I got to break the dry spell of the 30-something ginger MILF next door. It was fantastic, just like her new tits! (Long) [MF]

I have been single for a while now…like 4+ years. I Got divorced a few years back after I did some really stupid shit, but the marriage had been failing for a while. Work took me to the southwest a bit before COVID, and I was more or less trapped in my neighborhood for the duration. That doesn’t mean things were boring.

Jessica is the subject of this story. She was my next door neighbor. We lived in a semi-private community in a pretty nice neighborhood. It’s the kind of place where everyone’s backyard is surrounded by a white, 6’ high concrete wall. When I moved in, she and her husband had recently had their second kid. Jess is an RN and right from the get-go, we got along well.

The weekend after I’d finished moving, I was in my backyard with my dog, Willy. He’s a half-border collie/lab mix and I was playing fetch with him by throwing a frisbee in my pool and making him jump in to get it. He loves this game, and the length of the pool was one of the reasons I bought my house. It’s really long and narrow, with a sort of bench on one end and a 18” deep “Baja step” on the other end, so the dog can easily get in and out.

Jess rang my doorbell holding her youngest (a toddler at this point) and introduced herself and her kid. We spoke for a while, and she sheepishly asked if she could meet my dog, so I invited her in through to the backyard to meet Willy. He’s as friendly of a dog as you’ll meet and Jess smothered him with affection immediately. She asked if she could bring her older kid over later to meet him, which turned into us having some drinks with the kids splashed and played in the pool with the pooch.

She told me she grew up with dogs and loved them, but her husband, we’ll call him Broseph, “isn’t a dog person, or really a pet person.” Strike one against that guy. She was from the northwest, but shortly after getting married they moved to the area and being a pale ginger, bought sunblock by the gallon.

Jess was average height, maybe 5’5”. She had bright red hair that went down to the middle of her shoulder blade, but 90% of the time she had it in a tight ponytail or a high bun. She was very fair skinned, and the southwestern sun had given her a lot of freckles. Broseph was older than me, but Jess was maybe 32 at that point.

When I looked up her FaceGram later, I saw some photos of before she had kids. She had a majestic ass. I’d be lying if I said she wasn’t a smokeshow back then. Her chest was flat as a board, but her ass, thighs and legs looked like they were carved from stone.

We got to become good neighbors and friends. She would occasionally watch Willy when I was traveling overnight for work, and sometimes her and her kids would play in my pool with him during the day if I wasn’t around because of work or on weekends when I’d be out 4x4ing. She introduced me to a few other neighbors, and we’d often do neighborhood cook-outs.

I got to know her husband, and wasn’t impressed. We work in the same industry and I asked around and no one had much of an opinion of him, or if they did it wasn’t great. He sort of ignored her and the kids, and seemed to always be off on his phone or doing something outside of the house. On more than one occasion we’d cross paths at a professional event and he never knew who I was until I reminded him, and eventually I stopped mentioning I was his neighbor and his daughters knew me and loved my dog. Whatever…

Jess went back to work less than a month before COVID hit. Once COVID set in, Jessica is suddenly working 80+ hour weeks. I would get texts from her asking to help her nanny out with things around the house, but I rarely saw her until late 2020. Jess’s parents came down to help out with the kids, since Broseph never stopped traveling (which was weird, but I won’t get into it). I got to know them when they would bring the kids over to play in my pool and spend time with Willy.

COVID really taxed her physically and emotionally. When I did see her, she looked pretty rough, justifiably so. Near Thanksgiving, I invited her and some other neighbors over for an outdoor dinner. Everyone was sitting 6’ apart and drinking wine and eating apps.

Jessica drank a lot more than I usually remember her drinking. There were eight of us, and we all were talking about how COVID had changed our lives. When the conversation shifted toward Jessica, she sort of started drunkenly ranting about how much weight she’d put on and how she just doesn’t have the time or energy to work out, and how she was never able to get her pre-baby body back after the 2nd kid.

Then she dropped a bit of a bomb, something along the line of “and Broseph hasn’t so much as touched me since I had our second kid! Last time we had a real talk about anything it was him complaining how I’d let myself go!” That made things a bit awkward, and my other neighbors (a wonderful retired Canadian woman in her 60s) promptly gathered Jessica up and took her home.

