A pet diary – Pet in the Pod [bd][ds][F32][M38] Part 3

Previous parts:

A pet diary – Pet in the Pod [bd][ds] Part 1 from eroticliterature

A pet diary – Pet in the Pod [bd][ds] Part 2 from eroticliterature


Dear diary,

I’m being thorough in my writing and it’s taking me a long time to get through each day, so I still have some backlog and I’m now to relate what happened three days ago.

I woke up sore to the sound of the alarm. I had no sheet or blanket covering me and I was sleeping on the floor for the first time, so there was no desire of staying there any longer. I tossed and turned a lot during the night, missing the softness of a mattress and the comfort of a pillow and my back and hips were now complaining about the whole ordeal.

I almost stood up before I remembered that I wasn’t allowed to. Glad I caught myself on time and started crawling to the bathroom. I didn’t want to know what kind of punishment I’d receive by failing such a simple task.

When I entered the living room I was startled for a second when I saw Master Nene sitting on the couch. He was holding an almost empty cup of coffee and there was a plate on the table that had been finished recently. He bid me good morning with a kind smile and petted my head as I passed near him on my way to his leg.

– There is your breakfast Pet, get at it.

He had setup my bowls already, one of them with coffee the other one with what seemed to be scrambled eggs.

I started eating my breakfast trying to hold my butt up to show it to Master, as I thought he would enjoy that. I got so much better at eating and drinking from my bowls I could hardly believe it. While I ate Master told me a bit about news in the world. Some new gadgets (we both were interested on) that were just announced and a little overview on politics and society over the last few months. I enjoyed listening to him and learning all these things I was missing on due to my isolation. I hadn’t seen the sun for six days now, nor had I talked to anybody but Master in all of that time. I’ve never really liked people in general and I didn’t have many people close to me that I didn’t mind, so I really didn’t miss that part.

I finished my breakfast and cleaned up. I crawled back from the kitchen to get to my position by Master’s side. He put his hand on my head, as he always did.

– You just came out of the shower and your hair is already a mess. – He said pinching the clumps of sticky hair that remained on my head.

– Sorry Master. There is not enough room to wash it properly.

– I don’t want to hear excuses Pet. What good does it make you to have hair if it’s going to be like that?

I knew where this was going because we had discussed it before. This was always part of his plan, cumming on my hair and preventing me to wash it, they were all stepping stones he had put in place to get here. When we started discussing goals and limits months ago, this was one of the few things I had actually rejected initially, but then I came to accept, although still with reservations.

He walked to the entryway and came back with a toiletry bag. Passed right by me and turned as he got to the corridor that led to the rooms. He walked back and squatted next to me.

– Do you want to leave?

– No Master, but..

– I have faith on you, but I will understand if you had enough.

– Can we skip this part?

– I think this part is important Jess – he said making clear that we were abandoning the routine for this conversation – It will help you touch bottom so you can impulse your self back up, and no one but me will see you. – He sighed, but with understanding and not condescension – Ok, if it really is too much for you we will skip it.

I fell silent and he gave me the time I needed. I searched in my memory the reasoning I followed to accept this in the first place and I remembered. I disliked my body, in general. There really wasn’t a part of my body that I would happily show off. This will clean the canvas

– No. – I finally decided – No Master – I said bringing us back to our roles.

And I got on my knees ready to follow him to the bathroom.

There I was on the bathroom floor sitting on my legs completely naked with my Master at the bathroom door. He opened the toiletry bag and handed me a pair of scissors.

Dreadfully I started cutting myself, seeing on the walls mirror how my hair dropped on my body. I stopped.

– My pet’s head won’t look like that he said.

I looked at the mirror and saw how ridiculous I looked. Some long patches some almost to the skin. He was right, so I finished the job.

Next was the electric razor, that was fast and felt good because at least it evened it out.

Master Nene walked in the bathroom and applied some foam on my scalp. He filled up a little bowl with warm water and handed me a razor.

It was the first time that I was shaving my own head.

