A pet diary – Pet in the Pod [bd][ds] Part 1

Hello, my name is Jessica. This is my first time writing in a diary, not by choice, not really, but I think I’ll actually come to cherish this time.

I guess, for starters, I should explain why I’m writing this. Long story short, because Master Nene said so. Today it marks one week since I decided to embark an adventure I would have never thought I’d dare to even contemplate. The story goes a little bit farther in time. I met Master Nene months ago, and for months we chatted. We discussed all kind of things. I was at a point on my live where nothing interested me anymore; nothing managed to keep me engaged. Although I never visited a doctor I’m pretty sure I was (am?) suffering of depression and/or some sort of ADHD.

I overate, under-exercised, spent hours mindlessly browsing Internet.. I had no real friends IRL and no real drive to find any. My job was a necessity I had to endure to survive, just so I could make enough money to continue existing, because I wouldn’t call it living.

And then I met him. We started arguing over the definition of Artificial Intelligence, of all things but soon we got much more personal, and real quick we got to talk about naughty stuff.

He was very clear in his position as a dom, he likes to exert control, plan, prepare, execute. Set a goal and find a way to see it realized. He told me how he enjoyed applying creative ‘gadgets’ to his activities.

On my end, I had always been a sexual person, kinky enough, but I soon found out that I wasn’t THAT kinky. But I was curious.

At the same time, he started taking an interest in me as a person, in how I felt. We would discuss about my depression and he’d listen and support me. One of those days I told him that that wasn’t what I wanted, that I would like to change.

– What’s preventing you from changing?

– Myself – I said. – I can’t keep myself motivated, I can’t follow through with my decissions.

– Maybe I can help you

He suggested he’d impose a series of tasks for me to follow; He had a whole ‘game’ rigged around it. On his end he’d get off with his dominion over me and he made very clear that many tasks would be sexual in nature, so he’d have that gratification as well. I though about it very seriously and I was on the brink of accepting the proposal, but I then decide that I couldn’t trust myself. If I couldn’t get myself to do stuff I wouldn’t do it if he told me, I’d find a excuse, whatever.. and eventually it may end up spoiling what by then was a very nice relationship with him.

– What would happen if you couldn’t make excuses? What would happen if you couldn’t wiggle yourself out of it? – He said when I explained my thoughts.

And so the gears started running. Master Nene would setup a house (YES, a whole house) for me to be.. interned?. He told me he’d make it so I could reinvent myself. Free my mind from distractions and lack of motivation, be the best me I could be.

– This, you understand, will demand a huge investment from my part. Time and money. – Here came the but, I knew. Was he trying to scam me out of money? – So it will be pricey on you too. Not with money, but I expect your total submission, sexual or otherwise, for the duration of your stay in the Pod.

The Pod is how he referred to the house he’d setup. I felt scared, relieved and the scared again. No, he wasn’t asking for money, but.. could I take it? Would I be able to pay back his investment with my own self?

– Know – he said as if he could read my feelings – that you have no obligation to stay in the Pod for any amount of time. You’ll be able to leave ten minutes after you get there and I will not resent you for it. There will be … motivators – he said while clearing his voice – to help you stay. But ultimately you’ll be free to go whenever you want.

And this, dear diary (so corny), is what convinced me over. Why not try? Even if it is scary?

As I mentioned, today is the seventh day I spend in the Pod, but today was the first day I had a full routine (including writing in this diary).


The first day we signed (and recorded) some documents; Mostly saying that I knew what I was getting into (as if) and that I consented. Then had some drinks together.

That night I slept in a mattress that was setup for me in the living room. The only room (together with the bathroom and kitchen) that was unlocked. Kind of like staying in an Airbnb. I was nervous and didn’t sleep much. I was excited and a tiny bit scared.


Master Nene was back in the Pod the following morning, soon after I woke up. He asked how I slept and we spent a bit more of time talking. Then things started getting serious (or so I thought).

– From now on I’ll address you as ‘pet’ and you will address me as ‘Master’ or ‘Master Nene’. Is that understood?

I nodded, smiling. It was intriguing. It was new. It was exhilarating.

And so we continued our conversation. He’d make a point of calling me Pet where he usually wouldn’t have bothered to adding a name and demanded a couple times I called him Master. We ate together, and talked about the things we often talked online. He was though, showing more interest in my goals than usually and I did realize that he was trying to set the scope of the work we were doing on me. All and all, it was a great day. Before Master left for the night he asked that I slept on my underwear. And so I did, covering my body (silly me) as fast as I could with the bed’s sheets.

