I chased my wife through the woods and fucked her in a public wildlife preserve! [MF]

My wife and I had driven down to south Georgia to drop our son off for a boy scout camp. Afterwards, we decided to drive around and take in the sights. The area wasn’t exactly highly populated, so we were essentially cruising the back roads, blaring the radio and watching the trees whip past us. It was one of those rare moments of adulthood where you felt completely relaxed and unburdened.

A song came on that my wife and I both love– Howl by Florence and the Machine. We started talking about the lyrics, and how the line “I hunt for you with bloodied feet across the hallowed ground” implied this animalistic passion that was that was getting harder to come by in our civilized world. These random car conversations are one of the things I have loved the most about our marriage. My wife loved the idea of being so consumed with passion for your partner that you would hunt them through the wilderness and ravage them. She asked if I would “hunt” her like that. I chuckled at this because my wife had worn an outfit that she knew drove me absolutely wild–a yellow sundress with blue flowers that just barely covered everything it was supposed to and her bright red hair was pulled into pig tails. I was already having trouble keeping my hands to myself, so I told her that I would absolutely hunt for her.

About that time we came across a sign for a nature preserve about a half a mile down the road that boasted that it was home to white tail deer, black bears, alligators, various waterfowl, and even had a bald eagle nest. My wife started yelling that she wanted to see the gators, so we pulled in. The parking lot near the front was completely empty, and there was another path that led further into the preserve. I drove down the path and my wife frantically looked out the window to see if she could catch a glimpse of any of the wildfire mentioned on the sign. The path gradually got bumpier and bumpier until it was so rough that my wife asked if we were even supposed to be driving down that way. Not long after that, the path widened out and ended in a cul-de-sac of sorts. We were surrounded by dense woods and there was a large body of swampy water directly in front of us. We looked around, but saw no signs of life aside from a few birds. Definitely no other humans in the area.

A mischievous look came across my wife’s face. She leaned over, unzipped my jeans and started stroking my dick. I leaned back in my seat expecting these activities to escalate, but she stopped and said “count to ten.” Before I could even fully process what she had said, she jumped out of the car and took off running into the woods. 10…9…8…my mind was racing–i was genuinely worried about us running into some of the advertised critters… 7…6…but we hadn’t seen any sign of them, and the idea of chasing her through the woods was thrilling…5…4…I came to a decision and tucked my dick back into my pants in preparation for the chase…3…2…1… Game on.

I jumped out of the car and started running in the direction I had seen her run. The woods were dense enough that I couldn’t see very far ahead of me, but not so dense as to make running impractical. I dodged around trees and jumped over bushes, keeping my head on a swivel looking for any signs of my wife. I came to a stream and stopped briefly. I spotted footprints on the other side, so I quickly waded across the water and began following the footprints. The trail continued into the woods, but became much fainter as it moved away from the water and onto firmer ground. The trees opened up into a small clearing, and spotted something laying on the center of the clearing–a pair of blue and pink floral panties that my wife had left for me to find. I picked them up, pressed them to my face and inhaled deeply, reveling in her scent. I’m am not sure why I decided to sniff them like that, but it somehow felt natural given the circumstances.

At the far edge of the clearing, I caught a flash of yellow out of the corner of my eye moving away from me. I sprinted in that direction, but I tripped on a root and banged my shin into a rock. I immediately jumped up and resumed the chase, but I could feel blood running down my leg. I wasn’t aware of any pain at the time, but it did occur to me that we were moving closer and closer to the song. Not long after regaining my feet, I caught sight of my wife about ten feet in front of me. She knew I had caught up to her, so she was facing me and attempting to dodge to one side or the other. I closed the distance and managed to catch a hold of her wrist. She tried to pull away, but I jerked her in close to me and grabbed her around the waist. She twisted away from me and attempted to break free, so I lifted her off of her feet and draped her across a fallen tree, exposing her bare ass and pussy.

Now that I had her, I decided to take my time– Partially to catch my breath, and partially to relish the victory. I held her against the tree with one hand and unbuttoned my pants with the other, letting them fall to my ankles. Her pussy was already dripping wet when I slid my dick inside of her. I slowly began thrusting into her. It didn’t take long before she squirted all over me. I didn’t stop. I fucked her harder and faster. I was nearing completion when a branch that was holding up the fallen tree snapped, causing the tree to fall to the ground. This sent us both tumbling to the other side. I immediately asked if she was ok, but she was too busy laughing to respond. I work my way to a seated position with my back against the tree and my bare ass on the ground. When my wife was done laughing, she crawled on top of me and lowered herself onto my dick. She leaned down and kissed me passionately as she slowly started to gyrated her hips. She rode me like that until I came hard into her.

When she stood up, she noticed that my leg was bleeding and insisted that we go to the hospital. We were covered in dirt and got some strange looks from the nurses, but nobody really said anything about it. 10 stitches concluded one of my favorite random adventures that we have had in our relationship. Totally worth it.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/vso0vn/i_chased_my_wife_through_the_woods_and_fucked_her


  1. This is how people end up having multiple children. Bravo!


  2. Definitely worth 10 stitches. Lucky you didn’t get lost…..and none of the advertised critters happened upon you!

  3. My current partner has this same pursuit-and-capture fetish I wasn’t so sure about this before reading this, and now I kinda want to try it out. Minus the injury of course!

  4. This isn’t the point of the post at all but if you like Howl by Florence and the machine!
    You’ll love ‘Wolf’ by first aid kit! (I prefer the live Spotify session but the original is good too)

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