The Divorcee and the 21 Year old Virgin Part 2 [M21xF38]

  Laura was curled up at the end of the bed and was lightly licking Brandon’s cock. It had grown back to its former readiness and she was stroking the slick wet cock with her small soft hand. Her hand glideded smoothly up and down lubricated by saliva and the clear pre-ejaculate that was beginning to form on the head of Brandon’s cock and run down.

  *She enjoyed looking at Brandon’s manhood up close. This was only the fourth cock she had seen in person. She had gotten pregnant the first time she had sex several decades before and gotten married right away.*
  Laura leaned in and lightly licked the clear sticky fluid on the head of his cock. It tasted clean and pure and not at all like the salty, sweet, acidic flavor of his cum that she had licked up from his first orgasm. As she pulled her tongue back intonher mouth there was a string of sticky clear viscous liquid that was running from her chin to Brandon’s penis.

  *Sex with her first husband had made her think that sex was for men and it just naturally hurt. He hadn’t ever been gentle and he just fucked her when he wanted and then went back to TV and beer. She wasn’t upset at all when he left her. He had a cock that was short and fat with a tiny bright purple head. It was ugly and she never wanted to think about it again.*

  She grabbed Brandon’s shaft a bit tighter, wrapping her long skinny fingers around the base of his cock. She worked her tiny hand upwards, milking as much of the clear, thick fluid from him. As the pre-cum bubbled out of the head of his cock, it began to run down, coating her hand as she got it all out. She rubbed it into his shaft making the already slick shafted even more smooth. He hand flowed as Brandon began to moan even louder. Laura could tell he was fighting it hold back again.

  *Her second husband was much gentler and it had been good the first few years. He had a smaller cock, but she had liked that.  It made things so much easier. She still had to masterbate after sex, but at least it didn’t hurt. Then he lost interest in fucking her and she just thought it was over.*

  Laura slowed down. She didn’t want Brandon to erupt again. She wanted him to last. She loved his cock. It was just thick enough that her fingers goball the way around it unless she grabbed tight. Her hand were small but her fingers were long and skinny. The cock was also longer than any of the others she had seen. She guessed it was between seven and eight inches but that didn’t matter all much to her. It was perfectly symmetrical and stood ridgedly straight up with a slight curve back.

  *She had cheated after several years of a sexless marriage. She met a man online and the next two years were the best of her life. He taught he so much but then he disappeared one day. She found out that his wife had gotten a big promotion and they moveded away. She was devastated and her marriage failed not long after.*

  “Brandon, sweetie,  don’t cum yet. I need you to last a little longer.” Her voice was soft and slow and the word left her mouth in a purr.

  “Yes ma’am.” Brandon replied.

  “Don’t call me ma’am.” He voice was still soft and and seductive.

  “OK, i won’t. I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t say you’re sorry either. You can be sorry but just don’t say it and dont call me ma’am, it makes me feel… weird.”


  *Brandon was paralyzed as he lay there. After he had shot his load earlier, he thought they were done. He thought he had made a mistake. He had felt so guilty. He felt so embarassed. He thought she would be angry and make him leave and tell his mother. He had never had anything like this happen before, but she was so calm a d relaxed. Like what had happened was what she had wanted. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing when she had licked all of his cum up.*

   *He wanted to do something to her, though. Maybe finger her or lick her pussy and even fuck her. He wasn’t sure how to do it but he had seen plenty of videos. He knew he was supposed to do something more than just lay there. But he didn’t want to move and he wanted her attention on his cock the rest of his life. He had never felt more wanted in his life. No girl had ever even so much as looked at him before.*

  His thoughts left his head and he moaned even louder as she put her mouth over his cock. He felt the warmth of her mouth as her lips met his abdomen. Her tongue was moving along the bottom of shaft. It felt like a wiggle or something like she was making it wave and it made his cock pulse and his hips bucked as he involuntarily tried to shove his cock down her throat. It was intense as he bit lip and he heard her gag a little and pull back. He was scared he hurt her or something but he couldn’t speak or daybreak was sorry or anything. All he could manage was to say was,  “Uhh..ohh.. oh God, I’m close. I’m close. Oh please”

  He felt her mouth leave his cock and he felt nothing as the feeling receded. She began kissing his thighs and stomach while avoiding getting any closer to what was between his legs. It seemed that at any given moment she was touching or kissing him somewhere and it made him feel so wanted.

  “Good boy. You are doing great sweetie. I want you to tell me what you like.” She said it with that that silky smooth voice. It was like is sex itself was talking and it was Mrs Crawlry… no.. uh… Laura.

  “I like it all.” Was all he could say.

  He heard her giggle. “I know you do, honey. But I meant tell me the parts you like. What you want me to do. But, I know it’s a lot right now, so just try and remember what feels best and we can try and rememeber that for next time.”
Brandon still didn’t understand. He liked it all and wasn’t sure what else there was. And she had said *next time* and he was feelingnthat intense pressure and hest build up in his abdomen… in his balls. It radiated out all over his body.

