought she looked ok.
Earl had texted Lisa and told her the “guests” had left and she could come any time. When he heard a car pull up he looked out to make sure it was Lisa. When he saw that it was, he asked Vicki if she was ready. She nodded her head yes. As soon as Lisa pulled up, Earl hurried her out the door. Vicki crawled into the passenger seat. She managed a weak smile and said “thank you”. Lisa looked at her and asked, “you ok?” Vicki answered, “I’m fine”. Lisa put the car in reverse, and maneuvered back to the main road. Vicki reclined the seat and leaned back, closing her eyes in exhaustion. She felt safe now.

Lisa dropped Vicki off at her car. All the other cars left in the lot as teachers carpooled to the restaurant were gone. Vicki leaned over and they exchanged pecks on the lips. “Thank you” Vicki said and opened the door. “Are you ok?” Lisa asked again. She looked back and said “I’m fine”

She pulled into her driveway at precisely the time she had told her husband to expect her. She checked her reflection in the mirror before she got out of the car. Pleased with what she saw, she climbed out. Conscious of her aching pussy, she hoped she was walking ok. Will was already in the bed, but not asleep. He had been reading and the bedside lamp was still on.
“You already in the bed?” She asked as she walked into room. “Yeah, I’ve gotta get up early. I’m playing in the golf tournament tomorrow. This got her attention. He didn’t play golf much anymore and it wasn’t llike him to play tournaments. “You are?” “I’m rounding out a foursome as a favor. One of the guys had to cancel at the last minute.” “Who are you playing with?” She was relieved when he named three locals and none of the names were Arthur or Charles. “You wanta come ? Hang around the pool? We can “do lunch” at the club”.
“No, I thought I’d go to the gym in the morning, start exercising and working out again, then just come home and rest.” She sure as hell didn’t want to be seen there. She wished Will wasn’t going. “I’m gonna take a bath’ then I’ll come to bed too”.
She turned the water on just to make it sound good. She guessed she was clean enough after being “hosed off” but she would be expected to bathe, and she wanted to douche to get rid of all the cum inside her. When she finished she spritzed “down there” with a bit of perfume, put on panties and her gown and laid in the bed. Will was already asleep.
She laid in the bed, in the dark and tried to make sense of everything that had gone on. Was it something about her that made men act that way? Or given the opportunity would they treat any woman in that manner. What did she do to make Mr. Earl attack her in her classroom and then escalate things to where they were now. And why was she accepting his calls as something she had to answer to? And why was she feeling less and less guilt about what she was doing. Why did she seemingly want to please him when he abused her so ?
She came up with no answers. Then her thoughts turned to her sleeping husband. She wished he wasn’t playing in the tournament that was only hours away, but there was no way to stop it. She could only hope nothing would be said. She was afraid she knew better.
