Someone told me to wrote them a short story in the third person. This is the first time I’ve ever done this.

I know more could be added and revised. This was on short nice and took me over an hour to come up with. I’m not even sure if this belongs here but she said I should share it and that it was really good.


11pm. She patiently waited as the doors belonging to the Graham Gates hotel elevator finally opened revealing a box of mirrors laced with gold floors. The bell echoed through the empty lobby as she walked in preparing to head to her room after an uneventful night. Her reflection in the daunting mirrors showed sad eyes and a dress meant to only be worn for one special night. The date that had wiped her smile wasn’t what she expected. The solid steel doors begin to close only to be gently stopped by a guest. A kind smile and a nod are motioned between the elevators’ only patrons as the doors finally close leaving them in silence. In an awkward movement, they both reach for the same floor and they brush. She quickly smiles and a quick glance and apology from the man stir the air. The next floor approaches before the man looks over at her with a smile and immediately falls into an eyelock, mouth opening slightly. He hadn’t noticed she was beautiful entering the elevator. Brown hair and an electric blue dress captured him. She couldn’t help but peer back and he asked “are you ok?” Standing straighter she responded, “I am now that you’ve asked” and thanked him. One more awkward silence as they look forward. She can’t take it, “he’s attractive” she thought and not a second later she took her chance. She throws herself at him with the perfect placement of her lips on his. He couldn’t be more aware of the instant jolt he felt as he instantly smashes the stop button. The elevators halt enhances the embrace that leads to their hands moving across each other’s bodies as if they had known each other for years. Her dress was ripped in half at the bust as he aggressively caressed her chest and caused her to let out an audible moan. He states out loud, “This is an elevator” and she says, “shut up and fuck me”. His hands shoot down under her dress and pulls up, easily sliding his fingers inside of her increasingly wet vagina. She can’t help but push back against his hands forcing him deeper, she’s been longing for this. Her legs are dripping as the gentleman gets down and buries his face between her legs. As he eats her out, he moans and the vibrations go throughout her with the deepest ones hitting her clit. The sheer pleasure she feels causes her to cum and fall back onto the mirror cracking it. He carefully picks up her legs to straddle him and keeps her on the wall. She unzips his pants and quickly, fiercely shoves him inside stretching her. Sweating and gasping, the man goes faster and faster while he chokes her against the wall, moving his hips in a way that sends them both bursting. He stares while she stares back and for a moment, they’re just in an elevator. As they tried to catch their breath and find their balance, they both speak, “where the hell did that come from?” They Immediately start a conversation as if they were lifelong friends. With His pants absolutely soaked, Her dress and hair completely ruined, they reach their floor greeting another couple. They laugh as they both walk out and head to the woman’s room. The man wipes his face from her fluids before they enter and kisses her. She pulls him in and for the second time that night they thoroughly repeat their encounter, this time with everything they didn’t have time for on that elevator.


1 comment

  1. Hi. Unfortunately your title isn’t in the correct format. Please read the rules, and repost if you’d like.

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