A Sexual Chronicle chapter 8: Making New Friends [MFF] (Exhibitionist/Voyeur/public)

[Chapter One](https://www.reddit.com/user/CaptainPervlord/comments/vbugjd/a_sexual_chronicle_chapter_1/)

[Chapter Two](https://www.reddit.com/user/CaptainPervlord/comments/ve20v0/a_sexual_chronicle_chapter_2/)

[Chapter Three](https://www.reddit.com/user/CaptainPervlord/comments/vgd9oq/a_sexual_chronicle_chapter_3/)

[Chapter Four](https://www.reddit.com/user/CaptainPervlord/comments/vjenig/a_sexual_chronicle_chapter_4_the_longawaited/)

[Chapter Five](https://www.reddit.com/user/CaptainPervlord/comments/vlkva4/a_sexual_chronicle_chapter_5_embracing_the/)

[Chapter Six](https://www.reddit.com/user/CaptainPervlord/comments/vnumfp/a_sexual_chronicle_chapter_6_showing_off_on_the/)

[Chapter Seven](https://www.reddit.com/user/CaptainPervlord/comments/vqv0x2/a_sexual_chronicle_chapter_7_photos_on_the_sand/)

Katie and I returned to the shore to find Sarah had made her own entertainment while we’d had our moment. Her white, semitransparent one piece was now rolled down to her hips, baring her large tits and their shiny metal piercings to all who wanted to see them unobstructed. I can’t imagine there were many people who wouldn’t want that. She was sunning herself with her legs splayed and the crotch of the swimsuit still wet enough to hide nothing. She’d probably poured a splash from her water bottle on it for it to still be that sheer so long after she went back to the towels. I bet she was loving the reactions from everyone who walked by.

“Have fun, lovebirds?” she teased us. “You know that wasn’t as subtle as you think it was, right?”

Katie shrugged, surprising me. “If you’d felt what I just felt, you wouldn’t give a fuck either.”

“Ooh,” Sarah grinned. “I’ll have to hit the water with Mr Magic Fingers there later. Sucks that sex on the beach is a no go, but I wanna get doing *something* kinky in public off my bucket list.”

Katie smacked my mostly-exposed ass. “I’m sure he’s got another one in him.”

“Only if properly incentivised,” I warned her. “Kat gave as good as she got the whole time. Magic fingers work best with a good muse.”

Sarah grinned and showed me what a good muse she could be by smearing sunscreen on her tits. She definitely didn’t need to put more on, she was just looking for an excuse to touch herself. That, or she had the most sunburn-prone nipples in the world. “Anyway,” she said, “how would you guys feel about making some new friends? Look.”

We followed the direction she gestured and saw that our photographer wasn’t just here on a date with her boyfriend, they were having a whole gathering, hanging around with another couple and third girl.

“They seemed to like us,” Sarah said, “let’s just ask and see if we can join the circle.”

“Sure, let’s be friendly,” Katie said. I’d almost expected an objection, but she was definitely more pliable right after her orgasm, and all my talk of being turned on by her confidence probably helped.

The group, like most of the couples on the beach, consisted of nude men and topless women. The couple we’d seen before, the curvy redhead and her fit, tanned boyfriend had been joined by a tall, beanpole girl with long black hair and thinner tits that hung and flopped around. Her nipples were long and extremely dark, and they didn’t even seem to be fully erect. I bet she could cut glass if they were. She wore a blue scrunch bikini bottom that gave a pleasant view from the back, despite not showing as much cheek as the redhead. Her apparent partner was a chubby boy whose dick was girthy rather than lengthy, and protruded from a thick wreath of pubes. The final girl was the most conservatively dressed so far, in a light red bottom that was full-back and had a small, ruffled skirt around the band, distracting the eye from most attempts to closely observe her bottom half. Her small, straight frame let up to two well-shaped breasts with puffy, inverted nipples. It gave her chest a unique form, but I intuited that she was shy and tried not to stare too much.

As before, Sarah used her bubbly, outgoing personality to be our emissary. “We’re pretty new to things like this and our lifestyle as a whole, so it’s hard to meet people we can be open about it with,” she explained after re-establishing her connection with the redhead. A murmur went around the circle and the group decided in the end they didn’t have a problem with it.

Introductions came around. The curvy redhead was Dani, her tanned boyfriend James. The other couple were Emma and Todd. The other girl was Lily. Katie introduced herself to them first. I noticed, with the same emotional twinge as before, that she kept glancing at James. But I had to commend her boldness to get right in there and get the ball rolling in front of a guy she obviously saw some appeal in, even though he was naked and she had her tits and pubes out. What an intro. I took a breath, knowing I was going to have to have to fight for the same kind of composure in my flashy red swimsuit in front of three incredibly appearing sets of naked boobs. It was a thrill to meet such attractive women in such an exposed state and for them to act like it was nothing to them.

I took a breath, said hi and gave my name, keeping my eyes at an appropriate level relative to the topless beauties (and their significantly less appealing nude boyfriends) sitting on the sand in front of me. I was so focussed, I didn’t hear Sarah sneaking around behind me. I had no defence ready when she grabbed the half thong from the back and yanked it all the way to my knee, springing my whole cock and balls in front of our new friends.