  He heard her voice again. It was soothing and smooth. Her voice sounded like her hand felt on his cock. Every time he had jacked off, he had never imagined what the real thing would be like and nothing could have ever made him understand how good sex was.

  “I love your cock. It is perfect. I could stay here with it all evening just touching it and licking it and staring at it. But I want to feel you inside me. Do you want to fuck me… are you ready for that?”

  Brandon suddenly felt nervous. It was all he had ever wanted. He stammered a reply, “Yes I do!”

  Laura purred her reply, “Do you? I need you to tell me how much you want to fuck me. Make me feel it.”

   Brandon couldn’t concentrate. His attention was focused on the white hot place between his legs. He had never felt anything as intense as the attention Laura was placing on him. His toes were curling tight and releasing as he spent most of his concentration on not cumming..

  He was always shy and scared to say anything that would make him feel vulnerable but he felt safe and comfortable and he wasn’t really able to control what he was saying.

  “I’ve wanted to fuck you since I first noticed girls. I’ve always thought you were the prettiest woman I have ever seen. The last time I say you was after I graduated high school. You were over at my moms party and you were in that green swim suit and those little shorts like you wore today. When you took those shorts off to swim I got my phone out and took a picture of you and have been jacking off to it since then.”

  When Laura stopped stoking his cock, he got worried he had said too much. He was afraid she would know him for the creep he was. That he had stalked her social media for any picture he could find of her. That he had been so happy when she got divorced. That he had always dreamed he would be right here right now but never had even dared to believe it could happen.

  Then Laura stradled him. Her pussy was on the top of his cock and he felt her wetness sliding across his already slick shaft. She was slowly rocking her hips back sliding herself over his cock and it was driving him crazy.

  He looked up at her and she was looking back at him. Her face was serious as she reached between her legs and grabbed his cock. She was naked and he handt reall seen her without her bra. She was skinny and fit and her tits were small but nice with little brown nipples. They looked different without her top on and they fell further than he had thought they would but they were nice and he wasn’t disappointed at all. She sat up a little, lifting her hips up and she moved the head of his cock between her lips and it got coated even more by her wetness.

  Laura slowly lowered herself down and he felt her all around his cock. He was wrapped in a soft warm embrace that felt as perfect as anything could. He closed his eyes tightly and just repeated, *don’t cum, don’t cum, don’t cum* over and over in his head. The soft, warm, wetness surrounding him molded itself to his cock.

  He felt her hips rock as she fucked him. He felt his cock slide in and out. His hands grabbed the sheets and gripped tightly as he fought to hold it in. He wanted this to last forever. He wanted to be in her the rest of his life. He knew he couldn’t hold out much longer.


  When he had admitted to her how much and for how long he wad wanted her, she was stunned. She expected some dumb answer only a twenty-one year old would think was sexy,  utnthis had surprised her. She remembered that day and it had even a low point for her. It was when she and her husband had been at thierblowest before the divorce and she had never felt more unloved then. To hear how he felt was shocking to her.

  Laura had just decided to fuck him then. She didn’t want anything else but to feel him inside her. She wanted to make him feel good.

  As she worked her hip back and forth, she found a rythme. It had been a while since she had ridden anyone but it came back naturally to her. She loved being on top and feeling the control that she felt. Brandon had started moving his hips and she had paused and slowed and matched his pace and then brought it back to the speed she wanted. 

  “You can cum when you’re ready. It’s OK, we can do this again. Just make yourself feel good.”

  Laura started rocking faster and faster, she needed him to cum in her. She wanted to feel that release and watch his face as he orgasmed.


  Brandon had felt he was doing good by not cumming. He had gotten past a point and the feeling that he was going to explode had lessened. It still felt good but he wanted to keep feeling Laura around him.  

  When he heard her say he could cut if he wanted, he lost that battle. He felt the buildup deep in his balls begin to erupt. Waves of pleasure shot through his body like electricity. He arched his back and moaned loudly as he felt his cock convulse as his orgasm began he felt Laura’s pussy clamp tighter onto his cock. She was spasming as he did and it felt like her pussy was milking him. It was pulling at his cock and grabbing and releasing and he could hear her moans start and she began screaming his name.

  With his cock last spasm, he felt hinself soften in her. He peered up at her and saw her just shaking. Her shoulders would jerk every fee seconds and her eyes were tightly shut. As her body spasmed, he saw her little tits quiver and bounce and he was mesmerized.

  He was just about to reach up and grab a breast when she collapsed on him. Her gave was nuzzling his neck and she was whispering to him. His soft cock slid out of her and he felt his cum flowing from her and dripping onto him and then running down to the bed. But she was curled up against him.

  He hear her quiet whispers in his ear. “Please don’t leave. I need you here tonight.”

  She pulled him close and held him and her put his arms around her and smiled.


  Laura knew he couldn’t stay but she could help but ask him to. She had hated being alone and Brandon was so perfect for her. She just lay there against his warm chest as she listened to his heart beat. Eventually the warmth of him had spread to her and they were just one mass laying there.

  Laura held tightly to him and was lightly kissing his neck. Wondering if he may be ready for three tike tonight.








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