A Night To Remember – Part 1, My Turn [MF Exhib]

I had a dad-bod, I admit it…I’m 42 and work in IT; but that was last fall. It had been October, and life had felt stagnant; Katie felt it too, I could tell. We had celebrated our twentieth anniversary and it was, well, depressing. The kids were out of the house, I worked too much, and both of us were feeling in a rut. So we decided to improve ourselves. We booked a Cancun vacation for April and had six months to get ready. We joined a gym, we went on dates, hikes, and weekend getaways to the beach. We got, as the young kids say it, “swoll”. Now don’t get me wrong, I had always found Katie to be beautiful, but she had, as she liked to say, never gotten off the weight from the last baby. So we both got into shape, and we looked pretty hot, if I do say so myself.

April finally came around and we couldn’t wait to get off the plane in beautiful warm Cancun. I had convinced Katie to bring some more risque swimming suits to show off her newly toned body, but still couldn’t believe that she had agreed. Our sex life had never been anything to complain about, but she had never been overly wild, despite my attempts through the years to get her to have sex on the beach, in the woods, or other more-public places.

We asked the concierge at the hotel where some good local spots were to get some good food and have a little fun, and he recommended a spot down the street called Jakes. He said they have amazing barbecue, but that it gets a little wild after midnight. It took us a little while to unpack (Katie had started modeling some of her new bikinis and we got a little distracted), so it was about 10 when we finally got around to getting over to Jakes to have dinner. It was sort of a restaurant and sort of a bar, with a dance floor and a stage where live bands could sometimes play (although there were none tonight). The concierge didn’t lie, their barbecue was amazing. I got a steak and Katie the chicken, and we shared some ribs. We were having a couple of post-meal cocktails when we noticed that the bar/dance floor area was getting a little crowded. As we wandered over to see what was going on, a man was working his way up to the microphone on the stage.

“Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen”, he started, and paused for the crowd to quiet down. “We have a special treat for you at Jake’s tonight. Are you guys ready to have some fun?” The crowd cheered wildly. Looking around I noticed it had gotten quite crowded, with mostly younger people, but some looking to be closer to our age. “And who wants to see a little skin tonight?” the man on stage went on. The crowd cheered, but I looked to Katie in concern; this may not be up her alley, she wasn’t much of a partying type.

“We can go if you want,” I said in her ear, but she just shook her head.

“We’re on vacation, let’s see what’s up!” she replied. She had had a couple of drinks, and it seemed to loosen her up a little bit. I was interested, and a little excited, to see where the night would go.

“We’re going to have two events tonight” the announcer went on. “The first is for the guys (but really for the ladies), it’s a wet boxers contest!” All the ladies in the room hooted and cheered, “and the second is for the ladies (but really for the guys), a wet t-shirt contest!” Now all the guys in the room were cheering, and before long the ladies joined in too. I looked over to Katie again, but she was cheering along with everyone else. Anyone who wants to join should come over to the end of the bar over there to sign up.

I had never seen, in real life, a wet t-shirt contest before, but I certainly wasn’t opposed to the idea. I was looking around for a place to sit and maybe order some drinks to get through the wet boxer contest when Katie leaned over and uttered the words I’ll never forget, “I’ll do it if you do.”

I looked at her in disbelief; had she really just said what I thought she had? The mischievous glint in her eyes told me that she had. “You’ll hardly wear a bikini at the beach, and you want to get up there in a see-through shirt in front of all these people?” I asked in disbelief.

“I want to show off my newly toned body”, she said, “and yours too” she gave me a wink and I felt my cock twitch. I had always been a closet exhibitionist, but had never gotten the impression that my wife felt the same way. So it was with some excitement and trepidation that we walked over to the bar and signed up.

I had actually never heard of a “wet boxers contest”, although I figured it was pretty straightforward. As I suspected, we went onto the stage in nothing but a pair of tight white boxers (more like boxer briefs really) and had water sprayed on the front of us. Surprisingly (or not surprisingly), there weren’t very many willing participants, only four of us were brave enough to sign up for the men’s event. After I signed my name and a waiver that I probably should have read better, I was given a pair of boxer briefs and a grocery store bag, told to go into the men’s room down the hall and put on the briefs, and leave the rest of my clothes in the bag; there were some employee lockers that we could store them in.

I felt kind of silly walking out of the men’s room wearing nothing but my undershorts, which left little to the imagination. But more than that, I could feel myself getting horny, and therefore hard. I absentmindedly put my hands down to cover the growing bulge in my shorts. Before long the four of us were herded onto the stage, amidst catcalls and hoots from the ladies in the crowd. I was the oldest by several years of the guys, but probably in the best shape. The past 6 months have been good to me, leaving me toned with a nice six-pack. When we got on the stage music started playing, and we all kind of moved awkwardly to the beat. A very attractive waitress in a bikini brought several large buckets of water up to the stage, which I assumed were for us. After she had set down four buckets, she took the first one and, amidst more cheering from the crowd, she poured it on the front of the first participant, which happened to be me.

On the plus side, the water wasn’t cold. It didn’t feel bad at all when it was dumped on me. On the bad side, it made my boxers completely transparent. My cock, now 8 inches rock hard and pointing straight at my head, was now completely visible to everyone in the room. Upon seeing this, two of the remaining three men opted out of the water treatment and bowed out of the competition, leaving me on stage with the bikini-clad waitress and one other guy, a youngish man with a big belly, who was now getting exposed to the crowd as well. We started moving again to the music, and the girls in the crowd started to chant “take it off, take it off”. I found my wife’s face in the crowd, and to my surprise saw her chanting right along with everyone else. I looked to the other guy, who looked to be scared to death at this point, and thought “what the hell”. I turned my back to the audience and slowly slid the wet boxers down my legs to the ground, and stepped out of them. I took a deep breath and turned around, now completely naked in front of probably 100 people, my cock still pointing to the roof. There was a huge cheer from the crowd, and the music stopped.

“Well well it looks like we have a winner” the announcer said as he stepped up to the microphone, “Stacy do we have his medal”? The bikini-clad waitress stepped up to me with a medal around a string. She went to put it over my head, but instead draped it over my still rock-hard cock, sliding the tips of her fingers up my shaft and making me shudder with pleasure. The crowd went wild and I could see my wife, right in the middle, cheering loudest of all. I pointed at her and mouthed the words, ‘your turn’.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/vuauf3/a_night_to_remember_part_1_my_turn_mf_exhib


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