He grabbed my shirt and jeans and left for the night. I didn’t think much of it until a little bit later, while trying to fall asleep I realized he had also taken the bag with the rest of my underwear. Those were now my only clothes. Maybe he’d bring some in the morning?


He didn’t. He came back again slightly after I woke up. I was still under the sheets when he came through the door.

He sat on the couch like the day before, and after an uncomfortable silence he said

– What are you waiting for Pet. Come to me

I felt so vulnerable. He was fully dressed and I only had my bra and panties on. And not even the nice ones.

When I sat by his side, he stood up and left to the kitchen only to come back after few minutes with coffee and pastries.

– Thank you – I said as I grabbed the cup he offered me

– Thank you.. What?

I obviously wasn’t full awake and the question caught me by surprise

– .. Pet? – he added

– Oh.. Thank you, Master.

He smiled and I felt a weird relief for getting it right.

Again we spent the day talking. He asked me about how I was feeling about everything and saying that he was happy I didn’t leave yet. That surprised me, I didn’t even have time to think about leaving, as in.. It wasn’t really a possibility.. But it was. That felt good, the reminder that this was all something I wanted to do, something I could stop at any time if I decided so.

We played a few card games with a deck he brought. After lunch he told me to accompany him and he unlocked one of the rooms that had been closed so far.

Behind the door there was what seemed to be a very comfortable chair and a great many shelves..with only four books.

I chuckled a little as it was comical there were only four books in an otherwise empty library. I tilted my head to read the titles.. High school textbooks. Now, I don’t think I mentioned it yet, but I’m a 32 years old high school drop out. Those books on the shelf seemed to me like a macabre joke.

Master didn’t say anything, he just turned around and went back to the living room, but I could swear I saw him smirking.

Night time came fast. It was earlier than the other nights as witnessed by the big clock above the fireplace when Master Nene prepared to leave. As he stood up I instinctually put my hands on chest and crotch..

– I will be taking those tonight – he said looking firmly to my eyes, confirming my suspicion

He stood there, for a moment… For a while… For as long as it took me to react. I wanted to say something but I didn’t know what. He didn’t insist. He just stood, looking at me, patiently waiting. What I felt was alien to me. I had felt similar things in the past.. Embarrassment. But it was more, it was compounded. Slowly I came to terms with where I was, with what I was doing there. I knew what was coming and Master Nene was spending a lot of time and effort of introducing me to my new ‘situation’ gradually. Rationally I knew, I agreed sex would be a significant part of my tasks and my time. Submission, obedience… I wanted to try, and yet I wasn’t even able to undress myself? Maybe if he wasn’t fully dressed? – I thought – but I understood that wasn’t his part. This was up to me.

I slowly removed my bra while covering my chest and then took off my panties without standing up from the couch.

– Well done – he said while patting my head. I would normally had thought of this gesture as weird, offensive even? But at the time it felt caring, reassuring – You don’t need them here. Remember, it’s only you and me now. As discussed, behind that door – he said pointing at the entry way – there is a closet with a phone, cash and clothes, should you decide to leave, but – he almost interrupted himself – only if you decide to leave.

I nodded and in an instant he was gone.


This was the worst night so far. I was double-guessing myself. One second I was feeling defeated and the next one proud. Every minute – I convinced myself – that I don’t give up is a victory. I wasn’t cold or uncomfortable but it was no secret I wasn’t happy about my looks. I’m 5.5 and 210 pounds.. Or I was shortly before I came to the Pod. Being naked is not something that came naturally to me, more so in front of someone else. Specially in front of him.

Master was taking longer to come this morning. It was almost 10 am when I finally rolled out the bed, still covering myself with the sheets and went to the kitchen for coffee. I walked between the three rooms while I drank my coffee. I suddenly realized that I hadn’t had a shower since the day I came (I had it before I left the hotel room that morning). I was so busy, so consumed and preoccupied I didn’t even think about it, even though I’m one of those people that showers at least once a day and more often than not twice or three times.

I didn’t describe the bathroom before. The shower was in a corner of the room but there was no glass, curtain or door. The floor had a slope towards the center of the room where there was a drain. In another corner, a couple feet from the wall there was a totally standard toilet and next to it a sink with my toothbrush and a bar of soap. Something significant is that there was only one bottle in the shower, transparent plastic with no label in what seemed to be shampoo. My hair was short so I didn’t much care about conditioner, although it would have been welcome. When I stopped the water I realized too late there was no big towel, and only the one that is barely enough to dry your hands. So I just shook myself watching with disgust my shaggy fat. When I wasn’t dripping anymore I covered myself with the sheet again and went back to wandering.