Some time passed, and she knocked on my door with the kids, and asked if they could spend some time with Willy in the backyard. We sat in the backyard, and I asked Jessica if she’d like a drink, and she declined, then joked about how she shouldn’t drink after my last party. I told her not to worry about it, etc…

She told me, somewhat embarrassed, how tough things were. She asks me, “did I ever tell you about how I got into nursing?” She tells me the story about how in college she was on the cycling team of her Division 1 school and studying art. She was on scholarship but her junior year had a crash that trashed her ankle to the point it required pins and screws to repair. “Before that, I had quads and an ass made out of steel.” I laughed, and blurted out, “I saw that when I FaceGram-stalked you!” She playfully slapped me, and I probably blushed a bit.

After she lost the scholarship, she changed majors into pre-med and eventually got her nursing degree, and then became an RN. She used to paint and sculpt, but had no time for it anymore.

At the time, I had not really considered Jessica in a sexual way. She was married, had young kids and a demanding career and my divorce was fresh. I liked her, and she was attractive, and her face was angelic, but I’m old enough to not go seeking that kind of drama in my life, especially in the midst of a pandemic. That said, those younger pics of her on FaceGram definitely made their way into my spank bank.

“God I miss that version of myself. What I wouldn’t give to be able to go ride a century right now, hell just to even run a 5K would be great.”
“If you ever want to do some Mountain Biking, I go fairly often.”

She got quiet, and eventually said, “That would be nice, but I just took a travel nursing contract back near my parents…Broseph and I are getting a divorce. I don’t know what will happen, the contract starts in a couple weeks so we’re going to head out soon. The girls will miss Willy and your pool!”

Shit happens, and life moves on. I was surprised their house never went up for sale. After a few months, I got a call from Jess asking if I’d mind keeping an eye on the place. Broseph had essentially moved out, but she was keeping the house as the divorce settlement finalized. She didn’t know if/when she’d be back, but if anything weird happened to let her know. She gave me a door code and asked me to walk through every week or so to make sure no pipes were leaking, etc…

Finally, in June of 2021, she texted that she’d be coming back to town. The neighbors she knew arranged a get together and I hosted it.

The Jessica that knocked on my door looked like an entirely different person. When I opened the door, she was wearing a patterned light blue sundress, sandals, and had her bright red hair pulled into a pair of tight space buns. She had to be 30lbs lighter than the last time I’d seen her.

Even more obvious was, as Dennis Renoylds so deftly put it, she’d enhanced herself. And, it took a lot of effort to not gawk at her new chest. A generous serving of milky cleavage was on display, contrasted by the plunging neckline of her maroon sundress. She greeted me and wrapped me in an embrace. I felt her new expanded chest press against me.

The gathering proceeded, and everyone started drinking and chatting. It was the same eight guests as the night she’d gotten a bit too drunk. She was drinking hard again tonight, and her spirits were the opposite of the dower evening so many months prior. Everyone complimented her on how great she looked, and I had to fight the urge to openly stare at her.

It wasn’t just her physical appearance, her entire personality felt different, lighter. She was animated, laughing and so much more engaged than I’d remembered her. I don’t know how I’d never noticed her beaming smile before, but it was spectacular. The entire night she kept making eye contact, and more than once I felt her leg press against mine, or her hand would graze across my forearm. She sort of doted on me, and kept asking me if I needed another drink. At one point I jokingly complained that I was hosting, and she didn’t need to be my waitress.

Eventually, the two of the other couples left, it was just us and the retired Canadian couple. Jess wasn’t quite slurring her words yet, but she was very much loosened up. She started telling us details about the divorce, which had been finalized four months prior. She got to keep the house, and Broseph had every-other weekend visitation rights. She’d come back here because the custody agreement made more sense to have her live here, since Broseph couldn’t easily relocate like she could.

Being with the smaller group, and full of liquid confidence, she locked her gaze on me and grinned and pointed at me. “You’ve been staring at my chest all night, so why don’t you just ask me about my new tits? I assume you noticed them?” She thrust her chest out and shook her breasts toward the table.

