[M27/F25] A movie night with the Pirate Queen

*This is [m]y newest story. Beware: this story is quite long and somewhat slow paced, but I still hope that you like it! :)*
*Feel free to send feedback.*

*Kink Content: Teasing, Blowjob, Swallowing*

She just woke up. Still tired and a yawn later she finally found the strength to push herself up and move from the balcony to inside her flat. She could feel how the sun had some impact on her skin. It felt uneasy warm, but gladly not to an extent which would remind her of a sunburn. She really loved taking naps in the sun, but usually that affectation ended up with a disastrous sunburn (partly because of her constantly forgetting to put on an sufficient amount of sun lotion) which would not only be painful, but also take some time to heal. It was so common that her friends simply would ask her “Nap?” when she appeared with a freshly collected sunburn which she would then answer traditionally with a nod, follow by a grumpy “Nap.”.

The power-nap this time didn’t really bring any new power as she felt even more tired than she had been before it. “Wasted twenty minutes”, she mumbled with a discontent voice. Her sleepy eyes started to scan the room for her mobile phone, which instead of being right near the balcony seemed to have vanished. Supported by the slow moves of her unwilling feet she more or less effectively began solving the newly received quest. It didn’t take her long and the electronic culprit was found on the table. Innocent, but apparently not with the ambition to call for her attention in any way.

She was already on half of her way to the table when she passed the antique clock on the wall, which she had inherited from the previous tenant. When she realized the time on the clock, her sleepy eyes got an instant wake up call – it took her a moment figuring out if her still-in-stand-by-mode working brain was trying to deceive and trick the rest of the body. Characters from old cartoon clips would probably have been very proud of her in this particular moment: Her feet had stopped at the sight of the time on the clock, while her upper body was obviously unfazed and still trying to move towards that table.

“Half past seven?”, she squeaked in disbelieve like a little mouse, who just had been told that the cheese on the moon was pure fiction. “HALF PAST SEVEN…?”, she repeated and with a big leap she was finally at the table, busily hammering her way through the smartphones user interface with the fingers. “But I had set an alarm …!”, a reproachful look directed at the electronic traitor in her hand, “Why have you forsaken me..? Where was the ring!” Just when she was about to curse all the technical devices in the world (except for calculators, they were undoubtedly at the good side of the force …), she discovered the missing check marks on the boxes for Friday, Saturday and Sunday in the alarm clock settings. In her laziness she had (as usual) simply reused an older alarm which she had for her work and unsurprisingly her days off were not activated by default. Like for example … Fridays. And today was Friday.

With a hearable sigh she let herself fall down on the chair next to her. Her plans to have a calm and stress-free night by just watching a movie with a friend had just become the opposite. To hurry and get ready in now – a short look to the clock on the wall (she was still disgruntled towards her smartphone and punished that treacherous gadget by not reading the time from it’s display) – twenty-five minutes would make the movie night start in the worst possible way. Okay, maybe a huge Pterodactyl attacking the city would have been worse, but at least in that case there would some room left to negotiate with it (and call Godzilla while she was pretending to play along with the feathered visitor).

A few more minutes did pass and still she had not moved a bit. Usually she would have jumped up, hurry around, loose because those overhasty movements even more precious time, and yet somehow manage to get herself done in an impressive (and suspicious) timeframe, where she would afterwards always wonder how this had even been possible (time-space incongruences were so far the most likely rationale explanation). But today for some reason she just didn’t feel like even wanting to try. It was like procrastinating from procrastination.

She usually did set a high value on being perfectly styled, getting her hair done and dressed in a elaborate and clever cloth-combination outfit, but today – and this was quite unusual – her will do to that was practically zero. It was one of days on which she simply wanted to be comfy, and the only motivation she had, was to reach blissful happiness by snuggling with a cozy blanket. Another heavy sigh followed and she finally did tie her hair up to a messy bun with the help of a hair tie she had found on the table. “Let them drink coffee, if they don’t want to get styled!”, she said with an aristocratic tone while spreading her arm generously in the direction of the kitchen.

