It Started By Accident [F48/M55]

Jan and I have been neighbors for two years. We both moved into this apartment complex after divorces, got to know each other, found we had some things in common, and became friends.

Of course, being two single adults, who will eventually find partners again, the subject of dating each other came up, but neither one of us is ready for that, and we are both content being single.

A few months ago, I had planned a trip that would take me out of town for a few days. I had told Jan (we check each other’s porches for packages when we are away) that I would be gone until Monday.

On Sunday morning, she texted me to ask if I had a couple tablespoons of white wine she could borrow for a recipe, and I said I did and she could help herself (we have each other’s keys).

Later that day, I decided to come home on Sunday rather than Monday, but had not mentioned it to Jan yet. That evening, as I sometimes do, I was having some self pleasure time in the bathroom before my shower. Since I had the fan on, I did not hear my front door open, and did not hear Jan approach until she turned the corner into the master bathroom and saw me with my cock in hand, happily stroking away.

Of course, we were both totally startled. She screamed, covered her eyes, and immediately left. I was embarrassed, worried I had messed up a good friendship, and wondered if she got a look at my dick.

So I finished my shower, tried to eat dinner, and decided I needed to text her to smooth this over.

As it turned out, she had come over to get the wine, heard the fan on but knew I wasn’t home, and had come back to turn it off. After some awkward conversation, we laughed about it, agreed it was not a big deal, and said goodnight.

The next night, she texted me to chat, and we eventually brought the incident up. She wanted to tell me she was still laughing about it, and to assure me there were no awkward feelings about it. So we were all good.

A few evenings later, we were chatting again, and she said she had a confession to make: she was still thinking about Sunday, only now, it was because it turned her on. She said the image of me standing there, eyes closed, stiff, lubed cock in hand, makes her wet every time.

For a minute, I was really caught off guard. This really came out of nowhere. But then I started to feel good about it because she had given me a huge compliment. And the thought of Jan diddling herself while imagining my erect penis was really erotic, and made me bold.

“If you would like, you can come over on Sunday to watch me” I told her.

Now she was caught off guard, and there was a pause.

“Are you sure?”, she asked. And I responded that I was, and told her to come over around 7:30 Sunday night.

Sure enough, at 7:30 on Sunday, Jan knocked on the door and I let her in. After a little small talk and we went back to the master bathroom. After I took my robe off, Jan sat on a small stool and watched as I got myself hard, applied my lube, and stroked for four or five minutes, moaning lightly, massaging my balls once in a while, and eventually climaxing as I shot several thick ropes of semen into the shower stall.

After I was done, I looked over at Jan, and she was slightly flushed and even looked like she was perspiring a bit, which was a good sign. She thanked me, let herself out, and I took my shower. Later that night, we were texting, and she told me that was one of the hottest things she has ever seen. I was humbled, proud, and really turned on, and told her she is welcome any time.

The next week she came over again, and as I was getting myself hard, she told me my penis was the most handsome cock she had ever seen, and she asked if she could touch it. Of course, I was more than fine with that, and she held it and stroked it and my balls, then watched me jack off and finish again.

Now, our weekly appointment is still taking place, but has evolved into her doing it all. She comes in, takes some time to caress my sack, shaft, and head, puts some lube on her hand and my member, and strokes me until I come. She wears cute or sexy clothes to turn me on a little bit, tells me how much she loves my cock, and we both enjoy it immensely.

The best part is, while she is stroking me, I imagine her, lying on her bed, thinking of me, while her rabbit or womanizer is bringing her to orgasm.

A win-win situation!