On my way to the kitchen to refill my cup I noticed it was almost 11 AM and Master hadn’t showed up. As I was passing next to the couch it occurred to me what would happen if he did come and find me covered with the sheets.. He wouldn’t like it, most likely. Anyway he’d just ask me to drop them. So why wait. I walked to the corner of the room and dropped them on the mattress.

As I turned towards the kitchen the door opened and Master Nene appeared, just a few feet from me. I could feel the rush of blood on my face.

– Good morning pet – he said non-nonchalantly – I brought you a pretzel.

Again the day moved on with more conversation. A lot of it generic about past and future, fears and hopes. Then, in the afternoon things got more specific.

He took a device that looked like an alarm clock but with a bigger better screen. He plugged it to the wall and put it on the coffee table by the couch.

– As you know – he started as he sat back down – I won’t be here all the time like I am now. We already discussed the cameras – he said pointing to two of them – so you know in a way I’ll always be there. We will use this thing to communicate. Most of the times I will call you before I come and I will give you enough time to… Prepare – my mind raced – I might call you just to talk to you or you can press this button if you need me, emphasis in need, and I’ll call or come immediately. Understood?

– Yes master

Unbelievable. I had forgotten about the cameras. We did discuss it way before I moved here and the first day before we signed the papers. I have been on a house doing basically nothing for three days and a half and somehow I had been too busy to concern myself about something that important.

– Tomorrow we will unlock and show you the other rooms

He put a hand on the back of my head and kissed my hair.

– Are you leaving already? – came out of my mouth before I knew

He stared at me..

– eh.. Master – I added. He smiled

– Yes, your dinner is in the fridge. I want you to eat it at 7.30 pm precisely, can you do that Pet?

– Yes Master.

He smiled, nodded and left.

I spent an embarrassing amount of time looking at the clock on the wall, making sure I was good on my word and ate at precisely 7.30pm

Time went by so slow. I had nothing to do, at all. Went to the kitchen several times and to the reading room. I wasn’t bored enough yet to start reading text books, but the thought crossed my mind. It was THAT bad. To add to all of that I was naked so I couldn’t even fiddle with my clothes. It was an eternity. The clock finally turned into 7.25 PM so I started setting up the table for dinner. I mean, there wasn’t much to set up. It was a salad and a piece of grilled chicken that I warmed in the microwave. I ate my dinner lost in my thoughts, wondering about the importance of having dinner at a precise time. Wondering if at 7.30 exactly he was watching me on the cameras. Wondering if he had been watching me all of this time. I almost chocked on the piece of chicken I was about to swallow when that thought popped in my mind.

As I finished the last bite of lettuce, the screen of the communication screen lit up with a message that said: “Well done Pet, good night”

I went to bed shortly after. As I was lying with my eyes open wide, looking at the ceiling as if it held all the answers a million questions inundated my mind. But as a mantra, the same thought I had shortly after I woke up appeared in my head. Every minute that I don’t give up is a victory. Then something unexpected, sort of, happened. See.. I usually get myself off almost everyday. I mean, it’s a great feeling so why not. Since the morning I was ‘concerned’ that Master would want to make progress in the sex space. Not concerned because I didn’t want sex, I did. All the excitement and three full days of abstinence had me pretty pent up. I was more… expectant about the when and how. What would he want to do? I mean so far he hadn’t as much as taken off his shoes to walk into the house. Will he just bent me on the couch and fuck me? Would he tell me to blow him? And just then, thinking about it again I could feel the heat under the sheets rising up my legs, the familiar wetness that this time had no shield, and just slided on my leg and the mattress. I started to rub my pussy with two of my fingers and not a minute later I was moaning out loud submerged in an intense orgasm. I became aware of the cameras again, but I did not care and I fell asleep.


8.00 AM and I came to fully awake. The screen in the communications device (I’ll call it codev for short) was blinking. Got out of bed to read

Good morning pet. I hope you slept well. I will be there at 9. I would like to find two cups of coffee on the table and my Pet on her knees next to it.