We all laughed, and she explained that Broseph had badgered her to get her tits done after their first kid stopped nursing. He told her he liked when she had some size when she was pregnant, but didn’t like the “deflated little sacks” they became afterward. When she moved back by her parents, she’d committed herself to getting back to as close to her pre-baby body as she could, and had started riding her bike again, lifting, etc…and eventually decided to get new boobs and “some other work done that might have been as much about making Broseph jealous as me happy.”

After sending off our last pair of neighbors, I came back onto the patio to see Jessica standing at my bar cart and a bottle of mezcal in her hand.. “Are they gone?” I nodded. “Good.” She walked toward me with a pair of mezcal shots. She handed me one and downed hers immediately. She poured a 2nd round, as I sipped my first.

“Something I wanted to ask you, but not in front of the neighbors. I don’t really have any furniture in my place, Broseph took most of it to his new house. Do you mind if I crash here for a few nights until I get some new stuff, maybe a week? I won’t have the girls down here for another week and a half, so it’ll just be me and I’d much rather sleep in a real bed than the air mattress I have.”

I told her I was happy to give her the guest room. She downed her 2nd shot and stood directly in front of me.

“Thank you, I appreciate that, but there’s one more favor. The divorced and up-ending my life sort of messed with my head. And that was before I went off birth control. I’ve been busting my ass in the gym like I was back in college, and I know I look really fucking good. I’m in the best shape I’ve been in years.”

She took the shot glass from my hand and placed her left hand against my chest. I felt the shot glass touch my lips and tiled my head back as she poured it into my mouth. She stepped closer to me, locking her gaze.

“I did that to prove to myself I could do it. But also, I need to get fucked. I haven’t been laid since Kid #2 entered their 2nd trimester. You up for the job?” She wrapped her arm around my neck and pulled me into a kiss, which I eagerly reciprocated. She pressed herself into me and we kissed harder, our tongues dancing with each other. I could taste the smoky mezcal still on our lips.

We made out for a long time, until she started forceful grinding against my junk, torturing me through my shorts. She had made no move to remove my pants or take her clothes off. She pulled back, “Before we do this, I need to go grab my overnight bag, so why don’t you get into your bed and I’ll find you shortly.”

I did as suggested, and when she returned I was naked in my bed, slowly jerking myself off, just enough to maintain the erection she’d given me. I also might have downed a little blue pill out of my bathroom, because why not?

Jess saw me and grinned, kicked off her shoes, and walked toward the bed. Straddling me, we resumed our tongue fucking, and she ground her mound against my erection. I let my hands roam over her hips, sliding them under her skirt, and up to her waist. She worked her hips harder, and I moved my hands to her stomach, and up to the band of her bra. She leaned back, and shook her head.

“Not so quick.” She kept rolling her hips, and slowly reached down and gathered the material of her dress in her hands, pulling it over her head then removing her bra.

“She pinched her nipples and squeezed her new tits. “Surgeon did pretty good, huh?”

“I will worship your body whenever you want!”

“As you should!”

I focused my attention, and mouth, on her tits and she gently moaned in response. Her surgeon had done an excellent job. Any scarring was barely visible. Her nipples were pink, flat and large. She had a very faint vertical line that descended from the bottom of her areola toward the underside of her breast. With her completely untanned skin, she had faint blue lines spidering across her breasts.

The effect of her augmentation and lift was impressive. Her gym efforts were as impressive. Her stomach was toned and flat, with a faint scar from her c-section just below her navel. I pulled her toward me and gently bit her nipple. She gasped, “Oh fuck are they sensitive!” She wasn’t my first MILF, but she was definitely the sexiest one I’d ever been with.

I worked both of her breasts, and kneaded her tight ass at the same time.
“God, you are fucking sexy!”

She leaned back, rolling her hips forward.

“Wanna try out my new pussy?” I gave her a slightly confused look, but it didn’t deter her. She raised herself up and then moved her underwear gusset to the side. She grabbed my cock, lined it up and started lowering herself down onto me, concentration showing on her face and her breathing catching slightly. Once she bottomed out, she exhaled and giggled.

“Fuck! Toys are just no substitute for a real cock.”

She started riding me slowly, savoring the sensation. She felt amazing. She was tight and slick, and if she sped up I wouldn’t last long, despite the little pill I’d taken.