Thanks to the magic of her brand new coffee machine (the only thing which was not old or antique in her apartment), soon she was holding a big cup of aromatic and delicious coffee in her hands. Back to the table, she decided to indulge (further) in irrational procrastination by simply watching the clock face advancing, and acknowledging this fact on her half by taking small sips of the warm drink. Besides, the movie night today was not a date; it was just someone from the circle of her friends. Actually it was a guy with whom she didn’t have much connection. He was a friend from one of the “core members” of the group, who had – best described – quite an unusual humour. Oftentimes his remarks seemed to be somewhat mean (he was therefore referred as “King of Meanness”, a title he wore with pride), but usually when one did realize that the teasing didn’t contain any ‘real’ hidden implications, they actually *were* pretty funny. And also he was also a fan of a space comedy movie she absolutely loved. Whenever there was a possibility to recite any scenes from it (and they both would find always a reason to make it possible …), they wouldn’t back off reciting and torturing their friends with quotes from the beloved movie.

With a new sequel being announced for the near future, it was no surprise that they both were pretty much excited and hyped which naturally had to be celebrated by a movie night dedicated solely to this wonderful cinematic masterpiece. Him having a DVD with the movie and her an old DVD-player (another contribution by the former tenant), it was the easiest way to host the movie night at her place. And at her home being clothed comfortable was the rule number 1, so why to change that for a movie night with just a friend? She nodded firmly, like this would give this conclusion somehow a legal legitimation and finally decided to let the time go and continue indulging in drinking the coffee.

Just at point eight the door bell rang, which kinda surprised her, as this friend was particularly known for being notoriously late. It seemed like her constant ranting about that (she disliked waiting more than anything else) finally did yield fruits. “Good puppy…” A satisfied smile appeared on her face and with a newly found energy she stood up to head to the door. Just when she was about to press the door handle down, she realized her being braless below her shirt. She never wore a bra at home due to comfort reasons, so this should have not been surprising to her at all. But obviously it was, and she was like paralyzed for a moment. What to do? She could of course let him wait in front of the door for one or two minutes and put swiftly a bra on, but on the other hand: was it really necessary? Her shirt was not that much revealing – well this was not entirely true: Originally the shirt had been a cute, but tight designed cloth. But due some unlucky circumstances she ended up buying the wrong size which was far to wide for her (curse the person who had put a wrong sized shirt into her size section! She should have bought the shirt directly after trying it and not on the very next day …). It was her laziness which was convincing enough to simply keep the shirt and use it as comfortable wear at home. It pretty soon became her favorite shirt, which also meant that it spent a reasonable time in the washing machine. And since she refused to distinguish between 30° and 40° when doing the laundry (she would always shout a hearty “Down with the system!” when throwing 30° clothes into the 40° washing programme), the shirt shrunk at particular spots while staying wide around others – for example neck. The result of her reckless washing principles was a shirt which would allow to show a deep view of her cleavage and be stretchable at some certain poses which outlined her curves then pretty good, but generally be wide and comfortable. The perfect all-purpose shirt; this was her invention as contribution to humankind.

“He won’t notice anyway, so don’t worry”, she told to herself and finally pressed the handle down to open the door. He was standing in front of the door, in one hand he was holding the DVD and something else, while the other one did pull down the mask which he likely had been wearing because of the public transportation.

“Ahoy, Pirate Queen”, he gave her a warm smile and pressed a small kiss on her cheek as it was common among her friends. Her nickname (which of course had been his fault) had arisen from a time when she had to wear an eye patch because of an infection of the eye for a couple of days. “You don’t look like you have been sailing around much today …”, he poked her on the shoulder. “Nap?”

“It’s no sunburn!”, she replied harsh, making him room to enter.