I ran my fingers through my now smooth cranium. It feel funny, but good. At least for now.

– Good job pet – he said – Now the final touched.

He got me to lay on my back and put some more shaving cream on my eyebrows and my pubis. I had almost no hair there anyway, but some was starting to grow. He lifted my knees and opened my legs applying some more foam on my labia.

He washed the razor on the water bowl

– Pet, did you enjoy when I dumped my cum on you yesterday

That caught me by surprise

– Yes Master, I did

– Well then, – as he talked the razor expertly removed my eyebrows and started to work on my crotch – a good cum dumpster must be smooth to offer no resistance.

He chuckled and so did I. Although mine was more nerves and fear escaping my body at the first opportunity.

The razor felt warm on my lips. He slapped them softly but firmly and then he run his hand from but to clit.

– There. That’s better. Smooth.

We went back to the living room. I sat by Master’s leg and I was happy to see that even bald I enjoyed his hand on my head.

He then brought up a new topic, something that would become critical in my new Pet life. A schedule.

He did something on his phone and the comdev on the table lighten up. It showed a timetable.

– Read this – he said as he stood up and walked away – It will be strictly enforced – he continued as he sat down again. He had brought another bag from the entry way. He pulled out something from it, a collar, and put it around my neck.

– Any good pet has a collar. Yours is special. When we activate the routine you will have 5 minutes to get to the room where your next activity is. If you fail the collar will shock you –

I felt a jolt of electricity going down my spine.

– That was the minimal setting. You don’t want it to get higher so you better get quick

I was astonished and speechless. There shock left the echo of an ache on my neck. And that was the minimal setting?

– Of course, I’ll also activate it manually as I see fit. Aren’t you going to thank me for your new collar, Pet? – he said extending his hand and showing his finger hovering the remote’s button.

– Yes Master – I babbled – Thank you Master Nene for my new collar

– Good girl.

He put the remote in his pocket and asked me to follow him. The room next to the closet opened. It was huge. There were a bunch of.. Somethings, furniture maybe? Covered with sheets. They all had numbers attached.

– Welcome to the fitness room. Your schedule will tell you which machines to use each day. Of course I trust you’ll keep them clean and covered when you are done.

– Yes master – I said. Working out was going to be an important part of my stay here. Master Nene made sure I removed from my mind any idea of traditional training though, so this was at the same time exciting and scary.

– Let’s try a couple of them out. – He removed the sheet that had attached the number ‘1’ to reveal a treadmill that seemed standard enough. Next to it lied a pair of what must be 5 inches high heels.

– Uh oh – I thought.

I stood up and put the shoes on. They were nice and all, but I had never been a heels person. On the front of the treadmill there was a plastic card with instructions.

1. Put on heels

2. Stand up with shoes near markers (the markers were two red dots on the frame of the machine approximately around the middle of the belt)

3. Place clamps on Nipples.

I noticed horrified the two paper clamps with a thin elastic band attached to them.

4. Push start

I grabbed one of the clamps as if it was the first time I had seen one in my life, I pushed it open and very slowly let go as it closed on my nipple. I had to stretch the elastic so it would reach my body, so I knew what would happen when I let go. As I released the clamp my nipple stretch forward, rising my boob up. It was painful. I repeated the operation with the second one, which didn’t hurt any less.

My body was bent forward to release part of the pressure on my boobs but that ended as soon as I pressed start. The belt started moving slowly but the surprise made me get upright to find my balance. I was rewarded with a sharp pain. I started walking on the belt trying to keep my self as close to the handle as I could. Even when the elastic wasn’t tight, the weight of the paper clip twisted my nipple down in a painful way. I then realized that every time I walked a little faster to release pressure the belt would start moving faster.

I heard Master laughing behind me.

– Looks like you found the little trick. The shoes have a little chip. If you get on the machine without them you will be shocked. If you take them off while there is time left, you will be shocked. If you put them away from the belt, yes, you guessed right. You will be socked. If you try to relieve tension from the elastic by walking faster the belt will adjust so unless you are good at running on heels I’d advice you take the nipple pain.

