[24F] My first time with another girl

now, before you look at this account’s post history and say this is a fake story, the one writing this is Nikki, the girlfriend of Jack (the owner of this account). to make it simple, i’m just too lazy to make an entire new account just for posting stories lol. anyways, if you think i (Nikki) should post more of my sexual experiences, tell me either through PMs or the comments, either works fine. so, without further ado, let’s get on with the story! (this is also going to be a lengthy one so i will put a mark down where the spicy stuff starts)

first let me describe myself when this happened. i’m Japanese-American (more American though), 5’0 tall, and green eyes. i had straight black hair that went a little past my shoulders, pale skin (was a bit of a shut-in), perky c-cup tits, skinny with a little bit of fat on me, round ass that i caught multiple boys at the camp looking at, and thick thighs, that sadly didn’t save any lives :(

this takes place 5 years ago, almost to the day, that’s what reminded me of this story, during a Christian Summer Camp. yes, my parents were very religious and forced me to go to these camps ever since i was 13, and this was the last one since it was my last year of school. anyway, on the first day there we were introduced to the other girls we would be sharing a cabin with. the cabin was more of a little concrete building that had a couple windows and only 6 beds for each of the campers, the counselors got their own buildings (separating genders). it was me and 5 other girls who would be staying there: Erica; Tess; Jaden; Morgan; and Hollie but the only two that are important are Morgan and Hollie. Hollie was around 5’4, had long dirty-blonde hair that was always up in either a bun or a braided ponytail, sun-kissed skin (you could tell she was a beach girl), gravity-defying DoubleDs, a nice, round juicy ass (that got a lot more stares than mine), and was a very extroverted and nice person. she’s very bubbly and surprisingly easy to talk to, but she’s a bit of an airhead and sometimes couldn’t read the room, which was one of the many reasons why most girls didn’t like her (the main reason being she caught all of the boys’ attention). Morgan was a very rural farm girl with short, curly brown hair, probably 5’7, very tanned, flat chest with a small round butt. she wasn’t very popular with the guys but she didn’t care. ok i’m done with the describing the characters in this tale.

when i first saw Hollie, i immediately wanted to be friends with her, she was very much my type. as she introduced herself to the group, Erica and Tess already didn’t like her which was very obvious but Hollie couldn’t take then hint and carried on. Jaden was just there, she was shy and didn’t really talk to any of us the whole week we were there. i could also tell Erica and Tess didn’t really want to be there, as did i, but whatever. Jaden, Erica, and Tess picked the 3 beds on the left side and the right side was left to me, Morgan and Hollie. Hollie’s bed was between mine and Morgan’s, which i was happy i got to sleep in the bed next to her. while i was unpacking Hollie started to talk to me about normal girl stuff and asked if i was excited for the camp, i lied and said i was excited so i didn’t ruin her joyful mood. she giggled and said she was too. for the next couple of days, Morgan, Hollie and I had fun in the camp activities (probably the most fun i had at one of these since the one i went to when i was 14) and bonded really nicely.

*The precursor to the fun times*

on the 5th night of the camp the three of us couldn’t fall asleep, so we decided to push our beds together and sit in a little triangle and just talk until we felt tired. the topic of “home-life” came up and Hollie was hesitant to talk about it. i would’ve thought she had a great relationship with her parents, but it was the opposite. she would always try to got to parties but her parents never let her or caught her trying to sneak out, which sounded a lot like my own parents. we were silent for what felt like 5 minutes before Morgan asked if there was anyone we liked, which was a little surprising to her say. Hollie almost immediately tried to dodge the question and it was sent over to me. i told them there was a boy in my friend group that i liked a lot (you can probably guess who that is. hint: name rhymes with “BACK”) and i casually said there was also a girl i liked. it took me a few seconds to realize what i had just said and i kid you not i almost passed out from fear and embarrassment. Hollie was trying to keep herself from laughing and Morgan was just sitting there with her mouth wide open. after a few minutes and we had calmed down, this conversation followed:

Morgan: you like girls, too?!

Me: *my face bright red* yes…

Hollie: i kind of figured that. i mean, you’re always looking at girls the same way boys do.

*i facepalm and let out a little squeak in more embarrassment*

Hollie: well, either way that makes me feel more comfortable talking about this topic. haha

Morgan: why’s that?

Hollie: well i only like girls.

*Morgan quite literally falls back in shock, and i almost do the same*

Me: but have you ever, y’know, been with one?

Hollie: *blushing* a couple times…

Morgan: ok, i’m really happy for you both, and i’m not judging at all but, i’m going to go sleep. this is way to much for me to take in.