I re-read.. Yes, that’s right. He wants me to wait for him on my knees. Does he mean all-four.. Or like a dog waiting for their owner or… This feels weird… I went to take a shower while I waited and cursed myself for forgetting to mention to Master that I needed a bigger towel. Then, it came to my mind that it could be intentional and I started to think if I wanted to ask at all or not.

After the shower and shaking away the water, again I found myself with nothing to do. Just wait.. Walking around.

Two minutes before 9, I was putting the coffees on the table by the couch. Then I stared at the carpet awkwardly for a few seconds trying to decide how to wait. I finally settled for sitting on my legs with my hands on my knees. It wasn’t too uncomfortable but I felt really vulnerable. The minute until Master appeared I felt like all my muscles where urging me to move, to not keeping that pose. But I didn’t I kept myself as instructed and I managed to be proud about it. When the door open and Master entered, he gift me with a smile, walked towards me and petted and kissed my head. As he did this, his crotch was mere inches from my face. My mind was suddenly assaulted by desire and in an instant I visualized Master unbuttoning his zipper and putting his cock in my mouth. His voice extracted me from my reverie

– Stand up pet

As I did I could feel a thread of drool undecided if parting my thigh or my pussy. I felt my cheeks heat up

– I’m glad you’re happy to see me. I thought maybe you had enough last night.

He saw me, I thought immediately. Oh god. I felt the muscles in my face stretching in all kind of unnatural manners

– So the first thing you need to understand Pet, is that THAT – he said pointing to my pussy – is mine for the duration of your stay here. As a matter of fact, all this – he pointed his finger all around me -is mine. And I am the only one that decides when it’s pleasured and when It’s punished.

– Sorry – I said automatically surprising myself. What’s wrong with me. He just told me I don’t own my own body anymore, and all I say is sorry? He stared at me.. Longer

– Sorry, Master. I corrected myself after way too much time.

– Don’t worry Pet. Moving forward you will do with that body as you are told. Understood?

– Yes Master Nene. I said averting his eyes

– Now – he started walking around me – lets see what we do we all of this.- I don’t think I’ve ever been more nervous and embarrassed in my whole life. This was like a whole different scale and yet.. I was also as wet as I have ever been. His hands touched my shoulders and move up slightly to towards my ears. His touch was firm but soft. I felt like electricity was going down my spine and up my legs, and converging between them. I felt my nipples swollen and my boobs heavy and extremely sensitive.

– Open your legs – and like if it was a magic spell my legs spread open with a ‘wosh’ as the juice floated between my thighs and pussy.

He removed one of his hands from my neck at the same time the other held me tighter. My breath was getting louder and shallower and my mind was picturing what would come next.
His free hand came in between my knees and started slowly climbing up, pushing away my thighs. Every instant I thought it was going to reach my pussy, but it didn’t. There was still leg left to climb up. Then, it suddenly stopped and two fingers swept between my lips, effortless as they were completely soaked.
His hand then disappeared under my ass. He pulled my hair making my head look up. I couldn’t believe it, he wasn’t touching me anymore, he didn’t touch me for more than three seconds and yet I was about to explode. Involuntarily my hips started moving like looking for something to rub on my wanting clit. My mouth was open wide, my eyes closed shut savoring the moment, looking for the little bit that would carry me over the edge. Two sticky wet fingers entered my mouth and hooked the inside of my cheek. His other hand pushed my head forward making me close my lips and instinctively I started sucking my juices off his fingers like if they were a dick.

My mind was raging, my pussy was pulsating just on the brink of orgasm. One hand grabbed one of my boobs and the other went down my belly. Master Nene pull his fingers out of my mouth and with a touch he turned me over looking at him. He was staring into my eyes and I couldn’t evade it.

– Did I say you can touch that – he said slapping my boob. It wasn’t terribly painful, but the surprise multiplied my reaction making me recoil. His hand still on my neck held me in place though.

– Or did I say you could touch this – as he slapped my pulsating pussy – I don’t think I did, Pet.

– No master – I mumbled almost out of air.

– On your knees – he said as he pushed my shoulder gently but firmly. Now I was sure, I knew what was coming. His dick was right in front of my face. He undid his pants and they dropped to the ground. His dick was full hard, pushing his underwear all the way to my forehead. – put down my underwear

I did and when I raised my head again his uncut cock was right in front of my mouth. When I thought earlier that I couldn’t be more wet… I was so wrong. Reflexively I licked my lips but somehow his hand, holding my head, was instructing me not to suck.