He walked next to me and pulled out his phone. Did something and the machine reset to a stop.

– Now that you know all the rules – he slapped the start button a clock showing 10 minutes counting down – Enjoy Pet. I’ll be back

It didn’t take long for my calves to feel like they were on fire even though I wasn’t doing a high speed. As I said, I wasn’t really used to heels and to be fair I could count the minutes I stood up during the last few days with the fingers of my hands. In the bright side the calves fire slightly drained the pain on my nipples. So I guess that was good.

Master appeared beside me as the count reached zero. Removing the clamps was a really curious experience. It was painful, more than ‘just having them on’ but the relief that came instants later was well worth it. I had sweat running through my skin and a dull itch in certain areas reminded me of my shaving session just a while before.

I stepped away from the treadmill and took the shoes off. I got on my knees to crawl for cleaning products and it felt good not having to stand in my two feet.

After cleaning the treadmill Master instructed me to keep the cloth and spray in the room and removed the sheet from machine number two.

This was a bench with two dildos next to each other, one for each hole I assumed, although they didn’t seem close enough so would use them as the same time. Above the bench and supported by a metal frame there was a metal bar with a… yes, elastic bad and a paper clip at the end. At either side of the bench there were some sort of shackles obviously meant for my feet.

Crawling closer I could read the instructions.

1. Position feet on shackles. Close them.

2. Attach clamp to clitoris

3. Choose vaginal or anal dildo. Insert in proper orifice. Dildo must remain inserted for the duration of the exercise

4. Use the bar to assist you during the exercise

5. Push Start

– No training wheels for this one Pet – Master said, obviously satisfied with his creation.

So here was the thing. Each dildo was too large for its assigned cavity. Neither was really too wide, but I assumed that was deliberate.

Dildo must remain inserted almost certainly meant I’d be shocked if it went out. That was some trickery right there. The one I’d say was anal, was clearly thinner, but both where the same length.

As soon as the shackles closed over my uncles I realized that there were several inches from the end of the dildos to my body, so I wouldn’t be able to stand up right without being shocked. For the duration of the exercise, my clit would be pulled up by the clamp, my legs would be in constant tension and either my pussy or my ass were going to be fucked as they never been before (especially my ass, remember the plug was my only backdoor experience).

This was going to be something. I took a deep breath that I let go with a sight, put my labia apart with one hand and put the clamp on with the other. The pain made me bent and recoil which actually made the elastic pull harder. It took me few seconds to gain some stability and get accustomed to my new pain. I decided to go for the vaginal dildo, so slowly and holding part of my weight on the bar I started bending my knees. Awkwardly I let go the bar with one of my hands and use it to put the dildo inside my pussy. It was pretty dry at the time, so it didn’t slide in as easily as I would have liked.

I push the start button and grabbed the bar again. 5 minutes on the clock.

My upper legs started burning right away. I would balance as much weight as possible to my arms, but they would get tired quickly as well. Slowly my knees started giving way, my body trying to decide the lesser evil. As I went down my leg muscles could have a breather for just an instant, before they started burning again. Meanwhile the clamp kept my clit heavily pushed outwards. As before my aching muscles somehow masked my pussy’s pain. I found out that if I ‘fucked’ the tip of the dildo, alternating the burden of my weight between legs and arms it was somehow more bearable. I could imagine Master Nene enjoying his creation and seeing me fuck the dildo he set up for me.

With 1 minute left on the clock no position was bearable anymore. As I kept sliding down I felt like the dildo has reached the end of my vagina and was pushing against my cervix. Not the worst feeling, I’ll admit, but with everything else that was going on it was hard to know how that would really feel by itself. 30 seconds left and I came back up, but the inertia was too much and I received a jolt on my neck. I hesitated for a second, lost not being able to prioritize. My legs burned, my arms were extremely tired, my clit was screaming for leniency and now electricity accentuated everything ten fold.