“Probably only because of pure luck. I can see that you fell asleep, The ducks… “, he was pointing with the forefinger of the hand, which was holding the stuff, at her pants that had little ducks scattered on it. Instead of continuing the sentence like expected, a super brief moment of silence followed, which he tried to conceal by finally hastily ending it with “… eh, were snitches.” He quickly did get out of his shoes and headed to the living room without saying any further word. This behavior was more than unusual for him. Did he notice? She closed the door behind her and decided to find out instead speculating for long. And the best way to achieve this kind of information was to ask obvious questions which normally would provoke one of his traditional mean comments. “Do you have the DVD with you? You … didn’t forget it, did you?” Of course he did not. She could see the DVD-box right in his hand.

The way he answered did tell her more than enough. Instead of turning his head to her and saying something like “Seems like the Pirate Queen has meanwhile upgraded to two eye-patches”, he just grabbed the DVD with his hands, pretending to read the box and trying to avoid looking into her direction. “Oh, so someone is shy…”, she thought to herself with a little smirk on her face. It amused her in an unexpectedly satisfying way that especially the person who would easily skip boundaries was apparently so uncomfortable by such an irrelevant outfit choice.

She let her eyes rest a few seconds on him, until she finally said: “Oh fine, then we are nearly good and ready. I’ll get us something to drink and some snacks.”. Just when she was about to turn to the side and enter the kitchen, she froze again in the movement. Her brain, now already working in full function mode again, was processing all the open task for today and sending valuable reminders. Unfortunately late reminders! The Snacks! How could she forget about them? She knew that she didn’t have much at home and had therefore planned to go the grocery before to buy some for the movie night. “Uh … snacks”, she mumbled with a little despair to herself. Any hopes of finding some forgotten snacks were crushed within a few seconds after opening some empty drawers and other containers.

“Houston, we … aeh … have a snack problem …!”, she finally announced the shattering news to the world with a somewhat lowered voice.

“We have … what?”

“Snackgeddon! They seem have to abandoned us!”, she explained with a much more audible voice.

After a small pause – maybe she did just imagine only herself, but it seemed he was obviously amused about that news – he finally responded: “Well, I’m not saying I did expect that, but I *did* expect that. I came fully prepared for that very likely possibility. I bought some chocolate with me; you know: your only weakness!”

She grumbled about his words. He did expect that! Pah! It was just an unlucky coincidence and he was just lucky! She decided to ignore his last comment and headed to the fridge to see what was left there to drink.

“You *did* fall asleep, didn’t you?”, he continued with a clearly amused voice.

“I did not!”, she answered with a gruff tone from the kitchen.

“You know. I can see your coffee cup on the table. It’s literally steaming there.”

Stupid smart-ass! Instead of giving an answer, she decided to simply hiss like a disgruntled cat and continue going through the bottles of her fridge. “What do you want to drink? I can offer wine …”

“And …?”

She moved away a bottle to the side in hope of finding an left-over old beer from a former party. “… and wine …” Just when she was about to give up, she discovered another bottle somewhere buried in that part of the fridge one would only look up when it was about the annual cleaning up. “… and wine.” she completed the sentence with a sigh.

“Seems like the recent plundering didn’t go well for good ol’ Pirate Queen, ha? While wine is an tempting offer, I think I’ll better go with … wine.”, he joke with a clearly amused voice.

Another grumpy noise from her and she fished after one of the bottles in the fridge. Armed with the wine under her arm and two glasses in her other hand, she returned to the living room, where he was already sitting on the couch. She could see a tension building up in him as he noticed her approaching. “So, still shy, well … how unfortunate for the King”, she thought to herself and decided that it was some time for some retaliation-teasing. She sat down on the couch next to him and bent a bit to the front like she was reading label of the bottle which allowed a good view into her cleavage. Of course she already knew what was written on it: Spain. “Oh, look, it’s from Spain! What a lucky find!”. Even with her (pretended) attention on the bottle she could see how he was trying to avoid looking in her cleavage – more or less successfully. “Let’s make him suffer a bit …”, she smiled at that thought and added innocently a “I’ll pour us some of it into our glasses. Spanish wine is always delicious …!”