He didn’t tell me to suck it – I thought, so I just looked up to find his eyes staring at mine. And time passed, I could hardly control myself. I could feel drops falling down my legs, my mouth salivating. The smell of sex, the heat emanating from his cock half and inch from my lips but yet not touching them. It felt like it was getting harder, if that was possible.

Then he sat down on the couch that was right behind him still keeping my head at arms distance, grabbing it from the hair. It was farther but my mouth was still watering. It had been quite a while since I had a cock in my mouth and Master’s cock look incredible. I wanted to feel the heat in my lips, the tip on the roof of my mouth, on my throat.

– You did well not sucking it when I didn’t tell you Pet – he said with a smile in his face and started to stroke his dick gently. It was incredibly wet. – So I’m thinking I may cum on you. Would you like that?

Cum on me? Did he say on or in? Does that mean I get to suck it? I was so horny I would probably come just with the movement of sucking him off.

– Do I get to suck it Master?

– Not now. There will be plenty of time for that. – I imagine I looked obviously confused because he continue – Pet, lay down on your back

So I did. As I moved I felt all my pussy juice extending on my legs , the movement making it pulsate more and more. My head was now lying on his pants and underwear and his cock dangling right above my eyes, hard, wet… I had to consciously repressed my hands from touching myself, won’t make that mistake twice.

– Now Pet, open your mouth. I want you to hold your mouth open with one of your hands and massage my balls with the other.- I obliged, I hadn’t been this horny ever in my life – His hand started sliding faster over his cock, his skin moving back and forth. My fingers massaged softly his scrotum, playing with it, caressing it. Keeping my other hand holding my mouth open was a titanic effort. I so much wanted to touch my pussy. I would need half a second. Suddenly Master’s cock exploded and a rain of cum fell on my body. My legs, my stomach, my boobs and my face. Some in my mouth, enough to feel the salty and warm flavor making me want more. This lasted a few seconds and when his dick started to go down he grabbed both my arms and helped me up, making me sit on my butt. He then turned me around

– Knees on your hands – I cupped my hands under my knees – and clean it.

His cock was still big, getting softer by the minute but as I put it in my mouth I struggled to put it all in. I concentrated on the command, clean it, not suck it. So I did. I made sure not a drop of cum was left on it. The taste in my mouth, the touch.. It was bringing me over the edge. I had read some BDSM in the past and watched a couple videos. It had never been my thing and I would have never thought I could be as turned on as I was right now. Something told me that I wasn’t going to be allowed to finish and I was about to burst. I just needed a little bit. I thought if I asked for permission I wouldn’t get it. But maybe if I’m a good pet…

– Thank you Master Nene – I said looking at his eyes with his dick still on my lips, completely wiped cleaned. He smiled.

– Good job Pet. Now I think we should have that coffee.. It may be getting cold.

My lips said yes Master, but my face must have told a whole different story. He laughed loudly. He stood up, put his pants back up and walked to the entryway. For a second I thought he was leaving but he came back immediately with a plate in his hand. It wasn’t a plate, it was a doggy bowl. He turned me around from my shoulders visibly enjoying the confusion on my face. He put it on the floor and poured one of the coffees in it.

– Drink Pet.

This was overwhelming. That was the last thing that would have crossed my mind. I already couldn’t believe he wouldn’t let me finish but this, this was too much. – Drink the coffee or leave the Pod – I thought to myself.
Anybody who ever tried drinking from a doggy bowl.. It’s not easy. The mix of the lukewarm coffee with the still present taste of cum in my mouth was a novelty too. So many sensations while my pussy still screamed for attention. I did the best I could. As I was working on it I felt his hands on my butt cheeks, grabbing them firmly and spreading them apart. I almost choked on the coffee the first time his tongue slided up my pussy. The feeling was extreme. I wanted to explode, but I didn’t know if he wanted me too. I tried to distract myself but couldn’t. I wasn’t able to hold it anymore. The next swipe will do it I thought.

The next swipe didn’t come. Instead I heard a whisper.

-You can cum, Pet.-

And his fingers expertly rubbed my clit. I felt a jolt of extreme pleasure traveling head to toes and then back again as he slowly removed his fingers from my drenched pussy.

With all the will power that I had left, and in between short breaths I said.

– Thank you Master.


Oh my, I am running out of my allotted time to write. I’ll have to continue where I left off next time. I wish I could get off right now. Writing this, remembering it has made me almost as horny as I was then.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/vsrmle/a_pet_diary_pet_in_the_pod_bdds_part_1