I went from maybe quarter mast to half mast in the moment it happened. Before this, I could have (barely) counted on my fingers the number of women who’d seen me full frontal, and most of them, I had to know for a bit first. That number had just shot up, and I’d only just learned these people’s names. But everyone laughed, including myself and Katie, and I took it in stride. The beach was clothing optional, after all. I was no more naked than James or Todd, and probably less weird for the absence of the swimsuit. And why bother returning it when they’d already seen my dick anyway? I shimmed it the rest of the way down from my knee and flicked it off the end of my foot. The process meant I was giving everything I had a good, thorough jiggle, right at our new friends’ eye level.

But just because I took it in stride, didn’t mean I was going to let it stand. I locked eyes with Sarah, who realised what was happening. She ran. I charged after her. I caught up quickly and tackled her into the surf. She squealed as we flailed under the waves. A whole lot of groping and tickling got her defences down, and a final big pull had me walking out of the water with my prize – her transparent white swimsuit – raised triumphantly overhead.

The group laughed and clapped. Sarah emerged from the sea dripping wet and now one of the few girls on the beach to go totally naked, but she was laughing too. She emphasised how little it bothered her by stretching out. She stood on her toes and stretched her arms up far overhead, arching her bare torso at the group, tits and pussy on full, unobstructed display.

She was an absolute fucking treat on the eyes in this raw state. I’ve spoken about how much I appreciated the look of the new girls I was seeing today, but I don’t think I could ever understate how lucky I am to share my love life with the likes of her and Katie. They’re simply a level above.

Despite the sexually charged dickflashy way our introductions had gone, hanging out with the group was a lot like being with any other group of friends. It was relaxed. Bodies were eyeballed in passing, but they ended up not being the focus, so I was able to keep pretty well under control the whole time. We talked about our jobs, our hobbies, the things we’d watched and read lately, the music we were listening to, and so on and so forth. Dani’s group were chill and open-minded and even let my group take a drink each from their esky in exchange for some of our snacks. Then, the natural question of how the couples met and got together came up, and led to how Sarah had ended up with such a large stake in Katie and I’s long-term relationship. This was an open circle to sit in, but it hadn’t so far been a sexually explicit one, and there was no real explanation for Sarah’s presence beyond a sexual Rube Goldberg machine triggered by a spontaneous exhibitionist act turned threesome one fateful afternoon.

Thankfully, Katie was there to handle the topic with more grace than I could ever have hoped for.

“It all happened pretty naturally,” she said, which was true enough. “Sarah was already my best friend then, and she wanted to come round to drop something off one day, and I figured, I love this girl, I trust her, why do I have to dress up and hide my body from someone who’s already so important in my life, right? Like, I was comfortable the way I was that day, about this level of clothed.” She gestured down at her body, barely obscured by the thin V of the bikini. Her glasses and fringe hide more of her face than the swimsuit did of her body, and they didn’t cover that much. “And after we were hanging out like that the walls just kinda came down. If we were open about our bodies we realised we could be open about lots of stuff, like that we all liked each other the same way. From there, the rest of the barriers just kinda…”

The group nodded sagely. I couldn’t quite tell if these five friends had the same relationship, or at least a semblance of it, with each other, or if they were true, non-exhibitionist nudists. They gave us no indication in either direction.

The day passed quickly and the sun soon fell low in the sky. All parties agreed it was a good time to pack up. We started telling our new friends it had been good meeting them, but Dani waved it off. “Don’t say that now,” she laughed. “You’ll make it all awkward when we run into each other again in the showers. We’re walking the same way, so you might as well save it for the parking lot.”

Showers. That had my hearth thumping. Sure, we’d all been naked or half-naked the whole day, which had left a lot of time to incidentally catch a ton of different angles, but there were few bodies that couldn’t be enhanced by running water cascading over their form. And knowing we’d be cleaning ourselves, running hands over everything, made it that little bit more intimate.

“Showers, thank god,” Katie sighed. “I’ve got sand in places I didn’t even know I had.” And, apparently sick of it holding that sand in place, she shrugged her arms out of the sling bikini’s straps and slid the whole thing off. It was a pleasant surprise for me, and probably our new friends as well, when she could easily have gotten away with washing off and leaving the beach without ever getting totally naked. She gave them a good long look at her completely exposed pussy and ass too, when she turned around on her hands and knees to stuff the bikini in our designated wet things bag. It didn’t seem like a deliberate show-off, like when she’d waved her ass back and forth for Sarah and I in the rope harness, simply something that happened incidentally because she was more focussed on packing her stuff up than what she was doing with her body.

I made a note to ask Katie later at what point she’d realised how intimately she’d shown herself to her little crush of the day here. A chill went through me. What if she said she *had* thought about it in advance and done it anyway? That would be a far less fun answer for me than a post-exposure spike of embarrassment.

“Damn right, ‘thank god,’” Sarah said. “I better not find any sand in my car after this!”

That snapped me out of my daydreams well enough to follow the girls’ two naked asses toward the end of the sand. Hell of a view, with a nice contrast between Katie’s naturally athletic tone and Sarah’s thicker, curvier form, both browned slightly by their day in the sun, and pink in the cheeks from it being the first time those areas had seen so much sun. They talked and giggled among themselves. Katie said something about me forgetting to get back to her with my magic fingers and having to make up for it, as if it hadn’t been Sarah’s choice to distract us with other people in the first place.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/vty6jf/a_sexual_chronicle_chapter_8_making_new_friends