We slow fucked with her on top for a very long time. Both of us savoring the sensations. I felt the familiar tingle of a soon arriving orgasm. She hadn’t come yet, and she didn’t want to finish, so she got off of me, and started kissing me again, while gripping my cock and slowly working me.

I’m a selfish lover, in that I will take control and focus on my partner until I know they’ve come, and then I’ll finish in or on them. I sat up and grabbed Jess by the waist and spun her, manhandling her onto her back, and I dove between her legs.

I licked and sucked her clit, and slid two fingers inside of her, curling them against her vaginal wall. It didn’t take long until her whimpers became loud moans. Her thighs began clamping firmer around my head, until she froze in place and l released a joyful scream as she peaked. I felt the climax arrive as he pussy gripped my finger, but I kept assaulting her clit, until she blurted out “too much!” and pushed my head back.

She laid there recovering, catching her breath. She reached for my cock, which was still rock hard, and slowly started rubbing it. I sucked on her still stiff nipples, and ran my hands over her upper body. I could smell her sweat, her shampoo, and still slightly smoky breath.

Still under me, I grabbed her and flipped her onto her stomach. I pulled her hips up, and without asking, shoved myself into her still soaked pussy. She gasped, and I stayed still, then very slowly started pumping into her. We went on for a while, gradually building pace. She reached a hand back and started playing with her clit, which gradually became her rapidly rubbing it.

Unexpectedly, she dropped flat and screamed out, having just had another orgasm. I was close, but not there yet, and laughed a bit as she writhed and panted on the bed. My cock was sopping as she shuddered and screamed into the mattress. I let her be, and before I could decide what to do next, she spun around and got on her knees.

“Fuck, it’s not fair you haven’t cum yet!” and she started sucking my cock. I knew it wouldn’t take her long, and she was pretty good at it, but I was likely 85% of the way there when she started. I grunted I was about to come, so she repositioned herself such that my “target” would be her chest.

She sped up motions and once she felt my balls contract, leaned back. I sprayed all over her tits and neck. Some got on her face, but the majority landed on the top slope of her glorious new tits.

I collapsed onto my heels, and breathed hard to catch my breath. She jumped out of the bed, still covered in my jizz, and trotted into the bathroom, where I heard the sound of an iPhone taking pictures, then the sound of toilet paper being unspooled and a toilet flush.

She came back to the bed without my jizz covering her, and snuggled up next to me, still holding her phone, then showed me the photos. Two pictures, one of her posing and showing off the entirety of her fit hard body, and a second photo, a close up of her semen covered tits.

“You look hot!” is all I managed to come up with. She tapped out something on her phone, then I heard the sound of an imessage being sent. “It’s petty, but I want Broseph to know what he gave up.”

We bathed in the afterglow of our fucking for a while, then dozed off. Willy woke me up needing ot be let out, and when I crawled back into bed it felt nice to have someone to share the space with. Riding out COVID while single wasn’t super fun.

The next morning over coffee she showed me the multiple missed/ignored calls and texts from Broseph. “Sorry to sort of use you for revenge, but hopefully you enjoyed it.”

“Definitely. I’m available whenever you need the itch scratched.”

“Same!” Over coffee she explained that she had her “pussy rebuilt” because kid #2 really did a number on her, to the point where she almost had to have a hysterectomy. When she had her tits done she also had some reconstructive surgery done on her pelvic floor and vaginal canal.. Last night was the first time she’d been, as she put it “properly penetrated” since she fully healed.

We exchanged snapchats and fucked a couple times a week for the next few months. She ended things when started dating a Dr. she worked with as they got more serious. Which is totally fine, he’s a decent guy, and I was, and am, not at all interested in anything long term. She sold the house recently and moved in with said Dr, and seems much happier than when she was with Broseph, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t miss having her as a fuck buddy. I’ve had other fuck buddies, but it was nice to have one close to my age and who was an fully actualized adult.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/vul050/i_got_to_break_the_dry_spell_of_the_30something


  1. Username does not check out. I’d say that went just about perfectly right after all.

  2. See, this is why I love redheads. Not only because of the beautiful hair but the personality trait they all seems to share; if you get to know them and they choose *you* as a partner you’ll have not only will you have some of, if not, the best sex of your life but one of the best friends you’ll ever have.

    Maybe I should write about a few of my own experiences? Great post and writing man.

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