She picked up the corkscrew from the little table near the couch and put the bottle between her legs, so she could easily pull out the cork – at least in theory. Instead of opening the bottle (which she could have done any time she wanted), she decided to pretend that it was stuck and required her full strength. Bent to the front, her chest did a few good wiggles, which were impossible to oversee – and whenever that shaking had come to a stall, she would make another ‘futile attempt’, which of course made her boobs start shaking again. His attempts to hide his awareness of the missing bra were almost cute: He would glance in her direction for a brief moment, just to instantly look away and awkwardly try to hide the growing bulge of his pants which was getting bigger and bigger.

After a few tries (when she had decided that he had suffered enough) she finally pulled out the cork from the bottle. “Let me get us glasses … and some water.” Serving the wine with a glass of water was the least she could do to save the movie night to be considered as barbaric after having unintentional villainly no snacks prepared. A few moments later she was already back with a two water filled glasses and napkins. From the corner of her eyes she could see how he was constantly changing the direction he did look, depending on what she did. Undeniable unnecessarily she moved right in front of him to put his glass on the table while bending her upper body down and allowing a good clean view into her shirt and let her boobs hang in that position. She of course could do have done that from the side, but why spare him from suffering? Finally, so it wasn’t too obvious, she moved back to ‘her side’ of the couch where she sat down and raised her glass of wine, “Hail to the bearer of the holy DVD! May his contribution not to be forgotten by future generations!”. This made him raise his glass as well and expand the cheers by a “And the Pirate Queen for waking up just in time, so this night could happen!”. This unsurprisingly got him a grumpy glance from her. He was lucky that this was no senate, otherwise he would have better beware of the Ides of March.

They continued to drink some wine and talk about the movie (while always exchanging some clever jibes when possible). During that time, she had her upper body turned to the side in his direction, with the arm on the backrest of the couch, so her shirt would stretch to the most maximum way and make her curves become noticeable visible. He, on the contrary, was trying to avoid looking in her direction whenever it was possible. Most of the time he was talking into the direction of the T.V. like he would expecting it to start any time by his sheer willpower. She didn’t know if it was her teasing (in combination with his futile attempts to avoid the omnipresent allurement) or the amount of wine she had already consumed, but she couldn’t help her minds’ attention focusing to the big bulge at his pants. Simple questions like ‘how big his dick was’ or if ‘the first thing he would do after the movie night was to rush home and masturbate’ did undeniably constantly float around in her head. If she had to be honest, she couldn’t deny the sexual attraction this situation had on her and it was gaining with every minute. *Or would you rather want to get sucked right now?* Unsurprisingly having an oral fixation didn’t help her much to calm down, and all she could think after a while was to simply open his pants and making him explode by some well done tongue plays. *You wouldn’t last a minute, I guarantee it.*

After the DVD had been set into the player (which included an awkward but hilarious display of him standing up and trying to hide his boner all the way), the movie night finally had it’s official beginning. While he was clearly somewhat relieved of being able to pretend bestowing all his attention to the T.V. (which, well, didn’t really work as his boner stubbornly refused to go away and the bulge remained like a beacon in the night), all *she* could think of was how to suck him off. She didn’t want a romantic intercourse or anything in that direction. She simply wanted to indulge in raw lust: Just open his pants, suck him and then continue watching the movie like nothing had happened. But the big question was how to accomplish this, while concealing her true intentions at the same time? She took another sip from her glass, which she had newly refilled with the wine, pondering about plans which would have made a third class-porn-director proud. Displeased by her obviously absent evil genius mind, she turned her attention again towards the movie, where one of her favorite scenes was about to come soon.