*Hollie and i are both stifling our laughter trying not to wake up the other three across the room*

Morgan then got up and moved her bed back to where it was before and went to sleep. Hollie and i laid down next to each other and stayed up chatting which led to more sexual talk, when Hollie asked me this: “the girl you like. it’s me, isn’t it?” and for someone who doesn’t know how to read the room, she has great intuition. i replied with “can you read minds?!” without thinking and just turned over in even more embarrassment. the convo that followed:

Hollie: i don’t mind, i think you’re pretty cute, too.

Me: really?

Hollie: yes, you’re one of the cutest girls i’ve ever met.

*my face was burning and my whole body felt hot, and my pussy was obviously soaking wet*

Me: but, i’ve just never been with a girl before.

i turned over to look at her, and, i shit you not, she said “you wanna change that?”

Me: right now? what if someone hears us, the counselors will *kill* us!

Hollie: trust me, i’ve done riskier. you just need to stay silent.

*======== THE SPICY PART ========*

the moon was peering through the window and i could see her face blushing. she looked nervous yet somehow confident at the same time. Hollie crawled over and positioned herself over me. her breathing was hot and heavy and her smile was wide and beautiful. she lowered herself down onto me and kissed my neck. i stifled a moan by covering my mouth with my hand, which she removed and kissed me. her lips were soft and plump, they tasted like pineapple (which i absolutely love). i moved my hands across her back, lifting up her shirt and moved to her bouncy breasts. they were so soft and squishy, just touching them was making me wet. she pulled away from my mouth and went down to my tits. Hollie then pulled my shirt up and began sucking on them, and it felt fucking amazing, like i had never felt something like this before. i *”accidentally”* let out a soft moan to tell her she was doing a good job and she replied by switching to my other nipple.

after a bit, she went back up to my face and we started to make out again, while her hands were slowly going down my body when they finally reached my panties. my eyes widened and i gasped, and Hollie had a big grin on her face. she moved her hand under and started rubbing around my pussy, teasing me and making me want more. i was soaking wet at this point and was whispering to her, practically begging her to stick a finger in, or at least just rub my clit. she finally gives in to lust and starts rubbing my pussy. it felt like i was masturbating for the first time in years with how good she was doing it. she pulled out all the stops, she was circling my clit, spreading my lips, rubbing my whole pussy, i could tell she was experienced in playing with other females. after a few minutes in ecstasy, she stopped and slowly lowered her face down until she was breathing on my pussy. i was so close, just her breathing on me was almost pushing me over the edge, but what really sent me was when she started sucking on my clit. i swear, i blacked out for at least 5 seconds, that’s how hard i orgasmed. she let me catch my breath and went back to teasing me, licking my lips but not giving me what i wanted. i wanted her to just finger fuck me, then and there. i had enough of the teasing and grabbed her head and pulled it up to me and kissed her. (just typing this is making me embarrassed) i told her “just finger blast me already” i watched a little too much porn and picked up a bunch of the sex lingo. she giggled and stuck her tongue in my mouth and her fingers in my pussy. i squealed into her mouth and she fingered me harder. she went all the way until i achieved my second orgasm when she told me it was my turn to please her.

she flipped onto her back and placed my head over her tits. i stared at her beautiful breasts in amazement. i started sucking on it the best i could and she told me i was a natural, which made me suck harder and, her moans were some of the hottest i have ever heard, even still to this day. after a couple minutes she pushed me down to her crotch. i licked her pussy and, boy, did she taste fan-fucking-tastic. i can’t even describe how good that 5-course meal was, she must’ve cleaned *vigorously* down there for it to taste that good. i was so caught up in the taste i didn’t even realize she was telling me to slow down, and when she got through to me, she was gripping on my hair, shoving my face into her pussy and shaking the whole bed. she said she had never had an orgasm like that and i replied with “glad i was the first!” after a bit of calming down we laid next to each other and fell asleep.

the next morning we were in separate beds and i was confused as hell until i looked up and saw Morgan with her head in her hands just freaking out. when i asked her what was wrong (dumb move, but you can’t blame me, i had just woken up) and she looked pissed yet calm at the same time, which i don’t blame her. she explained to me that she was the first one awake (like 2 hours before we get up in the morning to start our day) and saw me and Hollie asleep, naked, in the same bed, cuddling each other. she couldn’t believe what she was seeing but quickly spread our beds apart, picked up Hollie and put her into her own bed under the covers (she’s got that farmer girl strength) and put me under my covers. i laughed it off and apologized. we talked for a while longer and i got in the shower. the rest of the camp went on as normal except Hollie and i were more flirty and i’m pretty sure some of the other campers noticed but they didn’t rat us out (thank god).

at the end of camp, Hollie, Morgan and i exchanged contact info and we’re all still friends to this day. i even had a couple more experiences with Hollie, so if you horny people would like to hear those, please let me know! also let me know what you think of my first time with a girl!

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/vv42nw/24f_my_first_time_with_another_girl

1 comment

  1. Lmaooo. Biggest bs ever man. No one cares if it’s not a woman writing just admit it

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