That was the priority, with the little energy that I had left I put the tip of the dildo back inside my pussy and clenched my teeth as the last seconds went out. The instant the clock reached zero I stood upright, hurriedly removed the clamp from my clit and threw my body forward to sit on the bench. I was breathing hard and soaking wet in sweat.

Master didn’t rush me to move away or to start cleaning the machine. When I did he just told me that moving forward I would be expected to do three machines daily for an average of 30 minutes, adding them together. That would give me, he explained 20 minutes to prepare, clean, etc… before I had to leave the room.

The door closed behind us. Master said it would remain unlocked but trying to get in outside of my assigned window would be painful, clearly referencing my collar.

– As if I would get here voluntarily – I thought, and chuckled to myself.

It had been really hard and painful, but all and all I was proud of myself and I would strive on doing better.

Lunch was mostly uneventful. I was explaining to master how everything was hurting during the fitness room time while he was eating, and when he was done he just watched me eating from my bowl.

– Let’s watch some porn – he said once everything was cleaned up

I think I very obviously lit up, because he came to me and started petting my head. God that feels so good every time!

He unlocked the room. This was a pretty small room. At the center there was one of those OBGYN chairs with shackles keeping both arms and legs spread open. On the seat there was a little box with contact lenses inside.

– Have you ever worn contacts – he asked

– No master – I answered quickly looking all around me nervously

He patiently show me how to put the contacts on and helped me onto the chair.

– This room is voice activated. After today you’ll have two minutes to begin before the collar zaps you, but you will be able to come here as much as you want as long as there isn’t a specific place you have to be. There are cameras in the room trained on the lenses you are wearing. If you close your eyes for more than half a second… zap! If you don’t wear them and you try to start the session… zap! Understood?

– Yes Master. Thank you Master

– Good Pet. Yell start when you are ready and Stop when you want to stop. Oh.. Once you stop you will have 2 minutes to leave the room.. Or … zap!

– Start – I said, and I was startled by the shackles closing on my ankles and wrists. At the same time, the door closed behind me and the lights went out. I was in total darkness

A projection appeared in front of me. It was a video of a woman forcing a dildo down other woman’s throat. I jumped on my seat (as much as my limited mobility allowed me) when what seemed to be a magic wand massager pushed against my pussy and started vibrating. My clit was still a bit raw from the fitness room and took me a second start enjoying it. The video changed, and a extremely fit guy was facefucking a very skinny lady.

It wouldn’t have been my choice, maybe, but that could do. Something like a feather started caressing on my nipples. It was extremely pleasant. I concentrated on that feeling while trying to remember not to close my eyes.

The projection changed again and this time it was a woman who had a guys head pushed into her crotch, while the poor guy tried to find a gap to lick or even breath. The vibration and the feathers stopped and something slapped my pussy and boobs, hard. It kept happening periodically while the current video lasted. When it finally switched, the new scene showed some guy fucking a lady’s butt while stepping on her head. It was.. artistic I guess, and kind of a turn on. Specially when the vibration and feathers came back.

I kept switching between pleasure and pain as the scenes changed until it was abundantly clear that this was a conditioning system. All the same I was horny as fuck, and in the one hand sometimes I hoped to get enough of the ‘good’ scenes together so I could cum.. But then I realized that I wasn’t allowed to. So all this got me is a puddle under my but and redness in boobs and pussy.

I was watching for a long time until I realized that it wouldn’t stop on its own, that I would have to stop it myself. Had I gotten so used to not making decisions that even this was hard for me?

I yelled stop and the projector stop. The lights came back on slowly and my legs and arms were free of their shackles. Removing them was a different matter. The position itself was already complicated and both arms and legs were exhausted from the fitness room. Taking off the lenses was hard too. It was my first time and I was getting a little nervous. But once one was out the other was almost automatic.

I came down from the chair and crawled for my beloved cleaning supplies to do something about the mess I just made. I made the most of the activity by inspecting the gadgets around the chair. The intention behind the room was twisted and although it hadn’t been that bad, those belts stung quite a bit.. But you have to give it to Master, the setup was genius and the execution flawless.

