Stay at my side Ch.14 [Friends to lovers] [parents divorce] [comforting] [carrying]

Chapter 14: Parents and kids

[Chapter 1](

I was waiting in the car. Sophie initially sat in the back but moved to the passenger seat after Casey and Mia had left. We didn’t know what was happening inside but we hoped that they would find a solution. We weren’t naive enough to think that we wouldn’t need to comfort them this night but this wasn’t avoidable. Neither of us had a problem with that. I got closer to Casey in these two days and it was somehow sad, that it happened under such circumstances.

Our hopes vanished when the house door flew open and an angry Mia stomped out of the house. She quickly went to the left backseat and slammed the door shut. “Come here!” She pointed to the seat next to hers. Sophie hustled to change back to her seat. From this distance, I could see that Mia had tears of anger in her eyes. My instinct said that it was just her way of being hurt and it was better not to argue with her. My sister had reached the right backseat and Mia instantly wrapped her arms around her waist. She put her head on her lap while facing her stomach and hid it under her shirt. Sophie seemed quite surprised about the affection she got and carefully laid a hand on her head. I couldn’t see Mia’s face because she faced away from me and her head was under my sister’s shirt anyway. I looked at my sister. She understood. I wanted to know whether Mia was already crying or not. Sophie nodded and I turned back around.

The passenger door was still open and I could hear loud arguing from inside. I opened my door and leaned outside to see better. Casey stood near the door and argued with someone. I could hear the voices of both her parents but I didn’t know whether they were arguing with each other or with their daughter. This definitely wasn’t good. Casey’s voice was still calm but her parents’ didn’t. Casey took a step back and now stood outside. Something was wrong. Casey wasn’t the one to back down that fast unless… Maybe I just thought something dumb but Casey seemed genuinely scared. I had a feeling in my gut, that this wouldn’t end well. I stepped out of the vehicle and waited for what would happen. I could now see her parents and both of them looked like they were really close to making really bad decisions. Casey turned around and looked at me.

I was right when I thought that she was scared. Her eyes were so full of terror that I had to hold back not to go and get her. Her father now also looked at me and the anger changed into frustration. I never really got along with him well after I turned into a teenager. I could understand his feelings, he was just being protective but this time I was the one being protective over her because of him. It didn’t seem like anyone did anything to Casey but I was sure he would have done it if he didn’t see me.

He was a rather small man with a typical dad bod. I was almost six foot two and not the skinniest guy. Including that, I practiced martial arts for the last ten years and he knew that. He stepped behind his wife, who had the same expression as him, and angrily stared at me. It was the only thing he could do and I was relieved that he didn’t do anything more because I didn’t wanna know what would have happened to me if I’d seen him hit Casey. Casey? Casey already stood next to me with a bag in her hand.

“Let’s go.” She sounded way too calm. She was suppressing any emotions. She almost seemed like a zombie or a ghost. I guided her two the passenger side and then entered the car by myself. I didn’t even look back at her parents and just drove off.

I concentrated on driving because I wasn’t the most talented driver and my emotions were a total mess anyway. No one said anything until we got home and went inside. Mia immediately pulled Sophie upstairs and I doubted I would see my sister again until tomorrow. Casey was the last to enter the house and closed the door behind her. She just stood there with the door handle in her hand. I guessed she was still shocked and slowly laid my hand on hers. I took it off the handle and moved her into the kitchen. I noticed that I still had the car keys and wanted to place them on the counter but as soon as I pulled away from her, I felt her slightly pulling me back. It was the first reaction I got from her and I immediately turned back around.

Casey looked on the floor and just held my hand. I hugged her. She didn’t react at first but then gently laid her arms around me. She was leaning against the table and placed herself on top of it. She slung her legs around me and I noticed the first tear falling on the floor. I pulled her closer and lifted her from the table. I carried her now. Her leg wrap tightened to keep on me as understood what was happening. She was lighter than expected. It was no problem holding her like this for a couple of minutes. We didn’t talk. She cried silently and the loudest sound came from the refrigerator. I held her like this and felt her body shiver as she sobbed into my shoulder.

“Matt?” I could now hear the pain in her voice. “If we ever happen to have some, Promise me to love our kids… please.”



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