And there it was. Her evil plan just came in the nick of time, like a Superhero who managed to defuse the bomb in the very last second. Well, with small difference, that she was on the evil side and pretty likely the one planting the bomb – but the bad guys were cooler anyway. She quickly replaced the wine glass in her hand with the one containing water from the table and grabbed the napkin with the other hand. The scene coming up next was one they both truly loved and which had been recited by them countless times, each time with greater physical expression. He wouldn’t miss out shouting the catch phrase of one of the main characters without enthusiastically moving his arm in a ridiculous gesture upwards for sure. *And that’s where you make the mistake, buddy.* She couldn’t help by grinning about her evil genius (and did now fully understand why villains had a passion for evil laughing …). She felt like a huntress, who was watching a prey which didn’t know that it was already trapped and had no chance to escape. *And now to the Grand Finale~*

Just when the scene was about to start, she innocently raised her hand holding the water glass like she was about to drink from it. He, on the contrary, being in that moment fully immersed in the movie, rapidly raised his arm upwards like expected and started to shout “By Gra…” – and uh-oh! How unfortunate and clumsy that he bumped into her arm! Completely surprised (oh, no!), this collision unbalanced the glass in her hand, and with all possible bad luck he could have, the glass tilted in his direction (which she of course did by ‘accident’) and poured a good amount of water directly on his pants. Before he even had grasped what had happened, her hand with the napkin went instantly like a spontaneous reflex to the spot where the water had fallen, which coincidentally was just the the place where the bulge was. In her mind she did pat herself highly pleased on the shoulder for the masterful execution of her plan. *League of Villains, here I come!~*

Of course, she, innocent as she could be, did pretend not realizing what she was doing while she rubbing his pants dry for that plausible moment caused by an instantaneous reaction. She could feel how his dick was erected and rock hard under the fabric. “You like that, don’t know …?”, she finally took the initiative as he had clearly frozen in that moment and was unable to say a word. His mind probably probably still was trying to process what had happened and figure out if this was reality or just a fantasy trying playing tricks on him. All she could hear was a heavy breathing as she started unzipping his pants. “Let’s take care of this, so we can continue watching the movie.” Without waiting further she wrapped her lips around his dick and started to give him long sensuous blows. From the way his cock was pulsing she could already tell that he wouldn’t endure for long. But it was not about relieving him anyway; it was about sending a message. After a few deep sucks, she put her hand around his shaft and started massaging him while increasing the speed of her mouth blowing to the max. No man with whom she had done this special treatment had ever lasted more than a minute; and he wouldn’t beat that record for sure.

“I…”, his trembling voice was interrupted by continuous fast breaths, “… I’m going … to … cum”.

*Oh, a gentleman!* The words kinda amused her. *We both knew that you wouldn’t last long, didn’t we?* She stopped sucking for a brief moment and without releasing her lips from his dick, just to simply raise her eyes upwards and giving him a “I know you are going to cum”-look. Without any further reaction she looked down again and simply continued her procedure from before like she didn’t care at all about what he just had said.

This was obviously too much for him, as his throbbing dick immediately started to cum in her mouth. Thrust after thrust his juicy did unload and for a second it was like he was never going to stop. The way her mouth was heavily filled with his load clearly turned her on, and she continued stroking the shaft of this penis like she wanted to squeeze the very last drop of out him. After it was clear that he was completely empty, she finally released her lips and hand from his dick and closed her eyes. She loved this particular moment so much as it made her feel detached from the rest of the world. It was her very own moment, at which she would ignore everything else and pay her attention solely on the sensual details which were rushing like streams through her senses; electrifying and sensational to the core.

Even though this lasted only a very brief moment, it always felt like an endless one to her. And at the end of it, she finally swallowed his cum with a silent gulp. Without even paying any attention to him, she grabbed her wine glass from the table pretending like nothing unusual had happened – he, on the other hand, was sitting there with still unzipped pants in the very same position, trying to figure out *what just had happened*. “Oh, look that’s one of the best scenes of the movie…!”, she said with an enthusiastically voice, pointing her finger in the direction to the T.V.

She couldn’t hide a smirk when she took a big sip of her wine. *Who would have thought that he is so shy?* The thought of seeing him next time with all the other friends amused her. *That’s going to be soooo awkward … we will see how the King will handle this.*

**The King was dead, long lives the Pirate Queen!**

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/vsl8py/m27f25_a_movie_night_with_the_pirate_queen