I crawled back to the living room and I found Master sitting naked on the couch.

– Pet – he said as soon as I appeared in the corridor – suck my cock.

– Yes master – I said as I hurried towards him

His dick was flaccid when I got to him. I grabbed it with one hand to start stroking it and I got slapped. That surprised me more than it hurt, but I’m pretty sure there were tears.

– Did I say grab my cock? I said suck my cock, Pet.- He said authoritatively

So I did. I grabbed his dick with my lip and push my face against his crotch to get it all inside on my mouth. It was small now, and with my lips pressed all the way on his pubis the tip barely reached halfway through my tongue.

No matter I though, I suctioned and used my tongue to play around it. Feeling his foreskin was strange to me, but pleasant ultimately. Then something great happened. His dick started gorging up, rapidly growing in my mouth. I could perfectly feel how it got thicker, bigger until it finally touched my throat causing me to reflexively gag and pull out.

My face lit up with another slap

– Don’t stop

He grabbed the back on my head and push his dick all the way in, his fingers warm on my naked scalp. It was sloppy. Drool fell down on my boobs as I run the full length of his shaft in and out, from tip to balls feeling each thrust pushing against my trachea. I mouthful of vomit inflated my cheeks like a balloon; I couldn’t breath so I pulled out again.

I readied to be hit again but instead his feet kicked me backwards, making me fall on my back, gasping for air covered on my own drool and vomit.

– You will learn to suck cock properly, Pet. – he said standing up. He went to the entryway which gave me a break to catch my breath. He grabbed my nipple and pulled up making me get on my knees. He continued pulling to make me crawled after him until we both were in the bathroom. When he let go I felt a shortlasting relieve in my nipple while he setup a suction dildo on the floor. It was more or less his dicks size. He left again and came back with something that looked like a harness with a hollow dildo. He turned me around, manhandling me as if I was nothing, put the dildo in my pussy and tied the straps over my shoulders, keeping it tight inside of me.

He grabbed both my wrists with one hand high behind my back and my neck with the other, pushing the dildo all the way inside my mouth. I gagged again but there was no escape. My head pulled back but he was holding me firmly allowing me just the slightest room to breath.

I felt the dildo opening inside me. It was a fleshlight. I was his fleshlight. He thrusted my pussy with fury but all I could feel was a mute vibration and the banging of his body against mine all this while I was fighting for air. I don’t know how long it lasted before he decided he had enough. Once again he turned me around grabbing my skull from right under my chin. He dragged me through the bathroom floor as I felt my own drool and vomit sliding under me. His legs where at either side of the toilet and in a pull he sat me down resting my nap on the bowl, the cold toilet water splashing the top of my head.

He held my mouth open by pushing my chin down while his other hand held my forehead back. He bent his knees and put his cock in my mouth, all the way in, bigger than ever. This time it didn’t stop in my throat as I could feel my neck bulging under my tight collar. He thrust several times more until he finally came directly in my throat. Cum exploded in my mouth and nose as he kept his cock firmly in while he emptied his balls in me.

He helped me back to the floor as I struggled to breath.

He was standing next to me, holding my head as I recovered. He was waiting, I knew.

– Do you want to quit?

I wanted to cry, I wanted to run. I was terrified. I felt his hand softly in my neck and in my hip, patiently waiting for me to be back. In time I understood this was just a lesson and I could do better. Swallowing his dick should be something I should be able to do. And I would, I knew. Tears escaped from my eyes

I shook my head.

– Thank you Master – I whispered as soon as I thought my voice would work

– Are you a good cum bucket Pet?

– Not yet Master, but I will get better.

– Good answer Pet. That pleases me.

He guided me towards the shower and used it to clean both cocksleeves, the silicon one and me.

Little did I know the day had still more surprises waiting for me. But I don’t have time now.. So I’ll finish it the next time

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/vucnc4/a_pet_diary_pet_in_the_pod_bddsf32m38_part_3